Rich's post made me giggle a little. 
It's called Experimental aviation for a reason ;)
I've marked some of the changes I'll be making. Bear in mind, the changes I
ve made have not been made lightly, 3 years of work have gone into ensuring
they are doable and viable safe modification.
Will it qualify for LSA? no, but it will maintain straight and level flight
at 40KIAS. Is it going to be a rocketship? absolutely. The target cruise
speed is 175KIAS minimum, and by all calculations I should achieve it. If I
can reduce my cooling drag I may get more, that chin scoop costs me 10-15
knots of top end speed, but there is an intercooler, radiator and oil
coolers in there. 
This aircraft is being built to comply with the Recreational Aviation
Australia's specifications because I'll probably be going that way due to
the expensive (to private GA) and potentially dangerous "cost recovery
scheme" that has been placed upon CASA by our Government.
Many thanks to the hard work put in by the veteran builders and flyers for
pioneering many of these modifications.
I've uploaded a 3 veiw of what I envision the finished craft to look like.
All in all, it's your baby, it's up to you to make it how you want.

It is a KR if you:
*stretch it 14 inches,
*make it 6 inches wider,
make the sides vertical,
*build it 200+ pounds over plans gross wt.,   (well maybe I'm not going to
be that far over, but I'll be under 600kg gross.)
*use a different airfoil,
install an O235,
*change the horizontal airfoil,
*use Dr. Dean Hinges,
build it with sliding or forward tilt canopy,
*use Fowler flaps, 
make the fuselage a foam/fiberglass sandwich,
make folding wings.  (are these changes all made by "designers?")
It is not a KR if you:
build it light and to the plans except for adding slightly more wing area
or make it a single place to give it a stall speed of 51mph instead of
the Rand Robinson published stall speed of little mph,
have it cruise at about 135mph.....(and there are a lot of KR's flying
that do not exceed the LSA cruise speed specs.)

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