I'm Jurgen, volunteering for Software Freedom Day
<https://softwarefreedomday.org>. Some friends at the FSF recommended me
to reach out to your team with this:
For Software Freedom Day (Sept. 16th), the team Software Freedom Day
team creating the best Software Freedom Song
Hello Calvin,
I don’t know, but you can check that with Sarah, who is in charge of the
Webinar setup. I send the invitation privately.
> Le 3 mars 2022 à 14:08, Calvin Ransom a écrit :
> Hi JM,
> Will we be able to watch a recording of the webinar? I'm not able to attend
> it live becau
ypond-User Mailing List
Subject: Fwd: DAISY Music Braille Project: Webinar invitation - Introduction to
music Braille transcription using the Sao Mai Braille software
Hello tutti,
Here is a first presentation of one of the two current projects aiming at a
powerful tool for Braille music writing.
y Wilkins <mailto:sa...@sarahmorleywilkins.com>>
> Objet: DAISY Music Braille Project: Webinar invitation - Introduction to
> music Braille transcription using the Sao Mai Braille software
> Date: 3 mars 2022 à 13:46:27 UTC+1
> À: "music-brai...@daisy.org <mailto:music-br
You wrote:
> It was written:
>>>> I cannot find a binary package for arm64 and macOS 11 on the
>>>> official website. I don't know how to compile this software on my
>>>> platform.
>> brew install --cask lilypo
Hello Mark,
Oups, sorry, my mistake, it’s the MacPorts version I use actually…:
> Le 1 sept. 2021 à 08:18, Mark Probert a écrit :
> It was written:
>>>> I cannot find a binary package for arm64 and macOS 11 on the
>>>> official website. I don
It was written:
>>> I cannot find a binary package for arm64 and macOS 11 on the
>>> official website. I don't know how to compile this software on my
>>> platform.
> brew install --cask lilypond
I'm in the process of getting a
Hello Hans,
I use the homebrew version of Lily seamlessly mon my M1 Mac mini.
>> I cannot find a binary package for arm64 and macOS 11 on the
>> official website. I don't know how to compile this software on my
>> platform.
> Install macports
> h
>> I cannot find a binary package for arm64 and macOS 11 on the
>> official website. I don't know how to compile this software on my
>> platform.
> Install macports
> https://www.macports.org/install.php
> then say
> sudo port ins
> On 25 Aug 2021, at 15:01, Thomas Wu wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I cannot find a binary package for arm64 and macOS 11 on the official
> website. I don't know how to compile this software on my platform.
> Can someone help me please?
> Than
> I cannot find a binary package for arm64 and macOS 11 on the
> official website. I don't know how to compile this software on my
> platform.
Install macports
then say
sudo port install lilypond
on the command line.
Dear friends,
I cannot find a binary package for arm64 and macOS 11 on the official
website. I don't know how to compile this software on my platform.
Can someone help me please?
Thomas Wu
Am 11.05.2021 um 16:38 schrieb David Kastrup:
> Bernhard Kleine writes:
>>> Am 24.03.2021 um 09:59 schrieb:
>>>> you plug it into your desktop via USB and it works? Or do I have
>>>> to install other software to make it working?
Bernhard Kleine writes:
>> Am 24.03.2021 um 09:59 schrieb:
>>> you plug it into your desktop via USB and it works? Or do I have
>>> to install other software to make it working?
>>> For windows no driver to install. You jus
I bought an Alesis V61. Enabling the Port was done in no time. Then I
went into a score and tried to enter notes by typing on the keyboard.
Nothind happens. I installed the apleton live lite software to check
whether there was a general error. However apleton reacted to keystrokes
. What did I
Il giorno lun, mar 22 2021 at 18:59:58 +0100, Bernhard Kleine
ha scritto:
This has not been asked for a while. Which equipment (low cost) do you
favor? Do I need more than an usb keyboard?
As I am / we all are working with opensource software, there isn't any
need for fancy hardware. It
On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 4:00 AM Gianmaria Lari
> you plug it into your desktop via USB and it works? Or do I have to
>> install other software to make it working?
> For windows no driver to install. You just plug in and enable the
> Frescobaldi midi input featur
> you plug it into your desktop via USB and it works? Or do I have to
> install other software to make it working?
For windows no driver to install. You just plug in and enable the
Frescobaldi midi input feature. Absolutely trivial.
Ciao, g.
Ciao Gianmaria,
you plug it into your desktop via USB and it works? Or do I have to
install other software to make it working?
Am 24.03.2021 um 08:07 schrieb Gianmaria Lari:
> Ciao Bernhard,
> I have the "M-Audio Keystation Mini 32" that Knute suggests.
> On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 11:02 AM Bernhard Kleine
> wrote:
> >
> > This has not been asked for a while. Which equipment (low cost) do you
> > favor? Do I need more than an usb keyboard?
> >
> > As I am / we all are working with opensource software, there isn
been asked for a while. Which equipment (low cost) do you
> favor? Do I need more than an usb keyboard?
> As I am / we all are working with opensource software, there isn't any
> need for fancy hardware. It only has to work.
> Thanks for sharing your situation.
> Bern
This has not been asked for a while. Which equipment (low cost) do you
favor? Do I need more than an usb keyboard?
As I am / we all are working with opensource software, there isn't any
need for fancy hardware. It only has to work.
Thanks for sharing your situation.
tever else is out there, and one can SCP files to
and from the device...
It may be that a more general purpose device from a more proprietary
company, using more closed source software would do a better job, but I'd
rather try to stay a bit closer to the open when possible.
Anyway, just a thought...
I don't think they ever released this anyway. Mark, has your email
client been hijacked?
As an aside, I have noticed in the last few months a surge in spam
messages on many mailing lists, including one that I run myself..
Maybe spammers are resorting to that as people get better at blocking
spam i
Is this spam, because it looks like a spam message.
It has no context in any lilypond-related discussions
It also looks to be proprietary, which is no fun at all
On Mon, 2019-12-09 at 08:22 -0800, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:
> Hello,
> https://www.staffpad.net/
> Mark
ah writes:
> Thank you people for the very useful insight and the links.
> First, to clarify that by Tex-like I meant programmatically, either
> (La)TeX macros or Scheme plus data.
> It looks the task must involve Sibelius at all costs. So migrating is
> not going to happen. However I am warm
Thank you people for the very useful insight and the links.
First, to clarify that by Tex-like I meant programmatically, either
(La)TeX macros or Scheme plus data.
It looks the task must involve Sibelius at all costs. So migrating is
not going to happen. However I am warm on the idea of creat
On Wed, 12 Jun 2019, David Kastrup wrote:
> > LaTeX users are accustomed to writing macros in a Turing-complete language
> > with, for instance, if statements.
> LaTeX or TeX users?
I said LaTeX users because you did, but the statement is true about both.
TeX users were the original topic of thi
msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca writes:
> On Wed, 12 Jun 2019, David Kastrup wrote:
>> > nor conceptually TeX-like, despite the fact that it uses backslashes.
>> It's a batch processing system with plain text input syntax. That makes
>> for workflows not unaccustomed to LaTeX users. By the way, it d
On Wed, 12 Jun 2019, David Kastrup wrote:
> > nor conceptually TeX-like, despite the fact that it uses backslashes.
> It's a batch processing system with plain text input syntax. That makes
> for workflows not unaccustomed to LaTeX users. By the way, it did
LaTeX users are accustomed to writin
e mess that TeX
can be in the likeness of something structured.
> If you just mean "free" when you say TeX-like, fine, but if you want
> something that is programmable the same way TeX is, then you should
> consider other free software that is more closely connected to TeX.
12. Juni 2019 19:26, "ah" schrieb:
> ...
> And also whether there will be lots and lots of symbol libraries for him
> to choose from?
There are essentially *no* native symbol libraries available, but that should
not disturb you too much. You can instead
- use any glyphs from any system-i
if you want something that is
> programmable the same way TeX is, then you should consider other free
> software that is more closely connected to TeX.
To clarify that: LilyPond *is* extremely programmable, it just feels different
than TeX.
You may also want to have a look at Abjad (ht
On 6/12/2019 11:08 AM, ah wrote:
The main reason is that he is into modern, avant-garde music and the
notation on his current system is just not there yet or what's offered
does not satisfy him. He is a professional music composer.
I recommend searching lilypond-user list archives for posts by
t that
it uses backslashes. Its programming interface is all based on Scheme and
works quite differently from TeX macro expansion. If you just mean "free"
when you say TeX-like, fine, but if you want something that is
programmable the same way TeX is, then you should consider other fr
A friend of mine dislikes composing music on the commercial software he
owns (Si..us). The main reason is that he is into modern, avant-garde
music and the notation on his current system is just not there yet or
what's offered does not satisfy him. He is a professional music composer.
On 8/23/2018 4:57 PM, Urs Liska wrote:
Urs mentions encryption being used by CodaMusic (I've never heard
of them) and that clearly shows an intention of lock-in. OTOH Wols
doesn't lay out here the evidence of the reported intent of Word's
changes. (Actually, I thought it was an open format nowa
Am 23. August 2018 22:27:33 MESZ schrieb Ben :
>On 8/23/2018 4:21 PM, David Wright wrote:
>> On Sat 18 Aug 2018 at 22:18:51 (+0200), David Kastrup wrote:
>>> David Wright writes:
On Sat 18 Aug 2018 at 19:55:01 (+0100), Wols Lists wrote:
> On 18/08/18 12:51, David Kastrup wrote:
On 8/23/2018 4:21 PM, David Wright wrote:
On Sat 18 Aug 2018 at 22:18:51 (+0200), David Kastrup wrote:
David Wright writes:
On Sat 18 Aug 2018 at 19:55:01 (+0100), Wols Lists wrote:
On 18/08/18 12:51, David Kastrup wrote:
Indeed, that wasn't expressed too well. What I meant is that
On Sat 18 Aug 2018 at 22:18:51 (+0200), David Kastrup wrote:
> David Wright writes:
> > On Sat 18 Aug 2018 at 19:55:01 (+0100), Wols Lists wrote:
> >> On 18/08/18 12:51, David Kastrup wrote:
> >> >> Indeed, that wasn't expressed too well. What I meant is that
> >> >> > CodaMusic's policy to use
Jacques Menu Muzhic writes:
> Hello Johan,
> Do you know the *real* difference between theory and practice? In
> theory, they’re one and the same thing, but in practice, they’re quite
> different...
It is a poor craftsman who blames his tools.
David Kastrup
Hello Johan,
Do you know the *real* difference between theory and practice? In theory,
they’re one and the same thing, but in practice, they’re quite different...
> Le 22 août 2018 à 09:25, Johan Vromans a écrit :
> On Tue, 21 Aug 2018 12:21:08 -0700, Aaron Hill
> wrote:
>> Patents a
On Tue, 21 Aug 2018 12:21:08 -0700, Aaron Hill
> Patents are entirely concerned with inventions, that is novel, useful,
> and non-obvious solutions to specific problems that result either in an
> actual product or a practical process.
That's the theory... Practice is different, unfortun
Karlin High writes:
> On 8/21/2018 1:02 PM, Wol's lists wrote:
>> you have to get clear in your mind the distinction between the
>> description, and what is described.
> Like that French artist who made paintings of objects titled "This is
> not $OBJECT?"
Magritte's "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" I
On Tue, 21 Aug 2018 14:34:59 -0500, Karlin High wrote:
On 8/21/2018 1:02 PM, Wol's lists wrote:
you have to get clear in your mind the distinction between the
description, and what is described.
Like that French artist who made paintings of objects titled "This is
not $OBJECT?"
On 8/21/2018 1:02 PM, Wol's lists wrote:
you have to get clear in your mind the distinction between the
description, and what is described.
Like that French artist who made paintings of objects titled "This is
not $OBJECT?"
Karlin High
Missouri, USA
On 2018-08-21 11:02, Wol's lists wrote:
A patent is
protected by copyright because it is not a thing. It's the thing it
describes that is protected by patent.
Obligatory "I am not a lawyer", but I took a class on intellectual
property at university.
Patents and copyrights are different beast
On 19/08/18 08:44, David Kastrup wrote:
Wols Lists writes:
On 19/08/18 00:34, David Kastrup wrote:
As any theoretical physicist will tell you, anything that involves
actual hardware also is maths.
Are you telling me that maths PREscribes reality?
No. Reality's math is inseparable from real
Wols Lists writes:
> On 19/08/18 00:34, David Kastrup wrote:
>> As any theoretical physicist will tell you, anything that involves
>> actual hardware also is maths.
> Are you telling me that maths PREscribes reality?
No. Reality's math is inseparable from reality. The Schrödinger
equation mo
On 19/08/18 00:34, David Kastrup wrote:
> As any theoretical physicist will tell you, anything that involves
> actual hardware also is maths.
Are you telling me that maths PREscribes reality? Are you telling me
that Newton got it right?
If hardware is maths, then how comes physicists aren't creat
Wols Lists writes:
> On 18/08/18 23:28, David Kastrup wrote:
>> zip has been defined using patentable techniques (like
>> https://www.google.com/patents/US5051745) but the implementations are
>> usually unencumbered.
> Just because it has been patented does not mean it is patentable :-(
> Of
On 18/08/18 23:28, David Kastrup wrote:
> zip has been defined using patentable techniques (like
> https://www.google.com/patents/US5051745) but the implementations are
> usually unencumbered.
Just because it has been patented does not mean it is patentable :-(
Of course, the problem is persuadin
Wols Lists writes:
> On 18/08/18 21:18, David Kastrup wrote:
>>> "Undocumented proprietary format" doesn't express the intent which
>>> > "lock-in" does. As David pointed out, patents can be used to protect
>>> > a proprietary format, only I don't think that, for example, the exFAT
>>> > filesyst
On 18/08/18 21:18, David Kastrup wrote:
>> "Undocumented proprietary format" doesn't express the intent which
>> > "lock-in" does. As David pointed out, patents can be used to protect
>> > a proprietary format, only I don't think that, for example, the exFAT
>> > filesystem is, in his words, a "str
David Wright writes:
> On Sat 18 Aug 2018 at 19:55:01 (+0100), Wols Lists wrote:
>> On 18/08/18 12:51, David Kastrup wrote:
>> >> Indeed, that wasn't expressed too well. What I meant is that
>> >> > CodaMusic's policy to use binary non-released (for some time even
>> >> > encrypted) file formats
On Sat 18 Aug 2018 at 19:55:01 (+0100), Wols Lists wrote:
> On 18/08/18 12:51, David Kastrup wrote:
> >> Indeed, that wasn't expressed too well. What I meant is that
> >> > CodaMusic's policy to use binary non-released (for some time even
> >> > encrypted) file formats strongly discouraged anyone t
On 18/08/18 12:51, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Indeed, that wasn't expressed too well. What I meant is that
>> > CodaMusic's policy to use binary non-released (for some time even
>> > encrypted) file formats strongly discouraged anyone to make a program
>> > use these files.
> That's more than just lo
Urs Liska writes:
> Am 18. August 2018 13:08:19 MESZ schrieb DK:
>>Urs Liska writes:
>>> We've talked about the issue over and over again, but how do we
>>> call it when using proprietary software prevents us from changing
>>> the tools to wo
er again, but how do we call
>> it when using proprietary software prevents us from changing the
>> to work with our data/documents? (Well, actually the same effect that
>> prevents us to edit LilyPond scores with other programs, although
>> that's not for license but
Urs Liska writes:
> Hi,
> I'm pulling my hair because I don't manage to find a certain term to
> use in an abstract.
> We've talked about the issue over and over again, but how do we call
> it when using proprietary software prevents us from changi
> We've talked about the issue over and over again, but how do we call it
> when using proprietary software prevents us from changing the tools to work
> with our data/documents? (Well, actually the same effect that prevents us
> to edit LilyPond scores with other programs, alth
Am 18. August 2018 12:25:25 MESZ schrieb Trevor :
"Vendor lock in" was it what I was looking for.
>-- Original Message --
>From: "Urs Liska"
>To: "lilypond-user"
>Sent: 18/08/2018 10:53:32
-- Original Message --
From: "Urs Liska"
To: "lilypond-user"
Sent: 18/08/2018 10:53:32
Subject: Proprietary Software term
I'm pulling my hair because I don't manage to find a certain term to
use in an abstract.
We've talked
I'm pulling my hair because I don't manage to find a certain term to use in an
We've talked about the issue over and over again, but how do we call it when
using proprietary software prevents us from changing the tools to work with our
data/documents? (Well, ac
Hi Sam,
Sounds like a very good idea! I downloaded the dumper and the player plus
the files, but the player does not play them giving a message like 'Wrong
file format (wrong header). And the dumper does not do anything when I open
it, although it has been made executable.
I have Linux Mint 64bit
Hi everyone,
Last week I shared with you my toy project about playing lilypond's
music sheets.
For those of you who showed some interest but got stopped by the
compilation steps, I added appimages.
That means, if you want to use these software, all you need to do is
download the file, ma
h) with
> make
> make -C ./src "lilydumper"
> make[1]: Entering directory '/home/rshann/lilydumper/src'
> make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'lilydumper'. Stop.
> but then g++-8 is not available in Debian Stretch it seems ...
> Richard Sh
On Fri, 13 Jul 2018, Samuel DA MOTA wrote:
Hi Martin,
Thanks for the feedback.
Unfortunately since it always was a side project I didn't get much
time to polish it like I wanted. In any case, feel free to clone it
and improve upon.
I kept the build system simple on purpose so that fixing th
> >
> > On Thu, 12 Jul 2018, Samuel DA MOTA wrote:
> >
> > > Hi everyone!
> > >
> > > I wrote a software a while ago that would play a music sheet
> > > generated
> > > by lilypond. It shows the music sheet and follows it with a
Had I more time I would have used Meson.
Out of curiosity, what is the error you get?
On 13/07/2018, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jul 2018, Samuel DA MOTA wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I wrote a software a while ago that would play a music shee
On Thu, 12 Jul 2018, Samuel DA MOTA wrote:
Hi everyone!
I wrote a software a while ago that would play a music sheet generated
by lilypond. It shows the music sheet and follows it with a cursor. I
made a video to demo the end-result. You can watch it at
Hi Sam,
thanks a lot for sharing this!
Am 12.07.2018 um 23:48 schrieb Samuel DA MOTA:
> Hi everyone!
> I wrote a software a while ago that would play a music sheet generated
> by lilypond. It shows the music sheet and follows it with a cursor. I
> made a video
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi everyone!
I wrote a software a while ago that would play a music sheet generated
by lilypond. It shows the music sheet and follows it with a cursor. I
made a video to demo the end-result. You can watch it at
The soft is
I have been working with Walter Bender of Sugar Labs to create
web-based, free software (AGPL) for students to explore music's
fundamental concepts in a visual programming environment (fork of Turtle
I have put the software up at http://www.musicblocks.net and you can try
a s
ontaining music notation
> where there would be only one output file that correctly described it. I
> imagine it would need to be a highly constrained notion of what a book
> containing music notation is, to make that possible. And yet, at the
> other extreme, it seems clear th
sic notation is, to make that possible. And yet, at the
other extreme, it seems clear that many people would wish to rescue all
the notes that they had so painstakingly entered into some software for
re-use in another program when the original gets dropped.
notation is, to make that possible. And yet, at the
other extreme, it seems clear that many people would wish to rescue all
the notes that they had so painstakingly entered into some software for
re-use in another program when the original gets dropped.
Abraham Lee writes:
> While perusing the main LilyPond website, in the announcements
> section, I only just discovered the online software Scorio that acts
> as a GUI front end to LilyPond 2.16. Does anyone on this list actually
> use it? I don't think I ever will for a number
It looks like I deleted some lines in my reply. It should start like
I subscribed for a free account on the Scorio website long ago. But I
forgot all about it until I read your post. I guess that shows clearly how
much I have used it ;-)
On Sun, 8 Nov 2015, Abraham Lee wrote:
While perusing the main LilyPond website, in the announcements section, I
only just discovered the online software Scorio that acts as a GUI front
end to LilyPond 2.16. Does anyone on this list actually use it? I don't
think I ever will for a numb
While perusing the main LilyPond website, in the announcements section, I
only just discovered the online software Scorio that acts as a GUI front
end to LilyPond 2.16. Does anyone on this list actually use it? I don't
think I ever will for a number of reasons, but I was just curious if a
Il giorno sab 13 dic 2014 alle 20:56, Flaming Hakama by Elaine
ha scritto:
I am very interested in this question, too.
In theory, you could do the following:
Get a DAW like Logic that does audio => midi conversion
1. Record your singing to an audio track in your DAW
2. Conv
t I wouldn't doubt if you could find
On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 8:19 AM, wrote:
> Message: 6
> Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 17:19:03 +0100
> From: Federico Bruni
> To: lilypond-user
> Subject: [OT] solfege to notes software?
> Message-ID: <1418487543.294...@smtp.gm
we all do
2. you play a MIDI keyboard and Rumor turns it to lilypond input
3. you read the music (solfege) following a certain tempo and a
software catches note names and durations (pitches to be checked
manually later)
I was daydreaming about a software who can do option 3
Sent from the User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
lilypond-user mailing list
following the key signature
specified at the beginning
- set the right durations, by setting a tempo click to follow during
the solfege
I guess that dotted durations would be hard to catch by a software:
c4. d8 -> Do - o_Re
Just to inform you that Jniz is a new free software designed for musicians as a
support tool to the musical composition.
It is using Lilypond to export in midi, lilypond formats.
The website: http://www.jniz.org
Hope you will enjoy it..
All the best
Bruno Grandjean
Jniz dev
Lol, indeed!
Thanks for letting me know, Jacques! Corrected.
2013/8/14 Andrew Bernard
> An absolutely marvellous typo in our particular context. :-)
> Andrew
> Jacques Menu
> 14 August 2013 7:25 PM
> Typo: algorythmic
> _
An absolutely marvellous typo in our particular context. :-)
Jacques Menu
14 August 2013
7:25 PM
Typo: algorythmic
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello Janek,
Very interesting post, thanks!
Typo: algorythmic
Le 14 août 2013 à 10:54:17, Janek Warchoł a écrit :
> [lots of discussion about LilyPond vs other notation software]
> Hi people,
> it seems that i've missed an important discussion. After readi
[lots of discussion about LilyPond vs other notation software]
Hi people,
it seems that i've missed an important discussion. After reading it
(and reading comments on the Steinberg blog), i decided to add my
comment in the form of a blog post:
Am 08.08.2013 14:09, schrieb David Kastrup:
Well, if enough people only slightly overstep a line, it will disappear.
I think it would make sense to expand on most followup thoughts in our
own blog, once they can't be expected to be of much interest to Daniel.
While he will be able to answer comp
> soundsfromsound@
> >
>> To:
> lilypond-user@
>> Subject: Re: Steinberg's progress report on new notation software
>> Message-ID: <
> 1375950947119-148848.post@.nabble
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> I&
e are not doing our case a favor by
> making a spectacle where it is not asked for.
> --
> David Kastrup
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
composer | sound designer
View this
> Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 01:35:47 -0700 (PDT)
> From: SoundsFromSound
> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Subject: Re: Steinberg's progress report on new notation software
> Message-ID: <1375950947119-148848.p...@n5.nabble.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; cha
-quality audio output", that's something different. and i don't think
lilypond will ever compete there, because LP is a *notation* software, and
Finale is not.
That's perhaps one more application for MusicXML export: being able to
use a dedicated program to render a LilyP
;, that's something different. and i don't think
lilypond will ever compete there, because LP is a *notation* software, and
Finale is not.
lilypond-user mailing list
market is, although it
> looks like it is more towards the LilyPond end of things.
Well, LilyPond has no user interface. You write files in its file
format with a text editor yourself. It's safe to say that the typical
light user of software will not particularly fancy that, and I would be
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