readme for blind users using flight gear written by Sandi Jazmin Kruse. First of all, let me say this right out making manuals is definitely not what i do best, so please bare that in mind and fill free too ask questions if something is not clear enough. Flightgear is a flight simulator that was written for about i believe 10 years ago, i joined it when it was about 5 years old as a totally blind person, and well it was clear too me that making it work so i could use it would be relative easy. And with that off the plate lets get too the easy stuff. either you have some know how about the terminal, or you write exactly what i say or it will not work. Sounds harder, than it was meant so here goes.
1:you got a image called flight gear blind install open that = stand on it and press cmd o on it . in there you got a few different files. lets start with speak.nas. copy it from the image too the folder below in a terminal type this cd /Volumes/flightgear-blind-install and hit enter now type cp speak.nas /Applications/ and again hit enter. After that go back too your image and type . cp speak_keys.xml /Applications/ and last go back too your image and type. Cp fgfsrc too your home folder, in my case it would be cp fgfsrc /Users/sandra ; rn fgfsrc .fgfsrc Voiceover does not say this but you can see that i am renaming the fgfsrc too a file with a period in front of it. See? you almost there or as Lonestar says, Im already there, or was it something with Mr Mom? All these commands makes me so air-headed. Okay at last go back too your image, you ought too know the drill by now. type cp / note it is a slash at the end of the line, why? just too lay it somewhere. And now for the part i am not so good at remembering you need a copy of Espeak, but I'm sure that if you gootle it something should come up, we are eventually considering making a version that uses voiceover, but that part is for later. blind related keys: below i have listed some of the most important keys for when you wanna fly the plane. f tells you how fast you go h your heading u what is under you and your altitude above it. l your rate of climb in feet. k your pitch, minus means you are diving, plus means going up. j your bank ankle, minus means you are banking it left, plus means banking right. o is your VOR radio, you need that when you wanna land it again. t is your throttle in % usually in a Storch you will be needing 50% of throttle for straight and level flight. d, presses your throttle all the way too its max. Normal flight controls. 2 will make the plane climb up, 8 will dive it , use ctrl p for locking your pitch. 4 will bank it left 5 will place all services back too neutral 6 will bank it right if you wanna use the wing leveler you press ctrl w and press ctrl w again when you wanna bank it too a new heading. 3 will decrese your throttle and 9 will increase it so now lets say that you take off from the standard airport that will be ksfo, it si a airport in the US and its runway is like 3 kilometer long so it should be more than enough for what you need. press d too max the throttle out, and monitor your airspeed with f, wait till the plane is up on about 50 knots and press 2 a few times, you will see that your plane is taking off and slowly raising through the air. If you use l you can see how many feet a minute you are going up, 400, 600 is a good climbing rate for starters. set your pitch too about 2 and press ctrl p too lock the pitch, and slowly bank the plane right, set your banking rate too 10 or so till you are at a heading of 80ish so you head away from the airport,try too press u too see how high you are over the ground, if you are about 1000 feet up, try too press ctrl p again and press 8 and 2 so you get a feel for diving and raising with the plane a few times. you will hear as the plane dives your engines rpm goes up, and as you go up it will slow down. In the perfect world in gods own creation you will want a altitude at 1400 feet. Try hold that for like 5 minutes, fine adjust your altitude. It is harder than it sounds, try change your application of your throttle till about 50% whilst you still hold the same altitude. Now after these 5 minutes try press your o key, and see what it says, it is as i told you before your VOR radio or too use another word your radio Compus. It will say something like this Vor 290, 4 miles out. it is the way of getting back too the Airport. What it means is this if you wanna go back too the airport head your plane more or less in that direction the radio says… it would in this situation be 290. There is much more too air navigation than this but this is just too give you a little taste of how it is. As you head back too the Airport you will hear your miles going down, you will wanna dive just a little you can do that either by taking the throttle off the engine, or simply diving the plane with key number 8. when you are 0 miles out you should be over some grass, check it with your u key. guys and girls, that was it for now, eventually i am making a version so i can give lessons like you would in a real plane, it means that both persons can control it over the net. Again, irc is a grand thing, and there is a way so you can log on to it from the web, actually i will be in #flightgear this evening, so just call at Sandi if help is needed. for normal irc clients it is #flightgear for people who just wanna log on to irc with their web browser, it works with voiceover it is write your nick in the box, in the next one type #flightgear , get the sound challenge and that should be that . And again i can not say this enough, use just a little bit of time on After all they should know more about how too fly the plane than me, right? storch with electric engine| flightgear popcast | On 7/8/14, Daniela Rubio <> wrote: > Hi again! > Can you resend please the main e-mail where you explained about the > simulator, how to download it and make it cork, etc? I misplaced it for some > reason. > Thanks and good day! > > Daniela Rubio T > iPhone: +34662328507 > > > > > El 08/07/2014, a las 18:24, Sandi Jazmin Kruse <> > escribió: > >> well at this time there is not much more too say unless if anyone have >> problems and since i have not heard anything i am taking it for >> branded that we all flying. >> >> On 7/5/14, John D. Lipsey <> wrote: >>> I am very interested to know more about this game. It sounds awesome! >>> >>> Thanks in advance. >>> >>> >>> DFTBA! >>> >>> John D. Lipsey >>> >>> Twitter: @J_TGL >>> >>> On Jul 5, 2014, at 17:41, Sandi Jazmin Kruse <> >>> wrote: >>> >>>> hi, no you don't exactly use it with voiceover, you use speak, the >>>> reason is that speak is faster if you fly a f16 at 800 knots you will >>>> want a speech that is ... fast. really fast. >>>> It is not where you guys are yet trust me. >>>> Let me try too explain how it works even it is totally late so please >>>> bare with me. >>>> We will take a good old german airplane as the example, the reason for >>>> this is that it is the easiest too fly and that is what y'all will >>>> wanna start with . It is a plane called a Storch, it flies with around >>>> 80 knots that is about 160 kmh, give and take. >>>> So here goes, all of the different instruments in the airplane are >>>> variables all of these at least them you need are numbers... like if >>>> you fly at curse 1 that is north, 90 is east and so on, it is the same >>>> for the altimeter, rpm, oil temp, engine temp,, airspeed, etc, it is >>>> the same for the ILS if the plane or airport have it , but more about >>>> that later. >>>> For Alex, it is not everything that works, mostly because i have not >>>> had the time too fully mess with it . >>>> But what you need too get the plane going works. >>>> So just a few words about how it speaks, the numbers are send through >>>> a Perl script too speak, it speaks it when you press a key, and i am >>>> going too write more about that later on. If anyone is interested they >>>> can join #flightgear on, i will be there for at least >>>> 2 hours. As i said if anyone is interested i will happily make a short >>>> manual however it is not what i am best at but i will sure try :) >>>> Lets keep it on the list k? at least till Cara tells us differently. >>>> I don't wanna write more than i absolutely have too. >>>> >>>> On 7/5/14, Gabriele Battaglia <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 00:02, Sandi Jazmin Kruse >>>>> <> ha scritto: >>>>> >>>>>> hi, there is flight gear, it works 100% for mac >>>>> >>>>> Hi Sandi. >>>>> You said 100% for mac, but what is matter here is if it works 100% or >>>>> somehow less, for VoiceOver. Is it so? >>>>> >>>>> Thanks. >>>>> Gabriel. >>>>> -- >>>>> Namasté! >>>>> Sent from my iMac27. 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