Very interesting debate you keep here, gentlemen.

I went on and divided FI by the area in one reference and one pathological 
subjects (and age matched references). Now it seems that the "NewFI" is quite 
correlated with cortical thickness. It even decreases from the frontal, 
through parietal to occipital lobes and slight thickness perturbation with 
respect to the normals also affects the "NewFI". 

On Tuesday 20 November 2007 21:50:52 Graham Wideman wrote:
> [Bruce wrote]
> >sounds reasonable to me, but we should call it something else (normalized
> >FI/CI?)
> Yes, dividing out area does look like a first step, justified by the way
> the per-vertex values are calculated. This gives the result units of mm^-2,
> which maybe has an interpretation something along the lines of "folds per
> square millimeter".

I observe that the "NewFI" almost exclusively increases its value even if the 
gyri get wider in the pathological subject. In this case I would rather 
expect the "folds/mm^2" to decrease.

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