hi, i do agree with Daniel.
This topic may be OT for the most on this list, but the movement is
definitely interesting.
Usually, at least in Denmark where i am living the prices for for
example jaws is so high cause the most expects that your government
pays for it , so they can pretty much set any price they like. So why
not simply set the highest price they dare? it will be good business
seen from their point of view.
Now there is just this little other problem, we have more and more
independent blind people who will not tolerate just standing on the
sideline, rubbernecking, having too depends on sighted assistance. And
frankly that is where windows in a combination with a mac comes into
I can't speak for others but after i got my sight mostly back i had
only one wish,"what can i do too help others not as lucky as me?"
I thought NVDA was quite primitive, oh boy were i proven wrong, we
have tons and tons of add ons that we can install, blah, blah, blah.
I am not saying that windows is better than it used to be, but at
least whilst i am taking the medical education, it is needed for me
and well if that means that i will get done faster with the education
that is just exactly what i am going to do.
It is perfectly fine to me that we have persons on the list who will
never again touch windoww ever again, but let me ask you this. Would
you do it if your income depended on it ? :)
I found a way so i could add eloquence to nvdas voices. Again means
faster reading rate.
Personally i am not a huge fan of either jaws or window eyes, why? i
like open source software with a passion.
Anyway just my thoughts, have a wonderful weekend.


On 1/18/14, CJ Daniel <cj.bear.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ray,
> While in specific it is an “OT” post, I think any development of this
> magnitude is of interest to just about any computer related blind list.  The
> offering of Window-Eyes as a pseudo-free screen reader for MS Windows, in
> itself, is not earth-shattering.  How it may continue to shape the adaptive
> software arena for the blind is, however, potentially huge.
> If Window-eyes remains a commercial grade package for the price of adding
> Office 2010 to a Window’s based machine, the question then becomes “what
> will Freedom Scientific do?”  I suspect there is a chance of legal action in
> the offing or maybe not.  Perhaps, for the first time, Freedom Scientific
> will have to deal realistically with blind consumers & stop setting their
> price-point @ ridiculous levels, which—let’s all face it—has always been a
> marketing strategy aimed @ Federal & state purchasing agencies.
> This is all of interest to Apple user’s & the members of this list, in my
> opinion, because the government mandated it, Apple responded, & people like
> those on this list picked up the torch & ran with it.  That’s right!  Every
> person, who has said “enough all ready.  I’m tired of paying outrageous
> prices for something that sighted people obtain with their original purchase
> price.  I’m tired of paying for expensive adaptive software upgrades, in
> addition to my operating system upgrades.”  People who, in some cases,
> fought state agencies & insisted on something other than a Windows based
> machine & the highly ubiquitous JAWS.  Then, those same people strapped
> themselves in to the roller coaster of change, sweated through the learning
> curves, & left all that hard-won Windows expertise behind to make it all
> happen.
> What I’m trying to express, I suppose, is that it is of great interest,
> because people like you & me made it happen.  In effect, the American system
> of free enterprise, with a little watch-dogging from the federal
> government—their real job I believe—has started to work in this situation.
> I.E. the blind consumer has spoken with his/her purchasing dollars &
> MicroSoft & GW Micro have taken note.
> Am I saying that we’re a threat to Windows?  Absolutely not.  But, we are a
> market share &, in this economy, every little bit counts.  After all, it was
> only a couple of years ago, that for the first time in history, a private
> company—Apple Incorporated—had more money than the federal government.  If
> you don’t think Micro Soft sat up & took note of that, then you don’t know
> how these companies think.  I shouldn’t be surprised @ all if Micro Soft
> isn’t determined to win every little segment of the market possible.  But, I
> digress.
> In short, we & NVDA users should be a little proud, I think.  We’ve had an
> impact & opened up some doors for a lot of blind folks.  We’ve gotten some
> corporate attention & it looks like some real changes may be in the offing.
> So, to all the users on the list, I say “thanks & well done.”
> Sincerely,
> CJ
> On Jan 18, 2014, at 10:19 AM, Ray Foret Jr <rforet7...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> Uh, maybe:  however, doesn’t one have to buy a full copy of Microsoft Word
>> to get this?  Seems like one gets a stripped down version with just one
>> voice and I really have to say that while GW Micro deserves a favorable
>> mention for this, it’s got presious little to do with those of us who
>> don’t and will never ever ever install windows on our Macs.
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>> On Jan 18, 2014, at 11:06 AM, Teresa Cochran <vegaspipistre...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Well, actually, some folks use Bootcamp or Fusion, and could probably
>>> benefit from not having to buy a full copy of WindowEyes when they do
>>> so.
>>> HtH,
>>> teresa
>>> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
>>> On Jan 18, 2014, at 8:38 AM, Ray Foret Jr <rforet7...@comcast.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> For my part, I’m wondering what this has to do with us Mac users?
>>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the
>>>> blind built-in!
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5
>>>> user!
>>>> On Jan 18, 2014, at 5:51 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse <sandi1...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> hi Chris. Am not sure why they use W E for that, I can't decide if i
>>>>> believe it a good or bad thing either. The only thing i kinda wish i
>>>>> could get from nvda was a more jaws like voice, that is all really, it
>>>>> is simple and too the point.
>>>>> It could be that W E  got something NVDA don't? As others have said it
>>>>> shall indeed be interesting finding out how it plays out.
>>>>> Sandi
>>>>> On 1/17/14, Chris Blouch <cblo...@aol.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I wonder why they went with WindowEyes. Maybe less outcry when the #3
>>>>>> gets picked for inclusion. As it normally goes for $900 a pop I could
>>>>>> see MS giving them $9 each which would be made up for in quantity.
>>>>>> Last
>>>>>> WebAIM survey had Primary Screen Reader use with Jaws at 49%,
>>>>>> WindowEyes
>>>>>> at 12% and Voiceover at 9%. NVDA was actually second with nearly 14%.
>>>>>> http://webaim.org/projects/screenreadersurvey4/#primary
>>>>>> CB
>>>>>> On 1/17/14 8:59 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
>>>>>>> i am kinda wondering what they will gain by doing it like that?
>>>>>>> Not that i will ever have too find out, the absolutely only thing i
>>>>>>> use windows for is scanning , when done i can copy paste it over in
>>>>>>> textedit directly.
>>>>>>> I have thought long and hard over if i really needed something newer
>>>>>>> than xp for OC'ring and stuff like that, and i simply can't justify
>>>>>>> it, not right now at least.
>>>>>>> Sandi
>>>>>>> On 1/17/14, Eileens Misrahi <eileen.misr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>> I just want to point out that I have had a paid copy of Window-Eyes
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> few years. Last year though, if I wanted the Vocalizer voices I
>>>>>>>> needed
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> pay for them. Also, I listened to  a recent podcast from GW micro on
>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> get started with the WE version for Office and it was mentioned in
>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>> that other synthesizers could be purchased. I am taking a wait and
>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>> approach on how all this will play out. I provide training to my
>>>>>>>> clients
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> all areas of vision rehab, so this could be advantagious for those
>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>> who require a screen reader. JMO.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Eileen
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>> On Jan 17, 2014, at 3:12 PM, Terje Strømberg
>>>>>>>> <terjestrmb...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Speech Syntherzises is very important for my self i.e. the choice
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> installing from developers. This is a very bad mistake by GW
>>>>>>>>> Micro.
>>>>>>>>> Free
>>>>>>>>> speech!!
>>>>>>>>> Take care
>>>>>>>>> 17. jan. 2014 kl. 22:22 skrev Buddy Brannan <bu...@brannan.name>:
>>>>>>>>> Licensing costs, most likely. You will also get no free technical
>>>>>>>>> support
>>>>>>>>> beyond installation.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>>>>>>>>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>>>>>>>>> On Jan 17, 2014, at 4:18 PM, Karen Lewellen
>>>>>>>>> <klewel...@shellworld.net>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> indeed? if this is a fully functional edition with all other
>>>>>>>>>> programs,
>>>>>>>>>> does not that mean the speech choices you would get with window
>>>>>>>>>> eyes
>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>> general?  Why are they only offering  one synthesizer I wonder?
>>>>>>>>>> Kare
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 17 Jan 2014, Alex Hall wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I haven't followed this thread very closely, so I'm sorry if this
>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>> come up. You seem to be forgetting about NVDA, a free screen
>>>>>>>>>>> reader
>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> has very good Office support and can also be scripted. A common
>>>>>>>>>>> complaint about NVDA is that people don't like Espeak, the
>>>>>>>>>>> synthesizer
>>>>>>>>>>> it comes with, but a blog post I read said that Window-Eyes will
>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>> come with Espeak in this deal. So, the idea that this
>>>>>>>>>>> Window-Eyes
>>>>>>>>>>> offer
>>>>>>>>>>> opens more doors seems odd, since NVDA is already available, no
>>>>>>>>>>> matter
>>>>>>>>>>> which version of office you have, or if you don't have Office at
>>>>>>>>>>> all.
>>>>>>>>>>> Some comments I've heard even suggest that Window-Eyes does not
>>>>>>>>>>> offer
>>>>>>>>>>> very good Office support compared to other screen readers.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 17, 2014, at 2:38 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman
>>>>>>>>>>> <bubbygirl1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Just had another thought.  This might be a good thing for those
>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> us
>>>>>>>>>>>> looking for volunteer work.  If we can use window eyes as long
>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>>>>> have office 2010 or later on their system.  How well does
>>>>>>>>>>>> window
>>>>>>>>>>>> eyes
>>>>>>>>>>>> and office work together I wonder?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm regards and blessings
>>>>>>>>>>>> Maria, Joe and FurBabies
>>>>>>>>>>>> Email:  iMessage:bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15 Jan 2014, at 6:21 am, Bill Holton <bill32...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jan-14-2014
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fort Wayne, Indiana (January 14, 2014) - GW Micro, Inc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (www.gwmicro.com) is proud
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to make a revolutionary announcement. GW Micro and Microsoft
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Corp.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have partnered
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to make Window-Eyes available to users of Microsoft Office at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cost.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Window-Eyes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a screen reader that enables people who are blind, visually
>>>>>>>>>>>>> impaired, or print
>>>>>>>>>>>>> disabled to have full access to Windows PCs and makes the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> computer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessible via
>>>>>>>>>>>>> speech and/or Braille.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To better deliver Window-Eyes to the people who need it most,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> GW
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Micro
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Microsoft
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have collaborated on this global initiative, available in over
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 15
>>>>>>>>>>>>> languages, to enable
>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone using Microsoft Office 2010 or later to also use
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Window-Eyes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for free.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Access to technology is critical to people who are blind or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> visually
>>>>>>>>>>>>> impaired in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> order to have the same opportunity to compete in the workplace.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As
>>>>>>>>>>>>> such, this initiative
>>>>>>>>>>>>> between GW Micro and Microsoft has the potential to reduce
>>>>>>>>>>>>> barriers
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for millions
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of people who are blind or visually impaired around the world.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As the population ages, technologies like Window-Eyes will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> become
>>>>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and more important
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as the number of people with age-related macular degeneration
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> other retinal degenerative
>>>>>>>>>>>>> diseases increases. "
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This significant change in the way we are doing business
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reflects
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> changing perception
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of accessibility and also technology in general.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rather than wait for the world to change, Microsoft and GW
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Micro
>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> leading the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ," said Dan Weirich, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> GW
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Micro.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Weirich believes this technology can help millions of people
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gain
>>>>>>>>>>>>> access to their
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC, and that providing it free of charge will open a whole new
>>>>>>>>>>>>> world
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of assistive
>>>>>>>>>>>>> technology to many people.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In light of the rapidly changing face of technology and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> specifically,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the changing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> face of assistive technology, the combined efforts of GW Micro
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the goal of providing accessibility to people who are blind
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> visually impaired
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the long term.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft continues to take accessibility seriously.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> “By partnering with GW Micro in this endeavor we are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> demonstrating
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft’s ongoing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> commitment to provide all of our customers with the technology
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tools to help
>>>>>>>>>>>>> each person be productive in both their work and personal
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lives.”
>>>>>>>>>>>>> said Rob Sinclair, Chief Accessibility Officer for Microsoft.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eligible customers, using Microsoft Office 2010 or higher, will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> able to download
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a full version of Window-Eyes starting today at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.WindowEyesForOffice.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The website provides download instructions as well as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> additional
>>>>>>>>>>>>> details about this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> offer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> GW Micro, Inc. (www.gwmicro.com) has been a trusted pioneer in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> adaptive technology
>>>>>>>>>>>>> industry since 1990, and continues to lead with innovative,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> customer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> driven solutions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Contact:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dan Weirich, VP of Sales and Marketing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> d...@gwmicro.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (260) 489-3671
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ###
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