"Someone told me the power wire to the radio needs to be sheilded as the eng noise is conducted through the radio via this wire??????????" A power filter can be fitted to the power bus of the radio stack. You can see similar devices attached to most car stereo power leads for just this reason.
- KR> Ignition noise Kenneth L Wiltrout
- KR> Ignition noise Brian Kraut
- KR> Ignition noise Stephen Jacobs
- KR> Ignition noise Kenneth L Wiltrout
- KR> Ignition Noise JIM VANCE
- KR> Ignition Noise Kenneth L Wiltrout
- KR> Ignition Noise StRaNgEdAyS
- KR> Ignition noise JIM VANCE
- KR> Ignition noise Kenneth L Wiltrout
- KR> Ignition noise Kenneth L Wiltrout
- KR> Ignition noise Brian Kraut
- KR> Ignition noise Wood, Sidney M.