12. Juni 2019 19:49, msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca schrieb:

> On Wed, 12 Jun 2019, ah wrote:
>> ... using a TeX-based or TeX-like (free) music composition system, if
>> available and doing all programming, templating etc. in this myself.
>> Advantages: platform independent and free.
> Lilypond is not TeX-based nor conceptually TeX-like, despite the fact that
> it uses backslashes. Its programming interface is all based on Scheme and
> works quite differently from TeX macro expansion. If you just mean "free"
> when you say TeX-like, fine, but if you want something that is
> programmable the same way TeX is, then you should consider other free
> software that is more closely connected to TeX.

To clarify that: LilyPond *is* extremely programmable, it just feels different 
than TeX.

You may also want to have a look at Abjad (http://abjad.mbrsi.org/), a 
Python-based composer's tool that generates LilyPond code.


> --
> Matthew Skala
> msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca People before tribes.
> https://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
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