email builder wrote:

> Where do you do that?  Clam itself only has ArchiveMaxFileSize and
> ClamukoMaxFileSize (but we don't use claumuko).  I don't see anything
> obvious in my amavis config (might be missing a default config somewhere
> else though), and I don't know how to make Postfix skip a content filter
> based on that kind of rule....?

 No idea how it is done in Amavis, specifically, but quite a few people do
admit to only scanning messages of <N size. Virii tend to only appear
within messages upto a certain size, especially self propogating ones.
This is, however, something that has to be done within the content filter
config. I don't believe, I may be wrong, that clamd|clamdscan has an
option for 'scan if less than...'


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