Phil Barnett пишет:
On Wednesday 23 January 2008 01:56:31 am Alexander S.Kresin wrote:
Hi All,

  I do some work, which I plan to upload to Sourceforge as a new project
with the same licence as Harbour.
  It includes, among other things, code from hbinet.c and net.c - I was
need to rework them for purposes of my project.
Does the licence allow me to include that code to other files with
Harbour licence ? Must I designate Giancarlo Niccolai, Ron Pinkas,
Marcelo Lombardo, Przemyslaw Czerpak, Viktor Szakats, Luiz Rafael Culik
as copyright holders in the new files or it is enough to mention them as
original authors ?

You cannot remove their copyright from the files.

 Just to be clear: I don't want to infringe their interests in any way :).
If I include those files with my modifications in a new project - then the answer is clear - as yours.
 But I want to use parts of that code in other files.
 Just for example:

I need to include to my file aaa.c a function netname() from net.c, modified in such a way that it can be call from a C level - with a name aaa_netname(). Can I do this, or I must include the original net.c ?

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