I just went to check out the avid euphonics control+transport combo, and
honestly had to grit my teeth not to whip out my wallet and buy them straight
away. Why didn't i jump in the great sound editing bandwagon? Simply because
logic isn't accessible enough for me to enjoy the actual process of
I see no F keys. May be some one might point me in the right direction?
On 3 Jan 2012, at 02:38 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
> As I said, you have to uncheck all shortcut keys for Mission controls as
> well. It's not enough to just uncheck Mission control but also all its
> shortcut keys like the
just move to protools. you'll find it much better. the euphonix system isn't to
my liking. I tried an earlier version out at the time of my studio fit up and
hated it. I went with a tascam DM4800 suite expanded and it was OK until tascam
launched a firmware upgrade the firmware upgrade messed up
I use cleanmymac here. so far, it has managed to clean up a bit of a mess. I am
not sure what it did, but voiceover hardly ever crashes on me anymore. I have
also managed to use it in concert with another utility app to get rid of all
those left over settings files that always get created when o
all screen readers, on any machine slows things down. Its just the nature of
the beast. As far as your mini goes, the lack of a monitor is definitely the
cause of most of your sorrows. If you hooked up a monitor, I think you would
get much better performance. If you don't want a monitor
Ah, so, this would make it possible to truly remove Fan Control under Lion? I
actually had to restore my system back to the time before Fan Control was
installed under Lion to get back my original Fan perfomrance. That's because
some files were not in the places they had been with Fan Control
I think there is always trade offs in situations like this. Its more a
question of what do you do on your computer, and can the Mac do them. Another
thing to consider is money. Although you are paying more up front for a Mac
compared to a similar windows PC, if using a payed screen reade
After some discussion betwen myself and a few other engineers in the apple
realm, the issue regarding the use of the monitor isn't just a voiceover issue.
it is the same for the entire system. Whether you're a PC or mac user, the
system at start has to detect a working display, keyboard and mous
I too have a Mac Mini. I found that plugging in the DVI adapter that came with
it for some reason fixed the performance issues.
Maybe give that a try and let us know if that helps a bit.
On 2012-01-04, at 9:10 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> all screen readers, on any machine slows thin
You'll find these shortcut keys the same place as the other shortcut keys for
Mission control in System preferences under Keyboard.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:
Den 04/01/2012 kl. 09.57 skrev Kawal Gucukoglu:
> I see n
That makes no sense to me. How could this apply to all machines when, my 2008
Mac mini worked just fine without a monitor and every PC I've ever used?
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Jan 4, 2012, at 9:24 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
Yes, I should have specified, and I apologize to the list for any
confusion. From past discussions, though, I gathered that a monitor
*may* fix *some* applications being sluggish, such as mail, but not
the overall slowdowns I see when doing anything at all. For instance,
I have key echo off because
As has been posted in the past, some older minis could be tricked into
thinking there was a monitor just by plugging in the DVI to VGA adapter
cable. Newer minis are now 'smarter' and won't be fooled by this. Since
the whole OS/hardware architecture assumes there will always be a
display hooked
I didn't have to trick my 2008 mini at all. I had nothing plugged in.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Jan 4, 2012, at 10:13 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> As has been posted in the past, some older minis could be tricked into
> thinking there
Unfortunately for me, I had to trick my 2010 Mini server in to thinking there
was a monitor plugged in. This was easy though because [as stated previously],
I just plugged in the DVI adapter and all of the slugishness BS went away just
like that.
On 2012-01-04, at 10:28 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote
it is a lot easier for some things. there is also built-in help and some
tutorials. sure there is a learning curve (there is with almost everything) but
at least, apple did something right with voiceover. it actually has a standard
API and dev tools. I don't see this in windows at all. JAW
I fail to see how voiceover not keeping up with the speed of your typing
indicates voiceover making your Mac sluggish. After all, the letters are
coming out just as fast as your pressing them. Its the speech thats lagging
behind. This is no different than on windows when you open an appl
Well, vo is the only screen reader that has failed to keep up with my
typing, and it is just as slow speaking letters as it is moving around
a webpage or arrowing around mail. Yes, a monitor would likely help,
but I don't have $120 to spend on a monitor when I already spent $600
on the Mini itself
That's a good thought. I have not heard of one around me, but then I
have never thought to look either.
On 1/4/12, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> do you not have a freecycle group in the USA? if so, register and place a
> free ad asking for a monitor to help you. you'd be surprised what kind of
> resu
Oh boy I agree. I find the Mac way way faster in everything, and I'm dual
booting my MBP and the mac side is sstill way faster than windows.
Reach within you, find the beauty of you, then share your light with the world!
Marlaina Lieberg
On Jan 3, 2012, at 8:11 PM, Ricard
Thank you so much for posting this. I am certain that you will be hearing from
those of us who may wish to contact you via Skype to discuss more of the
particulars of this wonderful and clearly artistic tool.
Happy New Year,
On Jan 3, 2012, at 5:26 AM, Emrah wrote:
> Hello MacVisionnaire
Hi guys.
I think it's a matter of learning some things which are different from what
we're used to if we're switchers. For instance, it never occurred to me, until
an Apple person told me, that headers were used in numbers for columns and
headings automatically. When I finally figured this out,
Ge,, I think you were not told the truth about the social security site not
supporting Safari. I had to use it just the other week and no issues at all.
A little cluttered but I got done what I needed to do.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
There are free cycle groups all over the US.
Reach within you, find the beauty of you, then share your light with the world!
Marlaina Lieberg
On Jan 4, 2012, at 9:28 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
That's a good thought. I have not heard of one around me, but then I
have never though
Hi Ray.
I have used the site also for just SS benefits things Have you used section
they call Business Online? It works ok, if you don't get yourself out of Safari
by accidentally pressing the tab key. I kept being thrown out and having to get
back in. Also, how do you handle pdf forms online?
I can answer your last question. I don't I just save the files and deal with
them that way. Haven't had to much though.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Jan 4, 2012, at 12:
Hi All,
I don't know what I did but my downloads folder is not on the dock, how do I
access it. I don't think I deleted it but may have and not realized it when I
emptied the trash, can someone help me? I need access to it for classes, I have
college classes on line that I download documents for
you don't even need to go into the dock to access your documents folder. From
the finder, press command option L. But you can get the downloads folder back
on the dock by pressing command shift H and when on the downloads folder press
command shift T.
Ricardo Walker
Hi all,
I have a situation wherein I use a certain file in different situations. I
would like the option to open the basic file, modify the content, and save it
with a different filename. This used to be possible, but the only option I see
now for saving documents is Save a Version, which use
on the windows front, it would be best using VMWare fusion. partitioning your
hard drive and using bootcamp on startup isn't what I would recommend as you
are more susceptible to viruses affecting hardware than a VMware system.
go with VMware fusion, windows from what I'm told works much easier
Hi, all,
This has just started happening in the last couple of weeks, though I've had
Lion for months. When I log into my user account, I have a dialog that says:
"No preferred networks are available. Choose a Wifi network to log into." or
something to that effect. I have a WPA personal network
There was in Snow kitty but there is not that I know of in Lion for Pages or
text edit.
On Jan 4, 2012, at 2:37 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a situation wherein I use a certain file in different situations. I
> would like the option to open the basic file, modify the content
Hello listers,
I recently acquired an Android phone (HTC Desire Z) and want to synchronize it
with my Mac Book's address book and calendar. Do I need to go through the
cloud, or can I accomplish this through either a USB connection or Bluetooth?
I was advised that for synchronization with Symb
I'd love answers to this question as well. I had a document where I somehow
deleted everything, but figured it wasn't a
problem because I could just open a previous version. Well, I never did figure
out how to do that. Fortunately, the good
version of the file was still in dropbox and also on my
Hi Thank you so much.
I was really worried I messed my comp up. Thanks again that really helped.
Becky and C
On Jan 4, 2012, at 2:31 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> you don't even need to go into the dock to access your documents folder.
> From the finder, press command option L. But you
Well, in SL, command shift S gives you the save as dialog; I can't see why this
would be different in Lion.
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
• MSN: burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
• My home page:
• http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
You received this message b
all you have to do is press command S. There is really no mystery to this.
Also, if you press command w to close the window, you will be presented with
the save as dialog if you haven't already saved the document.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
GRR. Apple's latest "innovations" are really starting to annoy me.
On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:14 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:
> There was in Snow kitty but there is not that I know of in Lion for Pages or
> text edit.
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 2:37 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Hi all,
But that's just it. She needs to alter a document and save it under a
different name. I gree, the sightie option to save a version is really not
very utilitarion for us.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
One correction, Ricardo. Command S saves a version. It does not give you a
Save As Dialog. And, the document I'm talking about has already been saved, so
I can't get to a Save As dialog by just closing the window.
On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:42 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> all
Well, it is. Cmd-Shift S gives you nothing in Lion.
On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:28 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Well, in SL, command shift S gives you the save as dialog; I can't see why
> this would be different in Lion.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter
There is no save as in Lion. This has to do with the version history
feature. If you are working off a template or such, duplicate the document
from the file menu and then do a command-s to save it with a new name.
Take Care
John Panarese
On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:53 PM,
Maybe, but, I can tell you how to look at older versions. Here's how you pull
that off.
1. Go in to the document.
2. From the file menu, choose refverte option.
3. Now, this will open a document browser controler window. You want to go in
to this window.
4. Now, if you VO+right, you wil
I'm sorry Donna. I didn't read your post first so I thought you hadn't already
saved the document. This is true there is no save as as we all know it but,
here's what you do. stop interacting with the scroll area in text edit and
navigate over to the versions menu button. In this menu
Thank you for this information. It's helpful, but is beyond tedius. I wouldn't
suppose Apple would consider restoring
previous behavior? This versions thing is just too weird and cumbersome to be
practical. Command s and command shift s should
still be available in my opinion. This is another rea
Thanks, John. God that's dumb, what on earth was Apple thinking?
thanks anyway,
On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:59 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>There is no save as in Lion. This has to do with the version history
> feature. If you are working off a template or such, duplicate the document
> from
It reminds me of a notetaker in dos with the reverting!
On 4 Jan 2012, at 09:02 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Maybe, but, I can tell you how to look at older versions. Here's how you
> pull that off.
> 1. Go in to the document.
> 2. From the file menu, choose refverte option.
> 3. Now,
I have been using my mac mini full time for quite some time now and I fimnd it
to be useful for what I do even though there times I still wish I had a pc for
things like sauving captches in firefox since ff is not accessible on the mac
and never will be I gather. I am still try to get drop
Remember that Lion is moving to an iOS kind of interface. The resume
feature in Lion is another example of this. So, with "documents", they are
automatically edited as you work on them, so there is no need to manually save
Take Care
John Panarese
On Jan
I see your point in regards to save as. I personally find no longer having to
constantly save my work quite liberating though. In the course of a days work,
I will press command S to save my work way more than I will press command shift
S to rename or change formats of a duplicate of said work
Hi Donna,
I ponder this quite a lot and actually got some help from Accessibility at
I'm not sure, but check the files menu or dialog for "Save a copy". What I've
been doing, when I can anticipate the need, is, while viewing the file from
Finder, simply command c, command v to make a saf
Thanks, Ricardo. I have to agree with Missy here, though. It's unfortunate to
have to ad that extra step when there's no real need for it.
On Jan 4, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Yup.
> I'm sorry Donna. I didn't read your post first so I thought you hadn't
> alrea
You'll see I provided my findings on how to view and restore older versions of
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:46 PM, John Sanfilippo wrote:
Unless, you're working on a template. The document in question is a service
contract. I modify the template for each client, and then save it adding the
client's name. And that's just one reason one might want to save an existing
file with a different name, but keep the original document.
Hi John,
I think what perplexes me is that I see absolutely no reason why Apple moving
to an approach where you don't need to save files precludes keeping the Save As
option. I agree with Ricardo that it's nice not to have to be always pressing
CMD-S, but Save as addresses a different need, an
Hi guys.
People may have said this already, but let me tell you how I do it.
I don't bother looking for versions any more unless I have to. These days,
since I " to do a lot of starting an original file, I " a couple of ways of
doing it. If I'm in Finder, I do command c on the original and com
Hi Dnna,
Well, Duplicate kind of does the same thing with, perhaps, an extra step.
Also, you can use the, Revert, dialog, to access the document history. Like
anything else, I guess it's a matter of getting used to changes.
Take Care
John Panarese
On Jan 4, 2012, at
I think you should write them and ask them to put it back. I don't think that
would take much on their part.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Jan 4, 2012, at 5:16 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
> Hi John,
> I think what perplexes me is t
Hi everyone.
Seems like a mountain is being made out of a mole hill here. The instructions
given don't seem to be that difficult at all.
Stop interacting with the text area, VO left to versions menu button and
activating it, find the duplicate option and activating it, and finally saving
the doc
You're exactly right. I like that certain aspects of the mac are so consistent,
but then, there are other things that simply
drive me bananas. It depends on the tasks, and also your level of proficiency
on either system. I'm just saying that from
what I've read since joining this list, there are
Hi Matthew,
although this doesn't bother me, I think your missing the point. You really
can't compare stop interacting, pressing VO right arrow about 5 times, and
arrowing through a menu to do something to pressing command shift S. Does the
first take long? No. But its much more to do, and
Brilliantly stated, Ricardo; I could not agree with you more.
I am amazed at how some cannot resist the urge to assert that the
Mac/VoiceOver is superior to Windows/Jaws/"insert name of screen reader
here" or vice versa.
As you eloquently put it, it is a matter of perspective.
As for me, I am
As a newish user of mac, and someone who rely heavily on PDFs for
research and work purposes, i haven't come across any pdf issue. i
suppose something we need to understand, the issue is not with
screenreader itself, is with the image of the pdf itself. If you have
a scann image pdf file, rega
I feel it is only fair to mention that jaws13 and the development versions of
nvda both include OCR, so a scanned image can be read for the most part. VO
does not have this feature, and I think it would be a good idea for those who
would find it useful to email accessibil...@apple.com to point o
I'm somewhat doubtful about jaws13 OCR capability. Have not heard any
good news on their beta so far. But doesn't matter, knowing Freedom
scintific, they will soon relist some sort of upgreat so people will
pay for it, and if its not working, relist another upgreat. that is
just the way they work.
greetings all,
*yes!* I know that one can use the adobe digital thing, but that is not my
In a way its rooted in seeking some broader accessibility, I seem to
attract such incidents.
If one just wants to read, i. e. not get a phone for this purpose, but wants
a stand alone book reader
I am not sure about jaws since I have nvda. I do agree that the
payment cycle for jaws is ridiculous. While I have not yet had reason
to test out the ocr in nvda, I have heard that it is easier to use and
just as accurate as the one in jaws. In any case, vo ioes not have it,
and I think it should.
short coming? It was only a short coming as of what, 2 months ago? It is a
nice feature but I wouldn't call the lack of it a short coming. JMO.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Jan 4, 2012, at 8:28 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> I feel it
The kindle keyboard is accessible.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Jan 4, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> greetings all,
> *yes!* I know that one can use the adobe digital thing, but that is not my
> question.
> In a way its
A good point. I guess I mean that, now that it is here, it is a
feature that will quickly become a staple; if something is
inaccessible, you can now ocr it and usually end up making it
accessible despite itself.
On 1/4/12, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> lol,
> short coming? It was only a short coming
I think this will definitely be a staple of all major screen readers in the
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Jan 4, 2012, at 10:47 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> A good point. I guess I mean that, now that it is here, it is a
> fea
Bless you, Ricardo!!! lol
On Jan 4, 2012, at 6:50 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> although this doesn't bother me, I think your missing the point. You really
> can't compare stop interacting, pressing VO right arrow about 5 times, and
> arrowing through a menu to
I'm going to. :)
On Jan 4, 2012, at 5:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I think you should write them and ask them to put it back. I don't think
> that would take much on their part.
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> www.mobileaccess.o
The Kindle keyboard is sort of accessible. The Nook is totally not accessible.
Apple does not have a stand alone reader, but IBooks on the Idevices is very
accessible. Kindle for pc with accessibility plug in is sort of accessible,
that is, you can read books but you can't do the sort of navigat
Hello Ricardo,
I've searched through macvisionaries archives for the link to your apple to the
core episode 1 talking about accessing the status bar. The link gives a 404
Have you got it stashed somewhere else?
Thanks, and best
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