and it'll only cost you 40 pounds
Peter Bancks
Ballina NSW
Way To Go!
---Original Message---
From: Willie van der Walt
Date: 11/08/06 04:19:15
To: KRnet
Subject: KR> "Shreg" Round 5 perfectthanks to all
Now I am a happy man. Round no. 5 was perfect. I took off at about 17h00 and
climbed to 3000 ft AGL
Another thing to keep in mind with regard to the use of VG's is that careful
placement is required for them to have the greatest benefit. This, unless
your aircraft is mass produced and not "unique", is achieved by a lot (read
hundreds of hours of placing, documenting, moving, rinse, repeat) of tri
Or you could install Fuel Injection, and do away with carb problems.
---Original Message---
From: Joe L.
Date: 10/25/06 11:30:04
Subject: KR> engine problem
Mark i think that you will find that the problem thqt you had with your
Randy I'm very interested in the details of your EJ22 install.
I'm looking at installing an EJ22Turbo (target HP 210) on my KR2XS and I was
looking into cooling, mounting and cowling issues.
---Original Message---
From: Randy Smith
List-Post: krnet@li
I tend to agree as well, I'll be doing as much as I can to save weight on my
airframe as I can but I'm also chasing some speed ;)
I can also sum up my desire for HP in two words... Density Altitude. In a
country where +100°F is usual and relatives at 3000ft altitudes It's nice to
have a few HP to
So what you're saying is that NACA ducts suck at sucking?
Oh snap!
I just kill me!
Peter Bancks
Ballina Au.
---Original Message---
From: Dan Heath
Date: 10/04/06 06:39:25
Subject: KR> Regarding NACA duct Sucking air
Mark L. replied.
Didn't Nat Puffer have a Frankiln in one of this Cozies?
---Original Message---
From: Randy Smith
Date: 09/18/06 12:12:07
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> KR2S
Franklins are not popular in the US I don't think I
have ever seen a Franklin in an experimental.
Dihedral can be built into the spars in a manner similar to that use by
Jodel builders.
The Jodel Spars are somewhat wider than the KR's but the method of
construction is similar, and I believe that there is an approved
modification to the Jodel Spar
There are no full sized plans available as yet unfortunately however many
builders with access to CAD have had some printed up.
I'm going to get this done myself as soon as I can find an engineering
printer in the area with a plotter that can do the job but mine will be
significantly larger than st
Guys (and gals if we have any on the list)
This has all gotten a bit larger than life.
We've had personal attacks that really should have stopped with the delete
key and now we've lost members and that equates to lost information and
Folks, it's a fact of life that when you have a gro
CH products are the best, I like the Saitek HOTAS set up too, but they don't
have pedals.
I'm currently using a el cheapo logitech extreme 3D at the moment.
Ballina Au.
---Original Message---
From: Ed Janssen
Date: 08/26/06 11:59:38
To: KRnet
G'Day there Ken.
Further development of the KR series has pretty well been what we the
builders are about.
RR have not exactly been blazing a trail with the development but then since
the death of Ken, Jeanette has been chief cook and bottle washer there and I
d say that plans develpoment is not ex
Fuel will dissolve all polystyrene products.
You can still use it in your wings. If you wish to have wet wings you can
either use polyurethane foam of made triply sure your tanks have no leaks.
Just for the record, I intend on using this type of polystyrene and
installing fuel tanks (probably alumi
hectopascals=millibars=what we use over here.
---Original Message---
From: Serge VIDAL
Date: 08/08/06 01:26:36
Subject: KR> Altimeter unit in Australia
Could anybody confirm what unit is used for altimeter setting in
Australia? Inches
That depends on how much dihedral you give the wings when you build them.
The Jodel's dihedral starts a fair way out as well.
Peter Bancks.
---Original Message---
From: Bavo
Date: 08/07/06 08:14:24
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> center spars and wing tanks
Does the gauge read true for all phases of the runup on the ground?
What is the configuration of the aircraft, tricycle or taildragger?
Have you changed either the earthing point (was it originally connected to
the instrument earth?) or the power supply bus or both to the gauge in the
refit? If s
Or alternatively, you could heat the shims gently and evenly to allow them
to expand.
Mark L. may be able to help out here, as he actually swung off spanners in a
VW workshop IIRC some time ago.
---Original Message---
From: Randy Powell
Rich's post made me giggle a little.
It's called Experimental aviation for a reason ;)
I've marked some of the changes I'll be making. Bear in mind, the changes I
ve made have not been made lightly, 3 years of work have gone into ensuring
they are doable and viable safe modification.
Will it quali
I'm with Don.
I'm thinking the previous owners were a little VG crazy. Given that the
person who placed these VG's more than likely had no actual method applied
to the placement, they are likely to be ineffective on any case.
---Original Message---
From: Donald Reid
It really depends on how far along the project is.
The real purpose behind the 51% rule in issuing the repairman's ticket is so
that you, the repairman are intimately familiar with every concievable
portion of the aircraft you may be called upon to repair. Be sure to
document the dismantling and i
Welcome to the list!
You could go to the RR site and order a set, they are
not expensive in the big scheme of things.
The other thing you could do is trawl e-bay and barnstormers regularly
(aviation trader and various other flight magazines wouldn't hurt either)
for par
" if you land for fuel, YOU LOSE !! :-)"
I guess that means that when I eventually get my KR derived beastie finished
and come over from Oz I'll have to be sure to take lots of fuel then ;)
Peter Bancks
My Name is Peter Bancks, I live in Ballina Northern NSW Australia with my
wife and 10 week old daughter.
I first got interested in Experimental Aviation when my hobby of large scale
R/C aircraft went mad and I started designing a single seat pulsejet powered
aircraft. During the process of
If you look really closely at the far wing tip you will see that the
sandbags do not in fact touch this seems likely for the near tip as well,
the gap is simply obscured.. they seem to be there to help keep the test
subject manageably level while being loaded, or to maybe catch something
before it
Can I import my KR2 in my move container? (I'm talking red tape;
technically, it works, I've done it before). Yes
What should I declare it as? An aircraft? A homebuilt aircraft project? A
microlight project? I think that option 2 is the better choice
Pilot's license:
How do I convert m
OK I had a look. It's a great little planner, but only if your want to fly
in the U.S.
It would be brilliant if only it had an international capability.
---Original Message---
From: Phil Matheson
Date: 06/22/06 15:16:18
To: KRnet
Subject: Re
It's broken :-(
No pics just a 404 error...
- Original Message -
From: "rparker"
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 11:13 PM
Subject: KR> New Mystery Navy jet
> FYI,
> I just received 2 picture of what could be the Aurora aircraft.
> I have a couple of friends looking into it. I
Do share!
I'm unfortunately several tens of thousands of kilometers away from being
able to attend, but hey, I'll be there in spirit, and more than happy to
live it vicariously through the net!
Peter Bancks
Put me down for a couple of them as well!
Peter Bancks
- Original Message -
From: "Phillip Matheson"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: KR> KRnet stickers
All engines should be able to be hot run for testing with no ill effects.
This testing may only be for a brief period, but in any case, any engine,
espescially an air cooled one that will give up after a brief peiod of hot
running should not be considered for an aircraft application.
my 2c. :)
Just saw some pics on the AVweb site of the Charlies' mayhem, is that a KR
about 2/3 of the way down the page?
Absolutely shocking damage!
Commiserations to all who weathered it!
Peter Bancks
> All I am doing by raising the tail with the aircraft stationary on the
> ground is altering the angle made between the pivot stalk and the
> horizontal plane of the compass ring
> +++
> you are also changing the angle between all that and the big magnet
> inside mother earth
You can use the same measurement, as the difference would be negligible. I
did draw the both out in CAD to check, but that comp's down (still) but the
difference was way under 1°.
Cheers.Peter Bancks
Mine KR2S will have 14" aft and 9" foreward stretch over the plans but
they'll either bury me in it, or it will be passed down to the kids.
Peter Bancks
- Original Message -
From: "Dic
There are a few 19- registered KRs here though and mine will be no
Peter Bancks
- Original Message -
From: "GavinandLouise"
To: "KR builders and pilots"
Sent: Saturday, Au
RE: Empty weight doesn't make any difference
Does it not make a difference in the amount of speed you have to carry to
stay in the air?
Actually, if I read the LSA regs right, it doesn't matter, as long as the
gross weight and tyhe stall speed are OK, then it really does not matter how
heavy the
That would have been me.
Was looking at possibly a rotary engine, and I'll be including some pretty
substantial tail mods which would bring the W&B back a bit.
Peter Bancks
- Original Message
Actually, that spar will support that and a fair bit more.
My KR2SD is going to be right on the 1200lb MTOW allowable in the AU
ultralight category. Fortunately we don't have the same kinds of
restrictions in that class as you in the US have in the LSA category. I may
yet bite the bullett and make
My plans are KR2 and 2S #'s respectively, 9670 and 1087.
I recently had a huge panic attack when I thought my plans got "mislaid"
during the move to our new house!
Thanks the Gods my Wife found them for me tucked away in a yet to be used
cupboard that was left behind by the previous occupants of th
Ok I know some of these are old, but I just realised my webmail server was
adding a graphic to the text, and as such, the mail was not going through, so
here they are.
The Wright Bros. had a kind of "tech advisor" of the day who also had worked
with Lawrence Hargraves in Australia on his liftin
Ok I know some of these are old, but I just realised my webmail server was
adding a graphic to the text, and as such, the mail was not going through, so
here they are.
I like the Jabiru engine as well, I don't like it's price tag though.
If I could find a desent 2nd hand one I'd be interested.
Ok I know some of these are old, but I just realised my webmail server was
adding a graphic to the text, and as such, the mail was not going through, so
here they are.
I did think about it, but I'm opting for the U-Beaut 12V drill motor version,
complete with ratchet stops to prevent overrun.
Ok I know some of these are old, but I just realised my webmail server was
adding a graphic to the text, and as such, the mail was not going through, so
here they are.
>From what I can gather, the wings were part of the aircraft that were
>"borrowed heavily" from the early Taylor Mono.
This air
Ok I know some of these are old, but I just realised my webmail server was
adding a graphic to the text, and as such, the mail was not going through, so
here they are.
agree,silver soldering is of the highest quality for electrical connections
there is, provided it is done correctly. This is t
You are not the first to hit a similar snag with the EAA.
Here's a section of a post I wrote from the Canard Community, where they
lamenting the lack of support for anyone not building a spam can.
>Originally Posted by Turbotag
>If I were building an RV I would have all kinds of help fro
Could I possibly get a copy of that file?
I'm redrawing my modified plans out in Rhino 3D and I could use a scale drawing
of the corvair engine.
Peter Bancks
- Original Message
The primary function of the foam is to provide the shape for the structure, and
to provide a small degree of structural and compression related strength.
While wings certainly can be and have been created hollow with just the skins
shear webs and spar caps, it generally requires greater manufactu
My opinion, go with 1° incedence and 2° washout.
Peter Bancks
- Original Message -
From: "Dan Heath"
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Time to decide
> RE: le
Duncan said:
"I (perhaps foolishly) actually want to build my own
plane. I might regret this, of course, but that's how I feel at the
moment. If all you guys can successfully build really great planes, then
so can I."
Don't can the idea of building. It's really not as hard as it appears and it
"OK, I'm dying to knowis there anybody on this list that does NOT have
the message at the bottom of every message that says:
"to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to"?"
Perhaps you need to draw them a picture...:p
Steve J asked:
"What is a shovel?"
The pre 1986 Harley engines were described as to the appearance of the top
of their engines.
The top end of the knucklehead had 2 knuckle like ends where the valve gear
went, the panhead had a pan type cover and the top of the shovelhead looked
like a shovel blad
Doug said:
"Seems that low end torque at lower rpm's would be
ideal for aircraft applications."
That's what gave me the idea it would be a great engine. to redrive or not
to redrive, that is the question, seems that same discussion is being
bandied about with the Corvairs too. I notice that some d
Ron Smith asked:
"If one were drill through the 5/8 square spruce and epoxy in that hole a
steel tube, would that make the piece weaker?"
Peter Bancks
Gavin said:
"I can't understand what all the fuss is about !! It's just a case of using
basic hand tools. Go back to basics and mark out all of your spar dimensions
and get a good quality hand plane. You'll be surprised how quickly the
excess material can be planed away, and accurately too.
Peter W. said:
"I wish i could find a corvair engine in Europe."
I have a friend in England who is building a fitzer bipe that recently
acquired a Corvair engine very economically, I'll get his contact details
for you, or you could go to and message a
man named J
Colin and Bev wrote:
"I would also add that Vne is normally expressed as the speed at which when
the airspeed is increased beyond that speed , that the airfoil has the
capability to produce loads that exceed the aircraft's ability to with stand
While this once was true for early aircraft design
Don't be too hard on yourself Mark.
It's one of those things that happens in Cyberspace. The mylist group seems
to be as good as any others for mailing list management.
The only thing I could suggest is that you (or a designated member) keep a
backup of the subscriber list in case of any future
Larry wrote:
"Speaking of Harleys, did you know they sell a spray for your new
leathers that gives you bug stains, etc. so you don't look like
a "newbee" at the get-togethers."
OMG!!! and I thought I'd seen it all! What's next? Fake mud for your 4WD?
On a more interesting note, I did consider runn
Steve J.:
The EVO is short for the H.D. Evolution engine (from 1986 -1998/9?) It's a
darned side less shaky than the Shovel, and about 200% more reliable to boot
I'm pretty sure all H.D. engines are dry sump engines, forced lubrication
supplied by pump from an external tank. (There sure ain't no r
Mark L.
I'm glad to hear you're getting close to finishing!
I must admit I'm eagerly awaiting the reports of your first flights,
particularly with regard to the angle of incidence of the horizontal
stabiliser. I imagine the final setting will be in the area of -1°, but I
will await your reports wit
Vne is essentially the speed at which the aircraft becomes uncontrollable,
either through control surface flutter or exceeding the velocity at which
the surface has authority (where the surface remains stable but can no
longer deflect sufficient air to effect movement) or the velocity where
"Somebody else is
welcome to check for us..."
Ok I'm reading it right now, so I'll have a look
"3/32 plywood
3 ply mahogany, birch or
poplar center."
Peter Bancks
"Can anybody
email me drawings?"
ummm, probably, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
You'd be much better off purchasing a set of plans, complete with the manual
I'm sure there is one or two people lurking about the place who would be
happy to sell you theirs, failing that, go to
Hey there Tim.
Don't loose heart.
I remember making some horrible mess ups when I started painting cars and
bikes back in the late '80s. One job I totally stuffed up in '96 even after
a lot of practice was a tank on one of my bikes. That was layering clear red
tinter over flat white to get a deep
"If any one
would like to see pics of my sleds I will be happy to dig them out of the
attic and snap a few digital pics."
Hey there Chris.
I'd be interested in those pics.
One thing I'll be doing is outsourcing the cutting of my spar caps, but if
at a later stage I want to do it myself on another
Larry said:
"The KR is a radio control model scaled up to one carrying people. It was
not "engineered" at any time."
I beg to differ, I was under the understanding that the KR was actually a
scaled down version of a larger GA aircraft, right down to the RAF airfoil.
(I think this info came from Mr
I appear to be loosing messages too,
I think I have had four posts disappear in the last 2 days, one message was
sent twice and still no appearance.
Peter Bancks
This is attempt #4 to get this message up.
I hope by now I have made sufficient sacrifice to the gods of cyberspace and
it makes it through this time.
Hey there all.
Yes, I was in error!
I have below an answer to this question given to me by a friend of mine. I
hope you all find it as helpful
Hey there KRnetters
I have uploaded to my FTP a pair of .ARC files for use with DesignFOIL or
other similar program.
I made them from the co-ordinates posted on the new airfoils link so I could
easily plot the new airfoils into Rhino3D for use with my design ideas.
I am drawing the plane out in CAD
I am working out some of my modification ideas for my KR2S, and I have
noticed a slight discrepancy in between the plans and the book.
The plans call for a front spar of 83" overall length with a 84" overall
length for the rear spar.
The book says to do both 83". Since the Book is primarily for the
Hey there all,
I downloaded the PDF templates for the AS5045/8 airfoils. While the root
airfoil is marked as AS5048, (as I expected) I noticed the tip airfoil is
marked as being AS5046 instead of AS5045.
Is this just a typo or did I D/L the incorrect file?
Peter Bancks.
I just answered my own question...
sorry guys 'n' gals, The 2 pages were stuck together, I only noticed it 'cos
it looked a little too thick!
Turns out the book AND the plans are in agreement!
*wanders off feeling rather silly and slightly embarrased*
Hey there all,
I notice it says in the plans that the outboard spars are covered with ply
on one side only, but it seems from viewing the sites, that they have been
completely closed in?
Is this the case, and if so, why do it, if it isn't called for, wouldn't it
be adding that much extra weight?
"The 2S has ply on both sides."
Thanks for clearing that up for me Brian. :-)
Try #2...hehehe
Hey there all,
I downloaded the PDF templates for the AS5048/5 airfoils. While the root
airfoil is marked as AS5048, (as I expected) I noticed the tip airfoil is
marked as being AS5046 instead of AS5045.
Is this just a typo or did I D/L the incorrect file?
Peter Bancks.
Hello there all!
I figured I'd chip in with an introduction.
My name is Peter Bancks, My wife Sarah and I live in the sunny (but cold at
the moment) South East of Queensland Australia. We recently recieved KR2 and
KR2S plans # 9670 and #1087 respectively. We intend on building the S
We are
With reference to your concern about high altitude there are a couple of
issues to take into account.
Firstly, at altitude your MTOW is always going to be reduced over the MSL
maximum. Extending the wings may well compensate for that, but then you are
going to get a higher drag, requiring mo
It would be possible indeed to reduce the size of your ailerons, but the big
limiter as I see it is going to be the aft spar. Unless you want to move it,
I think you have to stick with the plane versions or you will suffer a
reduced roll rate. If you did want to shift the aft spar, you could
I have a comprehensive design analysis application, if anyone wants to get a
copy contact me off the list for the details.
Mark L:
That's one absolutely beautiful set of wings!
This certainly makes things easier for me! I was planning on using friese
style ailerons as well, and that split flap is perfect!
Peter Bancks
"Someone told me the power wire to the radio needs to
be sheilded as the eng noise is conducted through the radio via this
A power filter can be fitted to the power bus of the radio stack. You can see
similar devices attached to most car stereo power leads for just this reason.
That's one sexy looking KR there Mark!
I have a feeling that on a 6 cylinder distributor and coil powered unit the
tach should be set to 6 pulses per revolution, the three pulses setting
would be for a 6 cylinder coil pack setup where the plugs spark on the
exhaust stroke as well a-la motorcycle CD
Mark wrote:
"Typical four stroke engines (such as cars and Corvairs) spin twice for
time they fire (one TDC is for compression stroke, the next one is for
exhaust stroke), so a Corvair six times per two revolutions, (averages
firing three times per revolution), so I have it set correctly for
Check out some of the builders' links on I think I saw a
single seat KR2S on there.
The S in the KR2S stands for stretch, and as such it is slightly longer than
the standard KR2. This was, I believe, to resolve some of the pitching
moment issues related to closely coupled aircraft. In
Alex wrote:
"It has a VERY-VERY small cell structure and I am not sure if I could use
such kind of foam
in wing construction"
Many foam cored composite structures, aircraft included (the cozy and
velocity for example) use this type of foam. The smaller cell structure
should actually be an advantag
Gene said:
"One thing to consider about foam is Styrofoam will dissolve in gasoline"
While this is true, I would say that if you had areas where fuel would be
coming into contact with the foam you have bigger problems. Having said that
the polyurethane foams are great stuff, they can have a much
Jim said:
"the former builder did say that that this foam can not be cut with a hot
wire device due to the toxic gas that it would emit"
This is a good point.
While polyurethane foams can be cut with a hot wire, it would be inadvisable
to do so without very good ventilation and breathing apparatus
Here is an answer to your foam query offered by a friend of mine who happens
to be a well respected aeronautical engineer and manufacturer.
"The answer to your question is simply based on how the foam is used and
what you hope it will do for you. I am assuming that in the construction you
William wrote:
"Is there any evidence that motor gas will affect the fibre-glass fuel
tanks in our KR's? I have a continental and have always used avgas, but
with the increasing costs i am considering mogas"
I recently went through this type of research when trying to decide fuel
tank configuratio
On the subject of fuel tanks and resins
Lancair use the vinyl-ester resin in the construction of their tanks, but in
an application where you are likely to be laying up over the foam, the
vinyl-ester resin will dissolve it. There are quite literally 1000's of the
Rutan style aircraft and others fl
sure by up to 1/2 that for better traction.
but this can quickly lead to tyre damage if used on a paved surface for
extended periods.
a.k.a. Peter Bancks.
I had this same problem with one of my motorcycles. It took 1/2 the thread with
it, so I got all the plug threads helicoiled. That fixed it and I never had a
plug come loose in it again.
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