This is the only working solution, unless we move the other
function to a separate function inside Harbour source tree.
I'll do that.

Probably, it isn't needed. I added the modified errint.c to letodb sources, it looks now like the following ( without headers ):

static BOOL   bErrHandlerRun = 0;
extern leto_errInternal( ULONG ulIntCode, const char * szText, const char * szPar1, const char * szPar2 );

void hb_errInternalRaw( ULONG ulIntCode, const char * szText, const char * szPar1, const char * szPar2 )

   if( szPar1 == NULL )
      szPar1 = "";

   if( szPar2 == NULL )
      szPar2 = "";

   if( !bErrHandlerRun )
      bErrHandlerRun = 1;
      leto_errInternal( ulIntCode, szText, szPar1, szPar2 );
      FILE * hLog;
      hLog = hb_fopen( "letodb_crash.log", "a+" );

      if( hLog )
         fprintf( hLog, "Unrecoverable error %lu: ", ulIntCode );
         if( szText )
            fprintf( hLog, "%s %s %s\n", szText, szPar1, szPar2 );
         fclose( hLog );


void hb_errInternal( ULONG ulIntCode, const char * szText, const char * szPar1, const char * szPar2 )
   hb_errInternalRaw( ulIntCode, szText, szPar1, szPar2 );

   /* release console settings */

   if( hb_cmdargCheck( "ERRGPF" ) )
       int *pGPF = NULL;
       *pGPF = 0;
       *(--pGPF) = 0;

   exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

bErrHandlerRun is used to prevent cycling if closing databases by leto_errInternal() will cause anouther internal error.

Quite strange, I've never seen that. Did you try to create letodb with
hbmk2? I would wonder if you'd get the same error. In case you do,
please post your MinGW version and -trace output.

 It's solved, as I just wrote.

Regards, ALexander.
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