Hi guys,
When running mri_cvs_register on linux (5.3.0), I get into problem with
mris_resample, which cannot find libboost_programs_options.so.5. I installed
the latest version of boost-1.52.0 for my system, but there are unresolved
Which version is suitable for mris_resample?
t; The version of libboost that we use for our latest release is 1.41.
> Lilla
> -----
> Martin Kavec Mon, 04 Nov 2013 14:10:53 -0800
> Hi guys,
> When running mri_cvs_register on linux (5.3.0), I get into problem with
> mr
u get the
> libboost libraries on your machine, the program will work properly.
> -Zeke
>> On 11/28/2013 05:09 PM, Martin Kavec wrote:
>> Hi Lilla,
>> thanks for coming back. Unfortunately I was not able to compile
>> appropriate
rms and it
> is what freesurfer builds against. All I can suggest is that you install the
> same version, or one very close to it.
> -Zeke
>> On 12/02/2013 02:50 PM, Martin Kavec wrote:
>> Hi Zeke,
>> Thanks for response. Well it
rt LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.../boost_1_41_0/libraries/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>> Cheers,
>> Andre Santos Ribeiro
> regards
> Andre Santos Ribeiro
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:57 PM, Martin Kavec wrote:
>> Hi Zeke,
>> Thanks a lot for expla
Hi all,
Is there a command in Freesurfer, which would return to which label (e.g.
superior frontal white matter left) a coordinate x,y,z belongs to?
Sent from my iPad
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi all,
I have two questions:
1. Does tkmedit, or freeview work under VirtualBox
2. Is it possible to parcelate white matter in freesurfer?
Sent from my iPad
Freesurfer mailing list
> if you have diffusion data you can check out Anastasia Yendiki's excellent
> TRACULA tool.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 5 Sep 2013, Martin Kavec wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have two questions:
>> 1. Does tkmedit, or fre
ata you can check out Anastasia Yendiki's excellent
> TRACULA tool.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 5 Sep 2013, Martin Kavec wrote:
> Hi all,
>> I have two questions:
>> 1. Does tkmedit, or freeview work under VirtualBox
>> 2.
I would like to know what method mri_normalize uses to normalize image
intensities of wm around 110. I do not mean to correct the bias field.
Thanks a lot.
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear all,
I ran my subjects through recon-all successfully. I am in a need to have
custom intensities for segmentation and parcellation in aparc+aseg. Say, 10
- ventricles, 20 - amygdala, 30 - putamen, ...
I would appreciate advice on how I could achieve that.
Thanks in advance,
Read in the aseg, use find to find the indices of all the voxels
> with a particular label, then replace the label with whatever intensity
> you want.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Sat, 12 Aug 2017, Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I ran my subjects thro
Hi all,
I am trying to run mri_cvs_register but for some reasons it always
terminates with:
ERROR: Can not find or read
My command is as follows:
mri_cvs_register --mov MY_SUBJECT
Indeed the file is not there, but another one w
, Nov 4, 2011 at 12:40 PM, wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Could you give more details? Which version of mri-cvs-register are you using?
> Was there a log file that you could share also?
> Thanks, Lilla
> --Original Message--
> From: Martin Kavec
> To: Freesurfer mailing li
> Could you give more details? Which version of mri-cvs-register are you using?
> Was there a log file that you could share also?
> Thanks, Lilla
> --Original Message--
> From: Martin Kavec
> To: Freesurfer mailing list
> To: Lilla Zollei
> Subject: mri_cvs_register
I wonder how are the default FS settings to calculate LGI finetuned? More
towards large-scale changes, such as in neonal>pediatric cortex, or would it
be possible to study rather focal changes, say on a sulcus/gyrus level? Which
parameters should I change to become sensitive to "smaller" LG
Hi Jenifer,
I don't know what the error exactly means, but sometimes just re-running the
analysis helps.
On Wednesday 24 September 2008 19:24:40 Juranek, Jenifer wrote:
> Hi,
> Encountering some difficulties with LGI on a RHEL4 box (64bit) with MATLAB
> v7.6.0.324 (R2008a) install
I think it comes from the fact that FS could not find some file. I had similar
situation here a while ago, when I had almost full partition with FS data. FS
created about 4GB logfile.
Just a guess, didn't you move the data from your mac to linux to be
re-analyzed or finish the analysis
without prior knowledge of what you do, I can just recommend you the recon-all
option "-notal-check". You can find out more about it by
running "recon-all -help | less".
So your command would look like:
recon-all -autorecon1 -notal-check -s $YOURRAT
On Monday 13 October 2
once I had a similar problem on an autopsied brain, where it was very
difficult to obtain an MPRAGE-like contrast. So instead, I acquired
T2-weighted and inverted it. This gave me contrast very similar to MPRAGE,
though my analysis failed anyway, due to too strong bias field. So you might
Hello all,
I have started with a group analysis using qdec and have some questions:
1. loading fsaverage into tkmedit along with rh.white and lh.white surprised
me that the pial surfaces do not run under the skull, as I see it on a single
subject but copy the white matter. It is also correct, b
Thanks for the replay, Nick!
On Monday 27 October 2008 16:48:26 Nick Schmansky wrote:
> Martin,
> To answer question 1, the fsaverage surface is used as a target surface
> to which the data (ie thickness) of each subject in the group is sampled
> and then smoothed, so the accuracy of the recon o
I am trying to run a group analysis on cortical thickness between patients and
controls. In the qdec.dat I set a MMSE for all the controls 0.0. Now,
whenever I try to covariate thickness against age and MMSE, the qdec
complains that there is no spectrum in MMSE values. I tried to set MMSE f
Hi Rysia,
I would look at wm.mgz loaded as auxiliary volume and switch to main volume
frequently to see, whether you have anything in wm.mgz, which needs to be
fixed. There is a tutorial on fixing wm.mgz on the followning web-page:
Hi Kelly,
the analysis of your subject is failing at the point of registration to the
Talairach space. Since the status of the registration is FAILED, I would
certainly check the result and follow instructions on how to proceed, as
explained on the following web-page:
For my group analysis I am thinking of reusing a specific set of cortical ROIs
from already published data. I suppose that a target template (fsaverage) and
ROIs itself should be sufficient to have. If I use the same fsaverage for my
cohort, I should be able to get the data out of the ROIs
I have been running quite a few clinical subjects (close to 300) through FS
pipeline and comparing cortical thickness from parcellated cortex for each
individual subject to its agematched controls. The subject clinical symptoms
are not specific, ranging from amnesia, reduced ability to gene
> at those for the suspicious ones to distinguish damaged wm from gray
> matter. David Salat has thought about this much more than I have, and may
> have more to add.
> cheers,
> Bruce
Thanks a lot,
> On Mon, 12 Jan 2009, Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Hi,
> &
> This looks like a problem we had with an older version. What version of
> freesurfer are you running?
> Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to mask a non-brain tissue left by watershed based on the
> > cortical surfaces. I found that all wh
> tkmedit subject orig.mgz -seg ribbon.mgz
> aparc+aseg is suppossed to inherit the cortex from ribbon.mgz
> doug
> On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Hi Dough,
> >
> > this data were analyzed using 4.0.4. So indeed it not the latest, which I
Greve wrote:
> but you are using aparc+aseg to generate the mask, so if aparc+aseg is
> perfect, the mask should be as well. Do the mask and aparc+aseg match?
> On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Doug,
> >
> > ribbon (aparc+aseg) looks perfect, and correspond
I have a bunch of analyzes (about 30), for which recon-all -all terminates
prematurely at mris_volmask (and core is created). On one case I ran the
mris_volmask and the rest of analysis by executing commands manually, which
went fine, but it's laborious. Is there quicker way to complete the
> would be wrong on your files to make make all rebuild everything?
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Sun, 10
> May 2009, Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a bunch of analyzes (about 30), for which recon-all -all
> > terminates prematurely
> Hi Martin,
> -make all is what we would suggest. Is there any reason the timestamps
> would be wrong on your files to make make all rebuild everything?
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Sun, 10
> May 2009, Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a b
Hi Bruce,
On Tuesday 12 May 2009 13:28:36 Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> there are probably some files it wants to see early in the stream that
> didn't exist in 2006. I think the only cure is to string together the
> individual commands you want to run (you can find them in the recon-all
but I am running 4.3.0
On Tuesday 12 May 2009 14:55:05 Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I'll leave this for Nick, but we fixed the atlas eTIV calculations in the
> new version. Not sure which step you need to rerun though.
> Bruce
Hi Nick,
On Tuesday 12 May 2009 15:39:47 Nick Schmansky wrote:
> Martin,
> That etiv number seems high. Does the -tal-check stage pass? did you
> rerun the -segstats stage? that calculates etiv.
The data were first pushed through the whole FS pipeline in 2006. As I look at
the recon-all.log
I am running FS-4.3.0 and after recon-all -all, I am finding in aseg.stats of
quite a few of my subjects that brain mask volume (1735600 mm^3) is greater
than ICV (1701891 mm^3).
The talairach failure detection passed fine: talairach.xfm OK (p=0.7556,
pval=0.6675 >= threshold 0.005 ).
Hi Iwo,
you do not say which command exactly you ran. brainmask is created in
the "first" step of the processing pipeline, so to obtain it you should have
successfully completed the following:
recon-all -autorecon1 -s YOUR_SUBJECT
On Thursday 28 May 2009 11:24:27 Iwo Bohr wrote:
Hi Falk,
On Thursday 28 May 2009 11:56:51 Falk Lüsebrink wrote:
> Hello,
> Im having trouble to generate a correct aseg.mgz for one volume of mine.
> The nu_noneck.mgz is also incorrect and therefore I think the -careg stage
> of autorecon2 might fail. Is there a way to do some kind quality
Hi Andreas,
I get the same error, in almost the same scenario; while re-running some
studies with FS-4.3.x. The I also run them on a cluster with large amount of
memory running Gentoo linux, and CentOS4_x64 FreeSurfer binaries. To complete
the studies I take them on a 32 bit platform with Kubun
Hi Don,
I am in a similar situation. I am on a IBM BladeCenter cluster (though with
one blade only) with 2 Quad core Intels, and I experience intermittent
crashes of mri_volmask as well. Similarly as you, when I run the mri_volmask
on the crashed subject on a desktop, this passes perfectly fine
I am using Philips DICOMs from INTERA and ACHIEVA generation systems without
any problems. So far I have done about 600 analyses. INTERAs are on 11.4
software version and ACHIEVAs went from release 2 up to the current 2.6.1
(and soon release 3)
However the images do not go directly from the
The command which Pedro gave you assumed that your freesurfer installation
directory was /usr/local/, which may not be the case. If you had freesurfer
correctly installed before, you must have had the $FREESURFER_HOME variable
set correctly. Thus the command a
his? I’d be extremely grateful.
> Thank you and kind regards,
> Fatima
> *From:* freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu [mailto:
> freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] *On Behalf Of *Martin Kavec
> *Sent:* 13 August 2009 11:53
I would like to study cortical thickness in a cohort of patient with respect
to MMSE and CDR. I prepared a fsgd file where I have both MMSE and CDR
GroupDescriptorFile 1
Title Mytitle
Class Male
Class Female
Variable Age
Variable MMSE
Variable CDR
Class Ctrl
Class MCI
Input subject1
e CDR has an effect, I just want to see whether the
atrophy areas correlated with CDR and MMSE differ.
> This will improve both DOF and
> efficiency.
> doug
> Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to study cortical thickness in a c
I wonder how log does it ususally take to complete cluster-wise correction for
multiple comparisons using mri_glm-sim. I have a group analysis of 19
subjects with 1 continuous and 1 discrete factor (two levels) and the
mri_glm-sim is running now for about 4 days. Is there any way to track the
Hi Bruce,
if I dilate an arbitrarily shaped label in tksurfer, how much is it actually
On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Yigal,
> yes, you can select the vertex, make a label out of it, then dilate it
> however many times you want. This will be a
Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 8:36 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> once every time you click "dilate label"
> On Sat, 7 Nov 2009, Martin Kavec wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
>> if I dilate an arbitrarily shaped label in tksurfer, how much is it
>> actually
>> dilated?
Hi Shriks,
as far as I can see -cortparc, -cortparc2, -parcstats, and -parcstats2 flags
(and possibly beyond) of the autorecon3 stage do the parcallation. But I am
not sure whether there have been any significant changes between your version
and the current version of the FS, which could impact
. It's
> scriptable, so you can feed it a list of vertex indices to build
> circular ROIs about.
> It should be available in the 5.0 release of FreeSurfer, but if you'd
> like to use it already, send me an email and I can send you a beta version.
> Cheers
> -=R
Hi Jeff,
I see this relatively often. Eventhough the talairach registration is fine, the
ICV is underestimated. In this case I take old ICV, which helps.
mri_segstats --subject $MYSUBJECT --old-etiv-only
This is in 99% of these cases a cure. This is not just a blind attempt. In
these cases I
Hi Nick,
could you please also provide us with a INTEL MAC qdec.bin binary?
Many thanks in advance,
On Wednesday 17 March 2010 21:18:19 Nick Schmansky wrote:
> you have a couple options:
> 1) assuming you are using 64b linux, you can download a new version of
> qdec which supports sele
in my group analysis I found a significant difference in correlation of
physiological parameter X and cortical thickness Y1 in an ROI. For each
subject and each cortical parcel I also have a average of parameter Y2 and its
correlation to X (calculated using GLM in SPSS).
Y1 ~ X
Y2 ~ X
in our population of MCI patients, unfortunately parts of the cerebellum were
not completely scanned. I ran the data throught the whole FS-4.5.0 pipeline
and I see that the eTIV normalized volumes of the segmented structues have
very large variance compared to the eTIV normalized group of i
Thanks a lot for the opinion, Bruce!
>From practical point of view, removing the cerebellum from each subjuct should
be rather easy since I have its segmentation. Howabout the template? Is there
any segmentation of the cerebellum for the template, or I would have to do it
manually? I suppose I
Hi Jan,
the place to look at is
On Tuesday 30 March 2010 12:30:35 Janani Dhinakaran wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I wanted to know what I can do to fix this error- it occurs when I'm
> running recon-all -all -s Subject
our MR scanner produces DICOMs with enhance MR IOD, i.e. multiframe image
file. When I try to use this format with FreeSurfer mri_convert fails. I
assume it is not designed for this type of images, isn't it? Anybody
knows a workaround?
Thanks in advance for help (and great software),
in advance
> Bruce
> On Wed, 21 Feb 2007, Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > our MR scanner produces DICOMs with enhance MR IOD, i.e. multiframe image
> > file. When I try to use this format with FreeSurfer mri_convert fails. I
> > assume it is not desig
I am wondering, whether there has been any publication, or any other resource,
with reference volumes of ALL the segmented subcortical structures for
different age categories. I tried to search the mailinglist archives, but no
anybody knows, how long does it take to run one subcortical segmentation on a
MacPro? It take about 6 hours on my MacBook Pro, so I would expect it should
finish faster on the workstation. Could anybody suggest me a hardware
configuration, on which it could be about 4 hours?
Last question,
Thanks for this Sunday reply Bruce,
On Sunday 04 March 2007 16:32, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Anders Fjell and Kristine Walhovd did some work that may be relevant
> (their publications are on our wiki).
I found it, after all.
> We are also almost done with the
> analysis of Randy Buck
I am trying to further script (Bash) the autorecon1 and subcortseg. The script
just sets the path to the received dicom data, gets some info from the dicom
header and starts the autorecon1 followed by subcortseg. The things work well
when executed from the command line, but if I execute the
I was wondaring, what is the situation with OASIS data? Could you please share
with us, in which form you will make the results of your great effort
Thanks in advance for the great job (and reply of course).
Freesurfer maili
I have few questions regarding the recently published OASIS data analyzed
using Freesurfer:
1. How did you produce $SUBJECT_ID/mri/wmparc.mgz. I am running recon-all -all
on my subjects, but I don't get this file.
2. How did you produce segmentation of the corpus callosum. I am running
; I'll leave 3 for Doug.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > I have few questions regarding the recently published OASIS data analyzed
> > using Freesurfer:
> >
> > 1. How did you produce $SUBJECT_ID/
set. It has been taken down until we
> resolve it.
> doug
> Martin Kavec wrote:
> >Hi.
> >
> >I have few questions regarding the recently published OASIS data analyzed
> >using Freesurfer:
> >
> >1. How did you produce $SUBJECT_ID/mri/wmparc.mg
how can I map the aparc+aseg.mgz back to $SUBJECT_ID/mri/orig/001.mgz, but
without suffering from interpolation?
Freesurfer mailing list
I would really appreciate a help (steps or a link to description) on how to
display cortical thinning on an inflated surface. I ran a subject through
recon-all -autorecon3 and now I would basically want to see, where (s)he has
abnormal thickness of the cortex.
Thanks a lot in advance,
Hi folks,
I have been puzzled for a while with the results from couple of my subjects.
They all have clearly visible cerebral atrophy (says neuroradiologist). I ran
them through FS-4.0.1 and aseg.stat gives me, as expected, severe loss of
gray matter (and others as well) as follows:
GM ICV nor
al atrophy could get buried in the mean overall
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Tue, 16 Oct 2007, Martin Kavec
> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I have been puzzled for a while with the results from couple of my
> > subjects. They al
sorry to bring an off topic, but I could not find a solution myself.
I was asked to prepare a short fly-by animation of a ?h.pial for a TV who
interviewed my boss last week. Would you have any recommendation on how to do
that? The ?h.pial is a mesh, which is ideal, because the surface of th
Hi Bruce,
and thanks for the idea.
On Monday 05 November 2007 14:45:10 Bruce Fischl wrote:
> what kind of animation? You should be able to do this with a tcl script
> in tksurfer, saving consecutive tiffs from slightly different viewpoints.
I had in mind some complex rotation, zoom-in zoom-out,
I can not find my way to map the results of the FSL fMRI group analysis
(FLAME1+2) from different subjects on their average surface. Here is in more
details what I have done:
1. fMRI analysis of each subject in FSL
2. group analysis (FLAME1+2) in FSL
3. cortical reconstruction of each subje
of the latest
FSL. I' am not 100% sure it is in common space, but I would guess it is.
> Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I can not find my way to map the results of the FSL fMRI group analysis
> > (FLAME1+2) from different subjects on their
it's auditory cortex I am interested in. If there is a tutorial or explanation
somewhere, could you please point me to it. Is this already available in FS?
On Tuesday 13 November 2007 14:38:52 you wrote:
> what areas specifically? We have analyzed their data and have a pape
Very interesting debate you keep here, gentlemen.
I went on and divided FI by the area in one reference and one pathological
subjects (and age matched references). Now it seems that the "NewFI" is quite
correlated with cortical thickness. It even decreases from the frontal,
through parietal to
In my experience, the FreeSurfer's brain extraction works better than the
BET. Although, now with an option of iterative BET in the latest FSL, the
outcomes are much better than before. In cases where brain extraction
failed in my analysis, I found that it was the bias field correction which
I have upgraded my Mac OS X to 10.5 and after that nu_correct says:
Can't locate MNI/Startup.pm $FREESURFERHOME/mni/bin/nu_correct line 37
Anybody has an idea, what could be wrong? Obviously, the file is there.
software updates.
On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 15:29 +0100, Martin Kavec wrote:
I have upgraded my Mac OS X to 10.5 and after that nu_correct says:
Can't locate MNI/Startup.pm $FREESURFERHOME/mni/bin/nu_correct line 37
Anybody has an idea, what could be wrong? Obviously, the file is
Hi Bruce,
On Friday 22 February 2008 16:36:34 Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> the aseg includes hypointensities, but there's only so much you can do
> with only a T1-weighted image. We do have some beta versions that use a
Could i possibly have the betas for testing?
I have an emergency here with recon-all -all on a VIP, which segfaults on
mri_ca_label -align -nobigventricles ...I tried to run it from the command
line and left out the -nobigventricles argument, since actually the subject
has enlarged ventricles, but it didn't help.
After running for ab
Hi Jurgen,
the same happens here. The reason for that is that guys pointed the link on
the webpage to an nonexisting file. The file uploaded on the server is called
freesurfer-Darwin-leopard-i686-stable-pub-v4.0.3-full.dmg while the webpage
refers to freesurfer-Darwin-tiger-i686-stable-pub-v4.0
misspelled harvard in the link. ;)
This should work better.
On Tuesday 01 April 2008 11:19:16 Martin Kavec wrote:
> Hi Jurgen,
> the same happens here. The reason for that is that guys pointed the link on
> the webpage to an
Hello folks,
I am trying -localGI on Mac, with working Matlab2007.
1. I think that the getmatlab script is not designed to work on Mac out of the
box, since it is not by default in the $PATH, so it could be caught
by "which". So I uncommented the three lines and set it hard.
2. That was easy,
Hi Nick,
I am just giving a try to the new mris_compute_lgi matlab script kindly
provided by Marie, and so far so good. I would appreciate the new binary for:
Mac OS X 10.5.2, linux_x86, and linux_x86_64.
Thanks a lot.
On Thursday 24 April 2008 18:40:12 Nick Schmansky wrote:
> Martin a
is it possible to obtain LGI values of cortices, similarly as curvature
indices in ?h.aparc.stats? Could this value possibly be included in
the ?h.aparc.stats files?
Thanks in advance,
Senior Clinical Research Associate
MRI Unit of the Depart
; You can create another stats file (can't add it to the one that is
> already there).
> doug
> Martin Kavec wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >is it possible to obtain LGI values of cortices, similarly as curvature
> >indices in ?h.aparc.stats? Could this value possibly
al_lgi as a surface file, whereas it is
> indeed a thickness / curv file
> Have a nice day,
> Marie
> On 9 mai 08, at 10:29, Martin Kavec wrote:
> > Thanks for responce, Dough.
> >
> > I've looked at recon-all as you suggested, and came up with the
> >
Thanks a lot for clarification, Marie.
On Friday 09 May 2008 14:37:46 Marie Schaer wrote:
> Martin,
> As lgi is read like a thickness file, the lgi values in your tabular
> output replaced the value where you had thickness before. So mean lgi
> is in column 4 (note that average lgi values per pa
I am giving a lecture about aging brain. I only discuss freesurfer, since
that's the method we use for the brain volume and cortical thickness
assessment. There are other methods, such as VBM and SIENA potentially
providing similar information. I would appreciate if you could point m
Thanks to all of you for ideas. You may also find interesting to look at:
page on VBM, which has large section of Criticism. The most striking for me is
the inaccuracy of the spatial normalization, which may account for as much as
10.8 mm.
On Thursday 15 May 2008 18:58
Hi folks,
I am scratching my head, how did you guys set the color scheme of the lgi
overlay on:
the image with text "Example of lGI overlay on the brain using a colocoded
What I do is I load pial surface and overlay ?h.pial_lgi, but can not
I get the following warning followed by error in LGI calculation:
... remeasuring lGI value for vertex iV = 6301. It may take a few minutes.
WARNING -- Problem for vertex iV = 6301, lGI value is aberrantly high
Hi Maria,
On Monday 09 June 2008 15:00:10 Marie Schaer wrote:
> Martin,
> Which version of freesurfer did you use to generate the surfaces?
with the latest one, 4.0.4
> Because the number of topological defects in your surface (64) is very
> high. You may have to relaunch the surfaces (orig an
On Monday 09 June 2008 21:14:35 Michael Harms wrote:
> No, I don't have any examples (although we haven't been looking either).
> However, Martin's email regarding problems he is encountering on the LGI
> computation seems premised on having surfaces with topological problems
> even under v4 -- hen
On Monday 09 June 2008 21:57:36 Bruce Fischl wrote:
> I guess it's possible but the -make switch is designed to prevent this. Are
> the surfaces topologically incorrect? What is the euler number for them?
Bruce, this depends on at which point the topology fixing was interrupted. For
this thread I
I would like to rerun recon-all (from the latest freesurfer) on a few cases
from OASIS brains study, to get control values for my patient group. Since my
computational options are rather limitted, I would like to avoid running
redundant steps, which would anyway give me the same results, or
On my macbook pro (MAC OS X 10.5) I have recently updated my X to 2.3.0 and
now I can not launch tkmedit:
$ tkmedit $SUBJ brainmask.mgz rh.white -aux-surface lh.white
Converting main surface: 100% done.
Converting main surface: 100% done.
Converting original surface: 100% done.
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