Morning from rainy and cold scandinavia, this day i might as well live
in england, I like Anne use Fred, if i need anything mostly nursing
books read to me i use ida.
If  I need to read faster than that ,in english i use eloquence, and
yes it is under windows.
guys… i will be wet… and i hate it. anyways,
hugs too these who wants them , have a nice day…

On 10/16/14, The Believer <> wrote:
>     Which I should have done. Ok, I asked this because after installing
> Mavericks and doing some tweaks to get it to boot up smoothly, I still
> find it problematic for about 30 to 60 seconds. I still have the welcome
> message option enabled so its quite evident at that point when Samantha
> can barely speak. But after this 30 to 60 seconds, Mavericks seems to be
> ok as I have been moving data, changing settings and so on, no issues. I
> just let it boot and wait and then start using the Mac.
>     I toyed with the idea of using different voices in different
> applications but may just stick with one voice.
>  From The Believer. . .
>   . . . what if it were true?
> On 10/16/2014 11:37 AM, David Griffith wrote:
>> I have changed the subject line as we were drifting into OS.
>> The scansoft voices are the modern voices introduced in Lion as I recall
>> it. That is voices like Daniel, tom, Samantha etc.
>> My experience is that my 2011 iMac    is snappier with Alex.
>> I used to have different voices for Mail and Safari etc under activities
>> and my Mac started to crawl. after I went to Mavericks So I got rid of all
>> activities and just use Alex and I have a fast  Mac again.
>> David griffith
>> On 16 Oct 2014, at 18:02, The Believer <> wrote:
>>> David,
>>>    Which ones are the Scansoft voices in Mavericks??
>>>  From The Believer. . .
>>> . . . what if it were true?
>>> On 10/15/2014 5:10 PM, David Griffith wrote:
>>>> I wonder what made you go back to Mountain Lion? I too found the
>>>> upgrade
>>>> to Mavericks initially disturbing and originally considering trying to
>>>> revert but  find most things work fine nowadays, even iBooks is more
>>>> usable now.
>>>> In my case the key on my 2011 iMac was to
>>>> 1. Do a clean install.
>>>> 2. Go back to Alex as my default voice.
>>>> 3. Stop using Scansoft voices, particularly in conjunction with
>>>> activities.
>>>> After that the lagging and busy issue pretty much disappeared and all
>>>> seemed to work fine with only minor annoyances which so far have work
>>>> around. The file attachment      feature of Mail is now more time
>>>> consuming because you have to go to save as in the file menu. On my
>>>> machine you cannot escape out of the menu bar but have to go to menu
>>>> extras and then you can use escape.  None of this is show stopping for
>>>> me. The major annoyance for me is that the tab feature appears to have
>>>> messed up the ability to open multiple windows so if I want to have
>>>> multiple windows in Finder open I have to use the open in new window
>>>> command from the context menu  rather than just use command down arrow.
>>>> David Griffith
>>>> On 16/10/2014 00:00, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
>>>>> Superlative little rant, that. :)
>>>>> For myself, I'm back on Mountain Lion for my primary machine, a mid-11
>>>>> iMac, to get an email client that displays plain text messages, a
>>>>> working C compiler compatible with much Open Source software, and no
>>>>> bloody iBooks.  It's still iOSified, but at least it functions.  I am
>>>>> thinking about Windows--have been for a while now, actually--as going
>>>>> neither further back nor further forward with OS X would appear to be
>>>>> options.  I would stay with Snow Leopard, but it's not an option, and
>>>>> Mavericks+ are where the dumbed-down interfaces get a bit too much for
>>>>> anything that isn't basic mucking about.  Linux: nope, not on the
>>>>> desktop.  Windows 7, then?
>>>>> You can hide U2 easily enough, in iTunes, on your purchases tab.  And
>>>>> you can hide them from your cloud view by just deleting them and
>>>>> taking the option to hide.
>>>>> As for iOS, I'd suggest you sign up for an Apple Developer account or
>>>>> team up with someone who has so you can run the 8.1 beta.  You'd be in
>>>>> a better position to judge the performance of the bug fixes, and
>>>>> complain to Apple about the remainder.  Personally, although I think
>>>>> iOS is turning into Android, in an unhealthy way, even as OS X turns
>>>>> into iOS, I can't complain about my iPhone 6+.  It gives me pleasure
>>>>> to use it, even if I get annoyed by some of the bugs or can't tell
>>>>> which app requires which permissions.  I still have an iOS 7-equipped
>>>>> iPad and iPod, when I need smooth sailing above all things.  The
>>>>> initial iOS 8 release and the subsequent minor releases did not enjoy
>>>>> good quality control, and not just for VoiceOver users either, but I
>>>>> do think we have been punished rather badly compared to previous
>>>>> releases.
>>>>> And yeah, we are the customers, dammit; don't excuse or idolise
>>>>> Apple.  There is a reason why the folder where my Apple list traffic
>>>>> goes into is called "BlindFaith". :)
>>>>> So anyway, KBO.
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