Hi Nick,

On Tuesday 12 May 2009 15:39:47 Nick Schmansky wrote:
> Martin,
> That etiv number seems high.  Does the -tal-check stage pass?  did you
> rerun the -segstats stage?  that calculates etiv.

The data were first pushed through the whole FS pipeline in 2006. As I look at 
the recon-all.log, at that time there wasn't -tal-check. Then recently I 
reconstructed the data once again with FS-4.3.0, but ran only autorecon2 and 
autorecon3, to keep the possible brainmask edits. However, analysis of 
several subject failed to complete and crashed during mris_volmask, which is 
just after -segstats stage. So the eTIV should have been recalculated.

Thanks for suggestions,

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