On  Friday, January 25, 2008, 23:46 Szakбts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

SV> Just an idea (if NETRDD is occupied):

SV> After all I see no reason why an RDD couldn't have
SV> a server and a client part and still called an RDD.
SV> (the client part would have to called RDD anyway IMO)

SV> Brgds,
SV> Viktor

SV> On 2008.01.25., at 15:35, Massimo Belgrano wrote:

>> Netcsd    Net client server dbf
>> Dbf.net
>> Net.hds Harbour Database server by net

 I don't like such kinds of abbreviations, they pretend to be
 informative, but aren't informative in fact and are difficult to
 pronounce, to hear and to differ one from another. All those
 abcdeGUI and ghklmnRDD ...
 My first idea ( which presents in current code in form of server's
 welcome message and RDD methods prefixes ) was: "Harbour remote db
 server" for a server and rmtrdd ( rmt - remote ) for RDD. But I don't
 like it because of the above ( yet another ghklmnRDD ) and because I
 don't sure that 'remote' is a proper name.
 Now I want to call it 'Leto': 'Leto db server', letoRDD, rddleto.lib,
 letoSkipRaw() method ...
 'Leto' is a 'summer' on Russian.
 Why summer ? Because I like it and I miss it much :). Maybe because
 'Summer' was the first Clipper version, which many of us started
 Why on Russian ? I think that using of national languages gives
 additional colors. And because if it will be named 'Summer', everyone
 will ask 'Why Summer ? How it is related to the ...' :), while 'Leto' is a 
incomprehensible word
 for many people and will not cause such a questions :). And it is simple
 to pronounce and not unattractive for an ear.


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