Re: programming too the lidar in the 12 pro?

2021-03-19 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Hi. What I know so far is that if I hold the iPhone steady as I walk,
I never mind how fast I walk, and I walk relatively fast at 6 KPH.
According to Apple Watch, the iPhone is not complaining. That being
said, the lidar is not turned on before the camera detects a person,
or something that the AI thinks is a person. So far it is spot on.
Right now I am considering , if I shall, program this myself, otr pay
someone else to do it. Making it work should be quite easy, but being
enrolled in apples developing community, was last i heard quite
expensive. The range of the LIDAR is as Thomas says, 5 meters, or 15
Feet, it would be more than enough at least for me, there is a couple
of things i will need to think about  regarding riding a horse, and
controlling an iphone, but i tried one of them today, ride the horse
1-handed, and control the scanner with the other one.
So to my next question, does anyone know if the Haptic engine, and the
phone vibrator, are the same motor? If i am lucky it is the same, if
it is advanced, it is 2 different motors.


On 3/18/21, Thomas Frank  wrote:
> From what I know, and that is not much, LIDAR on the 12Pro has a range of 5
> meters. What I would like it to do, and seeing AI and SuperLidar do not do,
> is identify telephone poles, trees , and other landmarks when I am walking
> along a sidewalk. SoundScape, Nearby Explorer and other GPS get you close to
> a store entrance, but LIDAR should be a better tool to identify the entrance
>  As for riding a horse, the Apple Magnify app with People detection turned
> on, kept complaining that I was moving too fast. And that, compared to a
> horse, I am not. Good luck on your programing.
> Thomas Frank
>> On Mar 9, 2021, at 1:46 AM, Sandie Jazmin Kruse 
>> wrote:
>> I am considering  starting programming too the LIDAR  on my iphone 12 pro.
>> But how much do we know about it ,  ideally i would want it too detect
>> things when i am near too themand maybe trek haptic output a little bit
>> when i ma say close too a wall or some such, i want too use it when i ride
>> my horse. Any thoughts?
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Re: Reading Large Text Files

2016-07-08 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
you are a coder, use what all others use, VIM… also installed on your
box as vi :)

On 7/8/16, Blee Blat  wrote:
> TextMate should do what you're after.  It might also help you code better
> too.
> Here's a download link. Don't worry about the beta tag, it seems reasonably
> stable.
> TextMate 2.0 beta 10
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Re: Windows For An Hour A Day, was Re: For new, or majorly struggling Mac users: Please read

2016-07-09 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Hi, am not sure if i am experienced or not, but I'm an RN, so well i
know a thing or two.
I use the mac for anything, and windows for scanning and well a few
games like lone woolf.
That is about it , and i will admit it , if i need to read fast
nothing beats eloquence. And i mean like nothing.
Now that you get a new mac, let us know if you need any help. there
gotta be documents we can toss at you for getting you started :)

On 7/9/16, Caitlyn Furness  wrote:
> Hi,
> For me, the things I tend to use windows for are some games, and sometimes,
> kurzweil 1000.  I have to say, though, that I am not using k1000 hardly at
> all these days, and really don’t miss it that much.  I am considering taking
> the vm off my laptop, and I don’t have it on my desktop at all anymore.
> For scanning, I use either docuscan(great for pdf’s), and/or abby fine
> reader.
> hth,
> Caitlyn
>> On Jul 9, 2016, at 8:33 AM, Arnold Schmidt 
>> wrote:
>> Your original message brings up an interesting point, in that you said you
>> might spend half hour, , to an hour in windows.  Being that I have now
>> ordered my Mac mini, I am not going back this time, what type things
>> simply work better in windows than on the mac?  Oftentimes, it is that the
>> user simply does not know how to do something well when they say something
>> doesn't work as well, so I am more interested in the answer from the more
>> experienced users.  I know, for example, that Openbook will not be
>> available to me on the Mac, I don't know how well DocuScan, from System
>> Access works, and it sounds as if scanning and reading, by importing
>> everything into a word processing app is about more trouble than it is
>> worth.  No problem, I will use KNFB reader on my iPhone.  But what else
>> does windows do better?  Thanks for any opinions.
>> Arnold Schmidt
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Re: Windows For An Hour A Day, was Re: For new, or majorly struggling Mac users: Please read

2016-07-10 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
First to Tim and others, eloquence is faster than fred, no matter how
you slides it. If you need to read long documents. that is the way to
go, but as other says, each to their own, but at least with some of
the documents i read right now , eloquence does a good job of it,
where fred is more weird sounding.
If you are in a study group, or under education, you use what the rest
of the school uses. Im lucky though i can enter the medical data from
my mac into our system, so that is a good thing.
Scot I'm not totally blind, and i have made some special apps for my
iPhone so i can see different things with them, when i interact with
the patients.
I was abused as a girl-child, was taken away to live with my sister
who is a psychiatrist, in my mind there has never been a doubt what i
wanted to be.
Last but not least i will once again say this, if you have a mac, and
need help, speak up, i may not say much , but i can find documents
really fast so all you have to do is read it your self,


On 7/9/16, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Hi Arnold,
> I work with both windows and mac systems / machines,
> I do a lot of work both at home and work with active directory and exchange
> servers so I prefer to use windows for exchange and windows active directory
> admin tools for AD. The AD tools is not something that at this point can be
> done from a mac or at least that we have found.
> I also find that speed for me in windows is  still greater due to years more
> of use so I still fall back to that for comfort.
> I play more of my media on the mac as it’s better setup for media both
> playing and production.
> But being able to have both systems in one machine is an excellent choice, I
> can flick between OS’s within 20 seconds
> But mainly it’s comfort and a lack of knowledge and then the power tools
> that make me use the windows machine.
> Hope that helps
> Cheers,
> Simon f
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Arnold Schmidt
> Sent: Sunday, 10 July 2016 12:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: Windows For An Hour A Day, was Re: For new, or majorly struggling
> Mac users: Please read
> Your original message brings up an interesting point, in that you said you
> might spend half hour, , to an hour in windows.  Being that I have now
> ordered my Mac mini, I am not going back this time, what type things simply
> work better in windows than on the mac?  Oftentimes, it is that the user
> simply does not know how to do something well when they say something
> doesn't work as well, so I am more interested in the answer from the more
> experienced users.  I know, for example, that Openbook will not be available
> to me on the Mac, I don't know how well DocuScan, from System Access works,
> and it sounds as if scanning and reading, by importing everything into a
> word processing app is about more trouble than it is worth.  No problem, I
> will use KNFB reader on my iPhone.  But what else does windows do better?
> Thanks for any opinions.
> Arnold Schmidt
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Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader built in

2014-01-21 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi Eric, as always well written.
I have to admit  have not thought of that, but of course it is a given
that " special " products will be less and less needed.
if you mean that fewer and fewer computers are being sold, it is both
exciting and also scary. I for one wonder how i would connect my
scanner too my iPad, or what ever that little device is called in 2, 3
years time  smiles.
I have always found that jaws did what it was suppose too do, but it
simply costs too much and i moved on too linux, from linux to mac. Am
actually considering messing with linux again. however that is another
What i think honestly  is this, today stick with nvda, it is cheap, =
free, open, and it really gets the job done.
My next project will be in Espeak too make something that sounds like
eloquence, am not saying it will be easy, but it should be doable. Mac
and windows, the best of 2 worlds.
if you wanna get something done in this wonderful world as a blind
person, you sometimes granded gotta know more about the things you are
using, but in the end it will just make you stronger.


On 1/21/14, Daniel Hawkins  wrote:
> That’s an ouch! Whell somebody just wasted $1,000 for a Surface Pro. Wait!
> NVDA to the rescue! lol.
> Maybe partnered with MS it will be slipstreamed in Windows 9? Hopfully!
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7
> 4GB DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:40 PM, David Tanner 
> wrote:
>> One thing that may be a bit of an issue is that looking at Jaws, NVDA,
>> Window-Eyes and even adding System Access to the list, Window-Eyes is the
>> only one out of the four that apparently has no ability to be used on a
>> Windows 8 tablet.  That may be an issue that Microsoft hasn’t taken into
>> consideration.
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Daniel Hawkins
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 1:02 PM
>> To: Mac Visionary
>> Subject: Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader
>> built in
>> Lol, Windows 3.1 is a little before my time. But in a way Microsoft is
>> trying to catch up, their Windows 8 Pro can do both do the ARM based
>> Windows 8 apps and are cross platforms. Apple are slowly intregrating IOS
>> and Mac. And Google have the Chromebook.
>> As ARM based cpu get more powerful that can bridge the gap between Intel
>> based OS it will be streamlined soon. Even Linux is now getting into ARM
>> bsed OS.
>> So in that case, I still think the three major screenreaders will be
>> around.Unless JAWS can’t keep their contracts, they will be forced to
>> lower their prices, so we will see.
>> Daniel Hawkins
>> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
>> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
>> 2.3 Quad-core i7
>> 4GB DDR3
>> 500GB HDD
>> Dual Boot:
>> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
>> On Jan 20, 2014, at 5:45 PM, erik burggraaf 
>> wrote:
>> Hey guys,  Another thing has occurred to me about this.  As you know,
>> window-eyes has been under developed for several years.  You might not be
>> aware that the personal computer is set to go on the long tail in 2016.
>> Sales of personal computers have been falling by about 30 per sent per
>> year.  April 2013 was the worst quarter for PC sales in 20 years.  In 2012
>> smartphones made up more than 50 per sent of all cell phone use in the
>> United States.  In 2013, Tablet sales exploded and the tablet is poised to
>> out sell the personal computer in 2014.
>> It will take a long time for corporate and government to catch up, but
>> they are both already in the mobile space.  Where do jaws, Window-eyes,
>> and even NVDA fit in to the 5 year trend of the over all market?
>> Especially with IPhone and android being very high quality accessibility
>> choices and new accessibility features emerging on Blackberry to compete
>> with the other two leading mobile platforms.
>> Remember when windows 3.1 came along and people started competing for
>> access to windows?  How many market leading companies raced to add
>> accessibility features.  Let's see…  henter-joice, gw michro, synthavoice
>> computers, artic, dolphin, AISquared…  How many of those companies, most
>> of whom are still with us, have competed for anything in the mobile space?
>>  AISquared, codefactory, that's all I can think of.  Humanware and AFB
>> have stepped into the mobile space but their efforts have met with mixed
>> success.
>> Very few of Our so called leaders in accessibility are hungry for shares
>> of the new economy the way they were when windows 95 came out and blind
>> people could somewhat use it.
>> Could it be that there is no money or not as much money as we think in the
>> window-eyes for office move and that it's part of an exit strategy to keep
>> as much value in the product as possible for as long as possible?  I'm
>> sure Dan and Doug have rock solid RRSPs

Re: Preview nightmare

2014-01-24 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Hi Christine.
Usually i would say that you can open the pdf in preview, press cmd
-a, too mark it all after that press cmd-c too copy it all, open
textedit and press cmd-v too set it all into a empty document.
Try that solution first. If that don't work i will try too find
another way for you


On 1/23/14, Christine Grassman  wrote:
> I have "continuous scroll" check in the View menu, and "text only".
> Christine
> On Jan 23, 2014, at 2:34 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You may wish to check which view you’re set to.  That is, under the View
>> menu while in Preview, there was a time when Preview documents did not
>> display properly in Single page view.  This appears to be fixed in my
>> installation but it’s a straw to grasp.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jan 23, 2014, at 11:58 AM, Christine Grassman 
>> wrote:
>>> Good day/night all. I have a pdf file that, up until a few days ago,
>>> would open readily and which I could read with no problem. Suddenly,
>>> whenever I open it, it lists "page 1 of 105" and there is no text.  I
>>> cannot interact.  I cannot switch to another page.  I have rebooted the
>>> computer.  I have checked the preferences. I have interacted with the
>>> tool bar, interacted with the scroll area. I have mailed a copy and tried
>>> reopening it. Nothing. I get a bunch of options such as "rotate,"
>>> "Mark-up," "edit," "zoom in," and "zoom out," -- I get an edit option and
>>> a search option. (The latter does not find anything I type in, regardless
>>> of whether I know for certain that the content exists. All I want is to
>>> get into the darned file and read it. I have opened other pdf files
>>> successfully since this occurred. This is a file to which I must have
>>> access; I would sincerely appreciate assistance. Thank you.
>>> Christine
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Re: Still can't reliably focus in Windows VM

2014-02-01 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
i turn VO off

On 2/1/14, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use VMWare Fusion to run Windows. I did this a few months ago,
> but was never overly concerned since I had Bootcamp. I have now done away
> with Bootcamp and am relying solely on Fusion to run Windows. It works well
> enough, when I can use it. The problem is that I can't seem to always set
> focus to Fusion. For instance, I hit the command key to open the Windows
> start menu, typed in 'dropbox", and hit enter. Suddenly, all key presses
> were going only to the Mac and not Windows. Fusion is still up, but I have
> no idea what my VM is doing. How do you all reliably switch from using the
> keyboard and mouse in Windows to using them in Mac and back again? Thanks.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
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weird problem with fusion.

2014-02-03 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi all. Have run into a weird problem with fusion.
First of all anyone of you tried where there was no sound after
installing it? Windows that is.
Eventually i have a old xp that needs reinstalling every 30 day or so,
and well,  using the cd image i made from the old cd with dd, seems
not too work. So after using the normal cd using the mac pro, i was
more hopeful it would work, but it seems like my sound is off.
What do i do? :)



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Re: Installing windows 7 home premium into vm fision from an iso

2014-02-12 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi. I have not messed too much with windows 7 and vmware. but i know
that on the xp installation i use i install windows under fusion. when
it boots i get narrator up and run, and starts nvda from a usb key.
Works perfectly.
If needed i ought to be able too help you through Skype if that would
help you anything

Best Sandi.

On 2/11/14, don bishop  wrote:
> You make some good points and I'll file that away for future reference.
> - Original Message -
> From: Alex Hall 
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:16 pm
> Subject: Re: Installing windows 7 home premium into vm fision from an iso
>> If you don't have speech, you are sort of stuck. VMWare can do some
>> configuration, but I installed it once and had to just press enter, and
>> another time it prompted for a whole bunch of settings. Both were Windows
>> 7, both on virtual machines. Once you are up and running, you can launch
>> Narrator and use that to get a real screen reader installed, though the
>> process is horribly tedious. I find it much simpler to just have a sighted
>> person click through everything, then grab NVDA from
>> and install it. Once I have that, I'm all set, but up to that point it is
>> much easier and error-free to have sighted help.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex
>> On Feb 11, 2014, at 6:11 PM, don bishop  wrote:
>> > Alex,
>> > I thought you could install windows itself without sighted help.  Of
>> > course, you'd need help with installing speech unless you're familiar
>> > with the keystrokes to get your speech going.
>> > Isn't this how it works?  Thinking of doing it here.
>> > Thanks,
>> > Don
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > - Original Message -
>> > From: Alex Hall 
>> > To:
>> > Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:41 pm
>> > Subject: Re: Installing windows 7 home premium into vm fision from an
>> > iso
>> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> You will need sighted help. Voiceover can handle installations of mac
>> >> operating systems or updates just fine, but creating a VM is
>> >> essentially installing Windows, albeit on a virtual disk instead of a
>> >> physical one. So, Voiceover cannot see anything Windows does because
>> >> Windows is its own operating system, and so you will not be able to get
>> >> speech feedback (thanks, Microsoft).
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Have a great day,
>> >> Alex
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Feb 11, 2014, at 5:31 PM, Shannon Gerdts 
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Hello,
>> >>>Wow that's really nice. Now with both of us being blind would we
>> >>> still need sighted assistance during the install process or would
>> >>> voiceover work to tell us what's going on during this installation?
>> >>>
>> >>> Take care,
>> >>> Shannon Gerdts
>> >>>
>> >>> From: Alex Hall
>> >>> Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:07 PM
>> >>> To:
>> >>> Subject: Re: Installing windows 7 home premium into vm fision from an
>> >>> iso
>> >>>
>> >>> I did that recently, and it's really simple. You create a new VM,
>> >>> choose to install from existing file or CD, then navigate to the iso
>> >>> when you are prompted to open the location of the Windows install disk
>> >>> or file. Pressing enter launches the process, and Windows installs.
>> >>> That's all there is to it!
>> >>>
>> >>> --
>> >>> Have a great day,
>> >>> Alex
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> On Feb 11, 2014, at 4:58 PM, Shannon Gerdts 
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>
>>  Hello everyone,
>>   Ok so I  purchased a new macbook pro 13" for my wife's birthday.
>>  We're now wanting to see about installing windows onto her macbook
>>  using fusion since that will allow her to run windows and her mac OS
>>  side by side so that she can switch between the two and run
>>  applications as needed.  However, I'm trying to do some searches for
>>  doing such a thing since the newest macbook pros no longer come with
>>  an optical drive so I'm not sure how to go about this task using an
>>  iso.
>>   I did manage to get ahold of the windows 7 version I have in an iso
>>  form but would love to get some feedback on how I go about using this
>>  iso and installing it into fusion.
>>   I want to thank all of you for any help on this matter ahead of time
>>  as it will be tremendously appreciated from the both of us.
>>  Take care,
>>  Shannon Gerdts
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garage band and keyboard.

2014-04-06 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, as the subject line says, which keyboard so y'all use with garage
band if any? also, when i get the right one do i just connect it via
the usb port?
Thanks in advance.


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Re: garage band and keyboard.

2014-04-07 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi Chris, try chicken picking a guitar doing just that , it is beyond
hard, " in the garden with brad paisley" is a good example of that :)
hens why i wanted too hear if other had tried it , but guess i will
just hit the local apple store and see what they got :)
Run away train also with brad paisley is a good example.

On 4/7/14, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Has anyone used Garage Band with the Tyros Yamaha 4? If so please get in
> touch.
> Kawal.
>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 04:45 am, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
>> wrote:
>> hi, as the subject line says, which keyboard so y'all use with garage
>> band if any? also, when i get the right one do i just connect it via
>> the usb port?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Sandi
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Re: garage band and keyboard.

2014-04-07 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
but, which instrument do you use, what brand?

On 4/7/14, Dionipher Presas Herrera  wrote:
> i use a musical instrument to record on garage band, i only haave to do is
> to connect to the usb pot and its all done
> On 07 Apr 2014, at 10:29 am, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
> wrote:
>> hi Chris, try chicken picking a guitar doing just that , it is beyond
>> hard, " in the garden with brad paisley" is a good example of that :)
>> hens why i wanted too hear if other had tried it , but guess i will
>> just hit the local apple store and see what they got :)
>> Run away train also with brad paisley is a good example.
>> On 4/7/14, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Has anyone used Garage Band with the Tyros Yamaha 4? If so please get in
>>> touch.
>>> Kawal.
>>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 04:45 am, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> hi, as the subject line says, which keyboard so y'all use with garage
>>>> band if any? also, when i get the right one do i just connect it via
>>>> the usb port?
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Sandi
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Re: garage band and keyboard.

2014-04-07 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
am considering a 27 key but i will know that later on today :)

On 4/7/14, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have my Old but decent M-audio  37 key Oxygen midi keyboard hooked up to
> my Macbook pro via USB when messing around in Garageband.  The M-Audio Axium
> has much more features, and I think there still updating the drivers for
> that one.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 6, 2014, at 11:45 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
> wrote:
>> hi, as the subject line says, which keyboard so y'all use with garage
>> band if any? also, when i get the right one do i just connect it via
>> the usb port?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Sandi
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Re: Best scanners for text scanning

2014-04-30 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, if you got a optic book 3600 i believe you gotta use windows for
making it work, so that would be vmware.
At least that was what i did when i needed too scan all of my medical books.



On 4/30/14, Eileen Misrahi  wrote:
> HELLO All,
> I was intrigued with something that Annie said in her post. I have an
> Opticbook 3600 scanner, which only has an old beta driver offered on their
> website. Can you expain what "vuescan" is and where to find it? I would like
> to know which Opticbook model you are using with the Mac?
> Thanks in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Eileen
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 30, 2014, at 12:53 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
>> Thank you, Cheryl for this.  When you say legal size paper, what size is
>> it?  It would help me to understand this because when I read about various
>> scanners, this term often appears.
>> I, too, have my wishes for a scanner, and one of them - totally
>> unreachable - is to have an a3 scanner so that I can scan books which have
>> pages larger than a4 scanner can handle.
>> Best wishes, Cheryl
>> Andrew
>>> On 30 Apr 2014, at 19:07, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>>> Actually I don't have the 9000F but the canon canoscan 110. It's
>>> lightweight and portable but seems slower than my lide60 that died. I was
>>> wondering about the 9000F myself. Really, although I like portability,
>>> there are two other things I would like if I were to buy a new scanner.
>>> (1) I would like something that handles legal size documents, and (2) I
>>> would like something with wireless capability to use with vuescan or some
>>> other app for i-devices. A bookedge type would be nice too but I don't
>>> think I'll get that with my other wishes. A camera instead would be a
>>> wonderful solution but honestly I've tried that, both with the iphone and
>>> a stand-alone scanner, and no matter how hard I try to follow the
>>> instructions, I can't get the quality I need to scan books; I know other
>>> people do it but it just doesn't ever work quite for me. Being able to
>>> just turn pages and snap pictures sounds ideal but it hasn't measured up
>>> to my hopes. But don't get me wrong; I do like my 110 and I'm not
>>> griping; just sharing what I would really like to have! I pretty much
>>> take my books apart to scan them which means I don't scan library books.
>>> With all the accessible electronics options out there for paperless books
>>> and with the audible options, I don't scan quite as much as I used to but
>>> I still scan a lot and I also scan pretty much all of my mail.
 I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
 I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper thrown in the trash!
 Then God gave me a new heart and life:
 His joy for my despairing tears!
 And now, every day:
 "This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
 his mercies never come to an end;
 they are new every morning;
 great is your faithfulness."
 (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)
 On Apr 30, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

 Dear Cheryl and All,

 Cheryl you have recently been posting regarding FineReader application
 and you mentioned having a new scanner CanoScan 9000F.  Would you mind
 giving me your opinion on it?  How fast is it?  What size paper can you
 scan with it?

 Maybe others could share their thoughts on the scanners they use or have
 used in the past.

 Thanks very much


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Re: Best scanners for text scanning

2014-05-01 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, taking the books apart is not really a option for me since i will
be selling them after the last exam this summer:)
I have for the most part always gotten good results with the optic
book 3600. However always under windows, though. Not sure why.
Annie, as for your missing text have you tried take the scanned result
and force it into an html file?
I have had too do that with all of my nursing books too make sure that
i got all the text

Best Sandi

On 5/1/14, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
> I don't remember the exact dimensions of legal size but it is considerably
> longer, I want to say 13 or 14 inches and I think a bit wider also.
>> --
>> Cheryl
>> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
>> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper thrown in the trash!
>> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
>> His joy for my despairing tears!
>> And now, every day:
>> "This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
>> The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
>> his mercies never come to an end;
>> they are new every morning;
>> great is your faithfulness."
>> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)
>> On May 1, 2014, at 5:43 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen
>>  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> There are a3 scanners on the market, epson used to have some. I have an
>> rather old one here, but unfortunately it is very slow on the mac, and it
>> is not in all cases an advantage.
>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den 30/04/2014 kl. 21.53 skrev Andrew Lamanche :
>>> Thank you, Cheryl for this.  When you say legal size paper, what size is
>>> it?  It would help me to understand this because when I read about
>>> various scanners, this term often appears.
>>> I, too, have my wishes for a scanner, and one of them - totally
>>> unreachable - is to have an a3 scanner so that I can scan books which
>>> have pages larger than a4 scanner can handle.
>>> Best wishes, Cheryl
>>> Andrew
 On 30 Apr 2014, at 19:07, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

 Actually I don't have the 9000F but the canon canoscan 110. It's
 lightweight and portable but seems slower than my lide60 that died. I
 was wondering about the 9000F myself. Really, although I like
 portability, there are two other things I would like if I were to buy a
 new scanner. (1) I would like something that handles legal size
 documents, and (2) I would like something with wireless capability to
 use with vuescan or some other app for i-devices. A bookedge type would
 be nice too but I don't think I'll get that with my other wishes. A
 camera instead would be a wonderful solution but honestly I've tried
 that, both with the iphone and a stand-alone scanner, and no matter how
 hard I try to follow the instructions, I can't get the quality I need to
 scan books; I know other people do it but it just doesn't ever work
 quite for me. Being able to just turn pages and snap pictures sounds
 ideal but it hasn't measured up to my hopes. But don't get me wrong; I
 do like my 110 and I'm not griping; just sharing what I would really
 like to have! I pretty much take my books apart to scan them which means
 I don't scan library books. With all the accessible electronics options
 out there for paperless books and with the audible options, I don't scan
 quite as much as I used to but I still scan a lot and I also scan pretty
 much all of my mail.

> --
> Cheryl
> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper thrown in the trash!
> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
> His joy for my despairing tears!
> And now, every day:
> "This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
> The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
> his mercies never come to an end;
> they are new every morning;
> great is your faithfulness."
> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)

> On Apr 30, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
> Dear Cheryl and All,
> Cheryl you have recently been posting regarding FineReader application
> and you mentioned having a new scanner CanoScan 9000F.  Would you mind
> giving me your opinion on it?  How fast is it?  What size paper can you
> scan with it?
> Maybe others could share their thoughts on the scanners they use or
> have used in the past.
> Thanks very much
> Andrew
> --
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Re: [New post] Apple’s Swift is instant hit among top programming languages

2014-06-12 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi just Downloaded it it seems pretty interesting so far .

On 6/11/14, Barry Hadder  wrote:
> One of the things I find fascinating about this is that no one had any clue
> that this was coming.  They’ve obviously been working on this for years and
> it never leaked.
> It’s going to be very interesting to see what an impact this has on the
> programming community as a whole and not just the apple development
> community.  Objective C became just a nitch language and never really was
> adopted outside of Apple.  I’m not sure that’s going to be the case here.
> As for as I know, this is the first programming language that acts like a
> scripting language, but generates processor native code.
> Thanks for the post.
>> On Jun 10, 2014, at 9:55 AM, Christopher Hallsworth
>>  wrote:
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> Student at the Hadley School for the Blind
>>  Original Message 
>> Subject: [New post] Apple’s Swift is instant hit among top programming
>> languages
>> Date:Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:29:14 +
>> From:MacDailyNews 
>> Reply-To:MacDailyNews
>> To:
>> MacDailyNews posted: "[cfsp key="adsense_336x280"]"Apple's new Swift
>> language, featuring modern-day development capabilities for building OS
>> X and iOS applications, is likely to find swift, high placement in
>> assessments of programming language popularity," Paul Krill reports f"
>> Respond to this post by replying above this line
>>New post on *MacDailyNews*
>>Apple’s Swift is instant hit among top programming languages
>> by MacDailyNews 
>> [cfsp key="adsense_336x280"]"Apple's new Swift language, featuring
>> modern-day development capabilities for building OS X and iOS
>> applications, is likely to find swift, high placement in assessments of
>> programming language popularity," Paul Krill reports for InfoWorld.
>> "Both the Tiobe and PyPL indexes already have plans to accommodate
>> Swift," Krill reports. "'A preview shows that its first rating will
>> probably in the top 20 by [the July Tiobe index]. Swift is a natural and
>> long-awaited next step of Apple,' this month's Tiobe index description
>> said. The monthly index, which gauges language popularity via a formula
>> assessing searches on languages on sites like Google, Wikipedia, and
>> YouTube, has shown Swift's predecessor, the Objective-C language,
>> ranking not far behind C and Java in language popularity in recent
>> years."
>> "In the rival PyPL index, which looks at how often language tutorials
>> are searched on in Google, a representative already has done a brief
>> assessment on Swift," Krill reports. "'Yes, it would come in ninth
>> position, based on the first week of data since its announcement,' said
>> Pierre Carbonnelle, who oversees the index... With a 6.6 percent share,
>> Objective-C ranks eighth on the PyPL index, which notes the language has
>> been climbing in popularity."
>> *Read more in the full article here
>> .*
>> *Related articles:*
>> Swift: Apple’s next-gen programming language 4 years in the making
>> - June 4, 2014
>> Why developers are going nuts over Apple’s new ‘Swift’ programming
>> language
>> - June 3, 2014
>> Apple just delivered a knockout blow to Android with iOS 8
>> - June 2, 2014
>> Xcode 6 features resizable device simulators, paving way for iPhones
>> with new screen sizes
>> - June 2, 2014
>> WWDC 2014: Apple sets the scene for its next decade
>> - June 2, 2014
>> Apple unveils new versions of OS X and iOS, major iCloud update with
>> iCloud Drive
>> - June 2, 2014
>> Apple’S WWDC news bores investors, not developers
>> - June 2, 2014
>> Apple’s HealthKit aims to unite wearables and fitness apps

Re: Learning bash.

2014-06-24 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, a fast feminine search gave me this from google.

On 6/24/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
> Hi all.
> I would like to face my terminal on a scientific way learning the bash
> language.
> Does anybody have some basic document or web page where starting from?
> My knoledge about bash old by mac terminal is zero.
> Thanks.
> Gabriel.
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Re: Apple Care about up

2014-06-25 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, i guess if it was me i would give it a round with prime 95, it can
really put it too the limit.
I do it with mine before a bad-guy-catch.

On 6/25/14, Traci Duncan  wrote:
> Hi all, it is hard to believe, but I have had my Macbook Air long enough,
> that my Apple Care is nearly over.
> Are there any tips or suggestions you guys can think of before it ends?  Any
> tests I should put my Mac through to make sure it is healthy?
> Only curious.  I cannot believe it has been 3 years already.
> Traci
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Re: Apple Care about up

2014-06-25 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
well, say it like it is that you have had it for a long time and you
wanna give it a lil checkout, sometimes we check our cars for oil,
braking fluids, and last but not least cooling water, why? we want the
machine too run as good as it can.


On 6/25/14, Alex Hall  wrote:
> I believe so. My sister's Air had a chip on the side (never, ever use Speck
> cases!) and she was able to set up an appointment to have it looked at.
> Nothing says you can't just ask them to run a full set of diagnostics. They
> shouldn't say no, but even if they do, that's the worst that can happen.
> On Jun 25, 2014, at 12:13 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> Oh, wait a sec...  You mean I can bring my Macbook Air into a store just
>> for a check up?  During my Apple Care period?
>> I didn't know this.
>> I'll definitely make an appointment for that.  We have 2 Apple stores
>> within 15-20 miles, no problem.
>> A silly question, but what do I say to the Store?  I'd like to make an
>> appointment to have my Macbook Air checked out?
>> Thanks, Traci
>> On Jun 25, 2014, at 8:55 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> You can also run Apple Hardware Tests. The interface is not accessible,
>>> but it is a special boot mode that can diagnose some hardware problems.
>>> Of course, if you can have a local Apple Store give it a thorough
>>> once-over while doing so is still free, that's the best thing I can think
>>> of. I know it isn't an option all the time - my nearest Apple Store is
>>> about 3 hours away. Also, if there are any cosmetic problems you are
>>> worried about, or anything else at all, no matter how minor, get them
>>> looked at now.
>>> On Jun 25, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
>>> wrote:
>>>> hi, i guess if it was me i would give it a round with prime 95, it can
>>>> really put it too the limit.
>>>> I do it with mine before a bad-guy-catch.
>>>> On 6/25/14, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>>>>> Hi all, it is hard to believe, but I have had my Macbook Air long
>>>>> enough,
>>>>> that my Apple Care is nearly over.
>>>>> Are there any tips or suggestions you guys can think of before it ends?
>>>>>  Any
>>>>> tests I should put my Mac through to make sure it is healthy?
>>>>> Only curious.  I cannot believe it has been 3 years already.
>>>>> Traci
>>>>> --
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex Hall
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Re: Command line question.

2014-06-30 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, it is not cp or as you call it copy that you need but "scp" note
the quotes that i made round the word.
basically as i recall it it is a long time ago i used it you gotta
write something like this. scp *.extension,
if you want more information as you copy it you can set a -vvv in
before the rest of the line, if that don't work let me know and i will
help you out .:)

On 6/30/14, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
> Hi!
> I'd thought this would work but maybe it doesn't.
> I have ssh into my mac from a linux box as root.
> Now i want to copy a bunch of mp3-s or move them from one disk to another
> with mv or cp.
> I tried:
> cp *.mp3 /volumes/my audio disk/
> I got the following error.
> :sh: /bin/cp: argument list to long.
> Please help and i promise i will read the manpage for cp.
> /A
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Re: Command line question.

2014-06-30 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
well as i just said if he just use cp, over ssh, it would not work, as
a matter of fact he can beat at it till the cow comes home.
Of course i am taking for granted that he ***wanna*** move the stuff
from one computer too another, so scp that is .
just found this .
sandras-MacBook-Air:~ sandra$ man scp >scp
sandras-MacBook-Air:~ sandra$ cat scp

SCP(1)BSD General Commands Manual   SCP(1)

 scp -- secure copy (remote file copy program)

 scp [-12346BCEpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file]
 [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program]
 [[user@]host1:]file1 ... [[user@]host2:]file2

 scp copies files between hosts on a network.  It uses ssh(1) for data
 transfer, and uses the same authentication and provides the same security
 as ssh(1).  Unlike rcp(1), scp will ask for passwords or passphrases if
 they are needed for authentication.

 File names may contain a user and host specification to indicate that the
 file is to be copied to/from that host.  Local file names can be made
 explicit using absolute or relative pathnames to avoid scp treating file
 names containing `:' as host specifiers.  Copies between two remote hosts
 are also permitted.

 The options are as follows:

 -1  Forces scp to use protocol 1.

 -2  Forces scp to use protocol 2.

 -3  Copies between two remote hosts are transferred through the local
 host.  Without this option the data is copied directly between
 the two remote hosts.  Note that this option disables the
 progress meter.

 -4  Forces scp to use IPv4 addresses only.

 -6  Forces scp to use IPv6 addresses only.

 -B  Selects batch mode (prevents asking for passwords or

 -C  Compression enable.  Passes the -C flag to ssh(1) to enable com-

 -E  Preserves extended attributes, resource forks, and ACLs.
 Requires both ends to be running Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

 -c cipher
 Selects the cipher to use for encrypting the data transfer.  This
 option is directly passed to ssh(1).

 -F ssh_config
 Specifies an alternative per-user configuration file for ssh.
 This option is directly passed to ssh(1).

 -i identity_file
 Selects the file from which the identity (private key) for public
 key authentication is read.  This option is directly passed to

 -l limit
 Limits the used bandwidth, specified in Kbit/s.

 -o ssh_option
 Can be used to pass options to ssh in the format used in
 ssh_config(5).  This is useful for specifying options for which
 there is no separate scp command-line flag.  For full details of
 the options listed below, and their possible values, see


 -P port
 Specifies the port to connect to on the remote host.  Note that
 this option is written with a capital `P', because -p is already
 reserved for preserving the times and modes of 

Re: Command line question.

2014-06-30 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
huh? i think i had a blonde moment there… that might work as well but
sfpt would be more secure than just ftp right?

On 6/30/14, DD  wrote:
> Someone wrote:
> "I have ssh into my mac from a linux box as root.
> Now i want to copy a bunch of mp3-s or move them from one disk to another
> with
> mv or cp."
> Use sftp to transfer files, or just ftp if it is between two of your own
> computers.
> There is a man page for both, I prefer sftp for its command set.
> XB
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Re: An Overview of iOS 8's New Accessibility Features – MacStories

2014-07-01 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
gorgeous! so now alex can guide me around when i am out visiting
patients ! yeehah!! apple way to go!
Will it also mean one can hear the map when i drive on the highway one
wonders? lets hope so…

On 6/30/14, Christopher Hallsworth  wrote:
> If it's like the mac Alex will be a U.S. English voice only. Other
> languages should still use the Vocalizer Expressive voices as with the
> case on iOS 7. As for speak screen I speculate this would be useless for
> VO users; more for those with low vision such as Zoom users or those
> with a learning disability such as dyslexia. Just a disclaimer: I am a
> beta tester but can still only speculate.
> Christopher Hallsworth
> Student at the Hadley School for the Blind
> On 01/07/2014 04:05, mário navarro wrote:
>> hi.
>> alex on IOS8 will only support English / USA, or will speak all the
>> languages ​​that are available today in the voices of IOS7 vocalizer
>> expressive voices?
>> yes, because if Alex comes to IOS8, must be present for all languages
>> and not only for English USA.
>> on the mac, alex only supports English / USA.
>> who assures us that alex on IOS8 will not be the same as the mac?
>> now speak about speak screen.
>> Can anyone explain in more detail what this tool is capable to do
>> specifically on the screen?
>> because it seems to me that for this purpose we have the selector
>> elements.
>> with the selector elements can also view the screen and all the elements
>> that can be found in the screen ...
>> what makes this tool more?
>> is this not more of the same?
>> I do not understand what the speak screen will give us more than the
>> selector elements.
>> We can also read the entire screen with two fingers up gesture, that
>> informs us of what is on the screen.
>> anybody explain to me what the speak screen does most specifically?
>> thanks.
>> cheers.
>> Em 28-06-2014 15:23, Robert C escreveu:
>>> Yosemite is no harder than Apple. It could be worse, much worse. And
>>> now we wait out the summer. That for some methinks will be much harder
>>> than learning to spell Y o s e m i t e. ;)
>>> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
>>> I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
>>> Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
>>> E-mail-
>>> On 6/28/2014 5:05 AM, Devin Prater wrote:
 I totally agree with the article. Even little things like the reader
 mode in Safari for mac and iOS, make things so simple and lovely. I
 can't wait to see what's new in Yosimidy though. On a side note, do
 they have to make OS names so hard to spell nowadays? What ever
 happened to simplicity there? LOL.
 On Jun 28, 2014, at 2:15 AM, Nicholas Parsons

> Thought the below article might be of interest to some on the list.
> An Overview of iOS 8's New Accessibility Features
> Since this year's WWDC keynote ended, the focus of any analysis on
> iOS 8 has been its features -- things like Continuity, Extensions,
> and iCloud Drive. This is, of course, expected: iOS is the operating
> system that drives Apple's most important (and most profitable)
> products, so it's natural that the limelight be shone on the new
> features for the mass market.
> As I've written, however, the Accessibility features that Apple
> includes in iOS are nonetheless just as important and innovative as
> the A-list features that Craig Federighi demoed on stage at Moscone.
> Indeed, Apple is to be lauded for their year-over-year commitment to
> improving iOS's Accessibility feature set, and they continue that
> trend with iOS 8.
> Here, I run down what's new in Accessibility in iOS 8, and explain
> briefly how each feature works.
> Alex. Apple is bringing Alex, its natural-sounding voice on the Mac,
> to iOS. Alex will work with all of iOS's spoken audio technologies
> (Siri excepted), including VoiceOver, Speak Selection, and another
> new Accessibility feature to iOS 8, Speak Screen (see below). In
> essence, Alex is a replacement for the robotic-sounding voice that
> controls VoiceOver, et al, in iOS today.
> Speak Screen. With Speak Screen, a simple gesture will prompt the
> aforementioned Alex to read anything on screen, including queries
> asked of Siri. This feature will be a godsend to visually impaired
> users who may have issues reading what is on their iPhone and/or
> iPad. It should be noted that Speak Screen is fundamentally
> different from Speak Selection, which only reads aloud selected
> text. By contrast, Speak Screen will read aloud everything on the
> screen -- text, button labels, etc.
> Zoom. Apple has made some welcome tweaks to its Zoom functionality
> in iOS 8. The hallmark feature is users now have 

Re: Tandom equivalent for the Mac

2014-07-04 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
i hope not , having someone being able too log on too my mac like that
could be potentially scary ;d
you could use ssh, though if you are talking about remote admin, but
that could be interesting too if the person dont know what he, she  is

On 7/4/14, Ryan Mann  wrote:
> For those that don't know, Tandom is a feature in the JAWS screen reader
> that allows a JAWS user to connect to another JAWS user's computer, hear
> what is going on and even control that person's computer.  Neither person
> needs to know the IP address.  Is there a way to do this with VoiceOver?
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
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Re: Tandom equivalent for the Mac

2014-07-04 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, i know there is something on the mac, like inbuild that can do
that if you have the computers ip, and i believe the users passwd, but
you gotta bare with me cause it is like 5 years ago i have used it ,
it is not ssh, but like gui interaction. you use all your normal
commands, just on a remote mac. But as i said i will have too look it
up cause it is a looong time ago i messed with it.

On 7/4/14, Eileen Misrahi  wrote:
> Hello,
> I just want to point out that when you connect to a tandum such as in JAWS,
> one will know who they are connecting with and the trust of the individual
> who needs to get access to your computer is not going to perform any
> malicious trojen or malware. The purpose of a tandum session is for those
> with expertise to perform trouble shooting on another computer or for remote
> training. I have used tandum many times in this capacity. Now, I am hoping
> someone can shed some light if there is a method to have the same feature on
> the Mac side? This would be beneficial for those individuals who switch over
> from the PC side to the mac and had some method of either trouble shooting
> or providing basic training. JMO.
> Best,
> Eileen
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Christopher
> Hallsworth
> Sent: Friday, July 4, 2014 1:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Tandom equivalent for the Mac
> Woa! You are required to enter some kind of passcode before the connection
> is accepted. Sorry but FS wouldn't build a product that would breach one's
> own security and privacy.
> Christopher Hallsworth
> Student at the Hadley School for the Blind
> On 04/07/2014 12:30, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
>> i hope not , having someone being able too log on too my mac like that
>> could be potentially scary ;d you could use ssh, though if you are
>> talking about remote admin, but that could be interesting too if the
>> person dont know what he, she  is doing.
>> On 7/4/14, Ryan Mann  wrote:
>>> For those that don't know, Tandom is a feature in the JAWS screen
>>> reader that allows a JAWS user to connect to another JAWS user's
>>> computer, hear what is going on and even control that person's
>>> computer.  Neither person needs to know the IP address.  Is there a way
>>> to do this with VoiceOver?
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> --
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Re: Tandom equivalent for the Mac

2014-07-04 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
okay, if you go in under
in there you find a program called Screenshareing
sandras-MacBook-Air:CoreServices sandra$ ls |grep -i screen
Open it , and you see a screen comming up with different things,
Now before you start go to system prefs, go in under share and allow
screeen sharing,
And type in the host computers ipadress if i recall correctly, you
will need some form of media too transfer the audio from the host
computer skype or some such.
Will check out later if it works, but for now , bedtime for this sleep
deprived springkitten.

On 7/4/14, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
> hi, i know there is something on the mac, like inbuild that can do
> that if you have the computers ip, and i believe the users passwd, but
> you gotta bare with me cause it is like 5 years ago i have used it ,
> it is not ssh, but like gui interaction. you use all your normal
> commands, just on a remote mac. But as i said i will have too look it
> up cause it is a looong time ago i messed with it.
> On 7/4/14, Eileen Misrahi  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just want to point out that when you connect to a tandum such as in
>> JAWS,
>> one will know who they are connecting with and the trust of the
>> individual
>> who needs to get access to your computer is not going to perform any
>> malicious trojen or malware. The purpose of a tandum session is for those
>> with expertise to perform trouble shooting on another computer or for
>> remote
>> training. I have used tandum many times in this capacity. Now, I am
>> hoping
>> someone can shed some light if there is a method to have the same feature
>> on
>> the Mac side? This would be beneficial for those individuals who switch
>> over
>> from the PC side to the mac and had some method of either trouble
>> shooting
>> or providing basic training. JMO.
>> Best,
>> Eileen
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Christopher
>> Hallsworth
>> Sent: Friday, July 4, 2014 1:18 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Tandom equivalent for the Mac
>> Woa! You are required to enter some kind of passcode before the
>> connection
>> is accepted. Sorry but FS wouldn't build a product that would breach
>> one's
>> own security and privacy.
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> Student at the Hadley School for the Blind
>> On 04/07/2014 12:30, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
>>> i hope not , having someone being able too log on too my mac like that
>>> could be potentially scary ;d you could use ssh, though if you are
>>> talking about remote admin, but that could be interesting too if the
>>> person dont know what he, she  is doing.
>>> On 7/4/14, Ryan Mann  wrote:
>>>> For those that don't know, Tandom is a feature in the JAWS screen
>>>> reader that allows a JAWS user to connect to another JAWS user's
>>>> computer, hear what is going on and even control that person's
>>>> computer.  Neither person needs to know the IP address.  Is there a way
>>>> to do this with VoiceOver?
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-05 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, there is flight gear, it works 100% for mac but the learning curve
is massive, cause of its realism.
If you are serious about trying it out i will happily send some files
and a manual in how too install it , but as i said , it is not like
all these blind games for windows, it is a true simulator, it means
that up on other things that you have prop wash and ground effect and
stuff like that , so using a bit of time on, may not be a
bad idea.
But as i said if anyone is interested i will happily make a short read
me and we can take it from there ,.


On 7/5/14, Cameron Strife  wrote:
> Hi. Can anybody out there recommend vo friendly or otherwise
> accessible flight simulators or racing games etc for OSX or iOS?
> Thanks,
> Cameron.
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-05 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, no you don't exactly use it with voiceover, you use speak, the
reason is that speak is faster if you fly a f16 at  800 knots you will
want a  speech that is … fast. really fast.
It is not where you guys are yet trust me.
Let me try too explain how it works even it is totally late so please
bare with me.
We will take a good old german airplane as the example, the reason for
this is that it is the easiest too fly and that is what y'all will
wanna start with . It is a plane called a Storch, it flies with around
80 knots that is about 160 kmh, give and take.
So here goes, all of the different instruments in the airplane are
variables all of these at least them you need are numbers… like  if
you fly at curse 1 that is north, 90 is east and so on, it is the same
for the altimeter, rpm, oil temp, engine temp,, airspeed, etc, it is
the same for the ILS if the plane or airport have it , but more about
that later.
For Alex, it is not everything that works, mostly because i have not
had the time too fully mess with it .
But what you need too get the plane going works.
So just a few words about how it speaks, the numbers are send through
a Perl script  too speak, it speaks it when you press a key, and i am
going too write more about that later on. If anyone is interested they
can join #flightgear on, i will be there for at least
2 hours. As i said if anyone is interested i will happily make a short
manual however it is not what i am best at but i will sure try :)
Lets keep it on the list k? at least till  Cara tells  us differently.
I don't wanna write more than i absolutely have too.

On 7/5/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 00:02, Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>  ha scritto:
>> hi, there is flight gear, it works 100% for mac
> Hi Sandi.
> You said 100% for mac, but what is matter here is if it works 100% or
> somehow less, for VoiceOver. Is it so?
> Thanks.
> Gabriel.
> --
> Namasté!
> Sent from my iMac27. (Gmail)
> --
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-06 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse you need some files from me before it works though
and i need forage first , just woke up

On 7/5/14, Justin Mann  wrote:
> Hi there,
> Where do you get the app?
> On Jul 5, 2014, at 6:41 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>> hi, no you don't exactly use it with voiceover, you use speak, the
>> reason is that speak is faster if you fly a f16 at  800 knots you will
>> want a  speech that is ... fast. really fast.
>> It is not where you guys are yet trust me.
>> Let me try too explain how it works even it is totally late so please
>> bare with me.
>> We will take a good old german airplane as the example, the reason for
>> this is that it is the easiest too fly and that is what y'all will
>> wanna start with . It is a plane called a Storch, it flies with around
>> 80 knots that is about 160 kmh, give and take.
>> So here goes, all of the different instruments in the airplane are
>> variables all of these at least them you need are numbers... like  if
>> you fly at curse 1 that is north, 90 is east and so on, it is the same
>> for the altimeter, rpm, oil temp, engine temp,, airspeed, etc, it is
>> the same for the ILS if the plane or airport have it , but more about
>> that later.
>> For Alex, it is not everything that works, mostly because i have not
>> had the time too fully mess with it .
>> But what you need too get the plane going works.
>> So just a few words about how it speaks, the numbers are send through
>> a Perl script  too speak, it speaks it when you press a key, and i am
>> going too write more about that later on. If anyone is interested they
>> can join #flightgear on, i will be there for at least
>> 2 hours. As i said if anyone is interested i will happily make a short
>> manual however it is not what i am best at but i will sure try :)
>> Lets keep it on the list k? at least till  Cara tells  us differently.
>> I don't wanna write more than i absolutely have too.
>> On 7/5/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
>>> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 00:02, Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>>>  ha scritto:
>>>> hi, there is flight gear, it works 100% for mac
>>> Hi Sandi.
>>> You said 100% for mac, but what is matter here is if it works 100% or
>>> somehow less, for VoiceOver. Is it so?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Gabriel.
>>> --
>>> Namasté!
>>> Sent from my iMac27. (Gmail)
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-06 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, yes with out espeak it is absolutely inaccessible. the reason for
this is it was never written as a simulator for blind persons.
We made it so i could use it cause i had the interest.
Have been writing on a little how too for the most of the day.
anyone knows of a good place for hosting small files?

On 7/6/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
> Hi Sandi.
> I've downloaded the full flight gear simulator, for Mac.
> Just launched it and it seems totally inaccessible, but I guess it is way I
> don't know how to do.
> As Daniela asked, I'd really like to by guided by your experience in order
> to learn firstly how to get it usable, and later, the basics knowledge to
> start flying.
> Thanks.
> Gabriel.
> --
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-06 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
well i don't use that for security  reasons will find something that works.

On 7/6/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 17:16, Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>  ha scritto:
>> anyone knows of a good place for hosting small files?
> GB: dropbox?
> --
> Namasté!
> Sent from my iMac27. (Gmail)
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-06 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
found something, will know in like 4 minutes

On 7/6/14, Cameron Strife  wrote:
> maybe send space or yousendit...
> On 7/6/14, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>> well i don't use that for security  reasons will find something that
>> works.
>> On 7/6/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
>>> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 17:16, Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>>>  ha scritto:
>>>> anyone knows of a good place for hosting small files?
>>> GB: dropbox?
>>> --
>>> Namasté!
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-06 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse it is the manual will
have too make the installer smaller but that should be okay easy

On 7/6/14, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
> found something, will know in like 4 minutes
> On 7/6/14, Cameron Strife  wrote:
>> maybe send space or yousendit...
>> On 7/6/14, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>>> well i don't use that for security  reasons will find something that
>>> works.
>>> On 7/6/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
>>>> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 17:16, Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>>>>  ha scritto:
>>>>> anyone knows of a good place for hosting small files?
>>>> GB: dropbox?
>>>> --
>>>> Namasté!
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-06 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse that should be all of
the files you will need Till i have found a better way Espeak should
be used,

On 7/6/14, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
> it is the manual will
> have too make the installer smaller but that should be okay easy
> On 7/6/14, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>> found something, will know in like 4 minutes
>> On 7/6/14, Cameron Strife  wrote:
>>> maybe send space or yousendit...
>>> On 7/6/14, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>>>> well i don't use that for security  reasons will find something that
>>>> works.
>>>> On 7/6/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
>>>>> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 17:16, Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>>>>>  ha scritto:
>>>>>> anyone knows of a good place for hosting small files?
>>>>> GB: dropbox?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Namasté!
>>>>> Sent from my iMac27. (Gmail)
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-06 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
nods true but not worth it for the things it did deliver.

On 7/6/14, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
> What kind of small files are we talking? What "security issues" exist
> with dropbox? You could always use something like s3 and encrypt it.
> On 7/6/2014 11:49 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
>> well i don't use that for security  reasons will find something that
>> works.
>> On 7/6/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
>>> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 17:16, Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>>>  ha scritto:
>>>> anyone knows of a good place for hosting small files?
>>> GB: dropbox?
>>> --
>>> Namasté!
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> Take care,
> Ty
> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that
> dares not reason is a slave.
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-07 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
new plane, engine is already running storch with electric

On 7/6/14, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
> nods true but not worth it for the things it did deliver.
> On 7/6/14, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
>> What kind of small files are we talking? What "security issues" exist
>> with dropbox? You could always use something like s3 and encrypt it.
>> On 7/6/2014 11:49 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
>>> well i don't use that for security  reasons will find something that
>>> works.
>>> On 7/6/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
>>>> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 17:16, Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>>>>  ha scritto:
>>>>> anyone knows of a good place for hosting small files?
>>>> GB: dropbox?
>>>> --
>>>> Namasté!
>>>> Sent from my iMac27. (Gmail)
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>> --
>> Take care,
>> Ty
>> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he
>> that
>> dares not reason is a slave.
>> --
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-07 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
made a very fast pop cast

On 7/7/14, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
> new plane, engine is already running storch with electric
> engine|
> On 7/6/14, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>> nods true but not worth it for the things it did deliver.
>> On 7/6/14, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
>>> What kind of small files are we talking? What "security issues" exist
>>> with dropbox? You could always use something like s3 and encrypt it.
>>> On 7/6/2014 11:49 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
>>>> well i don't use that for security  reasons will find something that
>>>> works.
>>>> On 7/6/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
>>>>> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 17:16, Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>>>>>  ha scritto:
>>>>>> anyone knows of a good place for hosting small files?
>>>>> GB: dropbox?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Namasté!
>>>>> Sent from my iMac27. (Gmail)
>>>>> --
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>>> --
>>> Take care,
>>> Ty
>>> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he
>>> that
>>> dares not reason is a slave.
>>> --
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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-08 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
well at this time there is not much more too say unless if anyone have
problems and  since i have not heard anything i am taking it for
branded that we all flying.

On 7/5/14, John D. Lipsey  wrote:
> I am very interested to know more about this game. It sounds awesome!
> Thanks in advance.
> John D. Lipsey
> Twitter: @J_TGL
> On Jul 5, 2014, at 17:41, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>> hi, no you don't exactly use it with voiceover, you use speak, the
>> reason is that speak is faster if you fly a f16 at  800 knots you will
>> want a  speech that is ... fast. really fast.
>> It is not where you guys are yet trust me.
>> Let me try too explain how it works even it is totally late so please
>> bare with me.
>> We will take a good old german airplane as the example, the reason for
>> this is that it is the easiest too fly and that is what y'all will
>> wanna start with . It is a plane called a Storch, it flies with around
>> 80 knots that is about 160 kmh, give and take.
>> So here goes, all of the different instruments in the airplane are
>> variables all of these at least them you need are numbers... like  if
>> you fly at curse 1 that is north, 90 is east and so on, it is the same
>> for the altimeter, rpm, oil temp, engine temp,, airspeed, etc, it is
>> the same for the ILS if the plane or airport have it , but more about
>> that later.
>> For Alex, it is not everything that works, mostly because i have not
>> had the time too fully mess with it .
>> But what you need too get the plane going works.
>> So just a few words about how it speaks, the numbers are send through
>> a Perl script  too speak, it speaks it when you press a key, and i am
>> going too write more about that later on. If anyone is interested they
>> can join #flightgear on, i will be there for at least
>> 2 hours. As i said if anyone is interested i will happily make a short
>> manual however it is not what i am best at but i will sure try :)
>> Lets keep it on the list k? at least till  Cara tells  us differently.
>> I don't wanna write more than i absolutely have too.
>> On 7/5/14, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
>>> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 00:02, Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>>>  ha scritto:
>>>> hi, there is flight gear, it works 100% for mac
>>> Hi Sandi.
>>> You said 100% for mac, but what is matter here is if it works 100% or
>>> somehow less, for VoiceOver. Is it so?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Gabriel.
>>> --
>>> Namasté!
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Re: Good, accessible IRC client for OS X?

2014-07-09 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
irssi for mac, works and if you are so lazy that you can't be bothered
too use your vo keys too hear what is new you could pipe it through

On 7/8/14, Pete Nalda  wrote:
> It will if the chat window is in VO's focus.
> Egun On, Lagunak (Basque for "G'Day, Mates
> Louie P "Pete" Nalda
> Twitter: @lpnalda
>> On Jul 8, 2014, at 10:10 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>> Does it read incoming chats or anything?
>> Devin Prater
>>> On Jul 8, 2014, at 10:03 PM, Pete Nalda  wrote:
>>> I personally like LimeChat. They also have an iOS client as well.
>>> Egun On, Lagunak (Basque for "G'Day, Mates
>>> Louie P "Pete" Nalda
>>> Twitter: @lpnalda
 On Jul 8, 2014, at 9:59 PM, Jason White  wrote:

 What would you recommend as an excellent and accessible IRC client for
 OS X?

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Re: accessible flight simulator or racing game etc for OSX or iOS?

2014-07-10 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
readme for blind users using flight gear written by Sandi Jazmin Kruse.
First of all, let me say this right out  making manuals is definitely
not what i do best, so please bare that in mind and fill free too ask
questions if something is not clear enough.
Flightgear is a flight simulator that was written for about i believe
10 years ago, i joined it when it was about 5 years old as a totally
blind person, and well it was clear too me that making it work so i
could use it would be relative easy.
And with that off the plate lets get too the easy stuff.
either you have some know how about the terminal, or you write exactly
what i say or it will not work. Sounds harder, than it was meant so
here goes.

1:you got  a image called flight gear blind install open that = stand
on it and press cmd o on it .

in there you got a few different files.

lets start with speak.nas.
copy it from the image too the folder below

in a terminal type this
cd /Volumes/flightgear-blind-install
and hit enter
now type cp speak.nas /Applications/
and again hit enter.
After that go back too your image and type .
cp speak_keys.xml /Applications/
and last go back too your image and type.
Cp fgfsrc too your home folder, in my case it would be
cp fgfsrc /Users/sandra ; rn fgfsrc .fgfsrc
Voiceover does not say this but you can see that i am renaming the
fgfsrc too a file with a period in front of it.
See? you almost there or as Lonestar says, Im already there, or was it
something with Mr Mom?
All these commands makes me so air-headed.
Okay at last go back too your image, you ought too know the drill by now.

cp  / note it is a slash at the end of the line,
why? just too lay it somewhere.
And now for the part i am not so good at remembering you need a copy
of Espeak, but I'm  sure that if you gootle it something should come
up, we are eventually considering making a version that uses
voiceover, but that part is for later.

blind related keys:
below i have listed some of the most important keys for when you wanna
fly the plane.
f tells you how fast you go
h your heading
u what is under you and your altitude above it.
l your rate of climb in feet.
k your pitch, minus means you are diving, plus means going up.
j your bank ankle, minus means you are banking it left,  plus means
banking right.
o is your VOR radio, you need that when you wanna land it again.
t is your throttle in % usually in a Storch you will be needing 50% of
throttle for straight and level flight.
d, presses your throttle all the way too its max.

Normal flight controls.
2 will make the plane climb up, 8 will dive it , use ctrl p for
locking your pitch.
4 will bank it  left 5 will place all services back too neutral 6 will
bank it right if you wanna use the wing leveler you press ctrl w and
press ctrl w again when you wanna bank it too a new heading.
3 will decrese your throttle and 9 will increase it

so now lets say that you take off from the standard airport that will
be ksfo, it si a airport in the US and its runway is like 3 kilometer
long so it should be more than enough for what you need.
press d too max the throttle out, and monitor your airspeed  with f,
wait till the plane is up on about 50 knots and press 2 a few times,
you will see that your plane is taking off and slowly raising through
the air.
If you use l you can see how many feet a minute you are going up, 400,
600 is a good climbing rate for starters.
set your pitch too about 2 and press ctrl p too lock the pitch, and
slowly bank the plane right, set your banking rate too 10 or so till
you are at a heading of 80ish so you head away from the airport,try
too press u too see how high you are over the ground, if you are about
1000 feet up, try too press ctrl p again and press 8 and 2  so you get
a feel for diving and raising with the plane a few times. you will
hear as the plane dives your  engines rpm goes up, and as you go up it
will slow down.
In the perfect world in gods own creation you will want a altitude at 1400 feet.
Try hold that for like 5 minutes, fine adjust your altitude.
It is harder than it sounds, try change your application of your
throttle till about 50%  whilst you still hold the same altitude.
Now after these 5 minutes try press your o key, and see what it says,
it is as i told you before your VOR radio or too use another word your
radio Compus.
It will say something like this Vor 290, 4 miles out. it is the way of
getting back too the Airport.
What  it means is this if you wanna go back too the airport head your
plane more or less in that direction the radio says… it would  in this
situation be 290.
There is much more too air navigation than this but this is just too
give you a little taste of how it is.
As you head back too the Airport you will hear your miles going  down,
 you will wanna dive just a little you can do that either by taking
the throttle off the engine, or s

Re: Audacity.

2014-07-12 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Alex you are amazing! you just saved my day :)

On 7/11/14, Alex Hall  wrote:
> It comes in only one flavor, and I find it to work quite well. There are
> some tricks you need to know going in, though.
> 1. Use left bracket and right bracket to mark sections of audio. Once
> marked, you can save the region, apply effects, silence, and so on. Use just
> left bracket or right bracket to set a single marker if you want to split a
> track.
> 2. Use enter to select or de-select a track before operating on it. If you
> do an edit but nothing happens, make sure you've selected the track first.
> 3. Up and down arrows move you through your tracks list, and VO will report
> the name, selected status, and solo status. If you want to move or rename
> tracks, vo-shift-m to bring up the track's context menu.
> 4. Use period and common to move forward or back by small amounts in a
> track, and add shift to move by larger amounts.
> That should help to get you started, but let us know if you run into
> problems and we can try to help further.
> On Jul 11, 2014, at 8:51 AM, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:
>> Hi All.
>> Some days ago I had to strip, from a large mp3 file, a section to work
>> with. I always did these jobs with Goldwave, under Windows but now I'm
>> switched and I have to do under MAC OS.
>> So, I choose the freeware Audacity and lastly I succeeded, but how hard it
>> was.
>> Audacity is defined as an accessible piece of software but probably my
>> concept of accessibility doesn't match that of who said that.
>> My question are:
>> 1. is there only one version of Audacity or it exists in several different
>> distributions? If so, what is the most accessible? If not, what is the
>> last released version?
>> Is there some tips and tricks to get in more VoiceOver friendly?
>> Thanks.
>> Gabriel.
>> --
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> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
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Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-12 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, i think and i can be wrong, at the same time i am pretty amazed,
keep reading and find out why.
NFB, is mostly like DBS in denmark, in norway and sweeden it is no
doubt called something else.
Some else talked about stereotypes, she got a good point.
For not long ago a person from DBS was visiting me, i was like sad for
hours after he had left. Both organizations have only one thing in
mind, make any person with a sight problem label on them look the same
uniformly cutesy, but guess what, it will never ever work cause we are
all different.
So Instead of harping on about apple time and time again, why not
start making some of these so called self driving cars?
I got some sight back for like 4 years ago and concequensly took and
ended a nursing education. Hard but worth it. Fine i as a really
stubborn girl would not in a lifetime have been able too do that with
out my mba, nor would i have been able too drive round too the
different patient with out the iPhone and maps on it.
We all are totally different, some of us like reading all day long,
whilst others of us, i am realizing not all have that option, but do
like swamping huge cars through lakes, train Amstaffs and Rottweilers.
Talked with a person from DBS for sometime ago. i was like after he
had gone… oh boy you sure aint from the sticks, or you got a …
seriously boring life.
I really would have liked seeing him making wood with the Partner,
wait maybe not it may as well have ended in a accident.
It is pretty simple, before NFB and others like them understands that
we as humans have the ability too make informed decisions for our
selves without them telling how they believe our life should and
should not be. I don't see us getting any changes.

On 7/12/14, 'David Goldfield' via MacVisionaries
> If you are one of the readers who are openly critical of the NFB's
> resolution, I'm wondering if you Have  actually read Jonathan Mosen's
> excellent and balanced response?  If you have not, may I kindly suggest
> that you do so. Some of you may not care if all apps are accessible and
> are willing to use itunes to locate alternatives which are.  While you
> do that, please bear in mind that the reason for why your beloved iTunes
> is so accessible is due to advocacy on the part of the NFB.  Do you
> seriously believe that all of these companies who have implemented so
> much accessibility into their products and services did so out of the
> goodness of their heart or because it was the right thing to do.  I
> truly wish that had been the case but it often is not.  Honestly, this
> is like criticizing a rule which gives you the right to criticize.
> Feel free to visit my new Web site
> Feel free to visit my LinkedIn profile
> Visit my blog
> Follow me on Twitter
>  David Goldfield,
> Founder and Peer Coordinator
> Philadelphia Computer Users' Group for the Blind and Visually Impaired
> On 7/12/2014 9:51 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> I cannot imagine it being about anything else but nfb getting money in
>> exchange for building in limitations.
>> Granted I make no secret of choosing my own dictionary.
>> But why on earth in the 21st century is anyone still worshiping at the
>> nfb altar anyway?
>> So they pass a resolution...and?
>> The only reason apple feels they must entertain them, is because other
>> customers do not indicate they have minds imaginations and interests
>> of their own.
>> a bunch of people gave this organization power, those same people, who
>> BTW have within  themselves the ability to write their own
>> dictionaries about blindness and anything else, can tell  the nfb they
>> have out grown the need for such a body anymore.
>> I simply do not understand why one conformity is exchanged for
>> another, one person's ideas of limitations exchanged for those the nfb
>> create with their mindset.
>> Kare
>> On Sat, 12 Jul 2014, Littlefield, Tyler wrote:
>>> Karen:
>>> I fully agree. It really does feel like we're slapping Apple in the
>>> face, forcing them to conform. I really really hope this doesn't
>>> work, because it's going to create a huge mess and totally redefine
>>> apps. Not everything is accessible but that really is fine with me;
>>> usually I can find an app that is. It's what happens when you use
>>> anything, really. My thoughts are mainly money based: how much money
>>> will NFB get for consulting for something like this, and secondly how
>>> is this trash going to redefine apps on the iPhone? It's not going to
>>> be all that hard for NFB to use their power to force things into
>>> IOS/apps that don't need to be there, force things out, etc.
>>> On 7/12/2014 9:25 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
  Let me see if I understand this.
  Apple who has built in innovation on its own must discuss with the

Re: Anyone miss certain words with Voiceover english voices

2014-07-19 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
for reading writing i use fred, usually round 70%
if i wanna mess round just for amusement i use alex, mostly also cause
of his breathing thing , but of course you gotta mark the text up and
read it before he do that, not sure if that would help you cause it
would make him slow a little bit down as breathing recording is

On 7/19/14, David Taylor  wrote:
> You should definitely try the Ivox demo then, see if any of their voices are
> to your liking. Sounds like it might be worth the expense in your case.
> Their site is not straightforward, but you can use it. Don't have the direct
> link, but Google will find it.
> On 19 Jul 2014, at 08:29, Daniel McGee 
> wrote:
>> Yes I have tried the rest of the male voices in the collection but I keep
>> either coming back to Alex or Daniel. They seem at least to my ears, to be
>> more understandable. I have tried the female ones but with them I find a
>> lot of the time I'll miss a lot of words and by then I've completely lost
>> sense of the text being spoken aloud. I'm glad there are some here who
>> know how I feel about these voices as they do too.
>> On 18 Jul 2014, at 16:21, Annie Skov Nielsen 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Most of the time i use
>>> the voices from infovox. I use heather and the danish voices. They are
>>> not really expensive anymore, you can buy them for a reasonable price.
>>> You will not have to pay upgrades all the time, mine is very old, and
>>> they have been upgraded a lot of times.
>>> Best regards Annie.Den 18/07/2014 kl. 14.51 skrev David Taylor
>>> :

 I know exactly what you mean. None of the voices are clear and reliable
 on pronunciation. For this, and other reasons, I'm currently trying
 Moira, the Irish voice, but if you need a male for hearing reasons, she
 is not an option. Have you tried Lee, Tom etc? Go to vo utility, speech,
 voices, and when you get to default voice, go in there and go to
 customise. In there, you can hear samples of every voice Apple have, to
 see if one works. Otherwise, if none of them do, you might want to try
 Infovox Ivox voices, though these are expensive.


 On 18 Jul 2014, at 13:17, Daniel McGee 

> Hi all, I was just simply wondering, regarding to whatever english
> voice you use with Voiceover are there at all times, where say your
> reading a piece of text from Safari and you miss hear the odd word hear
> and there.
> I'm sorry if that isn't descriptive or thought out more but to just to
> explain what I mean further. If, and I'm going to say it, used
> eloquence, I don't know why but that particular TTS have never gone
> wrong for me in the form of pronunciation. Where as in contrast, as
> much as I try to use Alex or any of the other male TTS voices that are
> available, I find now and then, that I'll miss a word or two when
> navigating around the web reviewing what I've written etc. Just
> wondered if I'm the only one.
> It is weird because I have my rate level set to 40% and I don't want to
> go down to 35% but with say Elequence, I could comfortably have that
> around the 45% mark and not miss a thing.
> So your thoughts are most welcome. Another possibility is that I'm also
> hearing in pared and wondered if this could have any baring on why I
> may miss certain words now and again. Its kind of frustrating at times
> which is why I wondered if it was just me.
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Re: The Martian Released on iTunes, Audio Described

2016-01-27 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
after having watched The martian, i will say that the movie's good but
another good one is gravity.
No artificial voices, just clean space operations, of course if you
are just in it for the thrills, it is a good one but in gravity you
have more realism.

On 1/26/16, Grant  wrote:
> I’ve observed something interesting. When I search for this movie in the
> iTunes Store either on my Mac or iPhone, and bring up its details, the
> following is listed under the Languages heading for the primary language:
> "English (Dolby 5.1, Subtitles, CC, AD)”. Presumably, CC stands for closed
> captioning while AD stands for audio description. So it looks like when a
> movie is described, it’ll be tagged with AD. I’m totally open to corrections
> if this is wrong.
> I’m not sure how to tell for TV episodes, though, if in fact there are any
> described TV episodes on iTunes.
> Cheers,
> Grant
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Re: To The List About The Recent Spam

2016-02-17 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
okay, so here goes, if you look at the mails that is eventually
shooting VO down, there is no strange letters in the subject, we are 4
different persons who is trying to fix this into a update so it don't
happen again, but is hard too duplicate.
Could someone be so kind as to send me a private email with the letters?
Stopping it from happening is easy enough, but making it crash is hard,

On 2/17/16, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
> In VoiceOver utility, under speech category, set all your voices to Alex and
> Alex to be your default voice.  It seems as if somehow the announcements are
> made by a different voice rather than default.
> hope this helps.
> Andrew
>> On 16 Feb 2016, at 23:10, Marie Lyons  wrote:
>> V/O F8 doesn’t do anything on my computer. Well since then I wound up with
>> 3 different voices. Alex reads the message but Victoria and Fred seem to
>> make the announcements.  I don’t like this.  I have no idea why I can’t
>> fix it.
>> Marie Lyons
>>> On Feb 15, 2016, at 9:18 PM, CJ Daniel >> > wrote:
>>> Marie,
>>> Press VO-F8 to launch the VO Utility.  VO-Shift-DownArrow on the Category
>>> table.  Arrow to the Speech option.  VO-Shift-UpArrow to stop interacting
>>> & move right to the voice options.  Press VO-SpaceBar to select it. Down
>>> Arrow to the Configure option.  Pick any other voice than Alex, Bruce, or
>>> Fred.  Wait for it to download & then select it.  That’ll do it.
>>> You see there’s an ass on the list, who has figured out a string of text
>>> that, when inserted into the subject line of an email, causes Alex to
>>> shut down.  It’s real cute.  I hope he reaps what he’s sown.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> CJ
 On Feb 15, 2016, at 6:19 PM, Marie Lyons  wrote:

 My v/o keeps shutting down.  What can I do to fix it?

 Marie Lyons. I had called disability support and they couldn’t figure it
 out.  Help greatly appreciated

 Marie Lyons
> On Feb 14, 2016, at 10:55 PM, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I became aware of the offensive emails and the deliberate string to
> shut
> down the Alex screen reader this morning.
> At that time, I looked at the email address of the sender and
> recognized it
> as one that I had just banned, last night, from the V iPhone list, for
> posting offensive language.
> For whatever reason, when I attempted to locate her/his address in the
> members list of this group, I could not find it.  Yet, the posts
> continued
> to come to the list.
> I was away from my computer for most of the day but, upon returning
> home
> about an hour or so ago, I managed to locate the user and first,
> change
> his/her posting privileges and then remove him from the list.
> To be quite honest, the account I located was unlike any I've seen in
> any
> groups.  So, it is possible, more messages will come through but I
> think I
> located the right address.  Only time will tell.
> Please know that I, on behalf of Cara, am paying close attention and
> am
> doing all I can to rid the list of such nuisances.
> For the record, the malicious string shut down my speech synthesizer,
> as
> well.  Very, very annoying.  Like others in this groups, I had to use
> my
> Windows computer with a non-mac screen reader to discover the source of
> the
> problem.
> Please know that we are in this together and, together, we'll get
> through
> it.
> Mark
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Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-18 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
so here is the thing, from what i understand and iPhones are not my
favorite subject, but ill try my best.
When you lock your iPhone the key too encrypt it all is on your phone,
apple don't have it anymore, so not even they can unlock the iPhone,
not even if they wanted, if you use a lock code on say 4 digits, there
is 1 different combinations, and it gets worse seen form Fbis
point of view, because after i believe it is 10 times wrong passcode,
the phone erases it self.
I personally like this feature, not that i have anything interesting
on my phone, but i like the fact that my data is actually secure,
problem is if they find a way to force apple into making something
that works, even if it is just for one iPhone, guess  what the next
time the shit hits the fan there will be precedence for having apple
roll their magic again.
And that might be the dangerous part. It seems that google is with
apple on this one at least they sites with them, but have anyone heard
any Ms comments?

On 2/18/16, E.T.  wrote:
> Michael,
> I urge you to do your own moderating by using that delete key on
> messages that bother you. I had to do that very task hundreds of times
> just this week. And I expect that task is far from over. (smiles)
>  From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> Many believe that we have been visited
> in the past. What if it were true?
> On 2/18/2016 9:52 AM, Michael Malver wrote:
>> Two questions:
>> 1. Why is this topic any more important for blind users than for any
>> other? That supposition is non-sensical to me.
>> 2. Since this topic is apparently on-topic, why couldn't Apple design some
>> sort of tool whereby law enforcement could send a specific device to
>> Apple, who could then take the device apart, and read/decrypt the data,
>> much as one might now do through the removal of a hard rive from a
>> laptop?
>> Asked another way, could something be developed which isn't part of the
>> operating system, but which could helplaw enforcement perform their task?
>> For what it's worth, I think Tim is doing absolutely the right thing. A
>> couple bad Americans shouldn't disrupt the majority of us who deserve
>> incryption and who would not misuse it.
>> I ask the above purely as hypotheticles.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of E.T.
>> Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:40 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search
>>  Not to encourage more heavy traffic but this IS an important issue
>> especially for blind users.
>>   From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>> Many believe that we have been visited
>> in the past. What if it were true?
>> On 2/18/2016 9:30 AM, Michael Malver wrote:
>>> I have a very important comment:
>>> This topic should be off topic for this list, which deals with how blind
>>> people interact with iPhones. I am not a moderator, but I hope I am right
>>> about this.
 On Feb 18, 2016, at 11:27 AM, Scott Granados 

 Wonder if anyone else is following Tim Cook’s position against being
 forced to cripple the security on iPhones.  Anyone have any comments?

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>> ---
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Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-18 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Scot, but now imagine that apple looses… just for the sake of the
discussion… what will be next, our cars? the sat nav? when will it

On 2/18/16, Scott Granados  wrote:
> So the EFF is with apple I believe, Google and Facebook, it’s just the media
> who the government controls and the FBI who want this.
> Just to add one small correction though, the pin isn’t the key it’s self.
> So while you’re right about the number of combinations of 4 digits the
> actual number of combinations is probably more like 2 to the 2048th power
> combinations.  The pin is but a seed / pass phrase component of the key
> pair.
> Since it seems most people are on the side of Apple we should all write
> Apple in support and write our congress persons letting them know we don’t
> support this intrusion.
>> On Feb 18, 2016, at 1:32 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
>> wrote:
>> so here is the thing, from what i understand and iPhones are not my
>> favorite subject, but ill try my best.
>> When you lock your iPhone the key too encrypt it all is on your phone,
>> apple don't have it anymore, so not even they can unlock the iPhone,
>> not even if they wanted, if you use a lock code on say 4 digits, there
>> is 1 different combinations, and it gets worse seen form Fbis
>> point of view, because after i believe it is 10 times wrong passcode,
>> the phone erases it self.
>> I personally like this feature, not that i have anything interesting
>> on my phone, but i like the fact that my data is actually secure,
>> problem is if they find a way to force apple into making something
>> that works, even if it is just for one iPhone, guess  what the next
>> time the shit hits the fan there will be precedence for having apple
>> roll their magic again.
>> And that might be the dangerous part. It seems that google is with
>> apple on this one at least they sites with them, but have anyone heard
>> any Ms comments?
>> On 2/18/16, E.T.  wrote:
>>> Michael,
>>>I urge you to do your own moderating by using that delete key on
>>> messages that bother you. I had to do that very task hundreds of times
>>> just this week. And I expect that task is far from over. (smiles)
>>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>> Many believe that we have been visited
>>> in the past. What if it were true?
>>> On 2/18/2016 9:52 AM, Michael Malver wrote:
>>>> Two questions:
>>>> 1. Why is this topic any more important for blind users than for any
>>>> other? That supposition is non-sensical to me.
>>>> 2. Since this topic is apparently on-topic, why couldn't Apple design
>>>> some
>>>> sort of tool whereby law enforcement could send a specific device to
>>>> Apple, who could then take the device apart, and read/decrypt the data,
>>>> much as one might now do through the removal of a hard rive from a
>>>> laptop?
>>>> Asked another way, could something be developed which isn't part of the
>>>> operating system, but which could helplaw enforcement perform their
>>>> task?
>>>> For what it's worth, I think Tim is doing absolutely the right thing. A
>>>> couple bad Americans shouldn't disrupt the majority of us who deserve
>>>> incryption and who would not misuse it.
>>>> I ask the above purely as hypotheticles.
>>>> -Original Message-
>>>> From:
>>>> [] On Behalf Of E.T.
>>>> Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:40 AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable
>>>> search
>>>> Not to encourage more heavy traffic but this IS an important issue
>>>> especially for blind users.
>>>>  From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>>> Many believe that we have been visited
>>>> in the past. What if it were true?
>>>> On 2/18/2016 9:30 AM, Michael Malver wrote:
>>>>> I have a very important comment:
>>>>> This topic should be off topic for this list, which deals with how
>>>>> blind
>>>>> people interact with iPhones. I am not a moderator, but I hope I am
>>>>> right
>>>>> about this.

Re: help with vmware

2013-11-07 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi all, anyone who can tell me if using fusion 5 under mavericks is a
go, or not?
thanks sandi

On 8/16/13, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
> what i like about fusion is actually that i can have the mac do its
> thing in windows, totally secured from the rest of the computers
> files.
> Sure we can scan books and all that under osx, but i have never ever
> found a way to make my book-scanner work as i wanted it under native
> osx.
> my next project will be to get all of my medical books scanned in.
> luckily i found a old version of windows xp, and it seems to run
> gorgeously on 512 mb of ram.
> Now here is one thing that have me a bit puzzled, when we boot windows
> up, do we have any way of seeing the messages flying across the
> screen?
> When we put xp on the MP, i could see a lots of lines changing, but
> could not actually read them with voiceover. I can see there is a log
> file. But have not looked much into it , was more wondering what
> others do.
> Over all i gotta say i am pretty impressed with what fusion can do.
> have a great weekend, later today we are heading for an airshow in
> roskilde, denmark europe,
> best
> sandi
> On 8/16/13, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
>> I like Key Remap for Macbook. It allows me to use caps lock as the VO key
>> in
>> OS X, and the JAWS key in Windows in Fusion. The one down side to this is
>> that you lose caps lock functionality, but I can live with that.
>> Jonathan Mosen
>> Mosen Consulting
>> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
>> --
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Re: Windows on a Mac

2013-11-19 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, when you say a better handle of osx, what does that exactly mean?
are you after UniX books, or just moving round on the computer,
keyboard shortcuts?
As for windows, i would consider vmware if i was you, unless if there
is a special reason for not doing so :)


On 11/18/13, Joe  wrote:
> Excellent. These are great tips. If you have any helpful resources for
> getting a good handle on OSX, I'd appreciate that as well. Thanks again.
> Joe
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Caitlyn furness
> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 9:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Windows on a Mac
> Hi Joe,
> Wow, lots to cover here!
> I'll have a go at some of this and I know others will chime in..
> Yes, 250 g is enough space for both operating systems.   You can partition
> your hard disk in any configuration you like.
> I'd personally allow 2 g of ram for windows.
> The alt and command keys are switched, but I think you might be able to use
> something like key remapped, but I'm not sure about this.
> For your cursor question, go into vo utility, and under the navigation tab,
> you want to change the option for "vo speaks caracters the cursor passes.
> I
> forget exactly what the option you want is called..It might be something
> like, speak the character  to the right of the cursor or something like
> that.
> I don't use boot camp, so unfortunately I can't answer boot camp questions
> except to tell you that you *might* need sighted help to set this up.
> there
> is a program out there now that some have used to set up boot camp without
> sighted help, but this is way beyond my knowledge.
> hth,
> Caitlyn
> On Nov 18, 2013, at 8:17 PM, Joe  wrote:
> Hello,
> I've no doubt my questions have come up time after time. I'm new to the
> list, so please feel free to point me to the appropriate archives if my
> question have already been answered.
> I'm considering installing Windows 7 on an 11-inch MacBook AIR. My
> questions:
> 1. How much RAM do you recommend?
> 2. Is 250 gigs sufficient to run both operating systems?
> 3. How much space should I devote to Windows using BootCamp?
> 4. Will the processor be relevant, or can I stick to whatever comes
> standard
> with the MBA?
> 5. Can someone tell me what keys are used to replicate certain Windows
> keys:
> Delete, Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down?
> 6. How proficient can one use JAWS under Windows in this arrangement?
> 7. As for OSX, I know there is a decent startup tour. Is there a free book
> or free resource that would let me learn my way around the operating system
> in a Voiceover context?
> 8. How do I go about changing the verbosity setting to allow me to delete
> characters in the same style as in Windows?
> Thanks all in advance for your help.
> Joe
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Re: Installing Windows 7 on an MBA using the DVD drive from a Macbook Pro

2013-12-04 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, you can do just like i have done with my mba and the mac pro, but
it is a little complicated.
On the other hand  if you do as i tell you too, you ought too be un
and run in a few hours.
First of all you gotta make an image outta your dvddrive, we will use
your mac with a dvddrive for this. Open a terminal under utilities.
and  here is where it gets a little complex.
type "mount" it will look a little like this

sandras-MacBook-Air:MacOS sandra$ mount
/dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
sandras-MacBook-Air:MacOS sandra$
okay, since i don't have a cd-rom drive on the mba it is not being
shown, but if you can lay the dvd in your mac, and type mount i can
tell you which drive too use.
Anyways, after you have found the right drive you will type something like this
dd if=dev/dvd/path/ of=/place/for/the/new.iso
your drive will start up, and run for a few minutes, after that is
outta the way, you have your brand new image where you placed it , lay
it on an usb or something like that.
If you are using vmware you should be fine from here. If that aint
working out just write again



On 12/4/13, Blake Sinnett  wrote:
> Hello,
> I think I remember hearing you could do this too, but the process of setting
> it up wasn't possible without eye balls so I didn't investigate it much
> more. There is also a way to install from a USB flash drive on newer Macs. I
> know that an USB DVD drive works, as I have to use this method since the DVD
> drive on my Mac mini has issues.
> Blake
> --
> From: "Kimberly thurman" 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 5:53 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Installing Windows 7 on an MBA using the DVD drive from a Macbook
> Pro
>> Is this possible?  I don’t have a portable external DVD drive.  Seems as
>> though I recall hearing it is possible somewhere.
>> Thanks in advance for any help!
>> --
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Re: a word in defense of the Apple accessibility team

2013-12-19 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Hi Eric, you got me a little confused, surely if you walk down too
your  local library you can take a book home OCR it and read it?
Am not sure about the copyright laws in the us, but i know that in
Denmark, i can go down, get a normal book, take it home scan it , read
it and have the exactly same access too the information, as any other

Eric oyen Wrote:
" THe purpose of a library is the same as its always been: the free
sharing of information. We the blind have as much right to access to
this information that the sighted take for granted, yet the
onerousness of copyright laws makes this extremely difficult. This
situation is not improving (as evidenced by recent actions against
both Apple and Google for their books online). Again, we get left out
of consideration when such actions are taken."
Eric, i am confused as stated before, are you talking about usual
books[that is what i use mostly for my  nursing education] my
absolutely only problem is that i have too scan them, that is a bitch.
a few words about ebooks.

As far as i know there have always been some sort of problems with
ebooks, it can of course have been changed, am not sure.
I have found out for me at least the fastest way simply is go get my
mane dirty , and scan it and read it and move on, it is frustrating,
yes but it is workable.

Kare, agree. You do as a matter fact have sighted persons who do use
some sort of voiceover.
Some of us have even taken it so far as too wire a mac mini into our
car, listening too the mac whilst we drive.
Is it fair that blind persons can't have the same access too the
information as sighted? Of course not, but changes takes time.
I have felt that on my own body when i started my nursing education,
cause i am so eye limited that i am only exactly qualifying. I could
have bitched and whined about it ,but i am believing that constructive
dialog will get me further.
The last 3 years have definitely been frustrating sometimes, cause i
have too work really hard too get where i want.
But 1 year to go and my mac have served its right as my number one
computer on my desc.
I think we sometimes have too remember if you are handicapped
somethings is harder, some things can't be done, but after all since
we are talking about information, the most can get too it if they are
willing too hop a little around.

best Sandi

On 12/18/13, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
> oh but of course.
> After all compare the number of apple screen readers there have been what
> two? three at most?  outspoken which did the job fantastically with
> apple's input, , still can
> with the right equipment, then voiceover.  because apple understood the
> importance of including speech for many populations.
> what always blows my mind though is the assumption that voiceover exists
> solely for , and benefits only individuals experiencing sight loss.The
> very idea is a limitation in and of itself.
> The broader the understanding that there can be  more people and more
> definitions of successful  interaction then the one you are
> personally using, the easier
> it is to draw others on board for inclusion.
> just my two cents having only read Tim's comments and not the rest of the
> thread.
> Kare
> On Wed, 18 Dec 2013, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Well said David.  While I understand people’s frustration and totally
>> despise discrimination, I’m not sure that I fully agree with some of the
>> opinions/comments shared prior to that.
>> I’ll chime in here to express just a few points.  Way back when OS X first
>> came out, I recall going down to the city to do some training with Apple
>> and I commented on the lack of a screen reader within the new OS.  I had
>> been using OutSpoken for Mac in OS 6 through 9 and was interested in
>> continuing to use the Mac as it evolved.  In normal Apple fashion, no real
>> concrete things were said but it certainly was hinted that they were
>> working on something of their own instead of having an outside vender
>> developing such an animal.  My point is here that I don’t believe that it
>> was the noise made by the blind community that got Apple on the screen
>> reader and accessibility wagon, I’m pretty sure that it was in the cards
>> for quite a while.  I certainly know that magnification and other
>> accessibility features were built right in to the MacOS back in the late
>> 80s,.  I don’t believe for a minute that accessibility is not a priority.
>> The old saying that you attract more flies to honey than you do to crap
>> comes to mind.  Constructive dialog and collaboration usually get better
>> results than ranting and raving.  Expressing frustration and asserting
>> yourself and your rights are fine, but speculation and exaggeration seldom
>> result in positive productivity.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Dec 18, 2013, at 1:33 PM, David Chittenden 
>> wrote:
>>> Wow, such interesting arguments. When eBook readers do not have built-in
>>> speakers

Re: Equal Access to Library Books (Was: a word in defense of the Apple accessibility team)

2013-12-20 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
en  wrote:
>> I can do just that, but the inconvenience of doing so vastly outweighs the
>> benefits. Also, there are restrictions in US copyright law that
>> specifically prohibits this kind of activity (and there doesn't appear to
>> be a listed set of exceptions) for the individual. Also, there is the time
>> involved to scan, proof read and correct. That kind of takes the joy out
>> of reading.
>> -eric
>>> On Dec 19, 2013, at 1:31 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
>>> Hi Eric, you got me a little confused, surely if you walk down too
>>> your  local library you can take a book home OCR it and read it?
>>> Am not sure about the copyright laws in the us, but i know that in
>>> Denmark, i can go down, get a normal book, take it home scan it , read
>>> it and have the exactly same access too the information, as any other
>>> person.
>>> Eric oyen Wrote:
>>> " THe purpose of a library is the same as its always been: the free
>>> sharing of information. We the blind have as much right to access to
>>> this information that the sighted take for granted, yet the
>>> onerousness of copyright laws makes this extremely difficult. This
>>> situation is not improving (as evidenced by recent actions against
>>> both Apple and Google for their books online). Again, we get left out
>>> of consideration when such actions are taken."
>>> Eric, i am confused as stated before, are you talking about usual
>>> books[that is what i use mostly for my  nursing education] my
>>> absolutely only problem is that i have too scan them, that is a bitch.
>>> a few words about ebooks.
>>> As far as i know there have always been some sort of problems with
>>> ebooks, it can of course have been changed, am not sure.
>>> I have found out for me at least the fastest way simply is go get my
>>> mane dirty , and scan it and read it and move on, it is frustrating,
>>> yes but it is workable.
>>> Kare, agree. You do as a matter fact have sighted persons who do use
>>> some sort of voiceover.
>>> Some of us have even taken it so far as too wire a mac mini into our
>>> car, listening too the mac whilst we drive.
>>> Is it fair that blind persons can't have the same access too the
>>> information as sighted? Of course not, but changes takes time.
>>> I have felt that on my own body when i started my nursing education,
>>> cause i am so eye limited that i am only exactly qualifying. I could
>>> have bitched and whined about it ,but i am believing that constructive
>>> dialog will get me further.
>>> The last 3 years have definitely been frustrating sometimes, cause i
>>> have too work really hard too get where i want.
>>> But 1 year to go and my mac have served its right as my number one
>>> computer on my desc.
>>> I think we sometimes have too remember if you are handicapped
>>> somethings is harder, some things can't be done, but after all since
>>> we are talking about information, the most can get too it if they are
>>> willing too hop a little around.
>>> best Sandi
>>>> On 12/18/13, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>>>> oh but of course.
>>>> After all compare the number of apple screen readers there have been
>>>> what
>>>> two? three at most?  outspoken which did the job fantastically with
>>>> apple's input, , still can
>>>> with the right equipment, then voiceover.  because apple understood the
>>>> importance of including speech for many populations.
>>>> what always blows my mind though is the assumption that voiceover
>>>> exists
>>>> solely for , and benefits only individuals experiencing sight loss.
>>>> The
>>>> very idea is a limitation in and of itself.
>>>> The broader the understanding that there can be  more people and more
>>>> definitions of successful  interaction then the one you are
>>>> personally using, the easier
>>>> it is to draw others on board for inclusion.
>>>> just my two cents having only read Tim's comments and not the rest of
>>>> the
>>>> thread.
>>>> Kare
>>>>> On Wed, 18 Dec 2013, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Well said David.  While I unde

Re: a word in defense of the Apple accessibility team

2013-12-20 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Chris, that is what i have done, take one mac mini, an inverter,an fm
thingie, and you're golden smiles.
The sound from the computer will come out over the cars stereo, it may
not look drop-dead gorgeous, but as the Falcon from star wars, both
car and set up got it where it counts.
Tyler, am with ya on that one, am not sure about the laws in Europe,
but yay, i see it kinda like this, if they can't give equal access too
all, blind, deflexic blah blah blah included, well what am a girl to
put it in her scanner, and read it cheerfully and well when done ,
delete it , obviously.
There is another cool thing by scanning your books, you can get a tons
more stuff about one single subject than if you use say audio books,
however that is a whole other story

On 12/20/13, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
> This is one of them laws that is there but really can't be  upheld
> unless you are scanning the book to keep around after you  turn it back
> into the library or redistributing it. Otherwise, noone really knows you
> scanned more than 10% of the book and you're at complete liberty to scan
> and read it. Unless you call the publishers and say "look here, I'm
> scanning the entire book" you should be fine.
> On 12/20/2013 6:21 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:
>> I think as far as the copyright law is concern, it only covers for
>> educational purposes and if you want to scan the entire book out of the
>> educational purposes it is still consider illegal. Legally, in common
>> cases, you only allow to scan 10% or 1 chapter of a book.
>> As far as there is no equal access in the library is concern, there are
>> getting more libraries using online ELibrary media, e.g. Overdrive media
>> etc. You can easily browse, select, hold and borrow EItems from your
>> fingers tip so do speak.
>> Overdrive media has been around for years. And, if you are active enough
>> to request at your local library, there are more likely to have it. If
>> not, keep requesting, all the numbers adding up at the end.
>> Joanne Chua
>> Send from my iPad
>>> On 21 Dec 2013, at 1:29, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> As an amusing aside, I knew a guy who used voiceover on his device to
>>> read long documents to him while he commuted to work. He had no vision
>>> impairments, he just found it useful to be able to have stuff read to him
>>> while driving.
>>> CB
 On 12/18/13 11:33 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
 oh but of course.
 After all compare the number of apple screen readers there have been
 what two? three at most? outspoken which did the job fantastically with
 apple's input, , still can with the right equipment, then voiceover.
 because apple understood the importance of including speech for many
 what always blows my mind though is the assumption that voiceover exists
 solely for , and benefits only individuals experiencing sight loss. The
 very idea is a limitation in and of itself.
 The broader the understanding that there can be more people and more
 definitions of successful interaction then the one you are personally
 using, the easier it is to draw others on board for inclusion.
 just my two cents having only read Tim's comments and not the rest of
 the thread.

> On Wed, 18 Dec 2013, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> Well said David. While I understand people’s frustration and totally
> despise discrimination, I’m not sure that I fully agree with some of
> the opinions/comments shared prior to that.
> I’ll chime in here to express just a few points. Way back when OS X
> first came out, I recall going down to the city to do some training
> with Apple and I commented on the lack of a screen reader within the
> new OS. I had been using OutSpoken for Mac in OS 6 through 9 and was
> interested in continuing to use the Mac as it evolved. In normal Apple
> fashion, no real concrete things were said but it certainly was hinted
> that they were working on something of their own instead of having an
> outside vender developing such an animal. My point is here that I don’t
> believe that it was the noise made by the blind community that got
> Apple on the screen reader and accessibility wagon, I’m pretty sure
> that it was in the cards for quite a while. I certainly know that
> magnification and other accessibility features were built right in to
> the MacOS back in the late 80s,. I don’t believe for a minute that
> accessibility is not a priority.
> The old saying that you attract more flies to honey than you do to crap
> comes to mind. Constructive dialog and collaboration usually get better
> results than ranting and raving. Expressing frustration and asserting
> yourself and your rights are fine, but speculation and exaggeration
> seldom result in positive productivity.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canad

Re: Advantages and dis-advantages of the compact and HQ voices of Voiceover

2013-12-27 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, for me it is  the compact voices  too, why? i can speed it up
faster, which does make sense if yall stop and think about it ,
imagine a girl speaking really fast, would we be  able too understand
her? properly not smiles.
If you are like me studying anything that needs lots of reading you
want to be able too read fast, and the compact voices can give me
that. The only time i slow it down is when i read nursing books in
norwegian. else i have it it on about 80. 100%
merry xmas and a happy new year  all :)

On 12/27/13, Daniel McGee  wrote:
> Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback on how you use the voices.
> Sean, I particularly like the way you described how you use the voice.
> It makes sense.
> You see, in the Windows world when using another screenreader I was able to
> speed up the void up to 30% and still understand it. I kind of want to do
> that but am a bit frustrated I can’t in case I’ll miss some important
> information.
> Oh well, guess one can’t run before they can walk. lol
> To Mike, at around what percentage do you use for your voices on your Mac to
> listen to speech at a leisurely pace?
> Again, thanks to everyone who has provided there input!
> Daniel
> On 24 Dec 2013, at 06:11, Shawn AKA BBS  wrote:
>> Hi Daniel. For me when I use the Nuance voices, I use the premium version
>> of the Australian Karen voice. I love the way Nuance tweeked her voice to
>> sound more human with Vocalizer Expressive. I wish they would do the same
>> for the male Australian voice, Lee, or if since Nuance is adding Loquendo
>> voices to Vocalizer Expressive, replace Lee with Allan since he sounds way
>> better than Lee. As for speech rate, I don't like to speed up the voice
>> past the rate that's in their samples because it sounds unnatural when you
>> do that.
>> --
>> Shawn
>> Sent From My White MacBook
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Re: virtualization solutions

2014-01-02 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi Daniel, too make a new windows install, find the new item, click on
it and let the windows install helper take care of the rest.
All of this takes place under vmware, so as the windows install do
what it do best, you can't see anything going on on the screen.
I got a old xp image laying around i use it for scanning nursing and
other medical books, it works adoringly.



On 1/2/14, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
> Yes, you need to buy for the Mac separately. Look for vmware fusion; it
> should say it's for the Mac too.
> --
> Cheryl
> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper
> thrown in the trash!
> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
> His joy for my despairing tears!
> And now, every day:
> "This I call to mind,
> and therefore I have hope:
> The steadfast love of the Lord
> never ceases;
> his mercies never come to an end;
> they are new every morning;
> great is your faithfulness."
> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)
> On Jan 2, 2014, at 4:18 PM, Rajiv Shah  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have one follow-up question. I have a VMWare licence for the Windows
>> Environment. Do I need to buy a separate one for the Mac? If so, what
>> product do I look for? This did not appeared to be clear from the thread
>> below.
>> Thanks. Rajiv
>> On 1/2/2014 3:55 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Should work fine. There might still be the capslock issue and when you
>>> use the Windows keyboard on the Mac side the command and option keys get
>>> flip flopped. That used to drive me crazy so I use a full-size Apple USB
>>> keyboard and just deal with the issues on the Windows side when I run the
>>> virtual machine, which is only once in a while. If you have VMWare with
>>> Windows running, when you insert a new USB device it will ask if you want
>>> it connected on the Mac or the virtual PC side. So if you let the virtual
>>> machine take over the external keyboard maybe the caps lock would work.
>>> Never tried that.
>>> CB
>>> On 1/2/14 3:51 PM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
 Hi Chris,

 This brings me to another question. Can you plug in an USB full Windows
 keyboard and have it work on the MBA? I have one lying around here and
 it would be nice to have a full keyboard when using the Window side in
 the virtual environment.


 Eileen On Jan 2, 2014, at 12:42 PM, Chris Blouch 

> If you need occasional access to some Windows-only app a virtual
> machine can be a nice way to do it. Of course, like a real Windows
> machine, you'll have to install Windows and your screen reader of
> choice. The only common complaint is mapping of the caps lock and
>   insert keys. Apparently the Mac OS doesn't pass the caps lock
> through so if it is being used for something other than making capital
> letters you'll need to use another key combo. Likewise for those on
> laptops or using smaller external keyboards there isn't an insert key.
> Check the list archives for workarounds on both of those.
> CB
> On 1/2/14 2:55 PM, Regina Alvarado wrote:
>> So if I really wanted to run a program only Windows, I would have to
>> have a virtual solutions program on my Mini. Most things one can do
>> work fine on Mac, Right?
>> reggie and Allegra
>> On Jan 2, 2014, at 2:39 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Virtualization products like VMWare, VirtualBox and Parallels are apps
>> which emulate the bare hardware of a physical PC. So, in theory, you
>> launch one of those and you'll get a basic PC ready to do your
>> bidding. Most people use them to load Windows on but you can load an
>> OS that normally will run on a generic PC clone. The 'virtual' machine
>> is only as accessible as the OS normally would be on real hardware. Of
>> course there is some overhead so things won't run 100% the speed that
>> they would on dedicated hardware, but for most things that isn't an
>> issue. For example, if you had a virtual windows machine running
>> Office, and you went to save a file. Office would pass the data to
>> Windows to write to the disk but really the Windows code would be
>> writing to what seems like a disk drive which is actually the virtual
>> machine emulator which writes to a file on OSX. That little bit of
>> redirection makes everything work but costs some CPU. VirtualBox is
>> free but the GUI isn't accessible with Voiceover, but you can control
>> it fully from the terminal by typing commands. VMWare is accessible as
>> is but costs a few bucks (usually about $60 unless there is a special
>> running). Parallels is not free and is also not accessible so you can
>> ignore it. Also, it's Mac only while virtual machines made with VMWare
>> can also run under VMWare Player on Windows and Linux. When I say
>> accessible, that means t

Re: How to use emacs on mac

2014-01-11 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, like Lonestar says "I'm already there"
just fire it up, and ya good to go:)

On 1/11/14, Kjsc Radio  wrote:
> Hi all, just a simple question, do you know how I could compile emacs to
> work in the terminal? And how would i get it working? Thanks all.
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: How to use emacs on mac

2014-01-11 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
am not sure how one would install emacsspeak, but emacs seems too be
installed on my version of ml,

On 1/11/14, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> I may google this today. I so don’t want to install from source, as I don’t
> have enough knowledge of command line to do this yet. I also don’t want to
> use VO with emacs, because VO is a bit unpredictable when you get outside of
> the shell.
> Teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too
> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> On Jan 11, 2014, at 6:59 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>> Yes, I've also wanted to use emacs with emacspeak for a while now.
>> Sent from my braille plus 18
>> Kjsc Radio  wrote:
>>> Hi all, just a simple question, do you know how I could compile emacs to
>>> work in the terminal? And how would i get it working? Thanks all.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: How to use emacs on mac

2014-01-11 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi Teresa, no problem, usually when i need that kinda editor, i would
use a proper one, "vi" but that is just me , hides under a very solid
table, that is all religion though.


On 1/11/14, Devin Prater  wrote:
> Going to the terminal and typing "emacs" should be sufficient.
> Sent from my braille plus 18
> Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>hi, Sandi,
>>There might be some confusion here. Emacs is a desktop that you start from
>> Terminal. Do you have this? i haven’t found it natively or on Macports or
>> Homebrew, which you have to install. Can you tell me the steps you use to
>> run it?
>>"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P.
>> Feynman
>>On Jan 11, 2014, at 10:22 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
>> wrote:
>>> am not sure how one would install emacsspeak, but emacs seems too be
>>> installed on my version of ml,
>>> On 1/11/14, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>>> I may google this today. I so don’t want to install from source, as I
>>>> don’t
>>>> have enough knowledge of command line to do this yet. I also don’t want
>>>> to
>>>> use VO with emacs, because VO is a bit unpredictable when you get
>>>> outside of
>>>> the shell.
>>>> Teresa
>>>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's
>>>> too
>>>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>>>> On Jan 11, 2014, at 6:59 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>>>>> Yes, I've also wanted to use emacs with emacspeak for a while now.
>>>>> Sent from my braille plus 18
>>>>> Kjsc Radio  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all, just a simple question, do you know how I could compile emacs
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> work in the terminal? And how would i get it working? Thanks all.
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: How to use emacs on mac

2014-01-12 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
the last time i needed VI was when i installed boom on the mac mini
and had too manually delete all of its files, i found out at that time
that vi was not too be had from my recovery disk, so rm too the rescue
That, is a another story intirely though:)


On 1/11/14, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> Oh, my, I had a horrible time with VI, because I didn’t RTFM, of course, and
> I couldn’t get out of it. More and more control characters kept appearing
> from my attempts to press escape and control-q, and then when I found that
> exiting was an obscure command like ZZ or something really disjointed, I
> complained to a programmer friend of mine. He said it was all completely
> logical. Now I know how some people feel when they learn Braille! :) anyway,
> Emacs is only slightly less intuitive to my way of thinking, but I took the
> time to RTFM before I used it. :)
> Ok, I’ll bite, RTFM is Read the Frigging Manual. :)
> Teresa
> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
> On Jan 11, 2014, at 6:57 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
> wrote:
>> hi Teresa, no problem, usually when i need that kinda editor, i would
>> use a proper one, "vi" but that is just me , hides under a very solid
>> table, that is all religion though.
>> Best
>> Sandi
>> On 1/11/14, Devin Prater  wrote:
>>> Going to the terminal and typing "emacs" should be sufficient.
>>> Sent from my braille plus 18
>>> Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>>> hi, Sandi,
>>>> There might be some confusion here. Emacs is a desktop that you start
>>>> from
>>>> Terminal. Do you have this? i haven’t found it natively or on Macports
>>>> or
>>>> Homebrew, which you have to install. Can you tell me the steps you use
>>>> to
>>>> run it?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Teresa
>>>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard
>>>> P.
>>>> Feynman
>>>> On Jan 11, 2014, at 10:22 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> am not sure how one would install emacsspeak, but emacs seems too be
>>>>> installed on my version of ml,
>>>>> On 1/11/14, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>>>>> I may google this today. I so don’t want to install from source, as I
>>>>>> don’t
>>>>>> have enough knowledge of command line to do this yet. I also don’t
>>>>>> want
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> use VO with emacs, because VO is a bit unpredictable when you get
>>>>>> outside of
>>>>>> the shell.
>>>>>> Teresa
>>>>>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog,
>>>>>> it's
>>>>>> too
>>>>>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>>>>>> On Jan 11, 2014, at 6:59 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes, I've also wanted to use emacs with emacspeak for a while now.
>>>>>>> Sent from my braille plus 18
>>>>>>> Kjsc Radio  wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all, just a simple question, do you know how I could compile
>>>>>>>> emacs
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> work in the terminal? And how would i get it working? Thanks all.
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Resetting Prams

2014-01-13 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
ah just one more reason for not upgrading. Alex i come too think about
When i got my very first mba, it would get slow sometimes, and run
like really really hot, i found out that it had a bunch of processes
going that took all its power, of course the rest was easy from there.
And whats best, i got a faster mac! :)
my advice is, go through the processes logged in as root in bash with
ps, and see if it got anything weird going on.


On 1/11/14, Nicholas Parsons  wrote:
> I have issues with Mavericks, but sluggishness isn't one of them. Launching
> apps, switching apps, opening emails and playing audio and video files all
> work very snappily for me. I'm using a 2011 MacBook Air with 4GB RAM and a
> 1.7GHz i5 processor.
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Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader built in

2014-01-17 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
i am kinda wondering what they will gain by doing it like that?
Not that i will ever have too find out, the absolutely only thing i
use windows for is scanning , when done i can copy paste it over in
textedit directly.
I have thought long and hard over if i really needed something newer
than xp for OC'ring and stuff like that, and i simply can't justify
it, not right now at least.


On 1/17/14, Eileens Misrahi  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just want to point out that I have had a paid copy of Window-Eyes for a
> few years. Last year though, if I wanted the Vocalizer voices I needed to
> pay for them. Also, I listened to  a recent podcast from GW micro on how to
> get started with the WE version for Office and it was mentioned in there
> that other synthesizers could be purchased. I am taking a wait and see
> approach on how all this will play out. I provide training to my clients in
> all areas of vision rehab, so this could be advantagious for those I service
> who require a screen reader. JMO.
> Best,
> Eileen
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 17, 2014, at 3:12 PM, Terje Strømberg 
> wrote:
>> Speech Syntherzises is very important for my self i.e. the choice of
>> installing from developers. This is a very bad mistake by GW Micro. Free
>> speech!!
>> Take care
>> 17. jan. 2014 kl. 22:22 skrev Buddy Brannan :
>> Licensing costs, most likely. You will also get no free technical support
>> beyond installation.
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>> On Jan 17, 2014, at 4:18 PM, Karen Lewellen 
>> wrote:
>>> indeed? if this is a fully functional edition with all other programs,
>>> does not that mean the speech choices you would get with window eyes in
>>> general?  Why are they only offering  one synthesizer I wonder?
>>> Kare
>>> On Fri, 17 Jan 2014, Alex Hall wrote:
 I haven't followed this thread very closely, so I'm sorry if this has
 come up. You seem to be forgetting about NVDA, a free screen reader that
 has very good Office support and can also be scripted. A common
 complaint about NVDA is that people don't like Espeak, the synthesizer
 it comes with, but a blog post I read said that Window-Eyes will also
 come with Espeak in this deal. So, the idea that this Window-Eyes offer
 opens more doors seems odd, since NVDA is already available, no matter
 which version of office you have, or if you don't have Office at all.
 Some comments I've heard even suggest that Window-Eyes does not offer
 very good Office support compared to other screen readers.
 On Jan 17, 2014, at 2:38 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman

> Hi.
> Just had another thought.  This might be a good thing for those of us
> looking for volunteer work.  If we can use window eyes as long as they
> have office 2010 or later on their system.  How well does window eyes
> and office work together I wonder?
> Warm regards and blessings
> Maria, Joe and FurBabies
> Email:
> On 15 Jan 2014, at 6:21 am, Bill Holton  wrote:
>> Jan-14-2014
>> Fort Wayne, Indiana (January 14, 2014) - GW Micro, Inc.
>> ( is proud
>> to make a revolutionary announcement. GW Micro and Microsoft Corp.
>> have partnered
>> to make Window-Eyes available to users of Microsoft Office at no cost.
>> Window-Eyes
>> is a screen reader that enables people who are blind, visually
>> impaired, or print
>> disabled to have full access to Windows PCs and makes the computer
>> accessible via
>> speech and/or Braille.
>> To better deliver Window-Eyes to the people who need it most, GW Micro
>> and Microsoft
>> have collaborated on this global initiative, available in over 15
>> languages, to enable
>> anyone using Microsoft Office 2010 or later to also use Window-Eyes
>> for free.
>> Access to technology is critical to people who are blind or visually
>> impaired in
>> order to have the same opportunity to compete in the workplace. As
>> such, this initiative
>> between GW Micro and Microsoft has the potential to reduce barriers
>> for millions
>> of people who are blind or visually impaired around the world.
>> As the population ages, technologies like Window-Eyes will become more
>> and more important
>> as the number of people with age-related macular degeneration and
>> other retinal degenerative
>> diseases increases. "
>> This significant change in the way we are doing business reflects the
>> changing perception
>> of accessibility and also technology in general.
>> Rather than wait for the world to change, Microsoft and GW Micro are
>> leading the
>> way
>> ," said Dan Weirich, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for GW
>> Micro.
>> Weirich believ

Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader built in

2014-01-18 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi Chris. Am not sure why they use W E for that, I can't decide if i
believe it a good or bad thing either. The only thing i kinda wish i
could get from nvda was a more jaws like voice, that is all really, it
is simple and too the point.
It could be that W E  got something NVDA don't? As others have said it
shall indeed be interesting finding out how it plays out.


On 1/17/14, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> I wonder why they went with WindowEyes. Maybe less outcry when the #3
> gets picked for inclusion. As it normally goes for $900 a pop I could
> see MS giving them $9 each which would be made up for in quantity. Last
> WebAIM survey had Primary Screen Reader use with Jaws at 49%, WindowEyes
> at 12% and Voiceover at 9%. NVDA was actually second with nearly 14%.
> CB
> On 1/17/14 8:59 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
>> i am kinda wondering what they will gain by doing it like that?
>> Not that i will ever have too find out, the absolutely only thing i
>> use windows for is scanning , when done i can copy paste it over in
>> textedit directly.
>> I have thought long and hard over if i really needed something newer
>> than xp for OC'ring and stuff like that, and i simply can't justify
>> it, not right now at least.
>> Sandi
>> On 1/17/14, Eileens Misrahi  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I just want to point out that I have had a paid copy of Window-Eyes for
>>> a
>>> few years. Last year though, if I wanted the Vocalizer voices I needed
>>> to
>>> pay for them. Also, I listened to  a recent podcast from GW micro on how
>>> to
>>> get started with the WE version for Office and it was mentioned in there
>>> that other synthesizers could be purchased. I am taking a wait and see
>>> approach on how all this will play out. I provide training to my clients
>>> in
>>> all areas of vision rehab, so this could be advantagious for those I
>>> service
>>> who require a screen reader. JMO.
>>> Best,
>>> Eileen
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 17, 2014, at 3:12 PM, Terje Strømberg 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Speech Syntherzises is very important for my self i.e. the choice of
>>>> installing from developers. This is a very bad mistake by GW Micro.
>>>> Free
>>>> speech!!
>>>> Take care
>>>> 17. jan. 2014 kl. 22:22 skrev Buddy Brannan :
>>>> Licensing costs, most likely. You will also get no free technical
>>>> support
>>>> beyond installation.
>>>> --
>>>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>>>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>>>> On Jan 17, 2014, at 4:18 PM, Karen Lewellen 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> indeed? if this is a fully functional edition with all other programs,
>>>>> does not that mean the speech choices you would get with window eyes
>>>>> in
>>>>> general?  Why are they only offering  one synthesizer I wonder?
>>>>> Kare
>>>>> On Fri, 17 Jan 2014, Alex Hall wrote:
>>>>>> I haven't followed this thread very closely, so I'm sorry if this has
>>>>>> come up. You seem to be forgetting about NVDA, a free screen reader
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> has very good Office support and can also be scripted. A common
>>>>>> complaint about NVDA is that people don't like Espeak, the
>>>>>> synthesizer
>>>>>> it comes with, but a blog post I read said that Window-Eyes will also
>>>>>> come with Espeak in this deal. So, the idea that this Window-Eyes
>>>>>> offer
>>>>>> opens more doors seems odd, since NVDA is already available, no
>>>>>> matter
>>>>>> which version of office you have, or if you don't have Office at all.
>>>>>> Some comments I've heard even suggest that Window-Eyes does not offer
>>>>>> very good Office support compared to other screen readers.
>>>>>> On Jan 17, 2014, at 2:38 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman
>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>>> Just had another thought.  This might be a g

Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader built in

2014-01-19 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
8, 2014, at 10:19 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Uh, maybe:  however, doesn’t one have to buy a full copy of Microsoft Word
>> to get this?  Seems like one gets a stripped down version with just one
>> voice and I really have to say that while GW Micro deserves a favorable
>> mention for this, it’s got presious little to do with those of us who
>> don’t and will never ever ever install windows on our Macs.
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>> On Jan 18, 2014, at 11:06 AM, Teresa Cochran 
>> wrote:
>>> Well, actually, some folks use Bootcamp or Fusion, and could probably
>>> benefit from not having to buy a full copy of WindowEyes when they do
>>> so.
>>> HtH,
>>> teresa
>>> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
>>> On Jan 18, 2014, at 8:38 AM, Ray Foret Jr 
>>> wrote:
>>>> For my part, I’m wondering what this has to do with us Mac users?
>>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the
>>>> blind built-in!
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5
>>>> user!
>>>> On Jan 18, 2014, at 5:51 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> hi Chris. Am not sure why they use W E for that, I can't decide if i
>>>>> believe it a good or bad thing either. The only thing i kinda wish i
>>>>> could get from nvda was a more jaws like voice, that is all really, it
>>>>> is simple and too the point.
>>>>> It could be that W E  got something NVDA don't? As others have said it
>>>>> shall indeed be interesting finding out how it plays out.
>>>>> Sandi
>>>>> On 1/17/14, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>>>>> I wonder why they went with WindowEyes. Maybe less outcry when the #3
>>>>>> gets picked for inclusion. As it normally goes for $900 a pop I could
>>>>>> see MS giving them $9 each which would be made up for in quantity.
>>>>>> Last
>>>>>> WebAIM survey had Primary Screen Reader use with Jaws at 49%,
>>>>>> WindowEyes
>>>>>> at 12% and Voiceover at 9%. NVDA was actually second with nearly 14%.
>>>>>> CB
>>>>>> On 1/17/14 8:59 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
>>>>>>> i am kinda wondering what they will gain by doing it like that?
>>>>>>> Not that i will ever have too find out, the absolutely only thing i
>>>>>>> use windows for is scanning , when done i can copy paste it over in
>>>>>>> textedit directly.
>>>>>>> I have thought long and hard over if i really needed something newer
>>>>>>> than xp for OC'ring and stuff like that, and i simply can't justify
>>>>>>> it, not right now at least.
>>>>>>> Sandi
>>>>>>> On 1/17/14, Eileens Misrahi  wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>> I just want to point out that I have had a paid copy of Window-Eyes
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> few years. Last year though, if I wanted the Vocalizer voices I
>>>>>>>> needed
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> pay for them. Also, I listened to  a recent podcast from GW micro on
>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> get started with the WE version for Office and it was mentioned in
>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>> that other synthesizers could be purchased. I am taking a wait and
>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>> approach on how all this will play out. I provide training to my
>>>>>>>> clients

Re: Hebrew voice and hebrew braille for mac

2014-01-19 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, can't help you with braille but i believe that Espeak do have it
as a language?

best Sandi

On 1/19/14, Greg Aikens  wrote:
> Hello all,
> I’m trying to find a way to read hebrew braille on my mac.  I found an old
> post in the archives that list a supported package for international braille
> codes but it looked like it was for Snow Leopard.  The link is
> Does anyone know of anything more recent or will this package still work for
> me in mavericks?  In VO utility I see support for many international braille
> codes but not hebrew.
> A TTS voice would be a nice bonus, but the braille is more important to me.
> Any tips?
> Thanks,
> Greg
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Re: Hebrew voice and hebrew braille for mac

2014-01-20 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
*raises an  feminine eyebrow at Matt*
I don't know if it works on mavericks, but at least on ml, it works
gorgeously. The reason that i know that is cause we use it on the
Flightsim for the simulated radio communication   all the time.
I have too admit making it on ml was a bit of a problem, we was close
too just use the macs internal voices, but decided against it cause
Espeak is snappier, and  don't use so much memory.
Will see if i can find the time too upgrade the Mac pro later today
and see if i can make it run.

On 1/19/14, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
> No, and besides, Espeak isn’t available for the mac.
> Matt Dierckens
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> 1-877-774-7670 ext. 4
> On Jan 19, 2014, at 10:49 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
> wrote:
>> hi, can't help you with braille but i believe that Espeak do have it
>> as a language?
>> best Sandi
>> On 1/19/14, Greg Aikens  wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I’m trying to find a way to read hebrew braille on my mac.  I found an
>>> old
>>> post in the archives that list a supported package for international
>>> braille
>>> codes but it looked like it was for Snow Leopard.  The link is
>>> Does anyone know of anything more recent or will this package still work
>>> for
>>> me in mavericks?  In VO utility I see support for many international
>>> braille
>>> codes but not hebrew.
>>> A TTS voice would be a nice bonus, but the braille is more important to
>>> me.
>>> Any tips?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Greg
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Re: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader built in

2014-01-20 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Christina, i will give you 2 examples, and i am sure you will have no
problems in understanding them both.
1 is W E, it costs money, and lets be brutally honest, if you are
blind money usually is not exactly something you are swimming in.
It  is a downside, i am not going too say much about  W E, because i
don't like it, it is against my way of seeing things.
2, NVDA  is open source, it means that the code is free if i am right.
as i write this i am actually not sure if it is truly fully free too
change code on, but i do believe so.
On one hand we have a  closed sourced screenreader, and that  is all
good as far as that goes, that is of course included its up and
I am personally suspecting the reason they have paired up with
Microsoft is that they want it out too more users for a lower cost for
the end user.
I can be wrong, but seldom am.
Personally i use a old copy of  xp, use it for scanning  when that is
needed. It means that i get OSX as my main system, with windows on the
top of that .
I think overall what cost me most was the mac book air, and a license
for vmware fusion.
So if i should go out and buy one more program it would simply not
work for me financially.
And that is here open source and free code comes into space:)


On 1/20/14, Christina C.  wrote:
> I do not understand all of the ins and outs of this but overall it appears
> to be a positive thing for blind and visually impaired as well as for others
> with  various disabilities and challenges requiring adaptive software and
> equipment. I did crack up at the line about being leaders. LOL! They are
> behind the ball if you ask me. I love apple and my mac and that is where my
> loyalties are at this point. I do think this opens doors and that can always
> be a good thing. Maybe this will benefit me in some way in the future
> especially since I’d like the ability to use a robust OCR  scanning software
> with a camera instead of a traditional scanner. Maybe one day I will
> consider putting windows on my computer with  boot camp or a virtual
> environment. So, for me this topic is important to discuss even though I am
> a mac user.
> Christina
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Re: advanced voice over?

2014-08-20 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, to Pamela and others, there are not stupid questions only stupid answers.
Or as we say on irc even we sometimes regret it , don't ask to ask just ask.

On 8/20/14, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
> Yes I use an activity in Night Owl to give me a hot key to let me know how
> many characters I have remaining in a tweet, and to automatically speak when
> I change view, such as from Home to Mentions etc.
> I also use an activity to set verbosity to low in Mail, to get around the
> disclosure triangle Mail bug that was introduced with Mavericks.
> There is currently an unfortunate bug where if you use one of the Nuance
> voices, switching applications if an activity is involved takes a long time.
> This may be the performance issue Rachel was referring to. Hopefully this
> will be address in Yosemite as activities are really useful.
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
> On 21/08/2014, at 5:25 am, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:
>> Hi Pam,
>> activities are a pretty neat feature. Let's say, in Safari, if you always
>> wanted quick nav to turn on when you went to the browser, you could set it
>> up so it would do so when you opened Safari, as an example. It's a way of
>> automating tasks so Voiceover can do some of the work, leaving you to be
>> more efficient.
>> I don't know if it still is, but I found that activities (at least using
>> the quick nav example) tended  to slow Voiceover's performance, but the
>> principle is fantastic.
>> HTH,
>> Rachel.
>> On Aug 20, 2014, at 10:16 AM, Pamela Francis 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> This topic brings me to a question I have never had the courage to ask
>>> because I don't want to be considered stupid. What is the purpose in
>>> activities and how do you use them? I've never messed with it in the
>>> three years I've had my computer and don't understand what they're there
>>> for.  If I remember correctly they are not addressed in the initial
>>> voiceover tutorial one can use when learning how to get around the Mac.
>>> Pam Francis
>>> On Aug 20, 2014, at 8:33 AM, Kliphton Senior 
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the few tips.  I actually hate the track pad.  But will do
>>> what you suggested!
>>> Kliphton
>>> (iMessage&Email)
>>> (Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
>>> (Personal blog, read at your own risk!)
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 20, 2014, at 9:17 AM, Kayaker  wrote:

 So, you think you're ready to move up to the VO big leagues eh?

 I tend to go with self help. I often check out the VO-H command menus
 reading the command descriptions to see what I can do. I also look in
 the VO Utility application where you can assign actions to keys and see
 and control verbosity. I was using VO before the trackpad commander, so
 I tend to use the keyboard commands exclusively. If you are a trackpad
 user, look into the commander functions, or the Numpad commander
 functions, and use both keyboard and trackpad to your advantage. There's
 a lot of customizations you can make within the VO Utility.

 I think my favorite command beyond the basics is simply the VO Shift C,
 copy last phrase spoken to the clipboard. And the second most useful
 command I tend to use is the move mouse cursor to voiceover cursor with
 VO Command F5. I tend to use that for working around voiceover issues
 with the contextual menus or a stubborn button that won't activate. So,
 at that point I will use the mouse button like any sighted user would.

 Another fun game to play is to enable keyboard help, with VO K, and then
 just hit keys with the VO controls down to hear what they do. Be sure to
 use all the modifier combinations.

 And the other important thing is to ask the list if there is an easier
 way to do something that annoys you.  Odds are, there probably is, and
 you'll get the answer here.

 Faith doesn't give you the answers, it merely stops you from asking the

 On Aug 20, 2014, at 8:38 AM, Kliphton Senior 

> So, now that everyone knows the basics, what are some advanced things
> voice over users can learn?  Where would we find documentation on this?
>  They have a lot of tutorials out there, but most of it is for the
> beginner, what about the advanced user?
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weird thing about textedit

2014-09-01 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, when i read text with textedit it is like it skips the text if a
line is too long.
How can i fix that ?

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Re: weird thing about textedit

2014-09-01 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
gorgeous! so now i can read too my hearts content all bright eyed and
bushy tailed.


On 9/1/14, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Yes, and I have found that I only had to do it once. Like you said, a
> toggle. It seems to keep itself set once you do it.
> Gigi
> On Sep 1, 2014, at 8:26 AM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
>> When you open a document in TextEdit, press command+shift+w to hear
>> whether it says wrap to window.  This is a toggle command.  It wraps the
>> text either to window or page.  You want to hear voiceover saying "wrap to
>> window".  I always do this with my documents because otherwise I can't
>> read them properly past the first page.
>> Andrew
>> On 1 Sep 2014, at 13:26, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>>> hi, when i read text with textedit it is like it skips the text if a
>>> line is too long.
>>> How can i fix that ?
>>> --
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Re: reading without pause

2014-09-03 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hey, Anne got a point, however it don't make much of a difference.
It will still make a simulated pause with "," and "."'s
If you want to read fast, set up your speech speed, i know it is not
what you are asking about, but it might be the best that can be done
right this moment.
At least it is the best i can come  up with right now :)


On 9/2/14, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Use find and replace to get rid of them.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 3 Sep 2014, at 06:21, Dionipher Herrera  wrote:
>> so what would i do?
>>> On 02 Sep 2014, at 22:59, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> VoiceOver pauses at new line characters. Check your text for these. The
>>> Mac considers a new line to be a paragraph break, but often, documents
>>> created using Windows has these extra new line characters all over the
>>> place.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 2 Sep 2014, at 22:55, Dionipher Presas Herrera 
>>> wrote:
 i tried reading again with read all  gesture, it read pauses every line
 and sentences. it's so awfull to here some pauses between the word "THE"
 and others. it's not nice to here, so i want the voice over to speak
 without pauses.

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weird fusion problem

2014-09-07 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi all. have just today installed windows xp as i usually do, but
can't copy stuff too the machine from the mac part of the computer.
What can i have done?

Sandi who is totally puzzled..

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Re: weird fusion problem

2014-09-08 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi Annie:)
it is fusion 5, my problem is that i would have too use a windows 7
image, and have honestly not found one yet, not on danish.

Best Sandi

On 9/7/14, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
> Hi Sandy.
> Is it VMware 7 or 6. I do not know if people agree on this, but my
> experiences with windows xp is rather bad in fusion, it was slow and not
> very stable, I use windows 7, and it runs much better.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den 07/09/2014 kl. 17.06 skrev Sandi Jazmin Kruse :
>> hi all. have just today installed windows xp as i usually do, but
>> can't copy stuff too the machine from the mac part of the computer.
>> What can i have done?
>> Sandi who is totally puzzled..
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Re: Apple presentation seemed to offer nothing

2014-10-16 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
I am not agreeing there, i got my next Mini.

On 10/16/14, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> Hi,
> Did anybody else here get the impression that the Apple presentation seemed
> to offer nothing that we would care about?
> Not even speks.
> Sincerely,
> the Constantly Barefooted Ray, Still a very happy Mac and iphone user!
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
> built-in and fully protected by ClamXav Antivirus!
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Re: Voices

2014-10-16 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Morning from rainy and cold scandinavia, this day i might as well live
in england, I like Anne use Fred, if i need anything mostly nursing
books read to me i use ida.
If  I need to read faster than that ,in english i use eloquence, and
yes it is under windows.
guys… i will be wet… and i hate it. anyways,
hugs too these who wants them , have a nice day…

On 10/16/14, The Believer  wrote:
> Which I should have done. Ok, I asked this because after installing
> Mavericks and doing some tweaks to get it to boot up smoothly, I still
> find it problematic for about 30 to 60 seconds. I still have the welcome
> message option enabled so its quite evident at that point when Samantha
> can barely speak. But after this 30 to 60 seconds, Mavericks seems to be
> ok as I have been moving data, changing settings and so on, no issues. I
> just let it boot and wait and then start using the Mac.
> I toyed with the idea of using different voices in different
> applications but may just stick with one voice.
>  From The Believer. . .
>   . . . what if it were true?
> On 10/16/2014 11:37 AM, David Griffith wrote:
>> I have changed the subject line as we were drifting into OS.
>> The scansoft voices are the modern voices introduced in Lion as I recall
>> it. That is voices like Daniel, tom, Samantha etc.
>> My experience is that my 2011 iMacis snappier with Alex.
>> I used to have different voices for Mail and Safari etc under activities
>> and my Mac started to crawl. after I went to Mavericks So I got rid of all
>> activities and just use Alex and I have a fast  Mac again.
>> David griffith
>> On 16 Oct 2014, at 18:02, The Believer  wrote:
>>> David,
>>>Which ones are the Scansoft voices in Mavericks??
>>>  From The Believer. . .
>>> . . . what if it were true?
>>> On 10/15/2014 5:10 PM, David Griffith wrote:
 I wonder what made you go back to Mountain Lion? I too found the
 to Mavericks initially disturbing and originally considering trying to
 revert but  find most things work fine nowadays, even iBooks is more
 usable now.

 In my case the key on my 2011 iMac was to
 1. Do a clean install.
 2. Go back to Alex as my default voice.
 3. Stop using Scansoft voices, particularly in conjunction with

 After that the lagging and busy issue pretty much disappeared and all
 seemed to work fine with only minor annoyances which so far have work
 around. The file attachment  feature of Mail is now more time
 consuming because you have to go to save as in the file menu. On my
 machine you cannot escape out of the menu bar but have to go to menu
 extras and then you can use escape.  None of this is show stopping for
 me. The major annoyance for me is that the tab feature appears to have
 messed up the ability to open multiple windows so if I want to have
 multiple windows in Finder open I have to use the open in new window
 command from the context menu  rather than just use command down arrow.

 David Griffith
 On 16/10/2014 00:00, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
> Superlative little rant, that. :)
> For myself, I'm back on Mountain Lion for my primary machine, a mid-11
> iMac, to get an email client that displays plain text messages, a
> working C compiler compatible with much Open Source software, and no
> bloody iBooks.  It's still iOSified, but at least it functions.  I am
> thinking about Windows--have been for a while now, actually--as going
> neither further back nor further forward with OS X would appear to be
> options.  I would stay with Snow Leopard, but it's not an option, and
> Mavericks+ are where the dumbed-down interfaces get a bit too much for
> anything that isn't basic mucking about.  Linux: nope, not on the
> desktop.  Windows 7, then?
> You can hide U2 easily enough, in iTunes, on your purchases tab.  And
> you can hide them from your cloud view by just deleting them and
> taking the option to hide.
> As for iOS, I'd suggest you sign up for an Apple Developer account or
> team up with someone who has so you can run the 8.1 beta.  You'd be in
> a better position to judge the performance of the bug fixes, and
> complain to Apple about the remainder.  Personally, although I think
> iOS is turning into Android, in an unhealthy way, even as OS X turns
> into iOS, I can't complain about my iPhone 6+.  It gives me pleasure
> to use it, even if I get annoyed by some of the bugs or can't tell
> which app requires which permissions.  I still have an iOS 7-equipped
> iPad and iPod, when I need smooth sailing above all things.  The
> initial iOS 8 release and the subsequent minor releases did not enjoy
> good quality control, and not just for VoiceOver users either, but I
> do think w

Re: How to make sure you delete a whole app from the mac?

2013-06-08 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, if there is i've never found it i use my feminine mind combined
with grep and rm.. and bash.
For a while back i had too manually delete boom, and girl was it a
mess. It however got deleted nicely in the end though, just had to do
the same on the mac pro.
The best way to do it is to search for the name of the app and see
what comes up.
If you need more help just let me know, am home for the rest of the day.


On 6/9/13, Anouk Radix  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> With windows presumably when you use remove programs from settings you
> remove everything there is to the program wherever it is on the system. On
> the mac you can move the .app file to the trash but how do you delete all
> the other components of an app that are stored in other directories then
> applications? Is there a uniform way to do this, some kind of tool?
> Thanks,
> Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: regarding a list member

2013-06-30 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
is nvda related too the mac? well i would guess so if you run it under
vmware? that being said.
How about simply just talking nicely too each other, it is not hard,
and you dont use so much negative energy on whimpering and whining.
An nvda situation under mac could be as following:
1: you need your scanner too run under windows and you want that too
happen on your mac, after that gorgeously install you obviously need
some sortta speech. That could very well be nvda, right? so directly
related too the mac, obviously no, but i still would say related yes.
talk nice, and if you dont wanna see emails from a person, simply just
delete it.
have a nice day all

On 6/30/13, Mauricio Almeida  wrote:
> I personally think that CJ is right here.
> I rarely post here, but quite frankly i have seen minimally speaking
> tem times the following scenario: bounders are stepped, apology comes
> once in a while - sometimes ina drama novel format - and the cycle
> repeats itself. anyone who looks up list archives will see the cycle.
> how you interpret it is up to you, but dont deny it.
> Mauricio
> On 6/29/13, shane christenson  wrote:
>> I don't normally get in on discussions like this, but, I'm not sure where
>> someone gets the idea that he is needing medication. I personally have
>> found
>> him to be a wealth of information with his knowledge of the apple
>> products
>> discussed on this list.
>> Shane'
>> On Jun 29, 2013, at 5:19 PM, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>>> Hello to anyone reading this crud,
>>> Time after time, I see Chris being a complete idiot on this list.  His
>>> subject lines always reflect a border-line hysteria, when dealing with
>>> momentary, hiccup, problems with his Mac &/or OSX & its various
>>> applications.  Words like, "strange, weird, bizarre, maddening, crazy, &
>>> other off-the-top descriptions reflect a manic personality, that seems
>>> unstable @ the very least.
>>> And now, based on an inquiry--that seems legit to me for those using
>>> Boot
>>> Camp or VM Fusion--he is using distasteful language in a completely
>>> off-the-chart rant/response to the originator of the NVDA post.  Without
>>> a
>>> medical history, I suppose it would be inappropriate to suggest that
>>> Chris
>>> up his anti depressant dosage.  But, seriously, @ what point does the
>>> moderator on this list step in & say "enough!"
>>> I guess I could take Chris's own recommendation & filter him out of my
>>> mail box.  In fact, I have considered this in the past, when seeing his
>>> posts.  I must confess, I generally skip over them, as a matter of
>>> course,
>>> anyway.  However, this last rant is just unacceptable.  Chris states
>>> himself, that he's not acting professionally in this matter & he's sure
>>> got that right.  While, as he states in his message that he doesn't have
>>> to act that way in this environment, he could @ least act with courtesy.
>>> Anyway, I sincerely hope that the moderator will read this & consider
>>> action regarding Chris.  It's not the first time & it won't be the last.
>>> Chris is the one bad apple that sours the whole barrel.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> CJ
>>> On Jun 29, 2013, at 10:21 AM, Chris Gilland 
>>> wrote:
 Sir?  That is no? problem!

 I will forget about you, and will set up a mail filter from now on to
 block every bit your incoming mail, whether directed at me or not.
 Frankly, you're being very hasty and extremely disrespectful.  But,
 Mister Congeniality whom I've delt with on and off various lists
 times before, may I add the mods taking my side every single time, your
 perfect because you're god, and you know everything.  Oh yeah, I forgot
 oh wize one! No one else ever! is right, everyone but you is wrong!
 damn straight I took what you said personally in your last reply.  Why
 shouldn't I when you were down right rude.

 All that I initially did was asked one question about how the hell what
 you said was related to the mac.  I wasn't jumping down your throat,
 though you clame you meant well in your first e-mail back to me, it
 proves you as a
 despicable liar!  If you weren't offended at what I said, you wouldn't
 haveritten the things you did.  You don't have to like me, but God
 fucking dammit, I do! deserve dignity and respect, and if anyone on
 list wants to say I'm not a Christian quote unquote, and chuck Reichel,
 don't you even think! about writing me telling me to God up!  People on
 this list're gonna learn, in a professional environment, I'd not speak
 I am, but this is non CLG Productions related, thus professionalism
 out the window when you treat me this way.  Frankly, to anyone
 or not, who feels me saying what I am is in the wrong, let me remind
 of something:  This list is a macintosh Voiceover/IOS list, not! an

using garage band for fingerpicking on your keyboard?

2013-07-27 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi have started playing a little with garageband. And am wondering how
do others do finger picking? with voiceover on that is
Of course i could use a full size keyboard, but right now that is not
an option, any suggestions?
best regards sandi

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Re: OT: torrent for freely available books?

2013-08-06 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, Now i am not really sure what kind of books you are after, but i
believe Gutenberg, got a lot of stuff for free. I have used them a lot
in the past and liked some of the books especially the "Anne " series"


On 8/5/13, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just started using torrents today, specifically the µTorrent app (which is
> wonderful from a VO perspective). I'm wondering if anyone can suggest
> torrents for freely available ebooks? Please do not misunderstand: I am NOT
> looking for torrents of commercial books so I can pirate them. What I'm
> after are books that are public domain, free from the author or publisher,
> or in some other way free and legal. I've done some searching, but
> everything I find is either not a torrent or seems to be paid books being
> offered free by the torrent provider, which is, again, not what I want. Any
> suggestions would be great, but I think everyone would appreciate off-list
> responses. You can email me at Thanks in advance!
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: FCC seeks comment on Amazons request for waiver of accessibility requirements

2013-08-08 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
I do agree with others, Apple have gone a long way up the tree too
give us something we can actually use with out much problems. And it
would indeed be nice if more companies did the same thing. But lets
face it with the handicap we got, sometimes we gotta make a few more
go arounds before we are in for a safe landing. :)
I don't particularly like the fact in order too end my education i
have to know a ton more about computers than other females, but well,
on the other hand i know that no one else is coming too the rescue so
i might as well just learn it my self, i believe it have been like
that since i started with linux. This situation is the same we had
when they first came out with the lit ebook format.

regards sandi

On 8/7/13, eric oyen  wrote:
> below is a proposed comment I will make to the FCC. I would like you all to
> review it and see if I need to make any changes before submitting it to the
> agency.
> -eric
> ---
> In the matter of Amazon (and others) who seek exemption from both the 1934
> communications act and the recently enacted Accessibility in
> telecommunications act, I am one of the people who will be most affected by
> this.
> Though Amazon (and others) claim to seek this exemption for every
> disability, it is evidently clear that most disabilities don't need
> accessibility in such devices. For instance, the deaf can read well without
> the use of sound, the mobility impaired can (with only a few exceptions)
> manipulate the controls just the same as most others. However, the blind
> cannot manipulate any of the controls on such devices without either a
> tactile or audible feedback.  The claims that Amazon (and others) are making
> are specious on their face. As proof, I offer the example of Apple and their
> various devices and software. They have made every attempt to be as
> accessible as possible to every class of disability as is possible. As a
> result, their equipment and software are used by a majority of the blind and
> done so easily. The cost of their equipment is comparable to that marketed
> by other entities that don't offer such features. Apple is proof that
> designing in accessibility from the start costs very little and gains them
> much in market share (as well as being profitable).
> There is only 1 reason why Amazon (and others) would choose this route:
>   they intend to create niche market items that are so specialized as to 
> be
> useful only to one class. Like other vendors of such products, they would
> increase the price well beyond the reach of most of the blind to be able to
> afford. As an example: The manufacture of the Braille Sense U2 costs less
> than $200 per unit to manufacture and yet the retail price exceeds $6,000
> per unit here in the US. This is largely owing to the fact that such vendors
> use an income stream model where the devices are funded by the government.
> Under this model, Amazon (and others) would be able to charge far higher
> prices and sell them to the various Vocational Rehab Agencies. This would
> put the blind back into having to justify acquiring such equipment (and most
> times being denied). This cannot be allowed.
> There is also one other point:
>   Amazon recently suffered the consequences of litigation as a result of
> trying to market their inaccessible devices to students and to make such
> equipment a necessary part of that course completion. This violated the
> Americans with Disabilities act. Both Amazon and the institution involved
> were found in violation and required to make recompense under the law. For
> this reason, they should not be allowed the exemption.
> On the face of it, Amazon (and others) seek the exemption so as to
> circumvent the law of the land. They also claim that including such
> accessibility features would be an onerous cost (which it will not given
> Apple Corp's example). Their short sightedness in asking for this exemption
> would, in the long run, be far more costly.
> Thus, I request that you deny the application for exemption. I request this,
> not only for myself, but also as a member of 3 major organizations for the
> blind here in the US (the National Federation of the Blind, The American
> Council of the Blind and Lion's Club International). The current estimated
> population in the US that suffers Print Disabilities (such as visual
> impairment, dyslexia and some other related issues) exceeds more than 50
> million individuals in all population age groups. This, gentlemen, is a
> non-trivial percentage of the population of the U.S. We cannot allow Amazon
> (and others) to deny us the basic right to read with whatever method we can
> use (be it Braille, Audio or other means not listed here).
> Thank you for your consideration.
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Re: FCC seeks comment on Amazons request for waiver of accessibility requirements

2013-08-08 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Eric, i do agree with you up to a point at least. However one thing is
laws and rules  another thing is real life.
They could obviously quite easily modify the e-readers so we could use
them, in fact it would be dead simple to do so. What is interesting is
why it is not being done. I guess in the mean time we may just  have
to do what we always have done, find some other ways of accepting our

On 8/8/13, eric oyen  wrote:
> and what is wrong with that? the powers that be try every way to keep us
> penned up, but I do not accept that. We have the right to be able to live
> the same as others (at least here in the U.S.). So, why should we accept
> anything less?
> -eric
> On Aug 7, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> I recall a time not so long ago when i devices first became accessible,
>> everyone thinking how that was going to level the playing field.  It’s
>> funny how quickly perspectives change.
>> Now the bar has been raised even higher.  The playing field will not be
>> level until blind people have access to every cheep piece of crap in
>> existence.
>> I should say that I’m happy with what Apple does and I have no desire to
>> use anything else.  That said however, I certainly think that it would be
>> a very good think if other companies would realize the importance of
>> opening their products up to other segments of society and not excluding
>> them.  I just don’t think that this is going to convince them.
>> I don’t want to completely let Apple off the hook as it seems to me at
>> times that there are factions under their roof that don’t seem to
>> understand the importance of accessibility or what Voiceover is even used
>> for.  On the other hand, I think that there is a much larger faction at
>> Apple that definitely gets it and that the evidence to support this is
>> over whelming.  I realize that not every body can listen to them, but
>> there were some very impressive sessions at WWDC on the importance of
>> accessibility and how easy it really is to not only make an app usable to
>> a blind person, but make it a nice experience to use.
>> I would like to suggest, that just maybe, if a government agency needs to
>> step in to private inderestry and dictate to a company how their product
>> is required to function, the result probably won’t be something you are
>> going to want to use.
>> I think that we as a blind community have access to more information then
>> at any other time in history.  And, while things can always be better,
>> maybe some gratitude is in order for the really good things that some
>> companies like Apple have done.
>> On Aug 7, 2013, at 12:36 PM, Richard Ring  wrote:
>>> And, let's face it! Not all blind people can afford i devices, nor should
>>> they have to! Having a relatively inexpensive Ereader would really help
>>> to level the playing field!
>>> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of
>>> Fielding
>>> Sent from my Mac Book Pro
>>> On Aug 7, 2013, at 12:21 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi there
 Yes, and we all know which "disability" they are talking about, and it's
 not the disabled they are talking about either. They are talking about
 the blind, but of course, they didn't say so. They might as well have.
 After all, most of the other disabilities can read the print. When I
 heard about this law, I had a feeling this kind of thing was going to
 start with the "we can't" people.

 Hey, I guess you guys noticed how they want to solve the accessibility
 problem, right! They want to let Apple carrying them along by saying we
 can all use iPads etc.!


 On Aug 7, 2013, at 10:02 AM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> I can't believe the FCC would even consider that. They should say,
> absolutely not. These devices must be made accessible, end of story.
> Original message:
>> Hello all:
>> In follow-up to Karen's post last night, I am posting information
>> regarding FCC's request for comments on this issue. I hope that many
>> of you will take the time to comment.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> Request for Comment on Petition for Class Waiver of Accessibility
>> Rules for ACS
>> On August 1, 2013, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) released
>> a Public Notice requesting comment on a petition filed by the
>> Coalition of E-Reader Manufacturers. The Coalition requests that the
>> Commission waive its rules requiring equipment used for advanced
>> communications services (ACS) to be accessible by people with
>> disabilities. The Coalition states that, although e-readers are
>> equipment that consumers can use for ACS, they are designed primarily
>> for reading.
>> To distinguish e-readers from tablets and other devices that would not
>> be subject to the waiver re

Re: FCC seeks comment on Amazons request for waiver of accessibility requirements

2013-08-08 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
actually i do believe a good way of laying pressure on them, would be
keeping educating them about our needs. But then again on the other
hand till that is done we got to find other ways of getting where we
For me personally it means reading a ungodly lots of medical books so
i can end up nursing. It takes me lots of time scanning the books in,
after that prove reading them the list goes on and on and on, would it
be nicer if we had all our books as ebooks? that goes with out saying.
But will it ever happen? i doubt it, the main reason is this. there
are lots of books out there and having them all digitalized is simply
not realistic.
I at least know that some of the books i read for cutiesleeps, could
not be found in any digitalized version till i had scanned it in,"das
Same goes for some air plane books. However in denmark at least, there
are ways round that you can go down, borrow a book at your local
library, scan it in and deliver it back, i don't know how it work in
other countries, but am sure that there are similar solutions? :)
As Donna says apple have made the iPhone accessible, could it be done
for windows as well? both yes and no, it is a matter  about how the
operating system boots up.
And on a last note, of course we should never under any circumstance
accept less than what a sighted person can get if it is at all doable
to make it work for us, but i think it is hard for some sighted
persons too understand how easy it would be to make their products
work for us.


On 8/8/13, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I really have to agree with Eric, here.  In response to Barry, what Apple
> did with the iPhone 3Gs was to make a main-stream device accessible to us.
> And yes, that still has the potential to level the playing field .  But the
> playing field is hardly level if Apple is the only company doing this, if
> for no other reason than what that means is that blind consumers would only
> have one choice.  I agree with Bary.  I love my Apple products and have
> absolutely no interest in personally owning a Kindle.  But I work with lots
> of students who do have them.  Kindle does a lot more in textbooks than
> other e-text providers, which means that people will want to buy these
> devices for school.  Isn't it reasonable to strive to have the same level of
> choice in our mobile technology as our sighted peers?  Sandy is right,
> there's a big gap between the ideal and the current reality, but that's a
> big reason why I think it's worth doing everything we can to stop Amazon
> from getting this waiver.  Barry may be correct, and that all our comments
> may be for naught.  However, the only way we'll know is to try.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Aug 8, 2013, at 5:01 AM, eric oyen  wrote:
>> and what is wrong with that? the powers that be try every way to keep us
>> penned up, but I do not accept that. We have the right to be able to live
>> the same as others (at least here in the U.S.). So, why should we accept
>> anything less?
>> -eric
>> On Aug 7, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> I recall a time not so long ago when i devices first became accessible,
>>> everyone thinking how that was going to level the playing field.  It’s
>>> funny how quickly perspectives change.
>>> Now the bar has been raised even higher.  The playing field will not be
>>> level until blind people have access to every cheep piece of crap in
>>> existence.
>>> I should say that I’m happy with what Apple does and I have no desire to
>>> use anything else.  That said however, I certainly think that it would be
>>> a very good think if other companies would realize the importance of
>>> opening their products up to other segments of society and not excluding
>>> them.  I just don’t think that this is going to convince them.
>>> I don’t want to completely let Apple off the hook as it seems to me at
>>> times that there are factions under their roof that don’t seem to
>>> understand the importance of accessibility or what Voiceover is even used
>>> for.  On the other hand, I think that there is a much larger faction at
>>> Apple that definitely gets it and that the evidence to support this is
>>> over whelming.  I realize that not every body can listen to them, but
>>> there were some very impressive sessions at WWDC on the importance of
>>> accessibility and how easy it really is to not only make an app usable to
>>> a blind person, but make it a nice experience to use.
>>> I would like to suggest, that just maybe, if a government agency needs to
>>> step in to private inderestry and dictate to a company how their product
>>> is required to function, the result probably won’t be something you are
>>> going to want to use.
>>> I think that we as a blind community have access to more information then
>>> at any other time in history.  And, while things can always be better,
>>> maybe some gratitude is in order for the really good things that some
>>> companies like Apple have do

help with vmware

2013-08-08 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, eventually i have at long last got vmware up and run with windows,
but can anyone tell me what do i do from there? getting narrator or
nvda up and run would be a good thing, but how? all this done with vo,
of course :)
any help is mostly appreciated


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Re: help with vmware

2013-08-08 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
i doubt that will start it, but i can imagine that would be cmd +r,
since it is a windows xp installation :)


On 8/8/13, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Turn Voice over off, press windows key u if you've configured the keys
> either with Sharp keys or preferences under fusion mouse and keyboard if
> Window key being the command key on the left of the spacebar is not a
> windows key already. It should be if Fusion has been set up correctly.
> Narrator should start.
> Kawal.
> On 8 Aug 2013, at 02:23 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>> hi, eventually i have at long last got vmware up and run with windows,
>> but can anyone tell me what do i do from there? getting narrator or
>> nvda up and run would be a good thing, but how? all this done with vo,
>> of course :)
>> any help is mostly appreciated
>> sandi
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Re: help with vmware

2013-08-08 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
i ended up using windoex xp proff in the mac pro, and after a bit of
surprises i was free to go. My eyes could see a heck of text flying
over the screen but, that was all really.
But after end installation and changed key bindings it all runs as i
would expect.
thanks for all the help so far


On 8/8/13, Angus Mackinnon  wrote:
> Installed Sharp Keys 3.5 and then went into VMWare 5 Pro and launched
> Windows 7 Professional 64bit. I can do Command U for the Utilities Menu
> and not Option(ALT) N for Narrator. I do not get passed Suspend,
> Snapshots, Devices and Enter Unity to get to the login box that I have
> not set up yet. Can someone please help me get Narrator running? And get
> to the Login box? Thank you for all the help.
> Angus MacKinnon
> MacKinnon Chrest Saying
> Latin - Audentes Fortuna Juvat
> English - Fortune Assists The Daring
> Creating a Better Universe for the future.
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Re: FCC seeks comment on Amazons request for waiver of accessibility requirements

2013-08-09 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Hi Eric.
It is a gorgeous idea, with one major drawback, how many of us do you
think got that kind of money.
I definitely know that I don't.
There's got too be something else that might work.


On 8/8/13, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> I agree.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 8, 2013, at 4:18 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> Oh, I'm not saying amazon should be off the hook. Not at all. I think they
>> should be required to make their device accessible just like everyone
>> else. Really though, it's a shame that it may take a requirement from the
>> government to make this happen. Usually when it's required, the company
>> only does the minimum required to satisfy the requirement. They should
>> make it accessible because it's the right thing to do and increases their
>> consumer base. When a company does something because they want to, rather
>> than because they have to, usually the result is much better.
>> Original message:
>>> Right. But why does that let Amazon off the hook?
>>> Donna
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 8, 2013, at 9:08 AM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
 There are other choices. The newest versions of android are just as
 accessible, and these are made by several manufacturers.
 Original message:
> Hi all,
> I really have to agree with Eric, here.  In response to Barry, what
> Apple did with the iPhone 3Gs was to make a main-stream device
> accessible to us.  And yes, that still has the potential to level the
> playing field .  But the playing field is hardly level if Apple is the
> only company doing this, if for no other reason than what that means is
> that blind consumers would only have one choice.  I agree with Bary.  I
> love my Apple products and have absolutely no interest in personally
> owning a Kindle.  But I work with lots of students who do have them.
> Kindle does a lot more in textbooks than other e-text providers, which
> means that people will want to buy these devices for school.  Isn't it
> reasonable to strive to have the same level of choice in our mobile
> technology as our sighted peers?  Sandy is right, there's a big gap
> between the ideal and the current reality, but that's a big reason why
> I think it's worth doing everything we can to stop Amazon from getting
> this waiver.  Barry may be correct, and that all our comments may be
> for naught.  However, the only way we'll know is to try.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Aug 8, 2013, at 5:01 AM, eric oyen  wrote:
>> and what is wrong with that? the powers that be try every way to keep
>> us penned up, but I do not accept that. We have the right to be able
>> to live the same as others (at least here in the U.S.). So, why should
>> we accept anything less?
>> -eric
>> On Aug 7, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> I recall a time not so long ago when i devices first became
>>> accessible, everyone thinking how that was going to level the playing
>>> field.  It’s funny how quickly perspectives change.
>>> Now the bar has been raised even higher.  The playing field will not
>>> be level until blind people have access to every cheep piece of crap
>>> in existence.
>>> I should say that I’m happy with what Apple does and I have no desire
>>> to use anything else.  That said however, I certainly think that it
>>> would be a very good think if other companies would realize the
>>> importance of opening their products up to other segments of society
>>> and not excluding them.  I just don’t think that this is going to
>>> convince them.
>>> I don’t want to completely let Apple off the hook as it seems to me
>>> at times that there are factions under their roof that don’t seem to
>>> understand the importance of accessibility or what Voiceover is even
>>> used for.  On the other hand, I think that there is a much larger
>>> faction at Apple that definitely gets it and that the evidence to
>>> support this is over whelming.  I realize that not every body can
>>> listen to them, but there were some very impressive sessions at WWDC
>>> on the importance of accessibility and how easy it really is to not
>>> only make an app usable to a blind person, but make it a nice
>>> experience to use.
>>> I would like to suggest, that just maybe, if a government agency
>>> needs to step in to private inderestry and dictate to a company how
>>> their product is required to function, the result probably won’t be
>>> something you are going to want to use.
>>> I think that we as a blind community have access to more information
>>> then at any other time in history.  And, while things can always be
>>> better, maybe some gratitude is in order for the really good things
>>> that some companies like Apple have done.
>>> On Aug 7, 2013, at 12:36 PM, Richard Ring 
>>> wrote:

Re: help with vmware

2013-08-09 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
t; if you install NVDA, it may seem to hang during the installation. This is in
> fact not true, but what I had to find out about before being able to install
> NVDA, is that on the screen, but in the background, there is a user access
> control window, asking you if you really want to install a new peace of
> software. UAC protects you from installing unintentional things, by popping
> up a warning if windows sees that stuff is being installed, and that's all
> fine and good, but not if you are not aware of this window appearing in the
> background, while you are awaiting the finish of the NVDA installation. What
> you can do is, simply alt tab to this UAC window, say yes, and immediately
> NVDA goes on and installs.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Aug 8, 2013, at 3:23 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>> hi, eventually i have at long last got vmware up and run with windows,
>> but can anyone tell me what do i do from there? getting narrator or
>> nvda up and run would be a good thing, but how? all this done with vo,
>> of course :)
>> any help is mostly appreciated
>> sandi
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Re: help with vmware

2013-08-09 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
nice! :)

On 8/9/13, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> The advantage of doing it Paul's way is that it doesn't matter how many VM
> Machines you have with Windows, you can always have an insert key that way
> paul says in his message below. One of the reasons why I only use VM
> preferences.
> Kawal.
> On 9 Aug 2013, at 11:38 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Sandy,
>> Capslock is trickey to do under fusion, so let's just use the insert key.
>> Insert is normally not available on a mac keyboard. There is a key that
>> you could use as insert though, which is the accent key, on US keyboard
>> just below escape. To map the accent key to become the insert key as long
>> as you have windows on, do the following.
>> Open fusion and make sure that all VM's are shut off. Then hit command
>> comma, to get into the preferences for fusion. From the toolbar, select
>> keyboard and mouse. You now see your current key mappings. Skip the
>> profile bit. Just leave that at default. Hit add, to add a new mapping.
>> In the dialog that comes, VO over to the first combobox. This is where you
>> set your source key to be mapped, in your case accent. So, once on the
>> combobox, just hit accent and move on. You'll then find the to, field.
>> Skip all the checkboxes and stop on the next combobox. This is where you
>> select the key you want to happen, if you hit your accent key, so we must
>> select insert in here. If you hit VO space on the combobox, a list will
>> pop up as usual. Select insert, but do not hit VO space. What you have to
>> do in little, non-standard interface, is stop interacting till you can not
>> go up any further. This leaves the combobox alone, having insert selected.
>> Now hit okay and you have your insert key. Exit fusion preferences by
>> hitting command w, for close window.
>> Fire up windows and NVDA, hold down accent, below escape, and hit n. If
>> all went well, the NVDA menu will pop up, because NVDA thinks it sees
>> insert plus n. If that does not happen, go back into fusion preferences
>> and check your mapping. If it was wrong, delete it and start over.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Aug 9, 2013, at 11:42 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Paul, and first of all thank you for the tidbits, :) it is always
>>> wonderful to get help from others who knows more about a given
>>> situation than one might.
>>> What i have done so far, and it is not given it is the best thing, but
>>> more about that later on.
>>> Eventually i have a scanner, it won't run under mac, so i simply took
>>> a old xp cd, inserted it into the 12 core mac pro, installed windows
>>> on it and more or less have mapped the keys as you said, installed
>>> nvda and after that moved it allover via the usb key on the mac book
>>> air. Now of course  i need to set the nvda keys up, but I'm confident
>>> i can do that on my own :)
>>> have a wonderful day
>>> sandi
>>> On 8/9/13, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>>>> Hi Sandy and others interested,
>>>> After you have fusion installed and you have a windows vm running, you
>>>> can
>>>> go a few different ways. As it is by default with fusion and windows,
>>>> the
>>>> command key next to the spacebar, is not the alt key as you would
>>>> expect
>>>> from a windows keyboard. Instead, command is now the windows logo key,
>>>> while
>>>> the mac option key is alt, in windows. You can choose to leave that as
>>>> it
>>>> is, or you can swap the keys if you prefer so. You can do this in the
>>>> global
>>>> preferences inside fusion, command comma, when all VMs are shut down.
>>>> There
>>>> is a keyboard setup screen with multiple tab sheets there, available
>>>> from
>>>> the toolbar. You'll find a listbox there, containing all current,
>>>> default
>>>> key bindings. For example, the mac user does a command c to copy, while
>>>> in
>>>> windows, you would do control c rather than command c. So, fusion, to
>>>> make
>>>> the windows interface as intuitive as possible for the mac user,
>>>> assigns
>>>> command c to be mapped to control c. In other words, in a windows
>>>> virtual
>>>> machine, by default, command c does the same thing as control c.

Re: help with vmware

2013-08-12 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
personally i would never use jaws, the reason for that is it is too
costly, so what i do is to fire up the vm and use nvda and the book
scanner from in there:) and it works beautifully.
As for hacking the windows registry, that is usually quite easy, at
least it was last i had to do that, was a long time ago, though


On 8/12/13, Phil Halton  wrote:
> I set fusion to remap grave accent key to insert and undid the Sharpkeys
> remap from within windows. All went well until I discovered that using the
> insert as the jaws modifier key with a laptop keyboard caused some conflicts
> with existing jaws shortcut keys. The first conflict I found was the "read
> previous word" command (insert + J). It conflicts with the insert+j shortcut
> for going to the jaws window. The result is that neither shortcut will work
> and it will be ignored.
> So, whether I remap grave accent from fusion or from within windows using
> sharp keys, I'll still have to do some fiddling. If I go the fusion remap
> route, I'll have to monkey around in the jaws keyboard map to eliminate the
> conflicts. If I go the sharp keys route, I have to do some hacking in the
> windows registry.
> Unless I'm missing something, I don't see the advantage to the fusion route,
> and I'll stick with the sharp keys method for now.
> BTW: have you noticed this conflict? dio you even use JAWS?
> `
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Re: help with vmware

2013-08-13 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi all, so after buying a full version key for fusion, how do i go
about changing it ?
thanks  sandi

On 8/12/13, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
> personally i would never use jaws, the reason for that is it is too
> costly, so what i do is to fire up the vm and use nvda and the book
> scanner from in there:) and it works beautifully.
> As for hacking the windows registry, that is usually quite easy, at
> least it was last i had to do that, was a long time ago, though
> sandi
> On 8/12/13, Phil Halton  wrote:
>> I set fusion to remap grave accent key to insert and undid the Sharpkeys
>> remap from within windows. All went well until I discovered that using
>> the
>> insert as the jaws modifier key with a laptop keyboard caused some
>> conflicts
>> with existing jaws shortcut keys. The first conflict I found was the
>> "read
>> previous word" command (insert + J). It conflicts with the insert+j
>> shortcut
>> for going to the jaws window. The result is that neither shortcut will
>> work
>> and it will be ignored.
>> So, whether I remap grave accent from fusion or from within windows using
>> sharp keys, I'll still have to do some fiddling. If I go the fusion remap
>> route, I'll have to monkey around in the jaws keyboard map to eliminate
>> the
>> conflicts. If I go the sharp keys route, I have to do some hacking in the
>> windows registry.
>> Unless I'm missing something, I don't see the advantage to the fusion
>> route,
>> and I'll stick with the sharp keys method for now.
>> BTW: have you noticed this conflict? dio you even use JAWS?
>> `
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Re: help with vmware

2013-08-16 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
what i like about fusion is actually that i can have the mac do its
thing in windows, totally secured from the rest of the computers
Sure we can scan books and all that under osx, but i have never ever
found a way to make my book-scanner work as i wanted it under native
my next project will be to get all of my medical books scanned in.
luckily i found a old version of windows xp, and it seems to run
gorgeously on 512 mb of ram.
Now here is one thing that have me a bit puzzled, when we boot windows
up, do we have any way of seeing the messages flying across the
When we put xp on the MP, i could see a lots of lines changing, but
could not actually read them with voiceover. I can see there is a log
file. But have not looked much into it , was more wondering what
others do.
Over all i gotta say i am pretty impressed with what fusion can do.
have a great weekend, later today we are heading for an airshow in
roskilde, denmark europe,


On 8/16/13, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
> I like Key Remap for Macbook. It allows me to use caps lock as the VO key in
> OS X, and the JAWS key in Windows in Fusion. The one down side to this is
> that you lose caps lock functionality, but I can live with that.
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
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Re: boot camp or vmware

2013-08-17 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, adding enough ram too an vmware machine might give you the same.


On 8/17/13, Mary Otten  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have ordered a Mac mini with quad core processor, fusion drive and will be
> adding 16gb of ram to replace the 4gb that comes from Apple. I had pretty
> much decided to go the bootcamp route for a Windows installation, theory
> being that I get the all the resources of the machine in terms of ram at
> least, if I do the duel boot thing. And I guess it would also save the
> configuration of the keyboard with a key mapping utility. On the other hand,
> it would obviously be a lot less convenient to reboot each time you want to
> use Windows. I will use K1000, duxbury, Adobe Reader and ms Word, as well as
> some email on the Windows side of things. I have a few screen reader
> choices, Window Eyes, System Access and NVDA; I'd prefer to use Window Eyes
> for the multi-lingual aspect with Ivona voices. Does anybody have any
> comments on the use of the particular blindness-specific apps under VMware
> or bootcamp? Also, I have only a magic track pad, not a mouse. I assume
> that's not going to work on the Windows side. I personally don't care, but
> my sighted better half would.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: anyone successful with vim in the terminal?

2013-08-18 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, i have used Vim mostly when i edit the nas files in the flight
sim, adding different instruments, etc.
It works for me . But  what is your problem with Vim? learning too use
it is not a bad idea, in case of a breakdown, that is as far as i
remember the only editor you have.


On 8/18/13, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:
> Hi ALl,
> As the subject suggests it, i wanted to know if anyone has any success in
> using vim with the mac.
> I'm still looking for the perfect coding environment on the mac and so far
> i'm still stuck with text editor. I know VIM and emacs are really good for
> this, but i'd like to stick to vim for now and see if i can use it
> properly.
> Best regards,
> Yuma
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> "Light has no value without darkness"
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Re: Gps finds the way

2013-08-28 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, i think all i have ever used is map. and i got to admit it works gorgeously.


On 8/28/13, Cheree Heppe  wrote:
>  Cheree Heppe here:
> The use of the GPS in a car could only have happened to somebody in a
> sit-com, but, trust me, it happened to my friends and me this afternoon.
> A pair of apparently solid sandals that I wore to work completely broke
> down, leaving me the choice of walking in my nearly bare feet over
> questionably clear sidewalks and streets to get home.  I decided that would
> be a very risky plan and phoned a family I have known for some years with an
> emergency plea for transport or to borrow a pair of shoes.  All of the girls
> and their mother wear the same size shoe as I do.
> The mom, Carolyn, agreed to pick me up after my work day and drive me home
> and share a pair of shoes until I could step on to home turf and return
> them.
> At about 17:25, long after I got outside in my nearly bare feet, they hadn't
> arrived.  Two phone calls determined that Carolyn had parked her SUV in one
> of those self-serve parking garages and walked several blocks to me.
> When Carolyn and her daughter, Hannah, saw me outide my building, they
> simultaneously realized that they'd forgotten the loaner pair of shoes in
> their car.
> Carolyn wore a double pair of socks and let me slip into her sneakers.  We
> carefully, for Carolyn's sake, wended our way to find the building and her
> SUV.
> Once up the ramps and at the car, we all got inside, only to have Carolyn
> realize that her credit card was at home next to the laptop.  This car park
> requires a credit card in order to open the exit gates.
> We decided to use my card.  Carolyn took it to the machine, where, because
> of Braille labelling I affixed with the card number, etc, it promptly got
> well and truly jammed in the machine.  Naturally, it hadn't gotten to the
> stage to let us, or the ever-growing line of cars and driers out of the
> parking structure.
> On the automatic card machine now jammed with my card is a keypad to use in
> case of problems.  Carolyn dialed and explained that a card had gotten
> jammed in the machine.
> Several staff from the Embassy Suites to which the parking structure
> belonged, came out and could not get the card out.  Meanwhile, the drivers
> were making increasingly interesting suggestions about our situation.
> Finally, the hotel engineer came with a pair of needle-nose pliers and
> pulled the card out.
> All and sundry breathed a really large sigh of relief and we all got free
> egress from there.
> Not, for the GPS part.
> Carolyn is not familiar with the city and I am not familiar with driver
> helps.  What a team.  So, I brought up WAZE, a navigation and traffic GPS
> that one of my former readers swears by.  Sure enough, after I set it up, I
> had to turn off VoiceOver to Carolyn's sighted daughter could read the
> directions to Carolyn.  WAZE is more accessible than it started out to be,
> but still is not blind friendly enough to use the way we would really like.
> It's amazing for sighted users, however.
> We found our way home beautifully.
> If I actually learn how to use some of my GPS apps, I suspect I will have
> powerful tools in the palm of my hand.  I have Ariadne and Blind Square and
> they help more than hinder.  Maybe I'm making GPS progress, eh?
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> T
> Sent from my IPhone 4S
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Re: iOS 7, the worse update for norwegians using VoiceOver

2013-09-20 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, i dunno, now since i have not had too use the phone for anything
really important i have mostly just messed about with its different
functions, of course at the same time having too use the new danish
voice, what will be interesting too find out is how it will read up my
norwegian nursing books, and that honestly is what i fear the most.
the voices might be badder, true but lets hope that it is in the end
all for the better :)



On 9/19/13, David Hole  wrote:
> Hi folks.
> With a developer account, I've had time to playaround with iOS 7 on my
> iPhone 4S over a month now.
> After updating to iOS 7, I found that the norwegian voice have changed, and
> to a new and quite unusable one.
> I immediatly reached out to the accessibility team at apple to report this
> mistake, and they said they couldn't help with unreleased software, so they
> "forwarded" me to the bug reporting tool on the developer page, wich is not
> that VoiceOver friendly.
> I managed to report a bug regarding the voice, and nothing have happened
> since.
> Yesterday, when I confirmed that the update was available, I sendt away a
> mail again to the accessibility team regarding this, and after a few mails,
> they said they forwarded my request to get back the old voice to the speech
> team.
> Since norwegians are few, I encourage norwegian VO-users to report the
> voice issue to apple.
> Also I was able to speak about the problem in the media.
> You can read the article here:
> For non-scandinavian, just use Google Translate.
> Are there someone here who can help in any way?
> We over here would be very thankful if so.
> Best regards David
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Re: Fastest Way to Scan Books?

2013-09-26 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, when i decided too become a nurse i had too find out how too get
my information, obviously it meant i had too scan the books, i could
see what was around me , but obviously not read any single letter, and
well seen from my perspective, if an dyslexic can go through live with
out being able too connect letters and live happily so can i.
okies, so well a scanner was obviously what i needed, too me i knew it
was about getting the right tool for the right job, never mind if it
meant getting windows in a vmware image. As Eric i believe it was
said, study books and i tell you especially medical books can fast run
up in over $ 1. So i had too find a way i could get some of my
money back once i was done with the books.

How i did it.

I don't know how long time others have had too prepare for classes
etc, but it is not a unknown fact that nurses read massive amounts of
books, so for me it had to work the first time. and which solution
could give me that?
I started googling as a mad girl, 1 month to go, it was a tight fit. I
was actually unlike me not far from giving up when  i found a store in
Copenhagen, called scan data or some such.
I told the owner what i needed and 50 minutes after i received a huge
package,. one scanner, a cd and the different connectors.
, it was a optic plus 2500 or so i believe, but i can find that out
more precisely later, the reason i got that scanner is as follows.
I knew my time table would be tight so i needed something both complex
and simple at the same time, i had been working with computers for
over 10 years, so i was relatively confident i could make it work one
way or the other.
The special thing about this scanner is not that it scans the books,
obviously, which it does relatively fast or slow, it is 23 seconds
before the scanning head is ready to go round the bush again. And
since it was the best solution i could get at that time all in all, it
was what i got. For medical books it works, if you do not scan the
whole book at one time. if you do your arms will be tired at the end.

The scanning process.
Okay so now we come too the most complex part of it all, or maybe not,
the scanning process, and how too do it.
Press contact, flip book over too the other half of its open page,
press contact again, turn page, press contact, do it as many times as
you need, for a book on about 400 pages , that would mean about 800

So now that we got the book done and finish, what do you do? you OCR
it. press tab on your computer a few times, and it goes about doing
its thing as you go do something else, when it is done, it lays in a
notepad document and is ready to be read, as fast as you can manage.
Is it the Fastest way too scan a book on about 400 pages, i doubt it ,
but for OCR and scanning  over all i say that it works pretty well if
you want it simple, also the alinement of the book is quite easy, so
far my only worry have been if it could run under vmware on my mac.
And it does that gorgeously with nvda.

A few words about why i got exactly this scanner.
I am not kidding when i say the following, medical books will in the
long run cost me more than my car, but too me it means that if i use a
scanner solution with out cutting the book up that i can sell it
again, and by that way get some of the money back from the book,
meaning obviously that i can use them for getting the rest of the
needed money for more books.
As i have said before, unless you are a really strong female, scanning
 1000 pages in one go will tire you out.
I do believe i did it one time, and that was only cause i got Sandi
stubborn, and is not too be repeated. The other reason for getting
that scanner is that medical books are huge, page vice, it is not your
normal book sized novel.
The scanner it self was invented too scan old books, at least if i
shall trust the homepage. And i have too admit that it does that
really well, you see there are 2 things we have too remember  when we
scan for studying, accuracy and speed. and i choose too call it
reusability of the scanned book, so at least for me cutting the books
too pieces is not an option, hey i am not rockefella, i am the other
fella smiles.
so realistically, how many pages can you scan on, say 1 hour, i will
say, 200 if you are focused about it. I am a bit of an airhead at
times, so it is most likely you can get it up too about 300.
So all in all, if you want the book scanned ultra fast this option is
most definitely not for you, but i am pretty sure it is the one that
gives the best solution in the long run, but then again, if you are
just needing it for reading a novel, i don't know how much the
accuracy means too you.
I personally have the scanning process running under windows xp
installed under vmware fusion, and i got to  admit i was pretty
surprised too discover that the process worked as well under fusion as
it would under a native windows environment.
Eric, how well is the OCR after you have used the cam, i wonder, if
that process is fast

Re: Vocalizer Expressive, Was Re: iOS 7, the worse update for norwegians using VoiceOver

2013-09-30 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, i dunno, of course the danish voice is not perfect, but it is
useable, and i gotta say the only thing that frustrates me is this, if
you drive on the highway you can hardly hear the phone when you use
the gps.
As for hebrew voices could there be copyright things that they are not
telling us about?

On 9/29/13, Terje Strømberg  wrote:
> Then we have the Norwegian, Israel and Danish voices and maybe a couple
> more. Together the market grows. From the Apple side there should be an
> conscience share too, not only a stock share They own Voice Over. We have
> paid for the hardware. I believe Apple will fix this after some pressure if
> many enough countries users and organizations make them pay attention to
> this problem.
> Take care
> 25. sep. 2013 kl. 18:04 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen
> :
>> Hi.
>> It is a disaster too in danish. Nobody understands the new voice. I mean
>> that it is a catastrophe that voices are developing into something worse.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Sep 25, 2013 kl. 12:34 PM skrev Rafi Cohen :
>>> Hi everyone. I could be happy that the new Vocalizer Expressive is
>>> integrated in IOS7 but instead I am mostly frustrated.
>>> I'm a blind software developer from Israel using both Mac and Iphone.
>>> During the last months there were strong rumors that Apple will add a
>>> Hebrew TTS to IOS7 and Mavericks. Yes I know, even a strong rumor is just
>>> a rumor. But I also know that Hebrew TTS _is_ included in Vocalizer
>>> Expressive, bot for reasons I really don't know and understand, Apple
>>> decided to exclude it out and did not integrate Hebrew TTS in IOS7 and so
>>> far it is not included in the Beta versions of Mavericks too.
>>> Most unfortunately, nobody in the Accessibility group of Apple gives us
>>> even a clue why they had to take it out. After all, we did not ask Apple
>>> to invent the wheel. Hebrew TTS is part of Vocalizer Expressive, but
>>> still was excluded from IOS7.
>>> I, for myself can manage well with English but there are hundreds of
>>> blind people who don't know English and were waiting impatiently for the
>>> Hebrew support on IOS7 to buy iphones and now they are left out with much
>>> frustration.
>>> Yes, the Israeli blindness market is small and Apple still has
>>> significant accessibility advantages over Android, but if that Hebrew TTS
>>> will be integrated in Android before IOS, Apple will probably loose that
>>> market.
>>> I love Apple products but I'm most unhappy with their behavior towards
>>> Hebrew support and I still hope somebody will give a comprehensive answer
>>> to this issue.
>>> Thanks, Rafi.
>>> From:
>>> On Behalf Of BBS
>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 12:14 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Vocalizer Expressive, Was Re: iOS 7, the worse update for
>>> norwegians using VoiceOver
>>> Hi everyone. I've been meaning to send this out to you guys but I was
>>> catching up on around 85 emails so here goes. I have an explanation of
>>> why the old Norweigion voice that people are used to is no longer used. I
>>> actually read this on the Viphone list and I wanted to inform you as
>>> well. The reason why that voice is no longer in the iPhone is because
>>> Nuance has stopped supporting the Vocalizer Automotive version 5.5
>>> engine, which was present in iOS6 and I think is present in OS X Mountain
>>> Lion. Because of this, Apple is now using Nuance's new TTS engine,
>>> Vocalizer Expressive. This new version of Vocalizer has new voices, and
>>> as some of you that are using the Australian Karen voice may notice, she
>>> sounds way better in this version. So for people that want the old voices
>>> back, it won't happen because like I said, Vocalizer Automotive 5.5 is no
>>> longer supported by Nuance. Also if I may add, it's inevitable that this
>>> new Vocalizer Expressive engine will also be coming to OS X Mavericks
>>> when it comes out.
>>> Shawn
>>> Sent From My White MacBook
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Re: Fastest Way to Scan Books?

2013-09-30 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi james, look at this link
Personally i adore my scanner too bits. The price may seem a little
high, but again, it really does deliver a beautiful piece of work.
That of course is with out you having too cut the book up,


On 9/30/13, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello James,
> When I scan a book using my Canon Lide 110, I press down on the spine to get
> the best contact for scanning. I don't even bother to close the lid. The
> results are very good.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: Fastest Way to Scan Books?

2013-10-01 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi annie, i will say it like this , of course there are always errors
when we scan something in, but the results are surprisingly good. i
will do some googling and you can  contact the danish company and see
for your self what you think, i have scanned over 400 books on mine so
far going from my nursing books too just things i need for relaxation.
Now obviously as you have used more time on this subject than i have,
I am not sure what your are expecting but i was surprised.
I do believe i gave under 3000 dkr for it and that was with all
included scanner, cd, and cables, mine drives under windows but with
windows  under vmware on the mac that  is something that i can
certainly live with, when it comes down too it for me at least  it is
a matter of getting food on the table for me, 2 other persons and a
labrador and a rottweiler.
Annie if you want i can send you a few pages of stuff i have scanned
in with it and you can see for your self?
If you need more help just mail me privately.


ps, i don't know if there is any mac drivers for it , but if you
really need it , you need it :)

On 10/1/13, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
> Hi Sandi.
> I have in fact been looking at the opticbook a300. I think I would like that
> scanner, but I am a little worried about the price here in Denmark. I would
> in fact pay the price if I could be sure the scanner works great.
> Is there any mac drivers for these scanners?
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Oct 1, 2013 kl. 7:51 AM skrev Sandi Jazmin Kruse :
>> hi james, look at this link
>> Personally i adore my scanner too bits. The price may seem a little
>> high, but again, it really does deliver a beautiful piece of work.
>> That of course is with out you having too cut the book up,
>> Sandi
>> On 9/30/13, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello James,
>>> When I scan a book using my Canon Lide 110, I press down on the spine to
>>> get
>>> the best contact for scanning. I don't even bother to close the lid. The
>>> results are very good.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
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Re: Fastest Way to Scan Books?

2013-10-02 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
annie i believe it is the 3600, not the fastest in town, but it get it
done at the end.
Come too think of it am not sure you can get them anymore, so yours
will just be snappier.

On 10/2/13, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
> Ok Sandi.
> Which one of the models have you bought?
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Oct 1, 2013 kl. 2:54 PM skrev Sandi Jazmin Kruse :
>> hi annie, i will say it like this , of course there are always errors
>> when we scan something in, but the results are surprisingly good. i
>> will do some googling and you can  contact the danish company and see
>> for your self what you think, i have scanned over 400 books on mine so
>> far going from my nursing books too just things i need for relaxation.
>> Now obviously as you have used more time on this subject than i have,
>> I am not sure what your are expecting but i was surprised.
>> I do believe i gave under 3000 dkr for it and that was with all
>> included scanner, cd, and cables, mine drives under windows but with
>> windows  under vmware on the mac that  is something that i can
>> certainly live with, when it comes down too it for me at least  it is
>> a matter of getting food on the table for me, 2 other persons and a
>> labrador and a rottweiler.
>> Annie if you want i can send you a few pages of stuff i have scanned
>> in with it and you can see for your self?
>> If you need more help just mail me privately.
>> sandi
>> ps, i don't know if there is any mac drivers for it , but if you
>> really need it , you need it :)
>> On 10/1/13, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>>> Hi Sandi.
>>> I have in fact been looking at the opticbook a300. I think I would like
>>> that
>>> scanner, but I am a little worried about the price here in Denmark. I
>>> would
>>> in fact pay the price if I could be sure the scanner works great.
>>> Is there any mac drivers for these scanners?
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den Oct 1, 2013 kl. 7:51 AM skrev Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>>> :
>>>> hi james, look at this link
>>>> Personally i adore my scanner too bits. The price may seem a little
>>>> high, but again, it really does deliver a beautiful piece of work.
>>>> That of course is with out you having too cut the book up,
>>>> Sandi
>>>> On 9/30/13, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>>>> Hello James,
>>>>> When I scan a book using my Canon Lide 110, I press down on the spine
>>>>> to
>>>>> get
>>>>> the best contact for scanning. I don't even bother to close the lid.
>>>>> The
>>>>> results are very good.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Anne
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Re: Fastest Way to Scan Books?

2013-10-02 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Hi Eric.
So it will eventually be about  2 times faster than what i do now.
That i don't have to move the book would be a massive plus for me.
Yes the optic book comes with super proof software that should work
under normal situations, however if the books are thick plus 500
pages, depending on the thickness of the page they are nearly
unmanageable, and that is what i wanted too find an solution for.
And it seems you have just been giving me that.
Sorry too hear that your company is shutting down btw. i have for some
time been reading your blog with great interest as i may just start
something up in dk my self.

best Sandi

On 10/2/13, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> Hi Sandy,  I've read your post below about 5 times.  It's fascinating and
> well written.
> You wrote:
> "Eric, how well is the OCR after you have used the cam, i wonder, if
> that process is faster i might consider it seriously."
> In my experience, it's good for about 500 pages per hour.  The dimensions of
> the scanning area are 8.5 by 14 inches.  The scanning accuracy is about 95%
> on average depending on the layout and quality of the text.  A black and
> white page of 12 point font is usually good for about 99% accuracy.
> It also has the advantage of not having to lift the book.  I remember
> cutting my 2000 page html textbook in three back in my college days.  I was
> scanning with a little cannoscan portable at the time and I had a broken
> shoulder, having recently been hit by a car.  So, it was a bit of an ordeal.
>  Ah, memories… laughs.
> I've tested the hovercam here myself and trained two clients on it this
> year, and they have both been very happy.
> The drawback is, you really need the kurzweil 1000 software to get the most
> out of your hovercam on windows, or docuscan to maximize it under mac.
> Your opticbook came with bundle software that you could use very well to do
> professional quality OCR.  The hovercam doesn't come with good software and
> so you'll need to buy something more professional.  I suppose even abby fine
> reader would do on either windows or mac once you have the images.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Ebony Consulting will close it's doors for good on december 20th.  Thanks to
> everyone who contributed to the past four years of success for my little
> consulting business.  It means a lot to me.
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-09-27, at 12:34 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>> hi, when i decided too become a nurse i had too find out how too get
>> my information, obviously it meant i had too scan the books, i could
>> see what was around me , but obviously not read any single letter, and
>> well seen from my perspective, if an dyslexic can go through live with
>> out being able too connect letters and live happily so can i.
>> okies, so well a scanner was obviously what i needed, too me i knew it
>> was about getting the right tool for the right job, never mind if it
>> meant getting windows in a vmware image. As Eric i believe it was
>> said, study books and i tell you especially medical books can fast run
>> up in over $ 1. So i had too find a way i could get some of my
>> money back once i was done with the books.
>> How i did it.
>> I don't know how long time others have had too prepare for classes
>> etc, but it is not a unknown fact that nurses read massive amounts of
>> books, so for me it had to work the first time. and which solution
>> could give me that?
>> I started googling as a mad girl, 1 month to go, it was a tight fit. I
>> was actually unlike me not far from giving up when  i found a store in
>> Copenhagen, called scan data or some such.
>> I told the owner what i needed and 50 minutes after i received a huge
>> package,. one scanner, a cd and the different connectors.
>> , it was a optic plus 2500 or so i believe, but i can find that out
>> more precisely later, the reason i got that scanner is as follows.
>> I knew my time table would be tight so i needed something both complex
>> and simple at the same time, i had been working with computers for
>> over 10 years, so i was relatively confident i could make it work one
>> way or the other.
>> The special thing about this scanner is not that it scans the books,
>> obviously, which it does relatively fast or slow, it is 23 seconds
>> before the scanning head is ready to go round the bush again. And
>> since it was the best solution i could get at that time all in all, it
>> was what i got. For medical books it works, if you do not scan

  1   2   3   >