A good point. I guess I mean that, now that it is here, it is a
feature that will quickly become a staple; if something is
inaccessible, you can now ocr it and usually end up making it
accessible despite itself.

On 1/4/12, Ricardo Walker <rwalker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> lol,
> short coming?  It was only a short coming as of what, 2 months ago?  It is a
> nice feature but I wouldn't call the lack of it a short coming.  JMO.
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> www.mobileaccess.org
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 8:28 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> I feel it is only fair to mention that jaws13 and the development versions
>> of nvda both include OCR, so a scanned image can be read for the most
>> part. VO does not have this feature, and I think it would be a good idea
>> for those who would find it useful to email accessibil...@apple.com to
>> point out this shortcoming.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from my iPod)
>> mehg...@gmail.com; //facebook.com/mehgcap
>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 19:57, Joanne Chua <shuang.an...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As a newish user of mac, and someone who rely heavily on PDFs for
>>> research and work purposes, i haven't come across any pdf issue. i
>>> suppose something we need to understand, the issue is not with
>>> screenreader itself, is with the image of the pdf itself. If you have
>>> a scann image pdf file, regardless you use jaws, windoweyes, nvda,
>>> system access or voiceover, unless you have an OCR, otherwise the
>>> problem will still exist. However, i must say, from my pass months
>>> experience, voiceover and include the IOS Voiceover, seems to be the
>>> best screen reader when dealing with pdf.
>>> It is not fair to compare Jaws or NVDA with Voiceover. you are kind of
>>> comparing orrange and lemon, deciding what is better for you.
>>> Regardless of what the arguements are, Jaws does slow things down
>>> rapitly. You won't realize until you have a sighted person uses the
>>> same computer as you do, turn your screenreader off, and have a go on
>>> that. Even in some case, NVDA is more faster and supirial compare to
>>> jaws.
>>> Same with any other screen reader, it does slow things down, just
>>> depends on if its in 0.001 second for voiceover or 1.00 second for
>>> jaws.
>>> Just my 0.2 sense of thoughts
>>> Cheers
>>> Joanne
>>> On 05/01/2012, matthew Dyer <matthewd...@columbus.rr.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have been using my mac mini full time for quite some time now and I
>>>> fimnd
>>>> it to be useful for what I do even though there times I still wish I had
>>>> a
>>>> pc for things like sauving captches in firefox since ff is not
>>>> accessible on
>>>> the mac and never will be I gather.  I am still try to get dropbox to
>>>> work
>>>> on this machine here and have not been secessful so far.  it would also
>>>> be
>>>> nice to have a pc around for playing around with vinux, but that is a
>>>> small
>>>> thing since i can not afford vmware fusion at the moment.    Just my
>>>> thoughts.
>>>> Matthew
>>>> On Jan 3, 2012, at 8:22 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>>>> Very well said. I've had my mac since may, and although I've recently
>>>>> become far more fond of Itunes than my bank account is
>>>>> comfortable with, I just don't use it for daily tasks. I just can't get
>>>>> comfortable with any of the word processing options,
>>>>> and since I've been using a PC for close to 25 years, I'm always going
>>>>> to
>>>>> be more comfortable on a windows platform. One of
>>>>> my favorite activities, especially while I'm unemployed, is playing
>>>>> games,
>>>>> and while I'm thrilled that the RS games client
>>>>> works on the mac, there aren't any other options. I'm still hoping for
>>>>> a
>>>>> truly accessible mud client; if atlantis is
>>>>> accessible, I sure haven't figured out how to make it speak
>>>>> automatically.
>>>>> My other major task is writing/editing a story I've been working on for
>>>>> several years now. I just can't get comfortable
>>>>> working on my files using the mac, so just keep using good old wordpad
>>>>> on
>>>>> the PC.
>>>>> Since it cost me so much money, I have chosen to use the mac for things
>>>>> that either don't work or I don't want to mess with
>>>>> on my PC: adium, skype, itunes, and a couple of other similar things
>>>>> that
>>>>> I can't remember at the moment. I figure that the
>>>>> mac is a lot easier to fix if something goes wrong, and that's
>>>>> definitely
>>>>> something I'll give Apple credit for; you can
>>>>> install the operating system without any sighted assistance, and with
>>>>> carbon copy cloner and time machine, it's easy to
>>>>> restore your machine on the off chance that something catastrophic
>>>>> happens. Another thing that I really love about the mac is
>>>>> Growl. It essensially reads things that happen in the system tray:
>>>>> changes
>>>>> in dropbox files for example. That's 1 thing my PC
>>>>> can't do, or if it can, I don't know how to set it up, so the mac is
>>>>> really awesome in that respect.
>>>>> With all that being said, however, while I certainly like my mac a lot
>>>>> more than I did when I first bought it, to be
>>>>> perfectly honest, there's still a rather big part of me that regrets
>>>>> the
>>>>> purchase. I eventually hope to get bootcamp and/or
>>>>> VM fusion up and running, but so far, that just hasn't happened.
>>>>> I hope this makes at least a little sense and that it helps you in your
>>>>> decision. Sadly, I can't comment on the large print
>>>>> side of things, but I've become moderately comfortable with using
>>>>> Voiceover. Good luck in whatever decision you make, and I
>>>>> hope this helps you out at least a little.
>>>>> Missy
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 8:01 PM
>>>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>> Subject: Re: Switching to a Mac from PC
>>>>> I got a Mini after hearing nothing but great things about the Mac and
>>>>> VoiceOver. I can honestly say that I regret the
>>>>> decision. I never understood editing, my system seemed sluggish
>>>>> compared
>>>>> to NVDA with Windows, and web browsing is slow on
>>>>> the Mac when using vo. Also, a lot of what I do on the pc is audio
>>>>> gaming,
>>>>> and not so much as a good, accessible version of
>>>>> Solitaire is available on the Mac, let alone shooting, strategy, or
>>>>> other
>>>>> intensively audio games.
>>>>> I am still willing to admit that a good, long skype session with
>>>>> someone
>>>>> who is an experienced Mac user may help me, but as
>>>>> of right now I almost never boot into Mac, using the Windows half of my
>>>>> dual-booting mini almost exclusively. If you do
>>>>> switch, make sure to either set up bootcamp or a virtual machine so you
>>>>> can run Windows, because I can pretty much promise
>>>>> that you will still be using Windows for a while after you start
>>>>> playing
>>>>> with the mac. Sorry to be so negative, but that's my
>>>>> experience so far.
>>>>> On 1/3/12, Red.Falcon <velocity.focu...@virginmedia.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Chuck!
>>>>>> Although I do not use windows and never have!
>>>>>> I have seen posts about the zoom and one thing the Mac cannot do is
>>>>>> change colours!
>>>>>> So its black on white or vice vursor!
>>>>>> hth Colin
>>>>>> On 4 Jan 2012, at 00:05, Chuck wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>>>> I'm seriously considering switching to a Mac Mini from PC.
>>>>>>> I intend to use both the zoom and voice over programs.
>>>>>>> I am currently using a PC with Windows 7 and zoom text as my
>>>>>>> magnification and reading software.
>>>>>>> I would like to hear from those of you who have made the switch.
>>>>>>> What pitfalls should I look for? Are there any trade-offs?
>>>>>>> In your opinion after making the switch which is the better system?
>>>>>>> Why?
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> Chuck
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>>>>> Have a great day,
>>>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>>>> mehg...@gmail.com; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
mehg...@gmail.com; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap

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