Hi Martin,

Thanks for the feedback.

Unfortunately since it always was a side project I didn't get much
time to polish it like I wanted. In any case, feel free to clone it
and improve upon.

I kept the build system simple on purpose so that fixing these issues
shouldn't be too hard. Had I more time I would have used Meson.

Out of curiosity, what is the error you get?


On 13/07/2018, Martin Tarenskeen <m.tarensk...@zonnet.nl> wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jul 2018, Samuel DA MOTA wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I wrote a software a while ago that would play a music sheet generated
>> by lilypond. It shows the music sheet and follows it with a cursor. I
>> made a video to demo the end-result. You can watch it at
>> https://s-d-m.github.io/lilydumper/intro_assets/lilyplayer-demo.webm
> Wow. I'm impressed. This is something that I could use!
> I downloaded the sources from GitHub but was not able to compile
> succesfully (yet). I'm on Linux Fedora 28.
> I hope a userfriendly distribution of the tools will be available one day.
> Or a Makefile that works on my system.
> If anyone has succesfully compiled these tools on a Fedora system please
> share what additional libraries, steps or patches were required.
> --
> MT

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