Bart Silverstrim wrote:

> This is actually two separate scenarios.

 That was Daniel's fault instigated by his being vague :)

> To which someone replied that in a *PROPER* network that is *well 
> managed* this isn't a worry because we block all external mail hosts 
> and use a proxy for web traffic that tests content going over it for 
> malware, in addition to virus scanning desktops and servers and <misc. 
> that I'm probably forgetting but whose tone seemed to suggest that 
> everyone who doesn't lock down everything as tight as a snare drum head 
> is incompetent at their job as network techs>

 That was I :)

> to which in my head I dreamed a few moments about what it would be like
> to be a true BOFH on our network and have the power...political
> get away with locking people out of their favorite web sites
> despite outranking me in the org chart and what it would be like to not
> have to deal with the politics of XYZ not being able to get their
> content completely rendered because of some glitch of interaction
> between the proxy and scanner and the website they're trying to get
> forms from.  Ahhh to dream a little dream!

 Tell the accountants they can save money by locking down a network. You
would be amazed how quickly things happen :) Plus, they get all the
stick from irate users|management :)


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