
Hi Alexander and All,

I ported Click to Harbour for use on Linux. The code is untested on Windows but may compile and run. Added "Calls to" information in function headers and made stand alone executable. Need to update code in few days but current source and bin is posted on Google Code under harbourclick.
harbourclick <>

As I wrote before, I used Click for a long time, but there are some problems ( maybe, bugs ), which forced me to look for other formatter.

Probably, because Click doesn't know about some Harbour's control structures, it moves comments to other lines sometimes.

The real problems for me bacames when I tried to set CASE_OF_FUNCTIONS=LIKEINFILE. I thought that Click simply makes case conversion due to click.ini function patterns, but it tried to autocomplete some of them - this, of course, caused bugs in my source files, which I could find not immedeately (:.

  These all should be cleaned before using it with Harbour.

Regards, Alexander.

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