Daniel J McDonald wrote: > Right, so they should be blocked.
The likes of those webmail systems are no worse that admins who do not configure their outgoing smtp to scan for virii. An outbreak can originate from any poorly configured mail system, regardless of type. > Did you read the original post? Yes. > The suggestion was to use MSN, yahoo, or gmail to get around a corporate > policy. The answer was that we don't allow people to go to those sorts > of webmail services because they are an unfiltered potential source of > viruses (and other non-business activity). That was not exactly what you said. To quote: > At our company, all webmail is blocked and policy forbids it's use, as > it is harder to scan those messages for viruses (and the last time we > got hit by a mass-mailing worm - Melisa - was due to a person using > web-mail.) Your paragraph above is very vague. If you do not want people to misinterpret your meaning, you should specify your meaning implicitly. Matt _______________________________________________ http://lurker.clamav.net/list/clamav-users.html