Przemysław Czerpak writes:
I am with problem here.
Function Main
Error DBCMD/1015 Argument error: RDDSETDEFAULT
Called from RDDSETDEFAULT(0)
Is a problem of RDD LetoDb correct?
Yes, it's LetoDb problem.
add to letodb/source/client/leto1.c just befor
thanks for comments.
Probably you haven't used compiler which needs HB_DATASEG_STARTUP
initialization like MSC or OpenWatcom so it was not necessary to
register to change registration code. But here I only guess.
Yes, I still use Bcc5.5.
Hi All,
for a few years I use for Harbour Linux console applications the
gtcrs, but last time more and more new distributions goes with UTF8
coding and gtcrs doesn't show national characters ( possibly, ncursesw
should be used instead of ncurses, but this is other issue ).
Which gt can I
I've renamed few HwGUI's functions, including deletefile(), adding to
them "hwg_" prefix.
Regards, Alexander.
I'm trying to compile my application with MSVC, and it returns me the errors
below, someone would give me a tip to avoid this error?
Note: Both the Harbour as Hwgui been
Viktor Szakáts writes:
Hi All,
Is there any important feature still missing from hbmk2?
Yes - documentation :), at least, very basic.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
> BTW, if there is anything unclear/incomplete in the current help, please
speak up,I'd like to make it usable.
Ok. The main thing, which is unclear for me from the help is about scripts.
What are .hbm files, are they different from .hbp ?
Are the "libs", "cflags", "ldflags", "libpaths", "gu
Hi All,
Application Internal Error - C:\letodb\bin\letodb.exe
Terminated at: 2009.05.18 17:22:09
Unrecoverable error 1010: hb_cdxIndexPageRead: Read index page failed.
The internal errors may be a problem for any kind of "NETRDD", they
cause terminating of server's program in case of tables
Hi All,
Application Internal Error - C:\letodb\bin\letodb.exe
Terminated at: 2009.05.18 17:22:09
Unrecoverable error 1010: hb_cdxIndexPageRead: Read index page failed.
The internal errors may be a problem for any kind of "NETRDD", they
cause terminating of server's program in case of tables
Hi All,
for a long time I used Click to format prgs, but last time I get
some problems with it and became to look for something other. The only
one I've found is xMate, but it isn't convenient for me, because it
doesn't include formatter as a standalone utility and to format a file,
I need
Yesterday I was thinking of committing a recently written
reindentor :)
I had a feeling that I must hurry :)
Not a full blown formatter (like my tool 'DST'
was trying to be, written 17 years ago), but it can change
indentation (including continued lines), it assumes a properly
and consistent
Hi Alexander and All,
I ported Click to Harbour for use on Linux. The code is untested on
Windows but may compile and run. Added "Calls to" information in
function headers and made stand alone executable. Need to update code
in few days but current source and bin is posted on Googl
Hi All,
Since the automated procedure has been mailed only the Changelog entry
header here, I post the whole entry ( possibly it's needed to update the
doc/howtosvn.txt ):
2009-05-25 10:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin
+ utils/hbformat
+ utils/hbformat/hbformat.prg
+ utils/hbformat/hbforma
Just try to format hbformat.prg.
C:\dev\harbour_bcc\bin\>hbformat.exe hbformat.prg
Initialization error 3 on line 75 : nLineVar = -1
That was an error reading the hbformat.ini, the program didn't
undestand the -1 value.
Now it's fixed.
Regards, Alexander.
* utils/hbformat/hbformat.ini
+ utils/hbformat/hbformat.hbm
* utils/hbformat/hbformat.prg
* utils/hbformat/Makefile
! Added SVN props.
+ Added hbformat.hbm (hbmk2 make file).
% Deleted forced MT mode from Makefile (not needed for hbformat)
! Separated C code from .prg.
> If you can submit the smallest possible code fragments which display the
> bad behavior, it would help the debugging process.
Ok. Below are two samples.
1) The code:
// --
DATA aRecs// line1
// line2
Was looking at hbformat.exe (r11148 bcc32)
and trying to see if there is a command line help
I executed the following in the harbour bin directory:
hbformat ?
The eager program started converting ALL files in that
directory, did that very quick (before I had the chance
to stopped it), an
Hi All,
as I wrote before, I overloaded hb_errInternal() in letodb source
file. Bcc and Linux gcc accepted this normally, but mingw gives error -
multiply definition of hb_errInternal. Is there any way to solve this
problem ?
Regards, ALexander.
Massimo Belgrano writes:
I try a reply with information that i know.
You can't overload a function (hb_errInternal) but a module object
represented by entire file prg.
hb_errInternal() is the only function in the module ( errint.c ) - at
least, at the version of Harbour I use, so I supposed
Petr Chornyj writes:
I think you can try with
gcc ... -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition
Yes, this helps, thanks.
Now there is other problem - letodb.exe, compiled with mingw, doesn't
run, it gives a message ".dll isn't found" (
is a sequence of casual non character symbols ). Does
Viktor Szakáts writes:
There should also be hb_errInternalRaw() (also public function) in
that source file.
"allow multiple definition" is very dubious to me, as there it's very difficult
to know for sure which of the multiple definitions will actually be effective
at runtime.
I supposed that
This is the only working solution, unless we move the other
function to a separate function inside Harbour source tree.
I'll do that.
Probably, it isn't needed. I added the modified errint.c to letodb
sources, it looks now like the following ( without headers ):
static BOOL bErrHandlerRu
Now there is other problem - letodb.exe, compiled with mingw, doesn't
run, it gives a message ".dll isn't found" (
is a sequence of casual non character symbols ). Does
anyone know why this could happen ?
It's solved. I've made an error in a Makefile ( I still don't
understand clear eno
> BTW, is there anything missing to use hbmk2 to build letodb?
I don't know, I didn't tried it yet.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
> Attached new ones after minor update, this way it's enough to do this
> to create both targets:
Thank you, Viktor. I'll try it.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
> hbmk2 letodb.hbp rddleto.hbp
I've copied these two files to the letodb directory, executed this
command and got the following:
hbmk: Processing configuration: c:\harbour\bin\hbmk.cfg
hbmk: Processing: letodb.hbp
hbmk: Processing: rddleto.hbp
hbmk: Error: No source files were specified
thanks for the info. It's fixed now.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
Viktor Szakáts writes:
Attached new ones after minor update, this way it's enough to do this
to create both targets:
hbmk2 letodb.hbp rddleto.hbp
I've uploaded them with a minor modifications:
-oletodb -> -obin/letodb
-orddleto -> -olib/rddleto
The only problem I had is that I stil
Viktor Szakáts writes:
Hi Alexander,
'hbmk2 rddleto.hbp' results in this:
(after making work, it gave me the exact same result)
Hm... I didn't compile it with a MSVC for a long time ( I even
haven't MSVC ).
I'll try to check it. Thanks for the info.
Regards, Alexander.
Viktor Szakáts writes:
Two macro solutions and better (automatic) replacements:
#if ( defined( HARBOUR_VER_AFTER_101 ) )
#if defined( __HARBOUR__ ) && __HARBOUR__ > 0x010100
#elif defined( HARBOUR_VER_BEFORE_100 )
#if ! defined( __HARBOUR__ )
The problem is that __HARB
vatzct writes:
I can't build hwgui after reformat the hwinprn.prg, see below:
MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
c:\dev\harbour\bin\harbour.exe -iinclude;c:\dev\harbour\include -n
-q0 -w -es2 -gc0 source\hwinprn.prg -oobj\b32\hwinprn.c
source\hwinprn.prg(290) Error E0020
This needs 'HB_PRE10' to be #defined for pre-Harbour 1.0.0 releases:
#if defined( __XHARBOUR__ )
/* code for xhb */
#if ! defined( __XHARBOUR__ ) && defined( __HARBOUR__ )
/* code for harbour */
#if ! defined( __XHARBOUR__ ) && defined( __HARBOUR__ ) && defined( HB_PRE10
It can be quite easy resolved for both C .prg preprocesors.
For C code instead of:
#if defined( __HARBOUR__ ) && __HARBOUR__ > 0x010100
simply use:
#if defined( __HARBOUR__ ) && __HARBOUR__ - 0 > 0x010100
and for .prg code instead of:
#if defined( __HARBOUR__ ) .and. __HARBOUR__ > 0x010
One reason will be that new harbour version is better and more stable
and more powerfull
Harbour versions before 1.00 was quite stable, too. I, for example,
worked with the code, dated by 2008-01-25 ( don't know, what version it
is :) ) till last month and have migrated to 1.01 because ... I
> Would you mind adding this file to the letodb repository:
> ...
Thanks, I'll add it.
BTW, there are some problems with the letodb.hbp:
the letodb.exe, built with it ( bcc ) , creates a console box after
starting. I wanted to look at link options, but the only info is ( get with
> Maybe you run it with different parameters, or missed the output,
> but 'hbmk2 -traceonly letodb.hbp' should display even the content
> of the temp file above.
Yes, really, it's here.
> 2) Instead of -aa I'd recommend -gui which enables the same switch for
Ok. it works.
Now there is
After some testing the solution turned out to be that
rddleto.lib got included in letodb after the addition of rddleto.hbc,
which had this effect on the end results. Probably rooted in
some symbol name clashes.
Really. After updating the .hbp's it works properly. Thanks.
Regards, Alexander.
> I recommend this command to build the whole package, with test program:
> ---
> hbmk2 [-hb10|-xhb] rddleto.hbp letodb.hbp -target=teststest_ta.prg
> ---
I added this info to the readme.txt.
> This - and also x64 compatibility - can be fixed in
> source/client/leto1.c, by changing init section
> Find patch file attached.
Thanks, updated.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
> Perhaps, Alexander, now you are back on hwgui, you will take note?
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
thanks for provided files.
If it's okay with you, please commit attached hbmk2 make files for hwgui.
- I didn't deal with Linux targets, since I don't know anything about them.
Ok, I'll try to create appropriate .hbp myself.
Regards, Alexander.
You missed the hwgui.hbc file.
No, I didn't. It's on the place.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
I know the index to use so I can use SET SCOPE to set the range, now
I'm looking to the best way simulate WHERE ORDER BY
and LIMIT start, limit.
Any suggestion is welcome.
I had wrote a set of functions many years ago, which interprets the
full "select ..." query and execu
Yes please.
Sent to your private email.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
Here isn't join, subselect, acces to remote table and many othes things.
It doesn't support the keyword "JOIN" - probably, because this keyword
wasn't included in SQL standard at the time when it was written, but
it supports the join operation itself:
select table1.num,, ... fr
Now there is another problem: there are multiple versions of DBU
sources, the patch is for 5.2e version. (for RL it's 5.3, because I
cannot find 5.2e sources of it - If someone has them, could I
get it?)
5.2e and 5.3 sources of RL seems to be identical.
Regards, Alexander.
Davor Siklic writes:
Maybe we can include another dbu clone, Alexander's dbc come in mind
(Hello Alex :-))
Hi, glad to see you :)
I'm ready to provide dbc sources under common Harbour license.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
Many thanks for this offer, we can for sure place it inside
'examples/dbc'. Feel free to commit it, or I can do it if you
send me the files.
I'll commit it after reviewing and reformatting.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
Plus now also EOL conversion is
needed, which again doesn't seem to have an easy and portable
*nix command.
hbformat -nEol=2 -lIndent=no -lCase=no -lSpaces=no some_prg.prg
will change EOL to *nix without formating the content.
I can add an option to lowercase the filename, if needed :).
Does it work with wildcards?
$ hbformat -nEol=2 -lIndent=no -lCase=no -lSpaces=no *.prg
Yes, it does.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
> Now our .dif files need native EOL (=hb_osNewLine()) format,
> while -nEol=2 seems to set fixed LF format. Can you add an
> option to convert to native EOL format?
I'll do it.
Regards, Alexander.
> Opinions from others? We need something more than
> silence :)
I vote for this Sourecforge based phpBB forum.
PhpBB is, IMO, a very good engine, convenient to use. We shouldn't occupy
the comp.lang.clipper, it is intended for other issues and is a common
territory for Clipper and all Clipper cl
> I found small problem in debbuger
> when try to locate some text in source file debbuger chrashed:
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
> There has been a Harbour Developers forum created on
> the Forums.
> I'm not sure this is a very good idea, as it will split
> development flow and information between this list and
> the forum. So, for developers it can mean double effort
> to track what's happening and potentially lost or mi
I believe that this list isn't an appropriate place for HwGUI specific
issues. It will be better to use HwgUI developers mailing list ( to subscribe: ) or the users
forum: http://sourcefor
> Hi Alexander,
> I've tested latest rev on darwin, with CRLF input files and -nEol=0
> option, and the converted files still have CRLF, while hb_osNewLine()
> returns Chr( 10 ) on darwin.
> What could be the problem?
Fixed now. I was too lazy to check it on the Linux :).
BTW, now I discov
are there objections to make functions from rtl/errorapi.c (
hb_errNew(), hb_errPutGenCode(), ... ) HB_EXPORT ?
This could allow to build as dll third party RDD's, etc.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
I'm attaching patch. Alexander please look at it.
Thanks, Przemek, I'll review them.
I'll need to add some code to provide compatibility with older Harbour
versions and xHarbour.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
Hi Przemek,
This time it may be really hard.
Maybe it will be better to keep current code for older version and
start new branch.
This way looks unacceptable for me, at least now. I haven't energy and
time enough to support two versions of code.
For now I've solved the problem partially
I updated the patch so now LETO can be compiled also by Harbour
and probably also by old Harbour though I haven't restored wrong
casting for [const] char|BYTE * strings so C++ some compilers
may refuse to compile LETO with xHarbour or old Harbour header files.
With C compilers it should work.
I've just merge it with you recent leto CVS update.
It cleans nearly all GCC/MinGW warnings except few ones which
I think you should pacify yourself because they may be source
of real errors and I would only hide them. See below.
It also updates for UNICODE compilation in windows and cl
Hi All,
Maybe, this issue was discussed already, but ...
This code gives an error with Harbour, but works with Clipper:
PRIVATE arr[10], r
arr[1] := "OO"
r = 'arr[1]'
&r += '*'// Runtime "Syntax error: &" with Harbour
? arr[1], r
Return Nil
Is this error or a f
Hi Xavi,
Hi Alexander,
A small variation if it helps. :)
I believe, that there are different ways to eliminate the problem (
each situation, which haven't ways out, have, at least, two ways out :) ).
The point is - compatibility.
One user from Russian Harbour forum write this sample as
> I'll analyze deeper the problem and I'll fix it to make Harbour
> fully Clipper compatible. Probably in next week.
Thank you.
Regards, Alexander.
Harbour mailing list
Pls find attached patch for letodb. Changes:
- Added *nix support to hbmk2 make files.
- Added HUISO to server CP list.
- Fixed -w3 warnings.
Instead of __LINUX__ macro, it's be probably better to
use __PLATFORM__UNIX, which is automatically defined by
Thanks, Viktor.
Uploaded, few
Just noticed I missed to add HB_CODEPAGE_HUISO to
the Harbour branch, to line #107 of server.prg, could
you add it?
BTW, I've added to include all codepages
in Harbour rev 11797, maybe it'd be the best to use it
with these versions.
Regards, Alexander.
first of all - Happy New Year to all of you!
I need to write few new socket functions, but have some problems with
This module introduces a special structure HB_SOCKET_STRUCT, which
returns to harbour level socket functions.
To get this structure as a parameter it uses macro HB_PA
On Saturday, December 29, 2007, 13:12 Alexander S.Kresin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ASK> The second problem is with hb_inetSocketFinalize.
ASK> I wrote few C socket functions, which uses that HB_SOCKET_STRUCT and for
ASK> be able to compile them include all definitions from hbin
On Jan 8, 2008 8:40 AM, Lorenzo Fiorini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I need to start several instances of the same Harbour app and I'd like
to create an html "console" interface to see which are running.
Googling I've found a way to dot it.
Is this safe?
I think, yes.
But isn't it simpler
Lorenzo Fiorini:
On Jan 9, 2008 10:53 AM, Alexander S.Kresin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
But isn't it simpler to use getpid() to determine the pid of a process
instead of forking it ?
Probably yes but I didn't find viable examples.
As I have understood just now, you nee
Lorenzo Fiorini:
On Jan 9, 2008 10:53 AM, Alexander S.Kresin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
But isn't it simpler to use getpid() to determine the pid of a process
instead of forking it ?
Can hb_fsPOpen in source/rtl/filesys.c be a start?
Hm... I don't see how the hb_f
Hi All,
this is a short code fragment, which gives results, strange for me ( or
I worked too much today ? :) )
#include ""
function main
Local o
o := HTest():New()
Aadd( HTest():aObjects, o )
? Ascan(HTest():aObjects,o)// 0 ()
? Ascan(HTest():aObjects,{|
On Thursday, January 10, 2008, 17:33 Przemyslaw Czerpak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PC> It's correct. ASCAN() uses EQUAL comparison not EXACTLY EQUAL comparison.
That's clear.
What I don't understand - how two objects can be EXACTLY EQUAL and in
the same time NOT simply EQUAL.
On Thursday, January 10, 2008, 20:42 Przemyslaw Czerpak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> What I don't understand - how two objects can be EXACTLY EQUAL and in
>> the same time NOT simply EQUAL.
PC> Ask Clipper authors why:
PC> a:={}; ? a==a
PC> shows .T. and:
PC> a:={}; ? a=a
PC> causes
Hi All,
I do some work, which I plan to upload to Sourceforge as a new project
with the same licence as Harbour.
It includes, among other things, code from hbinet.c and net.c - I was
need to rework them for purposes of my project.
Does the licence allow me to include that code to other files
Phil Barnett пишет:
On Wednesday 23 January 2008 01:56:31 am Alexander S.Kresin wrote:
Hi All,
I do some work, which I plan to upload to Sourceforge as a new project
with the same licence as Harbour.
It includes, among other things, code from hbinet.c and net.c - I was
need to rework them
If you will duplicate HBINET cod in other project then such extension
will not work for you so I strongly suggest to invest time in updating
Harbour API. If you present what you exactly need then I can help in
this job.
I'd prefer to not duplicate hbinet.c and make all necessary
Przemyslaw Czerpak writes:
And, finally, and this is what, probably, will not be suitable for
others - I got rid of the HB_SOCKET_STRUCT and appropriate stuff, so the
sockets are directly passed as parameters and returned, assuming that
included in HB_SOCKET_STRUCT things may be moved to Harb
Maurilio Longo writes:
very interesting!
Is your server using .dbf/.cdx files?
Harbour mailing list
Phil Barnett writes:
Are we ready to do another beta release?
Why Beta, Phil ?
It has no a big importance for me how the current version is called,
simply I don't see any reason to consider it Beta.
Harbour mail
Massimo Belgrano writes:
your project support optimized set filter?
I don't sure what kind of optimization are you mean.
The server which I write, supports, of course, server-side filtering -
so it may be called "optimized" :).
I have an application who made intensive use of ads optimized
On Thursday, January 24, 2008, 17:14 Przemyslaw Czerpak
The C level socket API is used in client part, because the RDD is
written on C. I don't see serious problem here, too, because I'm sure
that in the case of necessity appropriate separated parts can be easily
Massimo Belgrano writes:
I confirm it was at
Now the link is broken.
As name for upcoming project I suggest netrdd in honor to Przemek's
original Idea
Hm... NETRDD is a RDD, not a server.
And probably, Przemek will decide to implement it himself at some time,
Hi All,
I tried to test the hbini module and have no success.
This short sample:
Function Main
Local aIni := HB_IniRead( "a1.ini" )
where a1.ini is:
gives an error:
ERROR BASE/ Argument error: LEN
Called from LEN(0)
Called from HB_INIRDLOW(154)
Called from HB_INIRE
Lorenzo Fiorini writes:
On Jan 25, 2008 11:13 AM, Alexander S.Kresin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I tried to test the hbini module and have no success.
I've tried it under Linux/Fc8 and I see the "Ok".
After rebuilding Harbour with latest sources ( previous was
On Friday, January 25, 2008, 23:46 Szakбts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
SV> Just an idea (if NETRDD is occupied):
SV> After all I see no reason why an RDD couldn't have
SV> a server and a client part and still called an RDD.
SV> (the client part would have to called R
Hi All,
finally I've created this project and uploaded initial files to CVS -
Release packages are available, too - and
There are server itself, rdd and management utility - this one is
written for HwGUI, bu
Szakáts Viktor writes:
Hi Alexander,
Great stuff again, thanks a lot.
Would it help you to eliminate net.c, if I'd create
a C level version of NETNAME()?
Yes, of course, but I will still need to leave it for some time for
those, who don't use latest code and for xHarbour users.
On Thursday, January 31, 2008, 19:47 Szakáts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
SV> [ ... ]
SV>* source/rtl/net.c
SV>* include/hbapi.h
SV> + Added hb_netname() and hb_username() low level versions
SV>of NETNAME() and hb_USERNAME().
Thanks, Viktor.
Pritpal Bedi writes:
Hello Alexander
Alexander S.Kresin wrote:
finally I've created this project and uploaded initial files to CVS - Release packages are available,
too - and letodb-0.1.src.tar.gz.
I need write permission
Hi All,
it become more and more difficult for 3-rd party products developers
to fight with differences between Harbour and xHarbour and between
versions of the same compiler.
Just a couple of examples.
1) At() - hb_At() issue in Harbour. As a result now we have At() in
xHarbour and in of
On Saturday, February 02, 2008, 22:53 Szakбts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 2) Recently the base workarea structure was changed in xHarbour. You
>> know that every RDD have it's own workarea structure with first
>> fields from a basic and some other, specific for this RDD, after the
>> bas
Mario H. Sabado writes:
I got the following error building LetoDB Manager. Thanks for any help.
[ ... ]
> Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TRACELOG' referenced from
Someone forgot to remove his ( xHarbour specific ) debugging stuff
from HwGUI code.
I've found accidentally this message on a, but it's absent in my mailbox.
Przemyslaw Czerpak writes:
> Now I suggest to use HB_AT() and add to your project HB_AT() function
> for xHarbour build until xHarbour will not support it.
> #ifdef __XHARBOUR__
Hi All,
next build of a Leto db Server is uploaded to Sourceforge.
Al incompatibilities with different Harbour/xHarbour versions are
eliminated. Fixed few bugs, added few basic methods.
Those, who use latest Harbour sources, need to change library names in
It would be very int
On Friday, February 08, 2008, 5:12 Przemyslaw Czerpak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PC> Brian, can you ask extended system if we can have ace.h in
PC> our SVN/CVS repositories?
I had requested for such permission in December, 1999. And I got an
answer from them, which I immedeately posted to thi
Hi All,
have we a C level error api ? In other words, are there C level
functions to catch up errors, which on prg level we handle with BEGIN
Harbour mailing list
On Sunday, March 02, 2008, 12:44 Lorenzo Fiorini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
LF> Could __HRBLOAD get the input from a string?
Yes. The first parameter may be a filename or a string with hrb
Przemyslaw Czerpak writes:
And second thing. I would like to ask someone to control the release
process. Can some of you do it?
If you mean creating release and packages on a Sourceforge - I can.
What I don't know is how to tag the SVN as I did this with CVS.
All basic RDD functionality has been implemented. Relations, orderListAdd,
orderListClear has been added.
The server works im multithread mode now. First thread listen sockets,
accept connections and answers to commands, which doesn't demand database
access and Harbour's VM/stack functions.
99 matches
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