Doug said: "Seems that low end torque at lower rpm's would be ideal for aircraft applications."
That's what gave me the idea it would be a great engine. to redrive or not to redrive, that is the question, seems that same discussion is being bandied about with the Corvairs too. I notice that some do and some don't. I guess it's a matter for the prop to decide, and whether your particular engine is build to develop it's power at higher revolutions or not. Of course you'd have to redrive if you wanted to keep it upright (then engine, not the bike), unless you wanted a really low slung prop or 2 cylinders poking out above your cowl, now wouldn't that look strange? It would go a long way to help cooling though... If someone could help me with the details about if the darned things can easily deal with being inverted, I might be getting somewhere! Cheers. Peter Bancks