I've found accidentally this message on a http://lists.harbour-project.org/, but it's absent in my mailbox.

Przemyslaw Czerpak writes:

> Now I suggest to use HB_AT() and add to your project HB_AT() function
> for xHarbour build until xHarbour will not support it.

>   #ifdef __XHARBOUR__
>      HB_FUNC( HB_AT ) { HB_FUNC_EXEC( AT ); }
>   #endif

This could be a decision if we had Harbour/xHarbour issue only. But what to do with Harbour distributions, including a latest offical release ? That's why we need an internal version number.

| >  2) Recently the base workarea structure was changed in xHarbour. You
| >  know that every RDD have it's own workarea structure with first
| >  fields from a basic and some other, specific for this RDD, after the
| >  basic, and this structure is kept in a new header file.
| >  Now, if I want to keep the Leto RDD working for both Harbour and
| >  xHarbour, it's latest and previous versions, I need to provide two
| >  header files and leave a note for users of latest xharbour to rename
| >  xrddleto.h to rddleto.h before compiling the RDD.

> And this I'd like to dedicate to you ;-)


[ ... ]
> In summary it seems to be xHarbour only problem and you should ask
> xHarbour developers about it.

 Patrick, Ron, Brian, are you hear us :) ?

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