Hello tutti,

Here is a first presentation of one of the two current projects aiming at a 
powerful tool for Braille music writing.

Sao Mai is a foundation in Vietnam, the other project is being done by the 
MuseScore team.


> Début du message réexpédié :
> De: Sarah Morley Wilkins <sa...@sarahmorleywilkins.com 
> <mailto:sa...@sarahmorleywilkins.com>>
> Objet: DAISY Music Braille Project: Webinar invitation - Introduction to 
> music Braille transcription using the Sao Mai Braille software
> Date: 3 mars 2022 à 13:46:27 UTC+1
> À: "music-brai...@daisy.org <mailto:music-brai...@daisy.org>" 
> <music-brai...@daisy.org <mailto:music-brai...@daisy.org>>
> Webinar Invitation: Introduction to music Braille transcription using the Sao 
> Mai Braille software for blind musicians and transcribers
> Date and time:
> Thursday 17 March 2022, 10:00-11:30 UTC.
> Description:
> We are happy to announce our upcoming webinar, introducing the Braille 
> translation features of Sao Mai Braille (SMB) software, with a special focus 
> on music Braille transcription. The tool is designed for use by blind 
> musicians as well as transcribers.
> Organizers:
> This webinar is jointly organized by Sao Mai Center for the Blind and the 
> DAISY Music Braille project (which is funding the music Braille development). 
> For more information about the DAISY Music Braille project, please visit: 
> https://daisy.org/activities/projects/music-braille/ 
> <https://daisy.org/activities/projects/music-braille/>
> Registration:
> Please complete the registration form at 
> https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_D8Le0FHRQr6IcrT1Oovo3w 
> <https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_D8Le0FHRQr6IcrT1Oovo3w>
> to register for the webinar and to receive joining instructions. If you have 
> any registration problems, please email us at: supp...@saomaicenter.org 
> <mailto:supp...@saomaicenter.org>
> Overview of event:
> Participants will get a quick tour of the main Braille translation features 
> of SMB, with a more detailed demonstration of how to transcribe music scores 
> into Braille using SMB. In addition, in the Q&A session we will be able to 
> answer your specific questions about the translation tool.
> Speakers:
> • Dr. Sarah Morley Wilkins (DAISY Music Braille Project Manager),
> • Mr. Hu Haipeng (Technical Consultant of the DAISY Music Braille project), 
> and
> • Mr. Phúc Hoai Dang (SMB development team lead from Sao Mai Center for the 
> Blind).
> Please help circulate the announcement to your network, especially to people 
> who are working in music Braille translation.
> Many thanks and we look forward to meeting you in the webinar.

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