Re: [LincolnTalk] A couple of dogs spotted on Conant Road near Weston Road

2023-09-09 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
Owner has recovered them! On Fri, Sep 8, 2023, 18:35 Jonathan Sheffi wrote: > -- The LincolnTalk mailing list. To post, send mail to Browse the archives at Change your subscription settings at https://pairli

Re: [LincolnTalk] power outage conant road

2022-07-25 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
Hi everyone! We are also about to move to Conant Rd, but haven't moved in yet. We could use generator help as well: does it kick on automatically? If so, does it turn off automatically too? Jonathan On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 9:48 AM Sara Mattes wrote: > Yes, outages on Conant and neighborhood (B

Re: [LincolnTalk] electricians

2022-11-14 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
Gavin Oddes is phenomenal. On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 10:58 AM Ken Bassett wrote: > Looking for an electrician for small projects here at home? Someone local > more or less. > > -- > > – > Ken Bassett > > -- > The LincolnTalk mailing list. > To post, send mail to Lincoln@lin

Re: [LincolnTalk] Slack instead of Mailman?

2022-11-14 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
I love Slack. My wife and I have a private Slack server for running our household. But everyone knows how to use email -- I think a lot of folks who aren't used to Slack might struggle to use it, and community engagement would decrease. That said, I definitely agree that the current Mailman infras

Re: [LincolnTalk] Exploring the Holy Land Problem: Friday, Dec 6 and Saturday, Dec 7

2024-11-28 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
speakers and would like to > share their experiences so that others might know what to expect? > > Let’s keep an open mind and allow others to judge for themselves. > > Namaste, > Sara > > On Nov 27, 2024, at 12:22 PM, Jonathan Sheffi wrote: > > Amen, Forest. Ideolo

Re: [LincolnTalk] FW: Exploring the Holy Land Problem: Friday, Dec 6 and Saturday, Dec 7

2024-11-27 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
Amen, Forest. Ideological diversity is well and good, but let's please keep LT apolitical and free from this sort of low-grade propaganda. ᐧ On Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 11:47 AM Forest Brown wrote: > I appreciate your wanting dialogue on this issue, but advertising speakers > who are sharing false c

Re: [LincolnTalk] Fwd: Exploring the Holy Land Problem: Friday, Dec 6 and Saturday, Dec 7

2024-12-04 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
;>>>> apartheid and for a shared homeland for all, we join the struggle against >>>>> the rise of authoritarianism in Europe, the Global South, and the United >>>>> States. Zionism today, as ideology, theology and political project, has >>>>>

Re: [LincolnTalk] Exploring the Holy Land Problem: Friday, Dec 6 and Saturday, Dec 7

2024-12-05 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
respect, I would ask you Jonathan, what has formed your opinion about > him? > Have you read his books, listened to him speak, or encountered him on > social media? > > Sincerely, > Kathy Madison > > > > On Dec 5, 2024, at 10:21 AM, Jonathan Sheffi wrote: > > I

Re: [LincolnTalk] Exploring the Holy Land Problem: Friday, Dec 6 and Saturday, Dec 7

2024-12-05 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
I believe that my specific criticism of Mazin Qumsiyeh is being confused with apathy towards Gazans. Nobody is asking anyone not to care about Gazans. I hope that both Gazans and Israelis will be released from the iron fist of Hamas soon, and that the safety and security of both Gazans and Israelis

Re: [LincolnTalk] Twist and turns in discussion ...trying to return to the beginning...the use of Bemis Hall for public events that some consider problematic

2024-12-05 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
If the Ku Klux Klan properly booked and hosted an open meeting at Bemis, would we encourage people to attend and come to their own conclusions about the speakers? I suppose it's fair to say that we don't know about their lived experiences. We also don't *know* exactly what they'll say, we can only

Re: [LincolnTalk] Keeping an open mind-

2024-12-03 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
lism, Christian nationalism, and fascism.” >>>> >>>> On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 12:33 PM Annamaria San Antonio < >>>>> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Agreed. Thank you, Sara !!! >>>>> I did

Re: [LincolnTalk] Moving geopolitics off of Lincoln Talk – permanently

2025-01-03 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
l Shorb > > On Fri, Jan 3, 2025 at 8:00 AM June L Matthews wrote: > >> I support this proposal. >> >> >> >> June Matthews >> >> >> >> *From:* Lincoln *On Behalf Of *Jonathan >> Sheffi >> *Sent:* Thursday, January

Re: [LincolnTalk] Exploring the Holy Land Problem with documentary films in Jan/Feb/Mar

2025-01-01 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
harmful event. > > I lived in Israel for many years, have marched in numerous pro-peace > protests there, and consider myself both pro-Palestinian and Pro-Israeli. I > believe there COULD be a solution, but only if people are willing to accept > the complete reality, however complex

Re: [LincolnTalk] Where Olive Trees Weep at Lexington Venue

2025-01-07 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
Thanks for sharing, Risa. I share your goal of combating hatred. Alas, I fear that this movie does not advance it. *Where Olive Trees Weep* is a monologue by Ashira Darwish, an Arab journalist who studies trauma, an entirely valid topic. The trauma of Arabs in the West Bank & Gaza is important, wh

[LincolnTalk] On hate and hope

2024-12-06 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
I know it is possible to hold room for Arabs and Jews in one's heart at the same time, because I do it every day. One can care about the safety and dignity of both Gazans and Israelis without dehumanizing either group, and without calling for the nation of Israel or the people of Gaza to be destroy

Re: [LincolnTalk] Exploring the Holy Land Problem: Friday, Dec 6 and Saturday, Dec 7

2024-12-05 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
housands of times as large* as the increase >>> in hate crimes in the U.S. that might result. Especially when American >>> taxpayer dollars are supporting those actions, American citizens have not >>> only a right, but also a moral duty, to speak out against something

Re: [LincolnTalk] Where Olive Trees Weep at Lexington Venue

2025-01-08 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
I am familiar with the content being presented, and I would argue that promoting content that compares any group of people to "Hitler and the Nazis" contributes significantly to hatred of that group. I hope you'll change your mind about promoting it. ᐧ On Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 5:31 PM Risa Lavelle

Re: [LincolnTalk] Reminder: GRALTA's Israel-Palestine Film Series continues on Sunday (Jan 19)

2025-01-18 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
Fun fact: Al Jazeera, the state-sponsored media of Qatar as well as the creator of this conspiracy theory movie, is banned from operating in parts of the Middle East due to Al Jazeera's promotion of extremism and terrorism. They're banned in Egypt, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Bahrain, and... (dr

Re: [LincolnTalk] More on the normalization of antisemitic rhetoric in Lincoln, MA

2025-01-17 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
e that > antisemitism isn’t somehow suddenly fine, and you’re right, a lot of the > loudest voices are acting like it is. And I wanted to remind people that no > one person is the voice of a movement or viewpoint. > > Thanks for taking me at face value and having a genuine conversation. &

Re: [LincolnTalk] More on the normalization of antisemitic rhetoric in Lincoln, MA

2025-01-17 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
are educated and sophisticated enough to reach informed > conclusions on our own. > > > > > > On Jan 17, 2025, at 2:32 PM, Jonathan Sheffi wrote: > > I genuinely appreciate your earnestness, and you make a great point for > why anti-Zionism is inherently antisemitic: Critic

Re: [LincolnTalk] The importance of free speech and being encouraged to draw our own conclusions.

2025-01-18 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
iPad > > On Jan 18, 2025, at 6:51 AM, Jonathan Sheffi wrote: > >  > I am familiar with the movies > <>, > including this one.

Re: [LincolnTalk] More on the normalization of antisemitic rhetoric in Lincoln, MA

2025-01-18 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
review, disclosure, copying, distribution or the > taking of any action relevant to the contents of this transmission are > prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify > the sender. > > > On Fri, Jan 17, 2025 at 3:37 PM Jonathan Sheffi wrote: > &g

Re: [LincolnTalk] The importance of free speech and being encouraged to draw our own conclusions.

2025-01-20 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
about not supporting. As Jonathon and others have stated, these films > encourage the hatred of Jews and promote antisemitism. I truly believe in > freedom of speech, but if these films were about any of the topics stated > below (and I could name many more), then I am sure people would feel &g

[LincolnTalk] Moving geopolitics off of Lincoln Talk – permanently

2025-01-02 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
When discussions about Israel and the rights of Jewish people started, I was personally quite reluctant to engage. I did not believe that politics belonged on Lincoln Talk, especially political issues that happen outside the borders of the town of Lincoln. I miss the emails about bake sales and ani

Re: [LincolnTalk] Exploring the Holy Land Problem with documentary films in Jan/Feb/Mar

2025-01-04 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
le) on how Israel conducts its war in Gaza > with regard to harm to civilians and that (2) that is a valid topic for > discussion by us U.S. citizens, who are helping fund that activity? > > If you would like to continue this discussion off of LT, I'd be glad to. > > - Paul > &g

Re: [LincolnTalk] REMINDER: "Israelism" screens in Lincoln, MA on Sunday January 5 at the Lincoln Library

2025-01-04 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
I already added some comments on *Israelism* in another thread, but for the benefit of those who are considering attending, here's a more extensive fact-check of this movie: - As I mentioned before, *Israelism* ignores all Jewish historical ties to Israel. The movie does not address the deep

Re: [LincolnTalk] A reminder…and a shout out to the hosts

2025-01-03 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
ators, in my observation, have erred on the side of free flowing > speech, and let readers take responsibility for opting in or out. > > I for one, am glad to have this community forum, in all its iterations, > and would hate to see it change. > > > Sent from my iPad > > On J

Re: [LincolnTalk] A reminder…and a shout out to the hosts

2025-01-03 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
> but people would like to see Israel (and the United States) abide by the > rules that were developed by a consortium of the world’s nations. > > Ruth Ann > (She, her, hers) > > On Jan 3, 2025, at 12:30 PM, Jonathan Sheffi wrote: > >  > Hang on a minute. Let me make s

Re: [LincolnTalk] More on the normalization of antisemitic rhetoric in Lincoln, MA

2025-01-17 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
Nobody is calling for censorship. However, these movies (with which I happen to be familiar ) each promote the delegitimization of equal rights for

Re: [LincolnTalk] Exploring the Holy Land Problem with documentary films in Jan/Feb/Mar

2024-12-29 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
I'm sad to see Lincolnites continuing to promote hatred and bigotry against minorities in our town. These movies do nothing to promote mutual understanding of the conflict in the Middle East. Unfortunately, they deliberately obscure it. *Israelism* The movie's claims of apartheid against Arabs ar

Re: [LincolnTalk] Exploring the Holy Land Problem with documentary films in Jan/Feb/Mar

2025-01-02 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
space. > > It is a good tradition. > > Let’s carry it to the public square and not relegate it to cyberspace. > > > > > On Dec 31, 2024, at 9:28 AM, Jonathan Sheffi wrote: > > I appreciate your suggestion, and I get where you're coming from. But > movies can

Re: [LincolnTalk] Exploring the Holy Land Problem with documentary films in Jan/Feb/Mar

2025-01-02 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
sted to attend. > - Paul Shorb > > On Wed, Jan 1, 2025 at 4:50 PM Jonathan Sheffi wrote: > >> I appreciate your suggestion, and I get where you're coming from. But >> movies can't talk to each other. People can. Therefore, I respectfully >> decline to outso

Re: [LincolnTalk] GRALTA's Israel-Palestine Film Series continues on Thursday (Feb ) and Sunday (Feb 9)

2025-02-19 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
Sigh. Time for another GRALTA fact check. The film *Tantura* revisits allegations of a massacre in the Palestinian village of Tantura during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The film is based on the 1998 master's thesis by Israeli researcher Teddy Katz, which claimed that Israeli forces killed numerous

Re: [LincolnTalk] REMINDER: The GRALTA Foundation screens Tantura on Sunday, Feb 23 / 2 PM at the Lincoln Library

2025-02-23 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
The film *Tantura* revisits allegations of a massacre in the Palestinian village of Tantura during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The film is based on the 1998 master's thesis by Israeli researcher Teddy Katz, which claimed that Israeli forces killed numerous unarmed Arab civilians in Tantura after the

Re: [LincolnTalk] GRALTA's Israel-Palestine Film Series continues on Thursday (March 6 ) and Sunday (March 9)

2025-03-03 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
This movie implies that Israel attacked Gaza unprovoked in 2008. This is factually inaccurate. In 2008, Hamas was firing hundreds of rockets into Israel, as it has been off and on since Israel withdrew its presence from Gaza in 2005. In June 2008, Hamas and Israel agreed to a six-month ceasefire: H

Re: [LincolnTalk] GRALTA's Israel-Palestine Film Series continues on Sunday (March 9)

2025-03-08 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
This movie implies that Israel attacked Gaza unprovoked in 2008. This is factually inaccurate. In 2008, Hamas was firing hundreds of rockets into Israel, as it has been off and on since Israel withdrew its presence from Gaza in 2005. In June 2008, Hamas and Israel agreed to a six-month ceasefire: H

Re: [LincolnTalk] REMINDER: GRALTA's screens "The War Around Us" on Thursday (March 6 ) and Sunday (March 9)

2025-03-05 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
This movie implies that Israel attacked Gaza unprovoked in 2008. This is factually inaccurate. In 2008, Hamas was firing hundreds of rockets into Israel, as it has been off and on since Israel withdrew its presence from Gaza in 2005. In June 2008, Hamas and Israel agreed to a six-month ceasefire: H

[LincolnTalk] 3/6: Jonathan Conricus & Ysabella Hazan talk

2025-03-04 Thread Jonathan Sheffi
First of all, I know Rob Leikind, and he is an absolute TREAT. He's been central in combating antisemitism in New England K-12 schools, especially Massachusetts. I've never met Brandy or heard her speak, but I've heard good things. If you're interested in the challenges of defeating hatred in schoo