John Madden wrote:
> I'm running postfix; I won't run qmail.
Well, at least you have some redeeming points :)
But, (getting into sermon mode once again), anyone who relies solely on
only one point of detection for any type of mail content inspection, are
literally bending over and begging fo
D.J. wrote:
> The only mention I found was section 4.1, and says to "edit the conf
> file or it won't run". Well, it won't run without the binary either
> :-) I also have another curiosity as well. It's not finding my
> installation of the GMP package either. Strangeness all around!
Scott Ryan wrote:
> FC3, Clamav 0.83:
> I removed the ScanMail option from the conf file, becuase I am using
> reformmime in qmail-scanner, but when I start clamav it keeps saying:
> Mail files support enabled.
Decomment the above in clamd.conf.
ahellary wrote:
> i STILL cannont get either version .81 or .82 to detect any virus i seem
> to be stuck at ver .80i have posed previously with details of my set
> up but here it is again
> its slackware with a 2.2.x kernel , qmail , black hole and spamassin
> version .80 works fine b
Jason Byrns wrote:
> 3) Make them rename files.
> At the moment, it sounds to me like option #3 may be a reasonable one.
> Option #1 isn't bad, either. But if you still think my questions or
> choices are so bad that you have to blacklist our entire company, please
> at least explain what yo
ahellary wrote:
> ok all renamed this thread
> i have with help deduced that clamscan is ok its self so it must be the
> way arguments are passed via blackhole-1.0.9
> what i need to know has there been any change since clam v .80 to the
> new .83 as to the way the args are passed to clamsca
> -> Tomasz
> Now I am confused on a higher level :-)
> My spamassassin shows:
> C:\Perl\bin>spamassassin.bat -V
> SpamAssassin version 3.0.2
> running on Perl version 5.8.6
> So what is 0.8x a reference to ?
The version of ClamAV.
Shaun Bugler wrote:
> Come on anyone any suggestions, documentation to read ... anything
> please...
SIGHUP (Suggestion only)
Elizabeth Schwartz wrote:
> I'd like to see one list, for similar reasons. I run Solaris but I can
> see that a lot of folks here run Linux, and if they were on a separate
> list probably all their general Q&A's would end up on that list, and
> I'd end up reading it anyway. And if most of the user
Mark wrote:
> > An example:
> > We so have some Windows servers running since years which use McAfee
> > VirusScan Enterprise 7.0.
> > It loads DAT-File (definitions) a few times a day (as freshclam does).
> > But it also loads Engine-Updates every few months. Some of these
> > servers have not be
Mark wrote:
> > I really do wish people would stop constantly whingeing
> > about what Clam doesn't do.
> Who is whining? I was just following this discussion, from a distance,
> and merely mentioned that precompiled binaries, though uncommon on UNIX
> system, are done by MySQL, for instance.
Bill Maidment wrote:
> > So yes, I do know the problems of a professional environment. And,
> > although it goes down like a lead brick on occasion, I have a simple
> > response and attitude. My way or find someone else. We are paid to do
> > a job, and I am including myself in this statement. Pu
Allori Lorenzo wrote:
> I'm starting from another point of view.. i want to do a script that can
> understand how i first installed clamav (meaning what ./configure
> options i used) and downloads the last clamav version untars it and
> comp
Stephen Gran wrote:
> So, I see the feasability, and the project may yet go that way, but I
> don't see that it would make upgrades any cleaner or easier,
> necessarily. I for one wouldn't want all of my production machines
> blindly upgrading to a new library version overnight, but maybe that's
Nigel Horne wrote:
> On a more serious note: speaking personally I welcome all donations of
> old hardware that you're about to throw out. Well perhaps not all, I
> don't have the space for an IBM mainframe or VAX.
Exactly what type of equipment? Bog standard pc hardware or the likes of
Sun, Ap
> that's why this suggested to me a problem with the CVD's.
Might one enquire then as to why no one else, upto just, are experiencing
this problem? Double check your system before blaming the software.
Róth Tamás wrote:
> Hi all,
> i have a small problem, when a mail arrives with infection clamav finds
> it and moves it to /var/virusmails but if i do a clamscan
> /var/virusmails/virus* on some files it said to be OK, right now i'm
> working on to pipe all infected mail traffic to a database,
Julian Mehnle wrote:
> Brian Morrison wrote:
> > Julian Mehnle wrote:
> > > Probably more like: can we have 'technical-threats.cvd' and
> > > 'non-technical-threats.cvd' instead of 'main.cvd'?
> >
> > You don't give up do you? ;-)
> Not until someone convincingly explains to me why my request f
Julian Mehnle wrote:
> flames that effectively amount to "shut up".
Obviously not suggestive enough, though :)
Julian Mehnle wrote:
> > I think the problem is simple math: Finite number of devs with finite
> > time. They have to use it in what they think will be more productive
> > for the majority of us.
> Hey, I'd accept that for a reason, even though I haven't been the only
> one who found the featur
Nabin Limbu wrote:
> Sendmail + Clamav with milter + MailScanner + Spamassassin
> Is the above combination correct to fullfill my objective?
> Now, I'm confused why I should use MailScanner. MailScanner also claims
> that it is an antivirus program and spam blocker. If so, why do I
> require
Matt Fretwell wrote:
> that calls the restective programmes
That should say 'respective' :)
Victor wrote:
> Hello,
> Please, someone can explain to me, what is milter ?
Short form:
A plugin for Sendmail.
Nabin Limbu wrote:
> What are the benefits of using 3rd party software like Mailscanner,
> Mimedefang and many others with clamav? Why do people use when it can be
> done simply with clamav-milter and spamassassin.
Generally, it is purely for extra options and configurability. The likes
of Mails
Kelvin wrote:
> ERROR: Please edit the example config file /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf.
> ERROR: Can't open/parse the config file /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf
> I read the conf file and many setting inside but I didn't know which one
> was the most important option I had to define. Wh
Scott Plumee wrote:
> Not sure if this is the best way to do it, but I added a 30 second delay
> to the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ script. However, still
> did not solve it - same error on a reboot. It's a virtual server, and
> the entire reboot process only takes about 15 seco
Amin Thakkar wrote:
> If I put this command in crontab N* * * * /usr/local/bin/freshclam
> --quiet. This command will update virus database. Is it right ?
09 * * * * clamav /usr/local/bin/freshclam --quiet
Daniel J McDonald wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-03-28 at 18:47 +0100, Matt Fretwell wrote:
> > Amin Thakkar wrote:
> >
> > > If I put this command in crontab N* * * * /usr/local/bin/freshclam
> > > --quiet. This command will update virus database. Is it right ?
> >
Matt Fretwell wrote:
> > Of course, if this is a home box, then checks 1 is probably
> > sufficient. It's not like you will miss 1200 viruses a day...
> As I mentioned, the above was a general guide. He can change his
> frequency to suit.
Forgot to mention, it w
Joanna Roman wrote:
> My question is can you just run sigtool over the whole
> file and use the md5 result as the virus signature ?
Read the documentation on the website.
Joanna Roman wrote:
> > (2) The use violates the license of most (if not all) commercial
> > scanners
> Why would it violate any license of any commercial scaners ?
You are extracting information from a proprietary database.
Mr Prince Simon wrote:
> Maybe you can share this perl script also?
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Yes, can you please give me the sample of that perl
I do not think Nigel meant he had a script for doing this, rather that
you should write your own.
Shell|perl|php|python. Whichever script
Joanna Roman wrote:
> Hi, I am thinking of building/looking for some kind of
> utility that can let me remotely control clamav tools.
> (The utility is not restricted to control only clamav
> but can be used to control other tools remotely in a
> similar manner.) Basically the utility will be runn
Chris de Vidal wrote:
> Ideas?
Scan on an evening when your users are gone?
Chris de Vidal wrote:
> > Scan on an evening when your users are gone?
> Thanks for the fast reply!
> A 1.25TB Samba server takes several days to do a full scan with
> clamscan.
Surely you're not doing a full scan each time, are you? How often do you
scan the system?
I can't answer on
René Bellora wrote:
> clamdscan is way faster
Only on a frequent stop/start type scenario. (Unless things have
changed). For an extended duration scan, any difference would be
Jose Luis Hime wrote:
> It did not work. This option is required if I would be using the
> "LogSyslog" option. I tested it, just to check it out, but nothing
> happened again.
Have you rotated the log without notifying Clam?
Jose Luis Hime wrote:
> If I use the option "LogSyslog", then the viruses are logged into the
> file/var/log/maillog correctly. Thanks for your tip, it opened my eyes
> to that.
> The problem is that I want a specific logfile to be used, not through
> the Linux syslog function. So I commented o
Tim Boyer wrote:
> I'm running 3.0.3 on a couple of mail servers.
> Here's the nice thing about Symantec. I've got it set up on a central
> server. It polls the Symantec virus server, pushes the results down
> to the user's desktops, and updates. Without any user intervention.
The download
Jeff Parson wrote:
> > Try downloading from
> Thanks for that could you point me to a good how to install this file
That is the purpose of the README/INSTALL files in the source
Might one ask, BTW, that if you reiterate a fault from a post somewhile
back, to repo
List wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] clamav-0.84]# freshclam --version
> ClamAV 0.84/863/Tue May 3 00:32:37 2005
ps -ax | grep freshclam
More than one?
Dennis Peterson wrote:
> > any ideas? i'm thinking about cobbling together something
> > in perl to run from a cron job.
> Screw the daemon - run it out of cron.
At last, a sensible suggestion :) Cronning it does make the daemon
hanging pretty much a moot point :)
Mark wrote:
> > If I was your boss, I'd fire you. Admins who wait with an update until
> > a software (especially a mission critical one responsible for e-mail
> > delivery) starts crashing are not worth any money.
> That seems a bit harsh.
Actually, I was thinking that Tomasz ought to stop bei
Rick Macdougall wrote:
> > You could adopt a policy that "yes, password-protected zip files can
> > be assumed to be viruses" with the following clamd.conf option:
> Yes, I understand that but I don't think a 2 should be returned for a
> password protected zip file, 2 can be returned for any err
Daniel J McDonald wrote:
> as it is harder to scan those messages for viruses
Nonsense. Mail is mail. If you are running a mailserver, it should be
able to cope with all types of mail, irrelevant of (creation|submission)
Slightly off topic, but has anyone noticed some numpty, (mentioning no
names), replying to their posts with a test message?
Dennis Peterson wrote:
> >>> as it is harder to scan those messages for viruses
> >>
> >> Nonsense. Mail is mail. If you are running a mailserver, it should
> >be> able to cope with all types of mail, irrelevant of
> >> (creation|submission)
> >> method.
> >
> > But...if they're using webmail, it
Daniel J McDonald wrote:
> Right, so they should be blocked.
The likes of those webmail systems are no worse that admins who do not
configure their outgoing smtp to scan for virii. An outbreak can originate
from any poorly configured mail system, regardless of type.
> Did you read the original
Dennis Peterson wrote:
> If they were running their systems properly we wouldn't be having this
> conversation. The clients of those systems are able to retrieve mail and
> attachments straight to local storage while by-passing local filters
> (and policy). Not very different from browsing ftp sit
Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> > My webmail is configured to use our standard smtp servers for all
> > inbound/outbound mail. It really isn't all that difficult.
> My understanding was that we were talking about people accessing Yahoo
> or Hotmail from work, not your own internal mail servers with
Dennis Peterson wrote:
> Very true - but policy is far less expensive than new hardware, and
> there are no licensing fees. I'd have to see the business reason to go
> there.
The one business reason I can think of offhand, which is irrespective of
any other consideration, is stupidity. People ig
Daniel J McDonald wrote:
> Maybe, but we have blocked
> web-based-outside-e-mail-such-as-yahoo-or-msn-or-gmail-that-doesn't-use
> -our-MTA (Hopefully that is explicit enough for the nit-pickers who
> can't read context)
Explicit, but terrible punctuation :)
Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> This is actually two separate scenarios.
That was Daniel's fault instigated by his being vague :)
> To which someone replied that in a *PROPER* network that is *well
> managed* this isn't a worry because we block all external mail hosts
> and use a proxy for web tra
Mike Nolan wrote:
> LibClamAV Warning: Not reloading database until idle
> LibClamAV Warning: Not accepting inputs at the moment
This question was asked, and advised upon, less than four hours ago.
Check the archives.
Mike Nolan wrote:
> > This question was asked, and advised upon, less than four hours ago.
> > Check the archives.
> Matt, I don't think that thread got to me, I certainly don't recall
> having seeing it, and I've been watching the list closely because this
> problem has been bugging me for s
Andy Loates wrote:
> Hi There,
> This is probably an idiots question but i've only just got my new MTA
> working 2 days before 0.84 was released an I dont want to mess up days
> of hard work by doing anything wrong.
> Basically to upgrade from .83 to .84 i should do the following:
> Downl
Hello all,
I'm not trolling with this thread, so don't worry :)
Would any of you AIX system chaps out there happen to have a spare set of
OS discs which you would be willing to 'donate'?
I have an AIX capable machine for forwarding to one of the dev's so they
can work on the AIX support. Howe
Andy Loates wrote:
> Shouldn't something like this be in the ClamAV docs?
Theoretically, it is. What are the archives, if not documentation?
Matt Fretwell wrote:
> If anyone can possibly help out on this one, if you could please mail
> me off list.
Slight addendum. The unit is a Motorola RiscPC. Forgot that piece of
somewhat required info :)
Timo Schoeler wrote:
> > Slight addendum. The unit is a Motorola RiscPC. Forgot that piece of
> > somewhat required info :)
> you probably mean PowerStack, which is a PReP model [1].
I believe so. You can probably tell that I am no AIX guru :)
> i do have such a machine here, but i have no
Timothy Omer wrote:
> But, when I do a manual scan with clamscan it finds the virus but I do
> not get emailed.
> The VirusEvent should be executed whenever a virus is found, but
> obviously it is not. Has anyone got any ideas when this is?
Clamscan does not use clamd.conf. Clamd and clamds
Timothy Omer wrote:
> I apologies for my ignorance, I am still new to Linux.
> How would I get cron to email me only when a virus is found, I will need
> it to send the email to my external email account.
The -i flag only shows infected files. Cron only sends a mail if the
command generates
Timothy Omer wrote:
> Thank you all for your help, it is all working now :-)
> Once again I apologize for my ignorance, but how do I stop receiving
> emails from all posts and only receive from my own posts?
And what would happen if we all did that?
Anyhow, that is not a question for this
Jeff Ramsey wrote:
> [Follow up]
> Google thinks this is a virus from 2004 called W32.Mota.B
> So why would ClamAV latest version with updates on clamav-milter and
> clamav for OS X with latest updates or clamav with amavis not pick it
> up? I have ran it through three different clamav installs
Stephen Gran wrote:
> > It's harmless if it's a firewalled machine in your home. I'd never do
> > it to a more exposed system or in a multi-user environment - but it
> > can be done. What is the directive, BTW?
> LogFile /path/to/file
I think he meant what were the contents of the OP's log d
Jason Frisvold wrote:
> On 5/12/05, Phil Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thats fine and dandy when you only have one box to upgrade. I think
> > the original question is valid. .84 lasted what? Week and a half,
> > maybe two. And yes I am a contributor.
> I package it in an RPM and
Phil Schilling wrote:
> > Not the most taxing of procedures.
> Point still missed. I never said it was hard. But 2 hours of time to
> upgrade and test all boxes is not easy to come by.
Finding time to do anything is not easy. We still cope :)
Phil Schilling wrote:
> > Finding time to do anything is not easy. We still cope :)
> Ok, your better than me. Still didn't get my point though and I
> don't have a we to do it.
I understood your point perfectly. Why upgrade, using precious time, when
another upgrade may be required very
Matt Fretwell wrote:
> not do do something
That should have been, 'not to do something'.
Mark wrote:
> > I understood your point perfectly. Why upgrade, using
> > precious time, when another upgrade may be required very shortly,
> > requiring said time to again be used. I am just pointing out a
> > pitfall. There is always a good excuse not to do something. It is,
> > however, exactly
Samuel Benzaquen wrote:
> That is why they are called (I.T|Network) Administrators.
> >
> Your are right. We are paid.
> Our time is company money and if the product needs too much Admin time,
> then it is not that _gratis_ as we presented it to our bosses in the
> first place.
Nothing is tru
Jef Poskanzer wrote:
> >> % clamscan -V
> >> ClamAV 0.84/875/Tue May 10 04:27:59 2005
> >> % clamscan 473844
> >> 473844: Worm.Bagz.C FOUND
> >
> >Does clamdscan detect it?
> Let's see... Yes.
clam*d*scan, not clamscan.
Jef Poskanzer wrote:
> >> >Does clamdscan detect it?
> >>
> >> Let's see... Yes.
> >
> > clam*d*scan, not clamscan.
> YES.
My apologies. Misinterpreted your previous post.
Bill Taroli wrote:
> I completely agree with your point. But taken from a different
> perspective, this may be one reason to justify that such a product not
> be used in production IT environments. The point should *not* be missed
> that something so crucial to one's infrastructure -- that you
email builder wrote:
> Where do you do that? Clam itself only has ArchiveMaxFileSize and
> ClamukoMaxFileSize (but we don't use claumuko). I don't see anything
> obvious in my amavis config (might be missing a default config somewhere
> else though), and I don't know how to make Postfix skip a c
Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> Are there any analysis papers out on sober.p yet? And can anyone else
> corroborate the theory I have, or am I totally off-base here? I'm
> still trying to figure it out from what I can piece together between
> phone calls for other tasks here :-)
If I remember
Brian Read wrote:
> >Block all mails from dynamic IP. They are 99,99% spam.
> No they aren't that "rule" causes quite a few of my customers a
> headache, as the (linux) mailserver I often install sends the email
> direct, irrespective of whether there Ip is "dynamic" or "static". Some
> ISPs c
Todd Lyons wrote:
> You should make their ISP's mail servers be the "smarthost" or
> "relayhost" for that customer's mail server.
Oh yes, really.
> Some ISP's don't allow you to relay mail through them if it's not for
They don't allow you to do that so that they can charge
Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> There are two flaws IMHO:
> - "Gray" should only be used for *un*important infos, but
> it is used for important infos and worse main titles(!) too.
And I thought I rambled on about irrelevant things.
> - Important infos should be visible with out scrolling.
Dennis Peterson wrote:
> Nobody should send mail directly unless it is filtered outbound. In
> fact, that would be a good blacklist: I'd even
> toss in systems that NDR after the connection is closed as they have no
> idea at that point whe the sender is.
That, I cannot ar
Dennis Peterson wrote:
> > That was my point. My mail IS filtered outbound. So I should have to
> > pay double for the privilege of controlling my own email?
> How am I to know that you are filtering your mail? If your IP is in the
> middle of a block of dynamic IP's you are fair game for me to
Dennis Peterson wrote:
> Here's how it works, Matt - if you have a dynamic IP, even one that has
> a long life time, other people will still block mail from your IP block.
> That seldom happens if you have a true fixed IP, all other things being
> equal. And you know what? You have no say in it. I
Dennis Peterson wrote:
> There is no need to block outright from the outset.
> As I mentioned earlier, I'm getting slammed from from relays
> all over the US. It is far easier to block by obvious dsl/cable host
> identifiers than to spend hours trying to figure out what /24 IP ranges
Matt Fretwell wrote:
> There is no need to blanket ban every other providers dsl yet, though
> :)
Just as a side note, here are a couple of links for Postfix header checks
for this german spam outbreak.
Sergey wrote:
> KP> Clamav should create log file with same owner as defined in
> KP> clamd.conf to work it properly.
> i've just noticed the same thing. clamd.log is made by root. but 0.84
> doesn't care about that it works properly.
The response someone posted a few days ago regarding 'sof
Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> Maybe even do a reverse check to see if there's a mail server on the
> sending many systems would break doing a check like that?
The sending server isn't guaranteed to be a MX, so any DNS MX or reverse
connection tests would fail.
Sergey wrote:
> DP> We have a winner! Now if you put that in your startup script and log
> DP> rotation tool you'll have the job finished.
> why is that? if i'll restart clamd it won't going to change the
> permissions of clamd.log. and by the way i don't need any log rotation
> because my clam
Jim Maul wrote:
> > Call me old fashioned, but this is something I like to deal with
> > myself. There's still a roll for the thinking admin.
> No, dont get me wrong here, im not saying clamav should "predict"
> anything. Nor should it have to deal with misconfigured software. This
> is of co
Jim Maul wrote:
> > touch /var/log/test.log
> >
> > Now why does it create the logfile as root?
> While i get your point, it is irrelevant because it should not log in
> /var/log/ directly. It should log in /var/log/clamav/
The main point of my point, (I know that sounds weird), is that an
Jim Maul wrote:
> > The main point of my point, (I know that sounds weird), is that an
> > admin who relies upon any piece of software to correctly create and
> > set permissions on the logfile is asking for trouble. Clam is not
> > alone in this. This is not a bug in Clam, it is poor admin te
> If we can standardize the set of rules and protocols required for an MTA
> to accept an email, then spam will reduce. Either that or we need to
> build a better mousetrap. This is jut my $0.02.
> Your thoughts?
What time is the next rocketship to this planet you ha
Bill Taroli wrote:
> > This seems more like a discussion for another mailing list or a Usenet
> > group on MTAs/SMTP IMHO
> I don't disagree... are there any good ones for SPF or similar debates?
Postfix list: SPF practically banned except for implementation questions.
Exim list: Will probab
> IMO, a sending MTA should never have its smtp port closed unless
> it is an end-user.
Once again, a sending server does not have to be a MX. Something within
that domain should be listening on port 25, but not always the machine
which is connecting to yours. Look at t
Dennis Peterson wrote:
> What do you think the PTR for a host with 500 virtual domains might look
> like?
Big :)
Dwayne Hottinger wrote:
> Im having a problem with this new virus Trojan.Ascetic.C. I have clamav
> scanning mail through clamassassin (procmail). It isnt catching any of
> them. I have upgraded to the latest version of clamav and am using
> clamassassin 1.2.2. Any ideas how I can get it to
> > Once again, a sending server does not have to be a MX. Something
> > within that domain should be listening on port 25, but not always the
> > machine which is connecting to yours. Look at the hostname of my
> > machine in the headers. You will see it has rDNS and
Dwayne Hottinger wrote:
> Viruses are being detected. clamd is running. The mails are being
> processed correctly through procmail. Its just this particular virus
> that isnt getting detected (Trojan.Ascetic.C). Sorry to be so vague.
> Its my first post to the list. If any more info is neede
> What I am saying is that if you can't do some type of verification,
> whether it is connect-back (remember the old dialup
> callback-verification-system?) to the sending server or SPF or some
> other type of authentication mechanism, then you can't trust the sender.
> R
> If they do have a rouge spammer on their network, they might wish to
> know about it anyway.
I assume that should have been rogue. ( Unless spammers have a
predilection for make up :)
> When our MTA's are rebuilt for the new network some of the strategies
> discussed in this thread will be implemented. Others will be
> implemented in a test-and-alert-me-only setup to see how effective it
> is. If it breaks only <1% of the mta's out there then that is
1 - 100 of 156 matches
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