> Would you mind adding this file to the letodb repository:
> ...

Thanks, I'll add it.

BTW, there are some problems with the letodb.hbp:
the letodb.exe, built with it ( bcc ) , creates a console box after
starting. I wanted to look at link options, but the only info is ( get with
-traceonly ):
ilink32.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\ALE\LOCALS~1\Temp\du48kl.lnk
and the du48kl.lnk is absent ( most likely, autodeleted ). I tried to set in
letodb.hbp options I use linking the letodb.exe:

-ldflag={bcc}-lGn -lTpe -laa

but it gives an error:
Fatal: Unable to open file 'TPE.LIB'

So, there are two questions:
how can I set the -lGn -lTpe -laa for a linker and is there a way to look at
used linker options ?

Regards, Alexander.


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