Hi everyone!

I wrote a software a while ago that would play a music sheet generated
by lilypond. It shows the music sheet and follows it with a cursor. I
made a video to demo the end-result. You can watch it at

The soft is mainly based on the event listener. If you are interested
in knowing how I extracted pieces of information from lilypond to know
e.g. where on the music sheet the cursor is and at which time, you can
read the documentation at https://s-d-m.github.io/lilydumper/

The tool to extract the data and generate a "playable" music sheet is
lilydumper: https://github.com/s-d-m/lilydumper and the one that
actually plays it is lilyplayer: https://github.com/s-d-m/lilyplayer

If you think adding a new output to lilypond for that use case would
be nice and have questions, let me know.

Kindest regards


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