Hi all
this is a bit off-topic, as it's not closely related to LilyPond.
I'm trying to imagine any possible way to avoid the boring part of
typesetting, i.e. entering notes and durations.
Do you know any application which can create music (in lilypond format)
from a real person who solfeges a piece? It could be interesting for
people not comfortable with piano keyboard and not willing to spend
money for a MIDI keyboard.
Do you think that it could work?
Obviously, pitches would not be recognizable but the program should be
able to:
- recognize the note names, possibly following the key signature
specified at the beginning
- set the right durations, by setting a tempo click to follow during
the solfege
I guess that dotted durations would be hard to catch by a software:
c4. d8 -> Do - o_Re
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