Hi Maria,

On Monday 09 June 2008 15:00:10 Marie Schaer wrote:
> Martin,
> Which version of freesurfer did you use to generate the surfaces?

with the latest one, 4.0.4

> Because the number of topological defects in your surface (64) is very
> high. You may have to relaunch the surfaces (orig and pial) to get
> better surfaces (i.e. 0 defect).

Thanks, I'll do that!

> Lgi often fail if there are defects, sometimes it will pass if you
> relaunch it, but if there are numerous defects the algorithm is not
> able to cope with it.

That's a nice check whether there are still any topological defects left. As 
you say, in more than 50% of my cases LGI fails.


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