Hi All,

Application Internal Error - C:\letodb\bin\letodb.exe
Terminated at: 2009.05.18 17:22:09
Unrecoverable error 1010: hb_cdxIndexPageRead: Read index page failed.
 The internal errors may be a problem for any kind of "NETRDD", they 
cause terminating of server's program in case of tables or index 
 Maybe, we could refuse of using the hb_errInternal() in RDD code, 
replacing it with a common error handler ? Or, at least, add a 
possibility to set a callback function in hb_errInternal(), to be able 
output some additional info about a problem ?
 After thinking a bit I've inderstood that the second option ( callback 
function ) isn't needed, because I can simply override hb_errInternal(), 
placing a function with this name in my code. In letodb such function 
may write to the log all necessary info ( a problem table name, for 
example ) and close all tables before terminating.
But, anyway, I believe that RDD code shouldn't use the hb_errInternal(). 
Replacing it with a standard error handler is a very hard and unpleasant 
work, though ...
Regards, Alexander.

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