Sorry, my initial reply went to just to Laura, and not the list.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Laura Verga <>
To: Michael Harms <>
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Different slices number for control group
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 17:13:14 +0200

Hi MIchael,

thanks so much for your answer. Firstly: you're absolutely right about
the number of slices. My mistake. I meant 150. 
I will surely contact my physicist.

Thanks again and sorry for being imprecise. 

2010/6/8 Michael Harms <>
        Hi Laura,
        What do you mean in saying that the images of the control group
        taken from a "different acquisition session"?  Different
        subjects are
        always scanned in a different "session"...
        Assuming that all subjects were scanned on the same scanner, the
        differing number of slices in the acquisitions for the two
        groups could
        still be a major confound for a group comparison, depending on
        sequence used.  For example, with an MPRAGE acquisition, many k-
        lines are acquired during each "TR", so changing the number of
        will in principle change the contrast and spatial filtering
        of the acquisition, even if all other parameters are identical.
         In your
        case, the change in the number of slices is quite dramatic.  You
        probably need to talk to your local MR physicist regarding the
        that you used, the details of how it is implemented on the
        scanner, and whether a change in number of slices will affect
        contrast and spatial filtering due to the manner in which the
        sequence loops through k-space.
        BTW: 128 sagittal slices of 1 mm thickness is only 128 mm, which
        is not
        enough to cover the L/R dimension of a human head.  Were those
        the parameters?
        On Tue, 2010-06-08 at 10:50 +0200, wrote:
        >  Hi freesurfers!
        > We want to estimate the differences of cortical thickness
        between two
        > groups. The images of the control group are taken from a
        > acquisition session. the only differences would be the number
        > slices (200 vs 128).
        > It is still possible to compare the two groups?
        > Images were acquired on the sagittal plane on a 3T Phillips
        > SENSE coil, voxels 1x1x1,  matrix 256x256, T1 MPR.
        > Thanks so much for your time
        > Laura
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