Those differences are much too large to be rounding errors.
Are you sure that you are running identical models in mris_glmfit and SAS,
and that the data that you are testing in SAS is in fact what is being
processed in mris_glmfit (e.g., same degree of smoothing)?
-Mike H.
> Hello Everyone,
Here's an approach that I use for total brain volume (without the
Compute the total volume enclosed within the pial surface (mris_volume
lh.pial) and then subtract out the volume from the aseg.stats for the
Lateral-Ventricle and choroid-plexus). Repeat for both hemispheres, a
If you visualize the segmentation (aseg.mgz) in tkmedit you can see
exactly what is labeled Cerebral-White-Matter and Cerebral-Cortex based
on the volume (not the surface) segmentation.
As for the "Intracranial Volume" value in the preamble of the aseg.stats
file, that is a statistical estimate o
Hi Jidan,
The surface in the native space is given by ?h.white.
?h.sphere and ?h.sphere.reg provide the "mapping" of those vertices of
to a spherical representation, and registered spherical representation,
respectively. There are ways to get at the Jacobian of these
transformations if that is w
Hi Jidan,
It sounds to me that what you're asking is whether it is possible to
invert the "mapping" from {lh,rh}.white to {lh,rh}.sphere, but apply
that inversion to {lh,rh}.sphere.reg, thus generating a putative
"{lh,rh}.white.reg" surface. I'm not sure that operation is possible,
or if the resu
Hi Tori,
There is no way to investigate the interaction of two continuous effects
with the contrast vector alone, if the design matrix itself only
involves main effect terms. The interaction itself needs to be coded
into the design matrix.
Note that it can become tricky as to the proper coeffici
be set up to handle that (as
noted by Doug).
If by interaction you mean the product of two continuous main effects,
then that needs to be coded into the design matrix, and the caveats that
I mentioned become applicable.
Mike H.
On Wed, 2009-08-05 at 15:10 -0500, Michael Harms wrote:
You might want to check out the "DicomBrowser" as well, which can change
many files at a time (e.g., for an individual subject), although I don't
know if it can be made scriptable.
Mike H.
On Wed, 2009-08-05 at 15:31 -0400, Chris Wats
I assume that that flag (-washu_mprage) is somewhat antiquated, right?
That is, it was included for an older set of scans (generated at WashU
generated years ago before Siemens had its own MPRAGE sequence) that
happened to have darker gray matter, and doesn't need to be applied for
"modern" MPRAGE
disclosure, copying or the taking of any action in reliance on
> the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have
> received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender via
> telephone or return mail.
> On Aug 26, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Bruce Fischl
the same as
> that now used by Siemens.
> Nick
> On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 09:37 -0500, Michael Harms wrote:
> > No, our current "CAP" MPRAGE at WU on the 3T TimTrio is very similar to
> > the "ADNI" mprage, so that old flag shouldn't be used
which it is we have to try to figure out the contrast and noise
> characteristics (spgr has worse contrast and less noise)
> On
> Wed, 26 Aug 2009, Michael Harms wrote:
> >
> > Ok, now I'm confused again, because my understanding is that the Andre
> > v
gr and mprage (or neither,
> depending on your perspective). You're probably right that mp-rage is more
> common these days, but I think spgrs are still fairly widespread on GE.
> On Thu, 27 Aug 2009, Michael Harms wrote:
> >
> > So, are you saying that the
Your FDR analysis sounds correct. You probably have a rather small
number of "marginally" significant vertices, which is why none survive
FDR. You could try increasing the "q" value from say 0.05 to 0.1, in
which case 10% of the surviving vertices would be expected to be false
> On 10/16/2009 09:58 AM, Michael Harms wrote:
> > Your FDR analysis sounds correct. You probably have a rather small
> > number of "marginally" significant vertices, which is why none survive
No. They are the volumes in the subject's native space.
> Hi, there,
> Have those volume of ROIs in aseg.stats been TIV corrected?
> Thanks a lot!
> Guang
> _
> Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.
> h
Hello Jorge,
There is no such thing as a "corrected p-value" for a FDR analysis.
FDR returns a p-value threshold (for the original vertex or voxel-wise
p-values) such that if you threshold the data at that p-value, you can
expect on average that the fraction of false-positive vertices will be
To me, it makes much more sense to use mean cortical thickness as a
covariate for thickness-based analyses.
Mike H.
> Hi Mehul,
> the MNI group had an abstract showing that thickness didn't need eTIV
> correction at HBM a number of years ago, and it has been our experience
> as well.
rus measurement (pre-central gyrus in this example) with
> the mean cortical thickness. However, in most of the papers I have
> only seen age and gender used as co-variates.
> Thanks
> Mehul
> On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Michael Harms
> wrote:
Here is an approach that will be easier, and involves less back and
forth between the surface and volume-based streams (and thus should be
more accurate): Just use 'mris_volume' to get the volume of everything
enclosed by the pial surface, which if I recall correctly will include
the lateral vent
edit subjid T1.mgz lh.pial
> -aux-surface rh.pial): part of two important brain structures, amygdala
> and
> hippocampus, is not enclosed in the pial surface. Is there a way to
> resolve
> this issue?
> Thanks,
> Xiangchuan
> -Original Message-
> Thanks,
> Xiangchuan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Martin Reuter []
>> Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 13:34
>> To: Bruce Fischl
>> Cc: Michael Harms; Xiangchuan Chen;
What do "geometry differences" represent in the output of mri_diff?
i.e., What do the numbers in the following output from mri_diff
Volumes differ in geometry 1 4 0.15
Volumes differ in geometry 2 1 0.00
-Mike H.
Michael H
the message: in nii format, but I got the
reordering axes...
MRIreorder: incorrect dst width
error reordering axes
I've checked the archives, and read through the mri_convert help, but
just can't seem to figure out if reordering from one orientation to
another (without resampling
be able to do it with --reorder4 (and not
> --reorder) in combination with --out_orientation. --out_orientation
> should not resample.
> doug
> Michael Harms wrote:
> > Hello Doug,
> > Is it possible using mri_convert to just reorder the way in which the
> > d
On Fri, 2010-02-05 at 14:30 -0500, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> Michael Harms wrote:
> > Hi Doug,
> >
> > Is --reorder4 a new feature in one of the more recent releases?
> > (Currently, I'm using mri_convert from v4.1.0, and I don't see a --
> &
And for the comparison to be appropriate, you further have to make sure
that you are using the exact same main and interaction terms in SPSS as
are being used in QDEC. The mere presence of interaction terms in a model
can have big effects on the significance (or lack thereof) of the main
Hi Joost,
If you want to control for possible global differences in thickness,
then an appropriate covariate of some sort is need. To me, a logical
covariate for a thickness analysis is the mean cortical thickness, as
this is more directly related to the measure of interest than something
like th
Hi Massieh,
There were some posts related to this a while back.
If I recall correctly, the vertex-wise area measure (and likewise the
vertex-wise volume measure) is highly dependent on the local mesh
triangulation, and thus is not really a meaningful variable from a
biological perspective. So, yo
The data in aparc.stats contain surface area, gray matter volume, and
average thickness for whole regions, and are not intended for surface
display. If you want to analyze those regional values use
'aparcstats2table' and then import the data into your preferred
statistical package for further ana
Hello FS-list,
Could you please confirm the recommended current approach for
calculating the total cortical gray matter volume.
Based on the following Wiki page
I presume that the recommended calculatio
Hello List,
Just to clarify: I thought that the "total white matter volume"
statistic that is output as part of 'mris_anatomical_stats' is incorrect
and not to be used. Rather, I thought 'mris_wm_volume' was to be used
Also, while I'm posting on this issue, could someone please comm
The FS release notes for v3.0.5 state:
"mris_anatomical_stats produces incorrect results. There is no work-
around. A replacement for Linux is here. This fix will appear in the
next release."
Is the entire output of 'mris_anatomical_stats' incorrect, or just one
part of it? And, does the
tomical_stats, as called by
> recon-all, are correct for all distributed versions of Freesurfer.
> It is only if the argument is used, and a surface other
> than pial is specified, that the bug exposes itself.
> Sorry for the misinformation.
> Nick
There have been several mentions on this list of the intent to release a
new FS version later this summer. As an aid to those trying to decide
whether it is worthwhile to wait for the next version to start an
analysis of a new group of subjects, I thought it would be helpful to
know the fo
s that are output for that structure do not match
those in lh.aparc.stats except for average thickness.
Is a difference to be expected between the -a and -l approaches for
obtaining statistics via mris_anatomical_stats? What is the source of
this discrepancy?
Mike H.
Michael H
Hi Jorge,
I'll take a stab at this since it sounds like many of the FS developers
are out of town currently, but I'm just an FS user, so hopefully an FS
developer can confirm whether my response is accurate.
Each vertex on the pial surface has a one-to-one correspondence with
another vertex on th
Is there a convenient way using the FS tools/utilities to generate the
X,Y,Z coordinates of the path of the boundary of a specified
parcellation region on pial surface?
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
f the existing FS/Matlab 'read' functions that are already
available). But, if anyone already has existing code that they are
willing to share, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Is it possible to get a version of Freesurfer other than the most
In particular, I'm interested in getting a copy of v3.0.5
for the CentOS (RHEL 4) Linux platform.
Mike H.
Michael Harms,
as "During cortical parcellation, areas of the anterior cingulate cortex
(rostral anterior cingulate in the parcellation atlas), are mislabelled
as corpus callosum or "unlabelled subcortical". A fix for this is in the
works, possibly for the next release."
fix for what was described in the "Known Issues" of v3.0.5
> > as "During cortical parcellation, areas of the anterior cingulate cortex
> > (rostral anterior cingulate in the parcellation atlas), are mislabelled
> > as corpus callosum or "unlabelled subcortical"
ix that affects the
> >> volume
> >> > segmentation (aseg) or the surface parcellation (aparc)?
> >> >
> >> > Is that the fix for what was described in the "Known Issues" of v3.0.5
> >> > as "During cortical parcellation, areas of
1 under v4 but then switch to v3 for
autorecon2 & 3 so as to maintain compatibility with other subjects
processed under v3?
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
> Bruce
> On Thu, 11 Oct
> 2007, Doug Greve wrote:
> > It is not that important from a recon standpoint. However, if you intend to
> > report talairach coods, create an average surface, or use that talairach
> > transform in any way, it
report talairach coods, create an average surface, or use that
> talairach transform in any way, it will be a problem.
> doug
> Michael Harms wrote:
> >Hello,
> >We are running FS v3.0.5 on some elderly brains, and the talairach
> >transform (as assessed via tkr
rage) just twice as long?
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
Renard Hospital, Room 6615
I'm sure this is trivial, but I can't find the answer:
How do you dump the header contents of an mgz file to the terminal? How
about the optional information stored after the image data?
Mike H.
Michael H
Is this something that anyone else has noticed so far?
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
ate for previous stable releases? If so, it would be great if
the wiki contained links to those. If not, it might be helpful to
create such "snapshots" of the ReconAll flow table so that there is a
convenient place to access the process flow that is most accurate for
previous (non-develop
equired mov
and targ specifications with using the --xfm flag directly...
thanks for clarifying,
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Hi Jason,
Interesting to compare the two approaches -- I've thought some about the
issues involved in the past, so I'll add my $0.02 in the hope it might
benefits others on the list as well.
One conceptual potential note of caution: Because the aparc stats and
aseg stats are two very different pr
d values, the output is
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
Renard Hospital, Roo
t can do this, but I've tried without success to locate a Linux
executable that could do the same. Does anyone out there know of one?
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental
What is the role of the -noaparc flag in 'mris_make_surfaces' of FS v4?
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
> Hi Mike,
> if noaparc is not given, mris_make_surfaces will look for ?h.aparc.annot
> and read it in to determine what regions it should disable the deformation
> in to avoid crossing the midline.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007,
Just a brief addendum:
Our previous experience with -autorecon2 has been primarily with v3.0.5
(and thus v3.0.5 asegs, not 4.0.1 asegs as Matt initially indicated)
where we have never encountered this "nbrs" error during mri_fill. We
have just started processing some new brains through -au
can't be used on v3 processed data?
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
Renard Hospital,
it just D that is set to zero)?
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
Renard Hospital, Room 6615
inite or very
> close to singular areas)
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Fri, 21 Dec 2007, Michael Harms wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > I'm going back and running the jacobian analyses (using v4 recon-all) so
> > that I can look at distortion ar
ce Aseg Stats is not automatically rerun
as part of those flags.
Perhaps "set DoSegStats = 1" should be included as part of any flag that
results in new ?h.white surfaces?
Mike H .
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
elated, but this had no effect.
thanks for any insight,
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
Renard Ho
at a location
other than where the mouse cursor was located when the left-click was
performed. Consequently, I have a hard time getting the "Multiple
Orientations" view to display as I want. Is there a way around these
there an easy way to get the CC
segmentation while still preserving any previous aseg edits?
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medic
that are considered to correspond to cortical gray matter, based on the
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
accuracy of the talairach_with_skull.lta transform.
In your experience, is the the talairach_with_skull.lta transform always
reasonable, or does it sometimes fail (and if the latter, is the failure
rate version dependent?)
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
m the determinant of
"talairach_with_skull.lta". So, if we want to use the eTIV values as a
should we be verifying the accuracy of this transform? And if so, what would
the syntax be to do this in tkregister2 ?
is some
possibility of a bad talairach_with_skull registration (6 of 80 in this
particular subject set).
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School
While on the topic of future qdec versions:
Is there any plan to develop a qdec that would support simultaneous
analysis of the left and right hemisphere in a repeated measure type
framework? (e.g., so that you could easily create statistical maps of
the main effect of group, the main effect of h
Having previously saved a qdec-based analysis (i.e., "Design Name"), is
it possible to reload/review that analysis within qdec? (Is "Load
Project File" involved somehow?)
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
nderstand what I'm missing here.
Mike H.
P.S. Am I correct in presuming that the same 40 subjects were used for
the Desikan GCS atlas and for deriving the spherical registration (.tif)
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
ly different from the ones in our atlas (e.g. young kids maybe).
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Michael Harms wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > There have been numerous posts recently related to the creation of a
> > study specific "average
there probably isn't much difference, but
> there's really no reason *not* to visualize on the average anatomy of your
> subjects, except to make cross-study comparisons easier.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Michael Harms wrote:
of vertices as well.
thanks for your suggestions,
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
quot;ras" center of the volume will shift by 1 voxel in
physical space when you reverse the orientation of a given axis (given
the use of a 0-based volume indexing scheme). Correct?
Hope my questions are clear. I know that these various transformations
can be tricky to get just right.
my question is whether the "--label2path" option is supported, and
if so, how is it intended to be used? (The output message implies that
the path already has to be "encoded" somehow in the label file itself?)
Mike H.
Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Hi all,
Can anyone comment on the --label2path option of 'mri_path2label' and
how it is supposed to be used? (Or is that Doug's domain?)
Mike H.
I'm trying to get the vertices of the border/edge/boundary (whatever you
want to call it) of a contiguous, close
Just a thought, but I suspect that the volume is calculated as some
product of area * "thickness". Then, with the -t option, what FS is
using as thickness is now really the lgi value. So, the "volume" value
is really not appropriate in that case.
Mike H.
On Fri, 2008-05-09 at 15:28 +
I also need to compute a weighted average thickness across some of the
labels, so I went ahead and tested how FS empirically handles this
Let me say first off that Doug's recommendation of weighting by the
surface area (rather than number of vertices) is imminently reasonable
and in
Here is a related question prompted by this thread, perhaps based on a
misconception on my part:
I was under the impression that you are guaranteed to get surfaces with
an euler number of 2 under the "new" topology fixer of version 4 (which
runs by default if the "old" fixer does not initi
Mike H.
On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 15:03 -0400, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I think it is the case. Sorry, I haven't been following this thread. Do
> you find situations in which the corrected surfaces have the wrong
> topology?
> Bruce
Hi Paul,
Just as an aside, once you have a talairach_with_skull.lta file (whether
from v3 or v4), you can calculate eTIV as scale_factor/determinant(lta),
where the scale_factor employed is 2150.
Incidentally, using the -eTIV option of mri_label_volume, you can also
specify other transforms (e.g.
ases (4.0.3 or later)? Is the
difference in the GCA minor enough that it would be reasonable to
intermix data processed under 4.0.5 and 4.0.2, without needing to update
the v4.0.2 data? e.g., Does the difference have any relevant impact on
the subcortical segmentation?
Hi Chris,
Doug, please correct me if I'm wrong, but the original gm/wm
segmentation contained in aseg.mgz is based on the 3D volume-based
tissue segmentation. This original segmentation then forms the basis
for all subsequent additional segmentations of either GM or WM in the 3D
volume. That is,
Did you explicitly check the quality of talairach_with_skull.lta?
Also, what version of FS are you using?
We previously had encountered that error in 5 brains processed under FS
4.0.2, and all five of those had errant talairach_with_skull.lta
transforms. Generation of talairach_with_skull.lta wa
Now I've become confused.
ICV is based on the determinant of talaiarach_with_skull.lta, for which
the skull is not stripped. So, I've always assumed that basically
everything -- wm, gm, csf, cerebellum, dura, AND skull tissue -- all
"contribute" to the definition of the transform (using whatever
again (or ask
> Randy :>)
> Bruce
> On Thu, 4 Sep
> 2008, Michael Harms wrote:
> >
> > Now I've become confused.
> >
> > ICV is based on the determinant of talaiarach_with_skull.lta, for which
> > the skull is not stripped. So,
mricro is a handy viewer for instances where you've already used another
tool to create an explicit volume (e.g., Analyze, nifti format, etc).
For instances where you have a bunch of unorganized DICOMs, you may be
interested in trying out the DicomBrowser available from the
Neuroinformatics Gro
Hi Kelly,
See also these threads where I advocate using mean cortical thickness as
an appropriate covariate for a thickness analysis:
Mean cortical th
Sorry, my initial reply went to just to Laura, and not the list.
Forwarded Message
From: Laura Verga
To: Michael Harms
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Different slices number for control group
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 17:13:14 +0200
Hi MIchael,
thanks so much for your answer
I'll help Bruce out here :)
Panizzon et al, Cerebral Cortex, 2009, 19:2728-35
Winkler et al, Neuroimage, 2009 (in press)
On Wed, 2010-06-23 at 17:06 -0400, Matthew Ku wrote:
> Dear Prof
DODS: Different offset, different slope; This models (potentially)
differing slopes against the covar and allows you to check for a group-
by-covar interaction
DOSS: Different offset, same slope; This assumes that both groups have
the exact same slope against the covar (but differing intercepts).
'dcm2nii' would be another DICOM to nifti converter to try.
good luck,
On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 17:54 -0400, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> Sorry, I don't have an easy solution. I think philips does something
> that breaks our 3rd party dicom reader, so there's not an easy way for
> me to fix it. T
The 'fsledithd' utility (of FSL) can be used to edit the number of
frames (as well as a host of other fields) in a Nifti file.
On Wed, 2010-09-22 at 09:02 -0400, Douglas Greve wrote:
> Hi Tommi, that's going to be a problem because all the tools look at
> the number of frames to d
Posting this back to the list so that others can see your reply.
Forwarded Message
From: Jeff Sadino
To: Michael Harms
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Surface Area and Cortical Volume
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 17:29:45 -1000
Hi Michael,
After reading your answer
usage: mris_anatomical_stats [options] []
So, just end your command with the word 'pial'.
On Thu, 2010-09-30 at 17:09 +, Zhang, Yuning wrote:
> Hi,experts,
> I am trying to get the total surface area of pial surface using the
> following command,but it seems the default s
2010-09-30 at 18:23 +, Zhang, Yuning wrote:
> Does the surface area calculated here include the non-cortical area along the
> medial wall ?
> Thank you very much.
> ________
> From: Michael Harms []
> Sent: Th
Deniz mentioned "T2-SPACE" rather than the multi-echo MPRAGE (memprage).
Can you do something similar using the 3D T2-SPACE?
> Hi Deniz,
> yes, it should be in the mris_make_surfaces of that version. You need to
> run it with -dura memprage_echo%d.mgz 4
> where 4 is the
Hi Jay,
Permutation testing will give the most accurate results.
> Hi Experts,
> Which option is best to use: mc-z or perm?
> I have read that perm gives more accurate results than mc-z, as it uses
> the actual data rather than fake data to estimate the null distribution.
> When I
reesurfer Wiki is mute on the use of permutation,
> unless there is some tutorial I haven't found.
> How many permutations should one run?
> Any other helpful hints?
> Cheers...J
> On Mon Oct 11 9:05 , "Michael Harms" sent:
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