ronger but heavier. I would
certainly check around your area for spruce availability, but spruce needs to
meet some pretty stringent criteria (including the way it's harvested comes to
mind) to be graded "aircraft". As you suggest you could use Aircraft spruce in
the spars and lon
Or maybe why it chose you!)
Please send submissions to, and thanks!"
Looks like Larry and Luis's hard work got some results!! Congrats guys!!
Rick Human
KRnet mailing list
I used a "Dual XGPS" Bluetooth receiver. Worked well.
-Original Message-
Sent: Apr 19, 2022 5:10 PM
To: KRnet
Subject: KRnet> Foreflight GPS
What are people using for the gps input into an iPad using foreflight
Lee Van Dyke
KRnet mailing list
he Sling! Show me! :-)
Rick Human
-Please see LIST RULES and KRnet info at
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Instead of reinventing the wheel check out the Sling 4 it's a 4 place kit out
of S. Africa that utilizes a 115 hp Rotex as the base engine. Half a dozen US
Rick Human
KR2 N202RH
-Original Message-
From: KRnet
Sent: Dec 12, 2021 2:56 PM
Subject: KR>Re: 4-S
ual? Got a photo?
Griff Pickett
KR2 project
-Original Message-
From: Rick Human via KRnet
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 12:43 PM
To: KrNet
Cc: Rick Human
Subject: KR>Stuff for sale
1. Continental 0-200 ($2500.00)
* Removed from Cessna 150
* Time Since Major Overhaul: 15
), vacuum pump,
Marvel-Schebler carb.
and old Slick mags
* Will include a TAF Oil Filter Adapter and Prop Extension.
2. Set of Rosenhaus (Matco) 5.00x 5" wheels and brakes - Unused $250 (@ half
3. MicroAire Transceiver w/connector 2-1/2" dia. $400.00
Contact Rick
Looks like Vari/Long Eze legs to me.
Rick Human
KR-2 N202RH
-Original Message-
From: KRnet
Sent: Aug 15, 2021 5:31 PM
Subject: KR>gear legs
As to our discussion on gear legs, does anyone have info on this nice looking
KR in Poland?
to get
the aircraft in a condition you are comfortable with. Folks have posted
pictures on what it takes to convert. Seek them out!
Rick Human
KR2 N202RH
Houston, Tx
Ps please trim your text of past posts.
-Original Message-
>From: "Dr. Feng Hsu via KRnet"
>Sent: Sep
Nope just plain ole white! Sorry to spoil the visual! Glad you got a chuckle.
-Original Message-
>From: Oscar Zuniga via KRnet
>Sent: Jul 3, 2019 12:34 AM
>To: ""
>Cc: Oscar Zuniga
>Subject: KR> cover material
>Rick wrote-
>>I used a table pad that goes und
I think all you have to do is shim up the main gear until level. The shims will
be counted as part of your "Tare" as well as wheel chocks.
Rick Human
KR2 N202RH
Houston, Texas
-Original Message-
>From: Stef den Boer via KRnet
>Sent: Sep 7, 2018 11:23 AM
>To: KRnet
The reason is that you have to maintain a 15 degree angle to the
relative wind.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: KR> "Shreg" went off the end of the runway
> The VGs come with a templat
vented the modern aircraft propeller. Every maker seems to have his own
methods of measuring, airfoils, platform, etc. all of which contribute to
the (prop's) success or failure in the real world.
When I plugged in my numbers the results (dia & pitch) are the same as what
Streba sug
Barnaby Wainfain in his "Wind Tunnel" column in the latest Kitplanes (Dec.
'06) covers this very subject. It's an interesting article and worth your
time reading.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
Kitplanes (
website, you may be able to access the info online.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
From: "Myron (Dan) Freeman"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Aileron trailing edge question
> Well, give us a h
r Dan's original question - nobody is matching the published KR
Remember these are averages and the data is "as reported" with no effort to
verify the numbers.
F.Y.I. - copy and paste the data off of Mark's website and paste into
Excel - you can then sort and run any
Could it be Ethanol related?
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Jones"
To: "Randy Smith" ; "KRnet"
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: KR> Update
> No, this was an Ellison factory gasket and diaphragm. Elli
t is feasible
or not.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: KR> KR2 with C65 Engine
> Yes, the mount will fit the whole small Continental series. However, the
> mounting pads are different for the O
Oh and add another 20 lbs. minimum for battery, wiring, voltage regulator
and wiring.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
hed that an LSA KR would not still be a KR - I don't
remember taking a vote!
BTW Dana is building a RV-7 not a 8.
Now can we play nice and quit trying to divide the list into opposing camps?
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Friday, Ju
ing on
Joe Flechtner.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
From: "Peter Diffey"
To: "krnet"
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 4:40 PM
Subject: KR> Re> Joe Flechtner's Anchorage to Oshkosh Trip
> Hi ,
> I read Joe's report of flying to Oshko
Yes and
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
From: "Ron Butterfield"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: KR&
head may not work.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
From: "Brian Kraut"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 10:44 PM
Subject: RE: KR> spare altimeter?
> I have a few of them. I'll throw one in my truck. Give me a call
I would also suggest that you get the books by Tony Bingelis - there are
four and available from EAA - well worth the price and just filled with
practical tips for any body building an aircraft. From some one who built @
8 (or more) aircraft himself.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original
Actually the "bleeder" ( a misnomer) should be the low point as the
customary method is to use it as the "input" for the fluid - you need to
pump from the bottom to the top in aircraft applications - that forces all
the air in the callipers, lines and master cylinders out o
Which one did you end up with they offer an awful lot of choices?
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Langford"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: KR> great afternoon
Mine was prone
> to serious
Jeff what angle did you set the new Stab?
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2005 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Jeff Scott's Modifications - Early Flight test results
> Stability: The larger 8 foot span horizontal stab is absolutely
> fabulous. >
> Jeff Sc
Only problem with Killeen is that it is usually affected by GB's schedule -
His ranch is near and when he's there it become a no fly zone - do you know
the procedure when F-16's appear off your wing?
- Original Message -
From: "Robert L. Stone"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Monday, September 12, 200
Mark - I'm not an A&P but you may be referring to Vaughan Askue's "Flight
Testing Homebuilt Aircraft" (Iowa State University Press) he has a chapter
on Pitot-Static systems and on pg. 124 talks about placing "Dams" around the
static ports for corrections - the dams only have to .010" high and one i
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Langford"
To: "KRnet"
Cc: "Corvair engines for homebuilt aircraft"
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:10 PM
Subject: KR> N56ML flies!
> See for details...
> Mark Langford, H
Congratulations Mark - but do us all a favor and stay on top of the airport
for 5 to 10 hours these things don't glide far!
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Jones"
To: "KR Net" ; "Corvaircraft"
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 4:32 PM
Today, March 20, 2005 at exa
I'm sharing a T hangar with a VP2 - They both fit with out a lot of
trouble - there are about 3 different configruations that have worked for
us - Were on a private grass strip @ 25 mi west of Houston and we pay
$198/mo. for a two year old hangar - on a cement slab with electricity (as
part of the
Or you can go to the Hobby Shop and get the next smaller size of music wire
to replace the pin. Tried it both ways and the smaller size is easier and
gives better results.
- Original Message -
From: "Brian Kraut"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:00 PM
Subject: KR> cowl h
If you ever had to put out >$4k in medical tests to satisfy the FAA you
would know why.
- Original Message -
From: "Randy Smith "
To: "gleone" ; "KRnet"
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Is a KR1 a LSA?
> build a 160 mph plane down to 130 mph?
but I think you
> going to have a hard time convincing the (friendly) FAA that a KR will
> fit.There are to many already out there and they have a reputation for
> speed.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Rick Human"
> To: "KRnet"
> Sent: Saturday,
a few feet to the wing, or better
> >> yet,
> >> a few feet to the stubs, you could easily have a stall speed under 50.
> >>
> >> Brian Kraut
> >> Engineering Alternatives, Inc.
> >>
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> &g
s - he was saying
that Light Sport Aircraft could not be equipped - I disagree - I believe the
45k stall speed is the max stall in a clean condition.
I believe that a KR-2 can be built and flown in the Light Sport category
with very little modifications and without any new or added FAA invol
one KR-2 and that was built and licensed by Ken Rand - All others are (Your
name ) KR-2 etc. and all are unique aircraft.
I also pressed the FFA rep on flaps - he emphatically stated the aircraft
could not be equipped - all the while showing pictures of Kitfoxes and
Zenith 701's.
Experimental Amateur
built - which is actually more advantageous in that you can qualify for a
Repairman's Certificate for that aircraft. A KR (in my opinion) might if
properly built and equipped meet the LSA criteria for Weight, top speed and
stall speed.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Me
bad bond - it really
doesn't take much heat to do this either. I had the same problem with my
aileron mounting - it works and works well.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
From: "Dennis Mingear"
To: "KRnet"
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 9:55 AM
but maybe next year - hope to have pictures
later. (unfortunately the photographer (me) was out of place for the take
off - so a enactment of the first flight will have to be staged ! :-)
PS: no PIO's encountered but the test pilot did think that the rudder is
overly powerful.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
OK - I'll make it three - very nice! - but how well is a black mouse going
to show up on a black airplane? :-)
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
From: "Dana Overall"
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 8:06 PM
Subject: RE: KR> Off the couch
> Oh c
foil antenna with a baud (no ground plane required) - I ended up building
one and placing it in the inside surface of the turtledeck.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Jones"
To: "KR Net"
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2004 3:09 PM
Subject: KR> Gr
endorsement. So unless you have those two additional pieces in your pocket
you can't build a KR1-B and thumb your nose at the FAA while flying with out
a medical (how every satisfying that might be).
Take it for what it's worth.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
" springs "may" impose on
the rudder.
Rick Human
Houston, Texas
- Original Message -
From: "Dan Heath"
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 8:22 PM
Subject: RE: KR>Rudder Cables.
What is a rudder bar? Why would anyone, in flight, exert so much p
Yes I did - seemed to work well - it was originally described by the Rutan
folks - one of his hired guns - if I remember right weight a gallon of
featherfil and a gallon of ez poxy - guess which is lighter. Smooth prime
hadn't made it to the market yet. Anyway that's the way I finished mine - it
Dana - have you been keeping tabs on the hours invested to this point - be
interested in what's its taken so far.
- Original Message -
From: "Dana Overall"
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 7:17 AM
Subject: KR>It's Friday...My factory:-)
> Sorry general, subject line just a play on w
Another trick is to take your soldering iron and heat the head of the steel
machine screw that you think may have epoxy in the threads - doesn't take a
lot of heat to soften the epoxy enough to allow the screw to back out.
- Original Message -
From: "larry flesner"
To: "KR builders and pi
Darren the "Continental Maintenance and Overhaul Manual" I have list the
max. CHT for an A75 at 550F and is the same for all the "A' models from the
A50 thru the A80.
- Original Message -
From: "Darren Pond"
To: "KR builders and pilots"
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 6:14 PM
Subject: KR>CHT
I believe the "female" version of the Long eze uses a NACA duct for it's
intake and cooling air intake. By "female" I mean the version with the flush
intakes rather than the plans suggested "P51" intake between the main gear
legs. Most of the "eze's" I seen seem to be using the flush version. Find
50 matches
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