Re: Free public transport app for Denmark [was Re: navigation on iphone.]

2009-10-23 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Hi and thanks for the info. I'm sorry for posting in the wrong thread,  
i just didn't think that we had enough Swedish listers that it would  
be interesting for anyone so i sorta posted this for general info. I  
thought that only programs that english speaking users could benefit  
from were interesting here since we have a local Voiceover list for  
Once again, i'm sorry.

22 okt 2009 kl. 21.21 skrev Esther:

> Hi Krister,
> Try a Google search. There seems to be an app called "Lokaltrafik" and
> another app called "Upplands Lokaltrafik", but I think the first is
> only for Gothenburg.  Also, I think there's a dashboard widget.
> You should probably post details about the accessible Eniro app
> (Swedish white and yellow pages) in a new thread with a prominent
> subject line.  I think it's otherwise very difficult to learn about
> these kinds of very useful local apps for areas outside of the U.S.
> and Canada.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> I wonder if there's a similar app for Sweden... I know there are many
>> local traveling apps, but they seem not to have the features that the
>> danish app has, so would be interesting to know if there's such an  
>> app
>> for sweden as well.
>> /Krister
>> 22 okt 2009 kl. 18.23 skrev Esther:
>>> Hi Nic, Abdul,  Søren,
>>> The free transport app for train, bus, and metro schedules in  
>>> Danish/
>>> English/German doesn't show up in the U.S.  app store, but here's  
>>> the
>>> link, in case Holly or somebody else wants to keep track (public
>>> transport in Denmark):
>>> (Rejseplanen by HaCon Ingenieurges. mbH)
>>> This seems available in all European iTunes stores, but not in the
>>> U.S.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

 Hi Abdul

 Thanks a lot. I'll definitely try that if I get a chance. :).

 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 AIM: cincinster
 yahoo Messenger: cin368
 Facebook Profile
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 On Oct 22, 2009, at 5:36 PM, Abdul Kamara wrote:

> Hi Nicolai and Søren,
> I'm not sure how many Danske Folk there are on this list.  But for
> public transport in Denmark there is a rejseplanen app for the
> iPhone.  It's been a life saver for me.
> best,
> a
> On 13 Oct 2009, at 18:13, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi
>> Can it handle bus routes? Just in case I will need to take a bus,
>> is
>> this possible somehow with the iPhone? Or is that out of the
>> question?
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Nic,
>>> I have Navigon Europe on my iPhone and have used it in France
>>> (where I
>>> live), England, Spain and Portugal. I don't use it for walking
>>> around
>>> the village where I live as its maps aren't good enough around
>>> here.
>>> `i tried Maps as well for routes in my village, but it gives me
>>> silly
>>> ways of getting to places that are longer than the routes I  
>>> know.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:


 I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while now.
 it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
 Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never

 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 AIM: cincinster
 yahoo Messenger: cin368
 Facebook Profile
 My Twitter

 On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:08 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> I haven't tried navigon yet but would like to.  Right now I  
> use
> the
> maps app that's already on the phone and it works just fine  
> for
> me.
> On 7-Jan-01, at 10:22 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> the subject says it all, what do you use for navigating on
>> your
>> iphone?
>> Have tried navigon but since there is no maps where i walk it
>> is
>> kinda
>> interestingwhen walking too a waypoint.
>> /sandi




> >


Re: Free public transport app for Denmark [was Re: navigation on iphone.]

2009-10-23 Thread Nicolai Svendsen


Hmm, we have a local VoiceOver list? I've noticed a couple of Danish  
folks on this list, but I didn't know we had a local one. Regardless,  
though, I'm definitely grateful for the info. Although, can't you tell  
the App store what to look for where languages are concerned and find  
apps only specific to said language? I would like to think so. Someone  
once told me not to download apps through anything but the app store,  
too. Not quite sure why they said that, but maybe someone can shed  
some light on that.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Oct 23, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi and thanks for the info. I'm sorry for posting in the wrong thread,
> i just didn't think that we had enough Swedish listers that it would
> be interesting for anyone so i sorta posted this for general info. I
> thought that only programs that english speaking users could benefit
> from were interesting here since we have a local Voiceover list for
> scandinavia.
> Once again, i'm sorry.
> /Krister
> 22 okt 2009 kl. 21.21 skrev Esther:
>> Hi Krister,
>> Try a Google search. There seems to be an app called "Lokaltrafik"  
>> and
>> another app called "Upplands Lokaltrafik", but I think the first is
>> only for Gothenburg.  Also, I think there's a dashboard widget.
>> You should probably post details about the accessible Eniro app
>> (Swedish white and yellow pages) in a new thread with a prominent
>> subject line.  I think it's otherwise very difficult to learn about
>> these kinds of very useful local apps for areas outside of the U.S.
>> and Canada.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> I wonder if there's a similar app for Sweden... I know there are  
>>> many
>>> local traveling apps, but they seem not to have the features that  
>>> the
>>> danish app has, so would be interesting to know if there's such an
>>> app
>>> for sweden as well.
>>> /Krister
>>> 22 okt 2009 kl. 18.23 skrev Esther:

 Hi Nic, Abdul,  Søren,

 The free transport app for train, bus, and metro schedules in
 English/German doesn't show up in the U.S.  app store, but here's
 link, in case Holly or somebody else wants to keep track (public
 transport in Denmark):
 (Rejseplanen by HaCon Ingenieurges. mbH)

 This seems available in all European iTunes stores, but not in the



 Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Abdul
> Thanks a lot. I'll definitely try that if I get a chance. :).
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 5:36 PM, Abdul Kamara wrote:
>> Hi Nicolai and Søren,
>> I'm not sure how many Danske Folk there are on this list.  But  
>> for
>> public transport in Denmark there is a rejseplanen app for the
>> iPhone.  It's been a life saver for me.
>> best,
>> a
>> On 13 Oct 2009, at 18:13, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Can it handle bus routes? Just in case I will need to take a  
>>> bus,
>>> is
>>> this possible somehow with the iPhone? Or is that out of the
>>> question?
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

 Hello Nic,

 I have Navigon Europe on my iPhone and have used it in France
 (where I
 live), England, Spain and Portugal. I don't use it for walking
 the village where I live as its maps aren't good enough around
 `i tried Maps as well for routes in my village, but it gives me
 ways of getting to places that are longer than the routes I



 On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a question that's been plaguing  for a little while  
> now.
> Does
> it support multiple countries? I'm speaking about apps such as
> Navigon. I would assume logically that it does, but you never
> know,
> right?
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter

Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Krister Ekstrom

22 okt 2009 kl. 21.21 skrev Anne Robertson:

> For me, I just have to do Command-i for the first page only so that
> VueScan gets itself set correctly.
> Then Command-N for each page until the last, after which I do  
> Command-G.
> This launches Readiris where I do Command-R and a TextEdit document
> opens which I can save or discard at will.
> I set all my TIFF files to always open with Readiris, and I set
> VueScan to create TIFF files.

I got back to Vuescan just to check if things got significantly  
better. I tried your commands but i ran into a little problem which  
probably is going to irritate me over the weekend unless i can get it  
solved in some way. I'm not sure how you tell Vuescan how to create  
tiff files, but i checked a check box in the settings that said "tiff  
files" and tried to scan a letter i've got in the snail mail and  
here's where the problems start. No matter what external picture  
processor i've chosen, Vuescan always makes Preview kick in. I can't  
launch Readiris at all although it's in the same applications folder  
as Vuescan and so on, i just can't make it happen. Even if i go choose  
that the external image processor should be default and then change  
back to Readiris, Preview kicks in anyway and there's no way for me  
that i know of to change what program that takes care of .tif files.
What settings do i miss? I'm thankful for an idiots guide to this with  
step-by-step instructions because i'm totally stumped.

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Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi Nic,

Thanks, but that wasn't what I meant. I meant I'm sorry she was using  
Vista.  Mind you, this isn't based on personal experience, I just  
don't know anyone who's upgraded to Vista and liked it.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> No need to be sorry for having an opinion. People have different
> opinions about Vista, some wish they'd never tried it (me included)
> and some like it.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:29 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Oh, I'm so sorry!
>> Donna
>> On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:23 PM, Portia wrote:
>>> I'm running Vista.
>>> Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi Nic,

 I think you're dead on.  At least for me, my work environment has
 a very definite impact on my experience with my Mac.

 I think I'm also lucky.  I never switched to Windows Vista, thank
 I'm still running XP, which I think makes my Windows life a lot
 Take care,
 On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:54 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I think one of the biggest issues that are represented here is
> work.
> Depending on what you're doing, the company you work for might
> require
> that you work with their systems, most likely Windows or Linux.
> I've
> encountered companies in my country that use Mac OS X, but not
> many,
> which definitely does get confusing. I would suppose that, if you
> work
> more than you have time to play with your Mac, the PC immediately
> takes priority for obvious reasons and it'll take you longer to  
> get
> used to it.
> I study computer science, and on occasion I actually have to
> struggle
> with Windows commands. I find Windows so sluggish and unresponsive
> now
> compared to the Mac, and that's not an attempt to slam it, because
> I'm
> sure it has its advantages for some people, it's just not snappy
> and
> stable enough for what I need it to do.. Granted, I mostly do use
> my
> Mac for things such as browsing the web, editing, reading mail and
> so-
> forth, but what frustrated me with Windows was the crashes. That  
> is
> one thing I don't miss. Otherwise, Windows is definitely a good
> system. For me, it just wasn't good enough, so to speak, and it
> frustrated the heck out of me sometimes. Sometimes I was happy  
> with
> it, to be fair. But I also think one superiority the Mac has over
> the
> Windows operating system is the integrated screen access software.
> If
> you update your display drivers, you don't need to spend time
> reinstalling and installing applications to discover it didn't
> work,
> then install the latest version of an application such as JAWS to
> finally make it understand that you actually want Video Intercept
> installed for the thousandth time, then downgrade if you don't  
> like
> JAWS 11. If you're me, you don't like JAWS 11, but that's another
> story entirely. But that's another thing that made me all too
> willing
> to switch, with no regrets. Yeah, I wish someone would put
> together a
> MUD client that actually had VoiceOver support, or at least  
> utilize
> the text to speech features that use the built-in voices without
> VoiceOver. That'd at least be a start.
> Otherwise, I don't use Windows at all except to comply with those
> people who still send me executables on CDs. Or to play MUDs. You
> can
> do exactly the same things on the Mac as you can on Windows, the
> only
> problem every switcher probably has is the fact that they don't
> know
> which applications to look for to accomplish said task. I've had  
> my
> Mac since August 1 as I said earlier, and I certainly don't know
> all
> the substitutes for Windows programs yet. That having been said, I
> only use Windows for the tasks written above.
> Thought I'd share my views once again, and I'll probably be  
> writing
> more.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 5:44 AM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Smile, thank you very much.
>> On 2009-10-21, at 8:41 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:
>>> You can see the commands that are set up by default by doing the
>>> following:
>>> 1.  Open VoiceOver utility.
>>> 2.  Interact with the Utility categories table and vo+downarrow
>>> to
>>> the
>>> commands category, then stop interacting.
>>> 3.  Select the Keyboard tab.
>>> 4.  Vo+rightarrow and you shoul

Re: scanning wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Anne,

Thanks for all this info.  I'm saving your message in the event I do  
decide to give Vuescan/ReadIris a shot some time down the road.

I don't know if you'll know the answer, but do you know what the deal  
is with compatibility with older Twain scanners?  My scanner dates  
back to about 2001, and uses a twain driver.  It cost about $1500 at  
time of purchase, and since it works perfectly still, I don't want to  
replace it.
On Oct 22, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:51 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> So, if ReadIris 12 is a disaster, can one still get an older version?
> Not from the Iris people, but I think it's still available from  
> Amazon and probably other places, too. Also, buying from anyone  
> other than Irislink is usually cheaper. The version to get is  
> Readiris 11.
>> Also, if one does get an earlier version, is there any way to  
>> initiate a scan that is slightly less complicated than the one  
>> Krister seems to use?
> That's why I use VueScan to do the scanning and Readiris for the OCR.
> I launch VueScan, set it to either single- or multi-page scanning.
> For the first page, I press Command-I to do a preview. This lets  
> VueScan calibrate itself.
> I then press Command-N to scan a page. The first time you do this  
> you have to click OK on a dialogue box which reminds you to press  
> Command-G after the last page is scanned.
> Command-G then launches Readiris where I press Command-R and it  
> performs the OCR.
> When this is complete, the document opens automatically in TextEdit,  
> and I can save it where I like and with the name I like, or discard  
> it.
> It takes a bit of configuring to have things work like this, but  
> once it's done, you can forget about it.
> I'm talking about Readiris 11 here, Readiris 12 doesn't have a short- 
> cut for "Perform OCR". I've already pointed this out to them. There  
> are other bugs, too.
> I wrote a setup and user guide for these two applications, and you  
> can find them either on the Lioncourt site, or on:
> I think I forgot to mention in the setup guide that I have all TIFF  
> files set to open with Readiris. This is essential to make the pass- 
> off between VueScan and Readiris work properly.
> I chose TIFF files because I have photos as JPEGs.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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"Take Control"

2009-10-23 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello everyone,


Several months ago, I seem to remember someone mentioning books that dealt
with Mac OS issues.  These books could apparently be downloaded as PDF
documents and read in Preview, if memory serves me correctly.  They may have
been part of a "Take Control" series of publications.


Could someone tell me where I can find these books?  I think I need to order
a couple of them.  Can they be downloaded from Bookshare or purchased from


Best regards,




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Downloading an Audio File

2009-10-23 Thread James Fettgather

Hi to the list.
I should be able to figure this out, but so far, have not.
When on a site like
it is very simple to hit VO space on a link to get a file to play.

However, how would one download a specific file?
I have tried VO Shift M, but there is no  option to download the file.
Any tips will be appreciated, and thanks.

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Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Nicolai Svendsen


Misunderstandings happen! Well, I know a few people who love it, and I  
guess for some people it works. I don't know how, but true story.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Oct 23, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Nic,
> Thanks, but that wasn't what I meant. I meant I'm sorry she was using
> Vista.  Mind you, this isn't based on personal experience, I just
> don't know anyone who's upgraded to Vista and liked it.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> No need to be sorry for having an opinion. People have different
>> opinions about Vista, some wish they'd never tried it (me included)
>> and some like it.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:29 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Oh, I'm so sorry!
>>> Donna
>>> On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:23 PM, Portia wrote:

 I'm running Vista.

 Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Nic,
> I think you're dead on.  At least for me, my work environment has
> had
> a very definite impact on my experience with my Mac.
> I think I'm also lucky.  I never switched to Windows Vista, thank
> God!
> I'm still running XP, which I think makes my Windows life a lot
> easier!
> Take care,
> Donna
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:54 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think one of the biggest issues that are represented here is
>> work.
>> Depending on what you're doing, the company you work for might
>> require
>> that you work with their systems, most likely Windows or Linux.
>> I've
>> encountered companies in my country that use Mac OS X, but not
>> many,
>> which definitely does get confusing. I would suppose that, if you
>> work
>> more than you have time to play with your Mac, the PC immediately
>> takes priority for obvious reasons and it'll take you longer to
>> get
>> used to it.
>> I study computer science, and on occasion I actually have to
>> struggle
>> with Windows commands. I find Windows so sluggish and  
>> unresponsive
>> now
>> compared to the Mac, and that's not an attempt to slam it,  
>> because
>> I'm
>> sure it has its advantages for some people, it's just not snappy
>> and
>> stable enough for what I need it to do.. Granted, I mostly do use
>> my
>> Mac for things such as browsing the web, editing, reading mail  
>> and
>> so-
>> forth, but what frustrated me with Windows was the crashes. That
>> is
>> one thing I don't miss. Otherwise, Windows is definitely a good
>> system. For me, it just wasn't good enough, so to speak, and it
>> frustrated the heck out of me sometimes. Sometimes I was happy
>> with
>> it, to be fair. But I also think one superiority the Mac has over
>> the
>> Windows operating system is the integrated screen access  
>> software.
>> If
>> you update your display drivers, you don't need to spend time
>> reinstalling and installing applications to discover it didn't
>> work,
>> then install the latest version of an application such as JAWS to
>> finally make it understand that you actually want Video Intercept
>> installed for the thousandth time, then downgrade if you don't
>> like
>> JAWS 11. If you're me, you don't like JAWS 11, but that's another
>> story entirely. But that's another thing that made me all too
>> willing
>> to switch, with no regrets. Yeah, I wish someone would put
>> together a
>> MUD client that actually had VoiceOver support, or at least
>> utilize
>> the text to speech features that use the built-in voices without
>> VoiceOver. That'd at least be a start.
>> Otherwise, I don't use Windows at all except to comply with those
>> people who still send me executables on CDs. Or to play MUDs. You
>> can
>> do exactly the same things on the Mac as you can on Windows, the
>> only
>> problem every switcher probably has is the fact that they don't
>> know
>> which applications to look for to accomplish said task. I've had
>> my
>> Mac since August 1 as I said earlier, and I certainly don't know
>> all
>> the substitutes for Windows programs yet. That having been  
>> said, I
>> only use Windows for the tasks written above.
>> Thought I'd share my views once again, and I'll probably be
>> writing
>> more.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Oct 2

Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread KehzaFox

Hi Anouk,

I released a new version of the JamochaMUD MUD Client a little while
back where I've been working on incorporating accessibility features.
If folks are willing to give me feedback such as "this works, this
doesn't work", "I can't add a character" or specific items like that I
can definitely work toward making the client as accessible as possible.

You should be able to try the new version straight from your web browser
by using the WebStart option ( at ).

I'm always looking for feedback to make the client better.


a radix wrote:
> Hello, I think that a lot of people would be interested in a mud client for 
> the mac that works with snow leopard and that has some of the features we 
> come to expect from a modern client. I myself would not even mind having to 
> pay for it. Are there no people with some programming knowledge in cocoa 
> that could program it or maybe we could 'rent'some experienced tech guy in 
> the sighted mac community who would be willing to do it... I mean I know at 
> least 4 mac users who really would love a good mud client for the mac and I 
> am certain its possible too, if there is this piece of software. I cant 
> imagine that there are no sighted people anymore that play muds either
> Greetings, Anouk
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:03 PM
> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac
>> Hi,
>> Definitely quite an interesting story.
>> I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I went to
>> an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to try it out.
>> I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an institute
>> for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was quite
>> literally a pile of crap.
>> I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users have done
>> for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I finally
>> decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become extremely
>> frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has always been
>> my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of how many
>> things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes you had
>> to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously installed
>> applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry. The
>> headache.
>> So I decided to take the plunge.
>> I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I went back
>> to the store, and wrote down notes for the things I figured I'd mostly
>> be using for a while. When I arrived at the store, I went to try it
>> out again to make sure a Mac would be what I desired. It definitely
>> was. So much that, in fact, that even though they only had a showroom
>> floor model at the time, I grabbed it. The cleaned it off thoroughly,
>> wrapped it up and tossed the DVDs I'd need in the box. I was happy. So
>> very happy.
>> I arrive home, and I'm practically tingling with excitement. I almost
>> rip the box apart (taking care of the DVDs of course), get out my
>> shiny Macbook and hook it up.
>> Oh no!
>> What I did know was that I had to reinstall it, but I didn't care. I
>> didn't want any of that junk on it they had installed to advertise. So
>> i went ahead. I rebooted it, held down the C-key when the installation
>> DVD had been sucked into the Mac and I heard the startup sound. It
>> displayed the finder and spat out the DVD. Literally. So I decided
>> that apparently wasn't working for whatever reason. I located the
>> installer DVD in the finder and open it. Authentication. God dang it!
>> Behold the password box. I was required to enter a password to
>> proceed. Of course, the Macbook had not been set to require a password
>> at login.
>> I call them at the store, and ask them for a password. I told them the
>> C-key solution had not worked to boot from the DVD, and they promptly
>> complied with my request. They gave me several passwords to enter, and
>> I did.
>> "The name or password you entered is incorrect."
>> I went back to the store, and they had a look at it. Most annoying of
>> all was that finally, the C-key actually seemed to work. I was
>> installing it when I got home. By this point, I was like a kid on his
>> birthday.
>> I thought I'd share my experience with all of you on the list. Yes, I
>> am aware it's probably quite long-winded. But what can you do? I do
>> run Windows as a virtual machine, but only to MUD. I do sometimes find
>> it kind of annoying having to run two programs just to scan and
>> recognize the image. That is why I liked Omnipage, and there has to be
>> a solution out there that does exactly the same.
>> As for my web browsing experience, everything is much more smooth and
>> responsive. I can easily find what I want by using the search feature
>> in VoiceOver, and ever since Leopard was released the web rotor makes
>> i

shopping cart?

2009-10-23 Thread william lomas

hi, i can no longer find the use shopping cart option 
when in the  
store? I go to preferences under itunes and click store but it isn't  

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Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread william lomas

the buttons are not labeled so when one runs the program they dont  
know what to click

On 23 Oct 2009, at 12:29, KehzaFox wrote:

> Hi Anouk,
> I released a new version of the JamochaMUD MUD Client a little while
> back where I've been working on incorporating accessibility features.
> If folks are willing to give me feedback such as "this works, this
> doesn't work", "I can't add a character" or specific items like that I
> can definitely work toward making the client as accessible as  
> possible.
> You should be able to try the new version straight from your web  
> browser
> by using the WebStart option ( at
> ).
> I'm always looking for feedback to make the client better.
> Jeff
> a radix wrote:
>> Hello, I think that a lot of people would be interested in a mud  
>> client for
>> the mac that works with snow leopard and that has some of the  
>> features we
>> come to expect from a modern client. I myself would not even mind  
>> having to
>> pay for it. Are there no people with some programming knowledge in  
>> cocoa
>> that could program it or maybe we could 'rent'some experienced tech  
>> guy in
>> the sighted mac community who would be willing to do it... I mean I  
>> know at
>> least 4 mac users who really would love a good mud client for the  
>> mac and I
>> am certain its possible too, if there is this piece of software. I  
>> cant
>> imagine that there are no sighted people anymore that play muds  
>> either
>> Greetings, Anouk
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:03 PM
>> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac
>>> Hi,
>>> Definitely quite an interesting story.
>>> I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I  
>>> went to
>>> an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to try it  
>>> out.
>>> I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an institute
>>> for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was quite
>>> literally a pile of crap.
>>> I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users have done
>>> for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I finally
>>> decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become extremely
>>> frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has always been
>>> my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of how  
>>> many
>>> things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes you had
>>> to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously installed
>>> applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry. The
>>> headache.
>>> So I decided to take the plunge.
>>> I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I went  
>>> back
>>> to the store, and wrote down notes for the things I figured I'd  
>>> mostly
>>> be using for a while. When I arrived at the store, I went to try it
>>> out again to make sure a Mac would be what I desired. It definitely
>>> was. So much that, in fact, that even though they only had a  
>>> showroom
>>> floor model at the time, I grabbed it. The cleaned it off  
>>> thoroughly,
>>> wrapped it up and tossed the DVDs I'd need in the box. I was  
>>> happy. So
>>> very happy.
>>> I arrive home, and I'm practically tingling with excitement. I  
>>> almost
>>> rip the box apart (taking care of the DVDs of course), get out my
>>> shiny Macbook and hook it up.
>>> Oh no!
>>> What I did know was that I had to reinstall it, but I didn't care. I
>>> didn't want any of that junk on it they had installed to  
>>> advertise. So
>>> i went ahead. I rebooted it, held down the C-key when the  
>>> installation
>>> DVD had been sucked into the Mac and I heard the startup sound. It
>>> displayed the finder and spat out the DVD. Literally. So I decided
>>> that apparently wasn't working for whatever reason. I located the
>>> installer DVD in the finder and open it. Authentication. God dang  
>>> it!
>>> Behold the password box. I was required to enter a password to
>>> proceed. Of course, the Macbook had not been set to require a  
>>> password
>>> at login.
>>> I call them at the store, and ask them for a password. I told them  
>>> the
>>> C-key solution had not worked to boot from the DVD, and they  
>>> promptly
>>> complied with my request. They gave me several passwords to enter,  
>>> and
>>> I did.
>>> "The name or password you entered is incorrect."
>>> I went back to the store, and they had a look at it. Most annoying  
>>> of
>>> all was that finally, the C-key actually seemed to work. I was
>>> installing it when I got home. By this point, I was like a kid on  
>>> his
>>> birthday.
>>> I thought I'd share my experience with all of you on the list.  
>>> Yes, I
>>> am aware it's probably quite long-winded. But what can you do? I do
>>> run Windows as a virtual machine, but only to MUD. I do sometimes  
>>> find
>>> it kind of

Re: scanning wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Donna,

On Oct 23, 2009, at 12:57 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> I don't know if you'll know the answer, but do you know what the  
> deal is with compatibility with older Twain scanners?  My scanner  
> dates back to about 2001, and uses a twain driver.
You shouldn't have a problem with VueScan and your scanner. I forgot  
to mention that you can set VueScan to automatic multi-page scanning,  
so that should be OK too.



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RE: Downloading an Audio File

2009-10-23 Thread Blake Sinnett

Hi Jim,


Try interacting with the heading, then do VO-shift-m. You should then find 
download linked file in the context menu.



> From:
> Subject: Downloading an Audio File
> Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 06:13:50 -0500
> To:
> Hi to the list.
> I should be able to figure this out, but so far, have not.
> When on a site like
> it is very simple to hit VO space on a link to get a file to play.
> However, how would one download a specific file?
> I have tried VO Shift M, but there is no option to download the file.
> Any tips will be appreciated, and thanks.
> > 
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Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Krister,

On Oct 23, 2009, at 12:31 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> I got back to Vuescan just to check if things got significantly
> better. I tried your commands but i ran into a little problem which
> probably is going to irritate me over the weekend unless i can get it
> solved in some way. I'm not sure how you tell Vuescan how to create
> tiff files, but i checked a check box in the settings that said "tiff
> files" and tried to scan a letter i've got in the snail mail and
> here's where the problems start. No matter what external picture
> processor i've chosen, Vuescan always makes Preview kick in. I can't
> launch Readiris at all although it's in the same applications folder
> as Vuescan and so on, i just can't make it happen. Even if i go choose
> that the external image processor should be default and then change
> back to Readiris, Preview kicks in anyway and there's no way for me
> that i know of to change what program that takes care of .tif files.
You do this by selecting a TIFF file and pressing
Command-i to get info. Then use the item chooser (VO-I) and type "op"
to find Open With. Set the default application to Readiris and click
> Change All. This should solve your problem with VueScan.



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Re: scanning wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Thanks, Anne. And I did see that you mentioned mlti-page scanning.   
Does Vuescan duplex?
Thanks for all this info,
On Oct 23, 2009, at 8:34 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 12:57 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> I don't know if you'll know the answer, but do you know what the
>> deal is with compatibility with older Twain scanners?  My scanner
>> dates back to about 2001, and uses a twain driver.
> You shouldn't have a problem with VueScan and your scanner. I forgot
> to mention that you can set VueScan to automatic multi-page scanning,
> so that should be OK too.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Thomas McMahan

Tiger is even more of a disaster.  Am on the world conecter now, but  
it's not accepting input, just saying "java busy.Have been at this  
for an hour now, I think if it's this slow an agressive mob would  
have me killed 20 times over.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:34 AM, william lomas wrote:

> the buttons are not labeled so when one runs the program they dont
> know what to click
> On 23 Oct 2009, at 12:29, KehzaFox wrote:
>> Hi Anouk,
>> I released a new version of the JamochaMUD MUD Client a little while
>> back where I've been working on incorporating accessibility features.
>> If folks are willing to give me feedback such as "this works, this
>> doesn't work", "I can't add a character" or specific items like  
>> that I
>> can definitely work toward making the client as accessible as
>> possible.
>> You should be able to try the new version straight from your web
>> browser
>> by using the WebStart option ( at
>> ).
>> I'm always looking for feedback to make the client better.
>> Jeff
>> a radix wrote:
>>> Hello, I think that a lot of people would be interested in a mud
>>> client for
>>> the mac that works with snow leopard and that has some of the
>>> features we
>>> come to expect from a modern client. I myself would not even mind
>>> having to
>>> pay for it. Are there no people with some programming knowledge in
>>> cocoa
>>> that could program it or maybe we could 'rent'some experienced tech
>>> guy in
>>> the sighted mac community who would be willing to do it... I mean I
>>> know at
>>> least 4 mac users who really would love a good mud client for the
>>> mac and I
>>> am certain its possible too, if there is this piece of software. I
>>> cant
>>> imagine that there are no sighted people anymore that play muds
>>> either
>>> Greetings, Anouk
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:03 PM
>>> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac

 Definitely quite an interesting story.

 I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I
 went to
 an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to try it
 I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an institute
 for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was  
 literally a pile of crap.

 I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users have  
 for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I finally
 decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become extremely
 frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has always  
 my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of how
 things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes you  
 to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously installed
 applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry. The

 So I decided to take the plunge.

 I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I went
 to the store, and wrote down notes for the things I figured I'd
 be using for a while. When I arrived at the store, I went to try it
 out again to make sure a Mac would be what I desired. It definitely
 was. So much that, in fact, that even though they only had a
 floor model at the time, I grabbed it. The cleaned it off
 wrapped it up and tossed the DVDs I'd need in the box. I was
 happy. So
 very happy.

 I arrive home, and I'm practically tingling with excitement. I
 rip the box apart (taking care of the DVDs of course), get out my
 shiny Macbook and hook it up.

 Oh no!

 What I did know was that I had to reinstall it, but I didn't  
 care. I
 didn't want any of that junk on it they had installed to
 advertise. So
 i went ahead. I rebooted it, held down the C-key when the
 DVD had been sucked into the Mac and I heard the startup sound. It
 displayed the finder and spat out the DVD. Literally. So I decided
 that apparently wasn't working for whatever reason. I located the
 installer DVD in the finder and open it. Authentication. God dang
 Behold the password box. I was required to enter a password to
 proceed. Of course, the Macbook had not been set to require a
 at login.

 I call them at the store, and ask them for a password. I told them
 C-key solution had not worked to boot from the DVD, and they
 complied with my request. They gave me several passwords to enter,
 I did.

 "The name or password you entered is incorrect."

 I went back to the store, and they had a look at it. Most annoying
 all w

tutorials on trackpad commander?

2009-10-23 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi guys,

Where can I go for specific detaled help on using trackpad commander?   
 From the few bits and peaces I've heard in general snow leppard and  
Iphone tutorials it's supposed to be very easy, but I can't make my  
trackbad do anything  So, I think I must be missing something.  Yes,  
my trackpad commander is on.  I enabled it through the keyboard, since  
I couldn't get it to turn on using control option clockwise.  I have a  
new macbook pro with the multi-touch track pad.  I know track pad  
commander is working because I can get it to go to my dock items if I  
fight with it long enough.  There's just something about the whole  
setup I'm missing.


erik burggraaf
A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

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Re: "Take Control"

2009-10-23 Thread Scott Rutkowski

  - Original Message - 
  From: Michael Busboom 
  Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 10:01 PM
  Subject: "Take Control"

  Hello everyone,


  Several months ago, I seem to remember someone mentioning books that dealt 
with Mac OS issues.  These books could apparently be downloaded as PDF 
documents and read in Preview, if memory serves me correctly.  They may have 
been part of a "Take Control" series of publications.


  Could someone tell me where I can find these books?  I think I need to order 
a couple of them.  Can they be downloaded from Bookshare or purchased from RNIB?


  Best regards,





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Re: Downloading an Audio File

2009-10-23 Thread Esther
Hello Jim and Blake,

In addition to Blake's suggestion about interacting with a Blind Cool  
Tech link and using VO-Shift-M to bring up the context menu to find a  
"Download linked file" option, if you know you want to download a file  
you can press Option-Return instead of using the context menu.  This  
is a Safari shortcut that forces a file to download.  It works for any  
kind of linked file, so if you want to download a PDF file instead of  
displaying it in your browser, for example, you can use Option-Return  
here, too.

Another tip, if you only want to check the most recent Blind Cool Tech  
files -- the last 40 or so -- I find it much faster to use their RSS  
feed site.  Just add a slash followed by "bct.xml" to their site name,  

The page loads much faster because you don't have to load links to all  
the episodes for several years, and you also won't have to interact  
with each entry first just because the links are in headings (on the  
main Blind Cool Tech page.)  If anyone is using VoiceOver with older  
systems, like Tiger, using the RSS feed site makes a big difference in  
performance (and they can also use Option-Return as I described.)



Blake Sinnett wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> Try interacting with the heading, then do VO-shift-m. You should  
> then find download linked file in the context menu.
> HTH,
> Blake
> > From:
> > Subject: Downloading an Audio File
> > Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 06:13:50 -0500
> > To:
> >
> >
> > Hi to the list.
> > I should be able to figure this out, but so far, have not.
> > When on a site like
> >
> > it is very simple to hit VO space on a link to get a file to play.
> >
> > However, how would one download a specific file?
> > I have tried VO Shift M, but there is no option to download the  
> file.
> > Any tips will be appreciated, and thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> >

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Re: "Take Control"

2009-10-23 Thread Esther
Hi Mike, Scott, and Others,

The "Take Control" series are not available through Bookshare, that I  
know of, but they're rather modestly priced, and there are various  
discounted bundles.  Which subjects were you thinking about reading?   
You can purchase and download from the URL that Scott gave.  Mike, you  
can write me off list if you have specific questions or need more  
details.  There are a lot of new recent announcements and updates for  
Snow Leopard.  Here's the latest announcement that showed up in my  
mail a few hours before your post:

Three New Ebooks! Users & Accounts, Sharing Files, and Syncing Data

Good day, everyone!

We are pleased to announce the release of three new ebooks: two
providing new info about Snow Leopard and one filling in important
details for Leopard on the way to a Snow Leopard edition. If you own
a previous edition of any of these ebooks, you should already have
email about free or discounted updates; if not, open your old PDF and
- on page 1 - click Check for Updates. (Apologies for any duplication
- we're working on a new system that will give us more control over
our lists.)

* "Take Control of Users & Accounts in Snow Leopard" -- In this
revised edition, Kirk McElhearn helps you understand and manage all
the accounts on your Mac, which is important for troubleshooting,
even if you are the only user. It explains everything you need to
know about accounts, including the Guest account; setting up Fast
User Switching; using accounts for troubleshooting; and setting up
parental controls to limit or what software can be run, what content
can be accessed, when, and by whom. You'll especially like this ebook
if accounts have boggled you in the past, and the ebook's parental
controls advice will help you set up a Mac for a child (or anyone for
whom you provide technical assistance, such as an older relative or
technologically challenged spouse). The 102-page ebook is available
for $10 via the link below.

* "Take Control of Sharing Files in Snow Leopard" -- Next in line is
Glenn Fleishman, whose updated ebook helps you share files among
users on multiple computers. This ebook explains the nitty-gritty
details you need to know to configure file sharing to be fast,
effective, and secure. You'll learn how to select and configure the
right hardware and software for your needs and budget, consider the
pros and cons of different file-sharing options, find setup steps for
each of the core Mac OS X file-sharing services - AFP, SMB, and FTP
(with tips to help you avoid problems and security risks), get the
details on setting up login accounts, and learn how to log in to Mac
file servers from a variety of major operating systems. The ebook
discusses the new Snow Leopard Wake on Demand feature and the quirky
Snow Leopard firewall, as well as how to share media from iPhoto '09
and iTunes 9. The 109-page ebook is available for $10 via the link

* "Take Control of Syncing Data in Leopard" -- Though it may seem odd
to update a Leopard book now, we were amazed at how much work was
necessary to bring Michael Cohen's "Take Control of Syncing Data in
Leopard" up to date. The ebook now covers iPhone OS 3, Google's
ongoing calendar and contact improvements, and iTunes 9. So, if you
own Leopard and can't make heads or tails of syncing your data to
whatever device you want it synced to (another Mac, an iPhone, a
Palm, an Apple TV, a general mobile phone, etc.), this ebook should
have you covered. Note that by "data," we mean calendar events and
contacts, as well as media synced in iTunes such as podcasts and
videos, but not something more general like all the files in your
Documents folder. The ebook has some notes about Snow Leopard
changes, and Michael is working on the Snow Leopard manuscript even
as you read this. If you'd like this new 167-page Leopard edition,
you can purchase it for $10 from the link below - we'll be giving a
free update to the Snow Leopard edition to anyone who who has bought
the Leopard edition since Apple released Snow Leopard in late August.

That's it for this week, but we'd like to leave you with a few  

* Most of you know that the Take Control series is published by
TidBITS Publishing Inc. But, did you know that TidBITS has been
covering the Mac since 1990 and just published its 1,000th weekly
issue? You can read about what motivates us and what changes may be
ahead at .

* When reading your PDF, after you follow an internal link or
bookmark, you can easily return to where you were using a keyboard
shortcut. In Preview, press Command-[. In Adobe Reader or Acrobat
Pro, press Command-Left arrow.

* If you are reading any PDF (including a Take Control ebook) in Snow

Re: scanning wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Donna,

On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Does Vuescan duplex?
Yes, as long as the scanner does.



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Re: scanning wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Very cool! Thanks!
On Oct 23, 2009, at 9:50 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Does Vuescan duplex?
> Yes, as long as the scanner does.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Re: new patent

2009-10-23 Thread Pete Nalda

Hahahaha!  At first I thought, ooops here it comes, someone really mad  
at mac os X.  That was a good one!
On Oct 21, 2009, at 10:54 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi list,
> In the tradition of the onion, i would like to patent the following:
> THE mac OS VIX jungle larus
> The most lethargic OS of all times.
> No, just wanted to say that each day i spend with snow leopard, i am
> happier to have made the switch :)
> best
> Yuma Decaux
> Light has no value without darkness
> Skype: shainobi1
> twitter:
> Tel: +85513623378
> Yuma Antoine Decaux
> >

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Portia

I was forced to get Vista, even though I wanted Xp. No matter where I 
looked, they didn't sell Xp computers anymore. I like Xp rather than Vista.


Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> No need to be sorry for having an opinion. People have different  
> opinions about Vista, some wish they'd never tried it (me included)  
> and some like it.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:29 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Oh, I'm so sorry!
>> Donna
>> On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:23 PM, Portia wrote:
>>> I'm running Vista.
>>> Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi Nic,

 I think you're dead on.  At least for me, my work environment has  
 a very definite impact on my experience with my Mac.

 I think I'm also lucky.  I never switched to Windows Vista, thank
 I'm still running XP, which I think makes my Windows life a lot
 Take care,
 On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:54 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I think one of the biggest issues that are represented here is  
> work.
> Depending on what you're doing, the company you work for might
> require
> that you work with their systems, most likely Windows or Linux.  
> I've
> encountered companies in my country that use Mac OS X, but not  
> many,
> which definitely does get confusing. I would suppose that, if you
> work
> more than you have time to play with your Mac, the PC immediately
> takes priority for obvious reasons and it'll take you longer to get
> used to it.
> I study computer science, and on occasion I actually have to
> struggle
> with Windows commands. I find Windows so sluggish and unresponsive
> now
> compared to the Mac, and that's not an attempt to slam it, because
> I'm
> sure it has its advantages for some people, it's just not snappy  
> and
> stable enough for what I need it to do.. Granted, I mostly do use  
> my
> Mac for things such as browsing the web, editing, reading mail and
> so-
> forth, but what frustrated me with Windows was the crashes. That is
> one thing I don't miss. Otherwise, Windows is definitely a good
> system. For me, it just wasn't good enough, so to speak, and it
> frustrated the heck out of me sometimes. Sometimes I was happy with
> it, to be fair. But I also think one superiority the Mac has over
> the
> Windows operating system is the integrated screen access software.
> If
> you update your display drivers, you don't need to spend time
> reinstalling and installing applications to discover it didn't  
> work,
> then install the latest version of an application such as JAWS to
> finally make it understand that you actually want Video Intercept
> installed for the thousandth time, then downgrade if you don't like
> JAWS 11. If you're me, you don't like JAWS 11, but that's another
> story entirely. But that's another thing that made me all too
> willing
> to switch, with no regrets. Yeah, I wish someone would put
> together a
> MUD client that actually had VoiceOver support, or at least utilize
> the text to speech features that use the built-in voices without
> VoiceOver. That'd at least be a start.
> Otherwise, I don't use Windows at all except to comply with those
> people who still send me executables on CDs. Or to play MUDs. You
> can
> do exactly the same things on the Mac as you can on Windows, the
> only
> problem every switcher probably has is the fact that they don't  
> know
> which applications to look for to accomplish said task. I've had my
> Mac since August 1 as I said earlier, and I certainly don't know  
> all
> the substitutes for Windows programs yet. That having been said, I
> only use Windows for the tasks written above.
> Thought I'd share my views once again, and I'll probably be writing
> more.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 5:44 AM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Smile, thank you very much.
>> On 2009-10-21, at 8:41 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:
>>> You can see the commands that are set up by default by doing the
>>> following:
>>> 1.  Open VoiceOver utility.
>>> 2.  Interact with the Utility categories table and vo+downarrow  
>>> to
>>> the
>>> commands category, then stop interacting.
>>> 3.  Select the Keyboard tab.
>>> 4.  Vo+rightarrow and you should hear a checkbox to enable
>>> keyboard
>>> comma

Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Nicolai Svendsen


I got it to work fine. You just need to experiment when you download  
the file to find the right buttons. I experienced something strange,  
though. Once I clicked cancel by mistake when it asked me if I wanted  
to continue and launched it. OK and Cancel were not labeled, but when  
it canceled and I reopened, they were both labeled.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Oct 23, 2009, at 3:07 PM, Thomas McMahan wrote:

> Tiger is even more of a disaster.  Am on the world conecter now, but
> it's not accepting input, just saying "java busy.Have been at this
> for an hour now, I think if it's this slow an agressive mob would
> have me killed 20 times over.
> "
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:34 AM, william lomas wrote:
>> the buttons are not labeled so when one runs the program they dont
>> know what to click
>> On 23 Oct 2009, at 12:29, KehzaFox wrote:
>>> Hi Anouk,
>>> I released a new version of the JamochaMUD MUD Client a little while
>>> back where I've been working on incorporating accessibility  
>>> features.
>>> If folks are willing to give me feedback such as "this works, this
>>> doesn't work", "I can't add a character" or specific items like
>>> that I
>>> can definitely work toward making the client as accessible as
>>> possible.
>>> You should be able to try the new version straight from your web
>>> browser
>>> by using the WebStart option ( at
>>> ).
>>> I'm always looking for feedback to make the client better.
>>> Jeff
>>> a radix wrote:
 Hello, I think that a lot of people would be interested in a mud
 client for
 the mac that works with snow leopard and that has some of the
 features we
 come to expect from a modern client. I myself would not even mind
 having to
 pay for it. Are there no people with some programming knowledge in
 that could program it or maybe we could 'rent'some experienced tech
 guy in
 the sighted mac community who would be willing to do it... I mean I
 know at
 least 4 mac users who really would love a good mud client for the
 mac and I
 am certain its possible too, if there is this piece of software. I
 imagine that there are no sighted people anymore that play muds
 Greetings, Anouk
 - Original Message -
 From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:03 PM
 Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac

> Hi,
> Definitely quite an interesting story.
> I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I
> went to
> an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to try it
> out.
> I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an  
> institute
> for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was
> quite
> literally a pile of crap.
> I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users have
> done
> for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I finally
> decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become extremely
> frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has always
> been
> my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of how
> many
> things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes you
> had
> to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously  
> installed
> applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry. The
> headache.
> So I decided to take the plunge.
> I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I went
> back
> to the store, and wrote down notes for the things I figured I'd
> mostly
> be using for a while. When I arrived at the store, I went to try  
> it
> out again to make sure a Mac would be what I desired. It  
> definitely
> was. So much that, in fact, that even though they only had a
> showroom
> floor model at the time, I grabbed it. The cleaned it off
> thoroughly,
> wrapped it up and tossed the DVDs I'd need in the box. I was
> happy. So
> very happy.
> I arrive home, and I'm practically tingling with excitement. I
> almost
> rip the box apart (taking care of the DVDs of course), get out my
> shiny Macbook and hook it up.
> Oh no!
> What I did know was that I had to reinstall it, but I didn't
> care. I
> didn't want any of that junk on it they had installed to
> advertise. So
> i went ahead. I rebooted it, held down the C-key when the
> installation
> DVD had been sucked into the Mac and I heard the startup sound. It
> displayed the finder and spat out the DVD. Literally. So I decided
> that apparently wasn't working for whatever r

Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread william lomas

it is extremely slow to respond on here on the macbook 2.4 core 2 duo  
and i keep hearing java has new window all the time

On 23 Oct 2009, at 16:04, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I got it to work fine. You just need to experiment when you download
> the file to find the right buttons. I experienced something strange,
> though. Once I clicked cancel by mistake when it asked me if I wanted
> to continue and launched it. OK and Cancel were not labeled, but when
> it canceled and I reopened, they were both labeled.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 3:07 PM, Thomas McMahan wrote:
>> Tiger is even more of a disaster.  Am on the world conecter now, but
>> it's not accepting input, just saying "java busy.Have been at this
>> for an hour now, I think if it's this slow an agressive mob would
>> have me killed 20 times over.
>> "
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:34 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> the buttons are not labeled so when one runs the program they dont
>>> know what to click
>>> On 23 Oct 2009, at 12:29, KehzaFox wrote:

 Hi Anouk,

 I released a new version of the JamochaMUD MUD Client a little  
 back where I've been working on incorporating accessibility
 If folks are willing to give me feedback such as "this works, this
 doesn't work", "I can't add a character" or specific items like
 that I
 can definitely work toward making the client as accessible as

 You should be able to try the new version straight from your web
 by using the WebStart option ( at ).

 I'm always looking for feedback to make the client better.


 a radix wrote:
> Hello, I think that a lot of people would be interested in a mud
> client for
> the mac that works with snow leopard and that has some of the
> features we
> come to expect from a modern client. I myself would not even mind
> having to
> pay for it. Are there no people with some programming knowledge in
> cocoa
> that could program it or maybe we could 'rent'some experienced  
> tech
> guy in
> the sighted mac community who would be willing to do it... I  
> mean I
> know at
> least 4 mac users who really would love a good mud client for the
> mac and I
> am certain its possible too, if there is this piece of software. I
> cant
> imagine that there are no sighted people anymore that play muds
> either
> Greetings, Anouk
> - Original Message -
> From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:03 PM
> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac
>> Hi,
>> Definitely quite an interesting story.
>> I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I
>> went to
>> an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to try it
>> out.
>> I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an
>> institute
>> for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was
>> quite
>> literally a pile of crap.
>> I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users have
>> done
>> for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I  
>> finally
>> decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become extremely
>> frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has always
>> been
>> my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of how
>> many
>> things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes you
>> had
>> to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously
>> installed
>> applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry. The
>> headache.
>> So I decided to take the plunge.
>> I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I went
>> back
>> to the store, and wrote down notes for the things I figured I'd
>> mostly
>> be using for a while. When I arrived at the store, I went to try
>> it
>> out again to make sure a Mac would be what I desired. It
>> definitely
>> was. So much that, in fact, that even though they only had a
>> showroom
>> floor model at the time, I grabbed it. The cleaned it off
>> thoroughly,
>> wrapped it up and tossed the DVDs I'd need in the box. I was
>> happy. So
>> very happy.
>> I arrive home, and I'm practically tingling with excitement. I
>> almost
>> rip the box apart (taking care of the DVDs of course), get out my
>> shiny Macbook and hook it up.
>> Oh no!
>> What I did know was that I had to reinstall it, but I didn't
>> care. I
>> didn't want 

Re: shopping cart?

2009-10-23 Thread BlindMacMan


One of the "features"of iTunes 9 was the removal of the shopping


william lomas wrote:
> hi, i can no longer find the use shopping cart option when in the
> store? I go to preferences under itunes and click store but it isn't
> there?
> WIll
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: shopping cart?

2009-10-23 Thread Scott Howell

The Shopping Cart was replaced with the Wish List. So, anything you  
had previously in your shopping cart has been moved to the wish list.  
You can access this list by going to the sources table, choosing  
iTunes store, navigate to where you hear your iTunes user ID/account  
info, navigate once more to the right and you'll find a button labeled  
menu, and VO-spacebar on the menu and you will locate the wish list  
within the menu.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:13 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi, i can no longer find the use shopping cart option 
> when in the
> store? I go to preferences under itunes and click store but it isn't
> there?
> WIll
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: shopping cart?

2009-10-23 Thread william lomas

oh ok, but, how do i "add" items to the wish list and purchase them  
later, I assume by the songs there is a menu again and add to wishlist  
adds them to it?

On 23 Oct 2009, at 17:01, Scott Howell wrote:

> The Shopping Cart was replaced with the Wish List. So, anything you
> had previously in your shopping cart has been moved to the wish list.
> You can access this list by going to the sources table, choosing
> iTunes store, navigate to where you hear your iTunes user ID/account
> info, navigate once more to the right and you'll find a button labeled
> menu, and VO-spacebar on the menu and you will locate the wish list
> within the menu.
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:13 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi, i can no longer find the use shopping cart option 
>> when in the
>> store? I go to preferences under itunes and click store but it isn't
>> there?
>> WIll
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread a radix

Hello, Lol that was funny! I can tell you i used vista in the past and I 
HATED it. It wasnt the BEST computer there was (a toshiba tecra laptop) but 
it was SLOW and imho more cumbersome then xp. I now still use xp at my home 
pc althoughI am thinking to upgrade to windows 7.
Greetings, Anouk,
- Original Message - 
From: "Donna Goodin" 
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac

> Hi Nic,
> Thanks, but that wasn't what I meant. I meant I'm sorry she was using
> Vista.  Mind you, this isn't based on personal experience, I just
> don't know anyone who's upgraded to Vista and liked it.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> No need to be sorry for having an opinion. People have different
>> opinions about Vista, some wish they'd never tried it (me included)
>> and some like it.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:29 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Oh, I'm so sorry!
>>> Donna
>>> On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:23 PM, Portia wrote:

 I'm running Vista.

 Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Nic,
> I think you're dead on.  At least for me, my work environment has
> had
> a very definite impact on my experience with my Mac.
> I think I'm also lucky.  I never switched to Windows Vista, thank
> God!
> I'm still running XP, which I think makes my Windows life a lot
> easier!
> Take care,
> Donna
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:54 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think one of the biggest issues that are represented here is
>> work.
>> Depending on what you're doing, the company you work for might
>> require
>> that you work with their systems, most likely Windows or Linux.
>> I've
>> encountered companies in my country that use Mac OS X, but not
>> many,
>> which definitely does get confusing. I would suppose that, if you
>> work
>> more than you have time to play with your Mac, the PC immediately
>> takes priority for obvious reasons and it'll take you longer to
>> get
>> used to it.
>> I study computer science, and on occasion I actually have to
>> struggle
>> with Windows commands. I find Windows so sluggish and unresponsive
>> now
>> compared to the Mac, and that's not an attempt to slam it, because
>> I'm
>> sure it has its advantages for some people, it's just not snappy
>> and
>> stable enough for what I need it to do.. Granted, I mostly do use
>> my
>> Mac for things such as browsing the web, editing, reading mail and
>> so-
>> forth, but what frustrated me with Windows was the crashes. That
>> is
>> one thing I don't miss. Otherwise, Windows is definitely a good
>> system. For me, it just wasn't good enough, so to speak, and it
>> frustrated the heck out of me sometimes. Sometimes I was happy
>> with
>> it, to be fair. But I also think one superiority the Mac has over
>> the
>> Windows operating system is the integrated screen access software.
>> If
>> you update your display drivers, you don't need to spend time
>> reinstalling and installing applications to discover it didn't
>> work,
>> then install the latest version of an application such as JAWS to
>> finally make it understand that you actually want Video Intercept
>> installed for the thousandth time, then downgrade if you don't
>> like
>> JAWS 11. If you're me, you don't like JAWS 11, but that's another
>> story entirely. But that's another thing that made me all too
>> willing
>> to switch, with no regrets. Yeah, I wish someone would put
>> together a
>> MUD client that actually had VoiceOver support, or at least
>> utilize
>> the text to speech features that use the built-in voices without
>> VoiceOver. That'd at least be a start.
>> Otherwise, I don't use Windows at all except to comply with those
>> people who still send me executables on CDs. Or to play MUDs. You
>> can
>> do exactly the same things on the Mac as you can on Windows, the
>> only
>> problem every switcher probably has is the fact that they don't
>> know
>> which applications to look for to accomplish said task. I've had
>> my
>> Mac since August 1 as I said earlier, and I certainly don't know
>> all
>> the substitutes for Windows programs yet. That having been said, I
>> only use Windows for the tasks written above.
>> Thought I'd share my views once again, and I'll probably be
>> writing
>> more.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Fa

Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread a radix

Hello, this i sgreat to hear! Especially now that I know that there are more 
active listers (i know of one more or less passive one and one non-lister) 
that play muds and want to play muds on the mac as well. Sorry if I did not 
answer my email before all things were rather hectic for a while (going back 
to school!) I will download the newest version of the client and try it out 
but I am no programmer and havent used voicover for THAT much. But I will 
try it and let you know what I think.
Greetings, Anouk,
- Original Message - 
From: "KehzaFox" 
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

> Hi Anouk,
> I released a new version of the JamochaMUD MUD Client a little while
> back where I've been working on incorporating accessibility features.
> If folks are willing to give me feedback such as "this works, this
> doesn't work", "I can't add a character" or specific items like that I
> can definitely work toward making the client as accessible as possible.
> You should be able to try the new version straight from your web browser
> by using the WebStart option ( at
> ).
> I'm always looking for feedback to make the client better.
> Jeff
> a radix wrote:
>> Hello, I think that a lot of people would be interested in a mud client 
>> for
>> the mac that works with snow leopard and that has some of the features we
>> come to expect from a modern client. I myself would not even mind having 
>> to
>> pay for it. Are there no people with some programming knowledge in cocoa
>> that could program it or maybe we could 'rent'some experienced tech guy 
>> in
>> the sighted mac community who would be willing to do it... I mean I know 
>> at
>> least 4 mac users who really would love a good mud client for the mac and 
>> I
>> am certain its possible too, if there is this piece of software. I cant
>> imagine that there are no sighted people anymore that play muds 
>> either
>> Greetings, Anouk
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:03 PM
>> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac
>>> Hi,
>>> Definitely quite an interesting story.
>>> I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I went to
>>> an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to try it out.
>>> I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an institute
>>> for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was quite
>>> literally a pile of crap.
>>> I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users have done
>>> for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I finally
>>> decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become extremely
>>> frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has always been
>>> my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of how many
>>> things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes you had
>>> to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously installed
>>> applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry. The
>>> headache.
>>> So I decided to take the plunge.
>>> I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I went back
>>> to the store, and wrote down notes for the things I figured I'd mostly
>>> be using for a while. When I arrived at the store, I went to try it
>>> out again to make sure a Mac would be what I desired. It definitely
>>> was. So much that, in fact, that even though they only had a showroom
>>> floor model at the time, I grabbed it. The cleaned it off thoroughly,
>>> wrapped it up and tossed the DVDs I'd need in the box. I was happy. So
>>> very happy.
>>> I arrive home, and I'm practically tingling with excitement. I almost
>>> rip the box apart (taking care of the DVDs of course), get out my
>>> shiny Macbook and hook it up.
>>> Oh no!
>>> What I did know was that I had to reinstall it, but I didn't care. I
>>> didn't want any of that junk on it they had installed to advertise. So
>>> i went ahead. I rebooted it, held down the C-key when the installation
>>> DVD had been sucked into the Mac and I heard the startup sound. It
>>> displayed the finder and spat out the DVD. Literally. So I decided
>>> that apparently wasn't working for whatever reason. I located the
>>> installer DVD in the finder and open it. Authentication. God dang it!
>>> Behold the password box. I was required to enter a password to
>>> proceed. Of course, the Macbook had not been set to require a password
>>> at login.
>>> I call them at the store, and ask them for a password. I told them the
>>> C-key solution had not worked to boot from the DVD, and they promptly
>>> complied with my request. They gave me several passwords to enter, and
>>> I did.
>>> "The name or password you entered is incorrect."
>>> I went back to the store, and they had a look at it. Most annoying of
>>> all wa

Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Portia

Yeah I hate Vista.

a radix wrote:
> Hello, Lol that was funny! I can tell you i used vista in the past and I 
> HATED it. It wasnt the BEST computer there was (a toshiba tecra laptop) but 
> it was SLOW and imho more cumbersome then xp. I now still use xp at my home 
> pc althoughI am thinking to upgrade to windows 7.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Donna Goodin" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 12:51 PM
> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac
>> Hi Nic,
>> Thanks, but that wasn't what I meant. I meant I'm sorry she was using
>> Vista.  Mind you, this isn't based on personal experience, I just
>> don't know anyone who's upgraded to Vista and liked it.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> No need to be sorry for having an opinion. People have different
>>> opinions about Vista, some wish they'd never tried it (me included)
>>> and some like it.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:29 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Oh, I'm so sorry!
 On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:23 PM, Portia wrote:

> I'm running Vista.
> Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Nic,
>> I think you're dead on.  At least for me, my work environment has
>> had
>> a very definite impact on my experience with my Mac.
>> I think I'm also lucky.  I never switched to Windows Vista, thank
>> God!
>> I'm still running XP, which I think makes my Windows life a lot
>> easier!
>> Take care,
>> Donna
>> On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:54 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think one of the biggest issues that are represented here is
>>> work.
>>> Depending on what you're doing, the company you work for might
>>> require
>>> that you work with their systems, most likely Windows or Linux.
>>> I've
>>> encountered companies in my country that use Mac OS X, but not
>>> many,
>>> which definitely does get confusing. I would suppose that, if you
>>> work
>>> more than you have time to play with your Mac, the PC immediately
>>> takes priority for obvious reasons and it'll take you longer to
>>> get
>>> used to it.
>>> I study computer science, and on occasion I actually have to
>>> struggle
>>> with Windows commands. I find Windows so sluggish and unresponsive
>>> now
>>> compared to the Mac, and that's not an attempt to slam it, because
>>> I'm
>>> sure it has its advantages for some people, it's just not snappy
>>> and
>>> stable enough for what I need it to do.. Granted, I mostly do use
>>> my
>>> Mac for things such as browsing the web, editing, reading mail and
>>> so-
>>> forth, but what frustrated me with Windows was the crashes. That
>>> is
>>> one thing I don't miss. Otherwise, Windows is definitely a good
>>> system. For me, it just wasn't good enough, so to speak, and it
>>> frustrated the heck out of me sometimes. Sometimes I was happy
>>> with
>>> it, to be fair. But I also think one superiority the Mac has over
>>> the
>>> Windows operating system is the integrated screen access software.
>>> If
>>> you update your display drivers, you don't need to spend time
>>> reinstalling and installing applications to discover it didn't
>>> work,
>>> then install the latest version of an application such as JAWS to
>>> finally make it understand that you actually want Video Intercept
>>> installed for the thousandth time, then downgrade if you don't
>>> like
>>> JAWS 11. If you're me, you don't like JAWS 11, but that's another
>>> story entirely. But that's another thing that made me all too
>>> willing
>>> to switch, with no regrets. Yeah, I wish someone would put
>>> together a
>>> MUD client that actually had VoiceOver support, or at least
>>> utilize
>>> the text to speech features that use the built-in voices without
>>> VoiceOver. That'd at least be a start.
>>> Otherwise, I don't use Windows at all except to comply with those
>>> people who still send me executables on CDs. Or to play MUDs. You
>>> can
>>> do exactly the same things on the Mac as you can on Windows, the
>>> only
>>> problem every switcher probably has is the fact that they don't
>>> know
>>> which applications to look for to accomplish said task. I've had
>>> my
>>> Mac since August 1 as I said earlier, and I certainly don't know
>>> all
>>> the substitutes for Windows programs yet. That having been said, I
>>> only use Windows for the tasks written above.
>>> Thought I'd sha

(ot) mudding

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

Sorry for sending this to the list, but I can't seem to figure out how  
to reply directly to sender.

Anouk, I've been interested in mudding for some time now, but have  
never tried it.  Can you suggest sites for getting started with this  
in Windows?

On Oct 21, 2009, at 1:05 AM, a radix wrote:

> Hello, I have been using my mac for about 2 months now especially at  
> school although at home I still often use my pc and I will explain  
> below why. In  general my experiences with the mac have been very  
> positive especially after installing snow leopard. I can use skype  
> and msn just as well as on my pc. And after I dumped itunes and  
> started using vlc instead watching movies and listening to music  
> became a breeze. I recently bought apples office suite because I  
> prefer that over using textedit or the free text editors/office  
> suits that are available. I am also intending to go and use garage  
> band in the future if I can get that working with my yamaha  
> keyboard. I like the built-in speakers and sound quality alhtough  
> listening through its sound output with my own in ear monitors is  
> nothing special. I still find using the internet on the mac a bit  
> mor ework then i did while using my pc and it goes a bit slower also  
> when reading docucments i notice that I cannot endlessly use the  
> right thumb key on my braille display to continue reading,  
> eventually i have to press the right arrow on my normal keyboard if  
> I want to read onm. This does become irritating after a while if you  
> need to read long documents.
> At home I still mostly use my windows pc although i now have gotten  
> mail working on the mac as well because 1. I use omnipage pro 16  
> under windows to scan my books for school, while I know that there  
> are some scanning solutions for the mac that i will probbably try  
> once the hp drivers for sl have been released I just dont know if  
> they will be as good and easy as using omnipage pro 16 and am a bit  
> hesistant to try it because of that (I really really hope that a  
> full version of finereader will eventually be released for the mac  
> since I have heard it can rival omnipage pro).
> Secondly there is filesharing, i will be brief. Ftp does work on the  
> mac with transmit which I rather like although I have not registered  
> it yet, questions i asked its support team went unanswered. Usenet  
> also works but udner windows I preferred to use other programs which  
> are not available on the mac.
> The third point is playing games which I do a lot on the pec  
> especially interactive fiction and muds. There is an interpreter for  
> interactive fiction called zoom which I tried and although I can  
> open games with it saved games were a problem for me since I could  
> not open a saved game file (made in frotz).
> For muds the situation on the mac is not so good, I play them all  
> the time on windows but there is only one mudclient that I know of  
> which works under sl and which is still being developed, jamochamud  
> which works under java. It is not too accessible at the moment but  
> the programmer has promised to look at it, still it does not offer  
> all the features even then that I am used to on a windows client.
> As soon as windows 7 becomes officially available I am planning to  
> install it on my mac (probbably via bootcamp) so that I at least can  
> use my mac all the time even if I need to use windows, hopefully for  
> the scanning and downloading tasks I will in the future be able to  
> use the mac and I have hopes for muds as well but for now at least  
> my mac is mostly used at school and in the library.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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replying directly to sender?

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi all,

How does one do this?  Under Leopard you could do it by interacting  
with the message headers, but I can't seem to figure it out in SL.

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2009-10-23 Thread John W. Carty
Is there anyone out there using some kind of duel boot mac/windows on a mac 
machine. I'm wanting to make the jump from pc to mac, but there's simply some 
pc software I must continue to use. My current pc is about to die a miserable 
death so I'm only going to have a single machine.

I'd need to run jaws and/or window eyes on the win side.

Does this cause any problems?

Will vo speak during the boot and logon procedure where I select the boot I 

Is there any particular hang ups I need to watch for?

Is there a difference for a 64 bit vs 32 bit version of windows on the second 


John Carty

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Re: bootcamp

2009-10-23 Thread chris polk
I am running windows 7 64 bit on my macbook.
I dule boot with bootcamp.
Voice over does not speak at power on, but if you hold down the option  
key and select the os you want to boot it works just fine.
You can also boot in to windows or mac and select the startup disk, so  
you could for example be in windows, select os10 as your startup disk,  
when you restart the machine it will boot in to the mac os.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 10:48 AM, John W. Carty wrote:

> Is there anyone out there using some kind of duel boot mac/windows  
> on a mac machine. I'm wanting to make the jump from pc to mac, but  
> there's simply some pc software I must continue to use. My current  
> pc is about to die a miserable death so I'm only going to have a  
> single machine.
> I'd need to run jaws and/or window eyes on the win side.
> Does this cause any problems?
> Will vo speak during the boot and logon procedure where I select the  
> boot I want?
> Is there any particular hang ups I need to watch for?
> Is there a difference for a 64 bit vs 32 bit version of windows on  
> the second boot?
> thanx,
> John Carty
> >

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making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi all,

A while back I installed IWorks on my Mac, but I am finding that I  
like working in TextEdit a little better. Is there some way that I can  
set Text Edit to be my default word processor, so that, when I click  
on a document, it automatically opens in TextEdit rather than Pages?

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Re: bootcamp

2009-10-23 Thread Rafael Bejarano
I just installed Windows on my Mac, using Bootcamp. It works just  
fine. The only drawback is that you can't run both operating systems  

Rafael Bejarano
On Oct 23, 2009, at 12:48 PM, John W. Carty wrote:

> Is there anyone out there using some kind of duel boot mac/windows  
> on a mac machine. I'm wanting to make the jump from pc to mac, but  
> there's simply some pc software I must continue to use. My current  
> pc is about to die a miserable death so I'm only going to have a  
> single machine.
> I'd need to run jaws and/or window eyes on the win side.
> Does this cause any problems?
> Will vo speak during the boot and logon procedure where I select the  
> boot I want?
> Is there any particular hang ups I need to watch for?
> Is there a difference for a 64 bit vs 32 bit version of windows on  
> the second boot?
> thanx,
> John Carty
> >

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Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Donna,

On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Is there some way that I can
> set Text Edit to be my default word processor, so that, when I click
> on a document, it automatically opens in TextEdit rather than Pages?
Yes. You can do this for any type of file and any appropriate  

You do this by selecting a file of the type you want always to open  
with a specific application. You press
Command-i to get info. Then use the item chooser (VO-I) and type "op"
to find Open With. Set the default application to the one you want and  
> Change All. This should solve your problem.



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Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Thanks, Anne.  where exactly do I need to be when I bring up the item  
chooser?  I've tried it from within testedit and from within  
documents, but I'm unable to bring any options for opening a document.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:43 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Is there some way that I can
>> set Text Edit to be my default word processor, so that, when I click
>> on a document, it automatically opens in TextEdit rather than Pages?
> Yes. You can do this for any type of file and any appropriate
> application.
> You do this by selecting a file of the type you want always to open
> with a specific application. You press
> Command-i to get info. Then use the item chooser (VO-I) and type "op"
> to find Open With. Set the default application to the one you want and
> click
>> Change All. This should solve your problem.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread Esther

Hi Donna,

You need to select your document in Finder, and then use Command-I to  
get info, then use item chooser.



Donna Goodin wrote:

> Thanks, Anne.  where exactly do I need to be when I bring up the item
> chooser?  I've tried it from within testedit and from within
> documents, but I'm unable to bring any options for opening a document.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:43 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Donna,
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Is there some way that I can
>>> set Text Edit to be my default word processor, so that, when I click
>>> on a document, it automatically opens in TextEdit rather than Pages?
>> Yes. You can do this for any type of file and any appropriate
>> application.
>> You do this by selecting a file of the type you want always to open
>> with a specific application. You press
>> Command-i to get info. Then use the item chooser (VO-I) and type "op"
>> to find Open With. Set the default application to the one you want  
>> and
>> click
>>> Change All. This should solve your problem.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
> >

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Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Donna,

You simply have to select the document from the Finder to use the  
Getinfo command.



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Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin


Here is what I'm doing.

1. Vo-D to open dock.
2. typing do to open documents.
3.  Arrowing down to select a file in documents.
4. Pressing Cmd-I to get info, note that nothing changes, i.e. I don't  
see any info.
5.  Pressing Vo-I to open Item Chooser.

When I do this, it says there are no items in the item chooser.  Any  
On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:43 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Is there some way that I can
>> set Text Edit to be my default word processor, so that, when I click
>> on a document, it automatically opens in TextEdit rather than Pages?
> Yes. You can do this for any type of file and any appropriate
> application.
> You do this by selecting a file of the type you want always to open
> with a specific application. You press
> Command-i to get info. Then use the item chooser (VO-I) and type "op"
> to find Open With. Set the default application to the one you want and
> click
>> Change All. This should solve your problem.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi Anne and Ester,

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I select the document  
within Finder? My documents folder doesn't even show up there.  the  
only way I know to open a document is by accessing documents from the  
On Oct 23, 2009, at 3:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> You simply have to select the document from the Finder to use the
> Getinfo command.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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To Esther and Anne, Got it

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Thanks, Esther and Anne.  I hadn't noticed the Open in Finder button  
in the Documents folder before.  I got the info and successfully  
changed the setting.  thanks for the help.

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Re: To Esther and Anne, Got it

2009-10-23 Thread Esther

Hi Donna,

Great, I was wondering whether the option to Open in Finder was no  
longer there in Snow Leopard. (Yes, I'm behind times).

Another way to find a document in finder is to use Spotlight (VO-M  
three times, and type in part of the name),  then, when you arrow down  
to select the file, instead of opening it directly, route your mouse  
cursor to your VoiceOver cursor (VO-Command-F5), and Command-Click on  
the file.  A finder window will show up with the selected file  

There's probably something more sophisticated than Command-Click in  
Snow Leopard, but I'm still using an older MacBook and trackpad.   
That's another way that I find the location of a file rather than  
simply opening it with Spotlight.



P.S.  I still do like using TextEdit for language-related activities  
because VoiceOver announces non-Roman fonts that don't get spoken in  
other applications.

Donna Goodin wrote:

> Thanks, Esther and Anne.  I hadn't noticed the Open in Finder button
> in the Documents folder before.  I got the info and successfully
> changed the setting.  thanks for the help.
> Donna
> >

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RE: bootcamp

2009-10-23 Thread John W. Carty
On the windows side are you still running anti virus, etc? What about windows 
registry maintenance?

Whenever you make settings changes on one side does it have any effect on the 


From: [] 
On Behalf Of chris polk
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: bootcamp

I am running windows 7 64 bit on my macbook.
I dule boot with bootcamp.
Voice over does not speak at power on, but if you hold down the option key and 
select the os you want to boot it works just fine.
You can also boot in to windows or mac and select the startup disk, so you 
could for example be in windows, select os10 as your startup disk, when you 
restart the machine it will boot in to the mac os.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 10:48 AM, John W. Carty wrote:

Is there anyone out there using some kind of duel boot mac/windows on a mac 
machine. I'm wanting to make the jump from pc to mac, but there's simply some 
pc software I must continue to use. My current pc is about to die a miserable 
death so I'm only going to have a single machine.

I'd need to run jaws and/or window eyes on the win side.

Does this cause any problems?

Will vo speak during the boot and logon procedure where I select the boot I 

Is there any particular hang ups I need to watch for?

Is there a difference for a 64 bit vs 32 bit version of windows on the second 


John Carty

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Re: bootcamp

2009-10-23 Thread chris polk

On Oct 23, 2009, at 12:41 PM, John W. Carty wrote:

> On the windows side are you still running anti virus, etc? What  
> about windows registry maintenance?
Yes, You should treat it is if it is a windows machine.

> Whenever you make settings changes on one side does it have any  
> effect on the other?
> No not at all. only the start up disk i talked about
> Thanx,
> From:  
> [] On Behalf Of chris polk
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 12:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: bootcamp
> Hi:
> I am running windows 7 64 bit on my macbook.
> I dule boot with bootcamp.
> Voice over does not speak at power on, but if you hold down the  
> option key and select the os you want to boot it works just fine.
> You can also boot in to windows or mac and select the startup disk,  
> so you could for example be in windows, select os10 as your startup  
> disk, when you restart the machine it will boot in to the mac os.
> hth
> Chris
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 10:48 AM, John W. Carty wrote:
> Is there anyone out there using some kind of duel boot mac/windows  
> on a mac machine. I'm wanting to make the jump from pc to mac, but  
> there's simply some pc software I must continue to use. My current  
> pc is about to die a miserable death so I'm only going to have a  
> single machine.
> I'd need to run jaws and/or window eyes on the win side.
> Does this cause any problems?
> Will vo speak during the boot and logon procedure where I select the  
> boot I want?
> Is there any particular hang ups I need to watch for?
> Is there a difference for a 64 bit vs 32 bit version of windows on  
> the second boot?
> thanx,
> John Carty
> >

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google documents on safari?

2009-10-23 Thread John J Herzog

Hi listers,
Can I edit spreadsheets on google docs with safari? I have tried to do  
so, but when I type in text, it does not appear in correct fields. For  
instance, I can highlight the cell I want to edit, but somehow when I  
type, it appears up in the headers of the sheet and not the correct  
row. Furthermore, those cells don't really appear as edit fields in  
Is there something I'm missing? Is there a similar basic HTML feature  
for google documents as there is for Gmail?

Thanks a lot for any help. I really need to be able to do this.


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Re: To Esther and Anne, Got it

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi Esther,

You know, I'm sure this is hold-over Windows behavior, but I *always  
forget that the Spotlight is there.  I don't know what it will take  
for me to start remembering that it is there! :) Thanks for the  
Take care,
On Oct 23, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Great, I was wondering whether the option to Open in Finder was no
> longer there in Snow Leopard. (Yes, I'm behind times).
> Another way to find a document in finder is to use Spotlight (VO-M
> three times, and type in part of the name),  then, when you arrow down
> to select the file, instead of opening it directly, route your mouse
> cursor to your VoiceOver cursor (VO-Command-F5), and Command-Click on
> the file.  A finder window will show up with the selected file
> highlighted.
> There's probably something more sophisticated than Command-Click in
> Snow Leopard, but I'm still using an older MacBook and trackpad.
> That's another way that I find the location of a file rather than
> simply opening it with Spotlight.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> P.S.  I still do like using TextEdit for language-related activities
> because VoiceOver announces non-Roman fonts that don't get spoken in
> other applications.
> Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Thanks, Esther and Anne.  I hadn't noticed the Open in Finder button
>> in the Documents folder before.  I got the info and successfully
>> changed the setting.  thanks for the help.
>> Donna
> >

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Re: scanning wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Dan Eickmeier

There's an application called PDF pen from  THis is  
good for doing  stuff with PDF's, but from what I've heard about it,  
it also has scanning, and OCR capibilities.  If it were accessible,  
maybe it would illiminate the need to use two applications to do  
scanning and OCr, especially since the latest version of Read Iris is  
pretty much a flop as far as our access to it is concerned?Has  
anybody tried this app  to see if it's accessible?
On Oct 23, 2009, at 10:24 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Very cool! Thanks!
> Best,
> Donna
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 9:50 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Donna,
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Does Vuescan duplex?
>> Yes, as long as the scanner does.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
> >

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recording video on the Mac

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi all,

Is this possible?  If so, how does one do it?

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RE: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread Frank Ventura

For the sake of making life easier I put an alias to my Documents folder
on my destop. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

Hi Anne and Ester,

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I select the document  
within Finder? My documents folder doesn't even show up there.  the  
only way I know to open a document is by accessing documents from the  
On Oct 23, 2009, at 3:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> You simply have to select the document from the Finder to use the
> Getinfo command.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Re: scanning wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread Chantel Cuddemi

Dan, that's a funny url!!!  Hahahahahahah!! I loved it!!!
On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:37 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> There's an application called PDF pen from  THis is
> good for doing  stuff with PDF's, but from what I've heard about it,
> it also has scanning, and OCR capibilities.  If it were accessible,
> maybe it would illiminate the need to use two applications to do
> scanning and OCr, especially since the latest version of Read Iris is
> pretty much a flop as far as our access to it is concerned?Has
> anybody tried this app  to see if it's accessible?
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 10:24 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Very cool! Thanks!
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 9:50 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Donna,
>>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Does Vuescan duplex?
>>> Yes, as long as the scanner does.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne

> >

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Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Yeah, I'll probably do that too, eventually. I know long time mac  
users hate it when we windows converts do that, but it sure does make  
life easier.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:

> For the sake of making life easier I put an alias to my Documents  
> folder
> on my destop.
> Frank
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 3:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: making TextEdit the default word processor
> Hi Anne and Ester,
> Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I select the document
> within Finder? My documents folder doesn't even show up there.  the
> only way I know to open a document is by accessing documents from the
> doc.
> thanks,
> Donna
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 3:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Donna,
>> You simply have to select the document from the Finder to use the
>> Getinfo command.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 9.0.698 / Virus Database: 270.14.28/2454 - Release Date:
> 10/23/09 10:09:00
> >

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RE: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread Frank Ventura

Donna, I actually did that as early as 1986 on a Mac Plus with system
3.1. Old habits die hard.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

Yeah, I'll probably do that too, eventually. I know long time mac  
users hate it when we windows converts do that, but it sure does make  
life easier.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:

> For the sake of making life easier I put an alias to my Documents  
> folder
> on my destop.
> Frank
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 3:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: making TextEdit the default word processor
> Hi Anne and Ester,
> Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I select the document
> within Finder? My documents folder doesn't even show up there.  the
> only way I know to open a document is by accessing documents from the
> doc.
> thanks,
> Donna
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 3:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Donna,
>> You simply have to select the document from the Finder to use the
>> Getinfo command.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 9.0.698 / Virus Database: 270.14.28/2454 - Release Date:
> 10/23/09 10:09:00
> >

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Re: shopping cart?

2009-10-23 Thread Scott Howell

If you look at the album information in the html area, you'll find the  
price and it is a group or at least for me it is, I assume in DOM mode  
it would still be located by the price. There is a pop up that allows  
you to add the item to your wish list, send the info to several social  
networking sites, and aside from this, there is also a purchase  
button, which is separate. THis is so you can buy now or add to the  
wish list. You actually don't even have to go into the info on the  
album, but if you do, you will find again at least for me a table (I  
use groups mode) that contains 3 columns and the second column  
contains the information/titles for the tracks on the album. You will  
find here the ability to add individual tracks. It seems the purchase  
album option, which is incidentally where the pop up is located, may  
be in a slightly different location I assume based on the information  
provided on screen. So, once you get a feel for the page layout, I  
think you'll find it pretty easy to purchase or add items to the list.  
Last I checked however, the option to remove items from the wish list  
was not accessible to VO. I have reported this issue to the iTUnes  
team and


On Oct 23, 2009, at 12:06 PM, william lomas wrote:

> oh ok, but, how do i "add" items to the wish list and purchase them
> later, I assume by the songs there is a menu again and add to wishlist
> adds them to it?
> ?
> On 23 Oct 2009, at 17:01, Scott Howell wrote:
>> The Shopping Cart was replaced with the Wish List. So, anything you
>> had previously in your shopping cart has been moved to the wish list.
>> You can access this list by going to the sources table, choosing
>> iTunes store, navigate to where you hear your iTunes user ID/account
>> info, navigate once more to the right and you'll find a button  
>> labeled
>> menu, and VO-spacebar on the menu and you will locate the wish list
>> within the menu.
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:13 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> hi, i can no longer find the use shopping cart option 
>>> when in the
>>> store? I go to preferences under itunes and click store but it isn't
>>> there?
>>> WIll

> >

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Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

lol.  Good for you!
On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:53 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:

> Donna, I actually did that as early as 1986 on a Mac Plus with system
> 3.1. Old habits die hard.
> Frank
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 4:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: making TextEdit the default word processor
> Yeah, I'll probably do that too, eventually. I know long time mac
> users hate it when we windows converts do that, but it sure does make
> life easier.
> Donna
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:
>> For the sake of making life easier I put an alias to my Documents
>> folder
>> on my destop.
>> Frank
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 3:15 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: making TextEdit the default word processor
>> Hi Anne and Ester,
>> Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I select the document
>> within Finder? My documents folder doesn't even show up there.  the
>> only way I know to open a document is by accessing documents from the
>> doc.
>> thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 3:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Donna,
>>> You simply have to select the document from the Finder to use the
>>> Getinfo command.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne

>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 9.0.698 / Virus Database: 270.14.28/2454 - Release Date:
>> 10/23/09 10:09:00
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 9.0.698 / Virus Database: 270.14.28/2454 - Release Date:
> 10/23/09 10:09:00
> >

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Finding and navigating to files [was Re: making TextEdit the default word processor]

2009-10-23 Thread Esther

Hi Frank and Donna,

You should do anything that makes using your computer easier for you.   
The only reason for not cluttering up your Desktop is that if you have  
a huge number of files on your Desktop you take a performance hit, but  
that's only if you have many files that are scattered, individual  
files -- the advice is to organize them at least into a few folders if  
you want them on your Desktop.

Donna, the Spotlight shortcut is useful when you might be trying to  
find a file that could be in any one of a number of sub-folders under  
Documents, for example, or it could be something you might have  
downloaded and you don't remember whether you've copied or moved it to  
another location.

What I usually do is navigate in Finder, since I have a number of  
files and folders on my Mac, so I might go to the dock, (VO-D), and  
then navigate to Finder (and open up a window with Command-N if one is  
not already open). You can customize the Finder sidebar to add  
frequently used folders.  The Documents folder is one that is already  
in the Finder sidebar, but if you want to add any specific folder to  
the sidebar, select it in the Finder window and use Command-T to add  
it to the sidebar.  (This is also available as the  "Add to Sidebar"  
menu option from Finder's "File" menu on the menu bar).

There are lots of ways to navigate.




Frank Ventura wrote:

> Donna, I actually did that as early as 1986 on a Mac Plus with system
> 3.1. Old habits die hard.
> Frank
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 4:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: making TextEdit the default word processor
> Yeah, I'll probably do that too, eventually. I know long time mac
> users hate it when we windows converts do that, but it sure does make
> life easier.
> Donna
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:
>> For the sake of making life easier I put an alias to my Documents
>> folder
>> on my destop.
>> Frank
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 3:15 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: making TextEdit the default word processor
>> Hi Anne and Ester,
>> Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I select the document
>> within Finder? My documents folder doesn't even show up there.  the
>> only way I know to open a document is by accessing documents from the
>> doc.
>> thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 3:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Donna,
>>> You simply have to select the document from the Finder to use the
>>> Getinfo command.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne

>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 9.0.698 / Virus Database: 270.14.28/2454 - Release Date:
>> 10/23/09 10:09:00
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 9.0.698 / Virus Database: 270.14.28/2454 - Release Date:
> 10/23/09 10:09:00
> >

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Re: recording video on the Mac

2009-10-23 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter

PhotoBooth is fully accessible, and can take still shots or short  
movies.  Imovies may also do this, but I haven't played with it.

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: recording video on the Mac

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Oh, cool! Thanks.  When I saw the name photobooth, I wondered. I was  
concerned that there might be an assumption that VI users wouldn't  
have a need for an app like that.  Thanks for the info.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 5:39 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> PhotoBooth is fully accessible, and can take still shots or short
> movies.  Imovies may also do this, but I haven't played with it.
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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Abby Finereader Express for the Mac

2009-10-23 Thread claire amoroso

Hi, Has anybody got this piece of software ? How are the results ? Can you 
correct the errors in the file you scan ? I have the Professional version for 
Windows and I really like it.Thanks for your help, Claire   
Nouveau ! Tout Windows débarque dans votre téléphone. Voir les Windows phone
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Re: Finding and navigating to files [was Re: making TextEdit the default word processor]

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi Esther,

Thanks, your perspective is refreshing.  I got chewed out last summer  
by someone when I wanted to put an alias for mail on my desktop, and  
was admonished for not simply using the dock.  I'm not a huge fan of  
having tons of stuff on my desktop, but I do like having a few things  
that I use often. It doesn't take tons of time to open the dock, but I  
figure it's an extra unnecessary step for apps I use all the time.

I can see where Spotlight could be really helpful  I think I'll try  
and take some time this weekend to just play around with it, and  
hopefully that will help me to think of it more readily when I'm in a  
situation where it would be handy. It really is cool how many  
different ways there are to get around on a Mac.
Take care,
On Oct 23, 2009, at 5:38 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Frank and Donna,
> You should do anything that makes using your computer easier for you.
> The only reason for not cluttering up your Desktop is that if you have
> a huge number of files on your Desktop you take a performance hit, but
> that's only if you have many files that are scattered, individual
> files -- the advice is to organize them at least into a few folders if
> you want them on your Desktop.
> Donna, the Spotlight shortcut is useful when you might be trying to
> find a file that could be in any one of a number of sub-folders under
> Documents, for example, or it could be something you might have
> downloaded and you don't remember whether you've copied or moved it to
> another location.
> What I usually do is navigate in Finder, since I have a number of
> files and folders on my Mac, so I might go to the dock, (VO-D), and
> then navigate to Finder (and open up a window with Command-N if one is
> not already open). You can customize the Finder sidebar to add
> frequently used folders.  The Documents folder is one that is already
> in the Finder sidebar, but if you want to add any specific folder to
> the sidebar, select it in the Finder window and use Command-T to add
> it to the sidebar.  (This is also available as the  "Add to Sidebar"
> menu option from Finder's "File" menu on the menu bar).
> There are lots of ways to navigate.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Frank Ventura wrote:
>> Donna, I actually did that as early as 1986 on a Mac Plus with system
>> 3.1. Old habits die hard.
>> Frank
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 4:50 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: making TextEdit the default word processor
>> Yeah, I'll probably do that too, eventually. I know long time mac
>> users hate it when we windows converts do that, but it sure does make
>> life easier.
>> Donna
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:
>>> For the sake of making life easier I put an alias to my Documents
>>> folder
>>> on my destop.
>>> Frank
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>>> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 3:15 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: making TextEdit the default word processor
>>> Hi Anne and Ester,
>>> Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I select the document
>>> within Finder? My documents folder doesn't even show up there.  the
>>> only way I know to open a document is by accessing documents from  
>>> the
>>> doc.
>>> thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 3:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

 Hello Donna,

 You simply have to select the document from the Finder to use the
 Getinfo command.




>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>>> Checked by AVG -
>>> Version: 9.0.698 / Virus Database: 270.14.28/2454 - Release Date:
>>> 10/23/09 10:09:00

>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 9.0.698 / Virus Database: 270.14.28/2454 - Release Date:
>> 10/23/09 10:09:00
> >

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Re: recording video on the Mac

2009-10-23 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter

I've used PhotoBooth to take stills of myself and Ezra the mighty dog,  
but my photography skills are nil. *grin* I'm lucky if I get my  
subject in the frame without chopping a head off or cutting him/me in  

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread KehzaFox

Well, that's definitely not off to a good start, and needless to say a
little disappointing!

Following Java's standards the buttons (at least on the World Connector)
 I have not only labelled the buttons but added an additional Accessible
Name and Accessible Description which (in theory) are to be used by
screen readers.

How slow the client appears to you is also a bit troubling.  My
intention is to load up the client on my wife's Macbook and see if I can
sort things out.

Thanks for trying out JamochaMUD, and hopefully I can get these problems
ironed out.


Thomas McMahan wrote:
> Tiger is even more of a disaster.  Am on the world conecter now, but  
> it's not accepting input, just saying "java busy.Have been at this  
> for an hour now, I think if it's this slow an agressive mob would  
> have me killed 20 times over.
> "
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:34 AM, william lomas wrote:
>> the buttons are not labeled so when one runs the program they dont
>> know what to click
>> On 23 Oct 2009, at 12:29, KehzaFox wrote:
>>> Hi Anouk,
>>> I released a new version of the JamochaMUD MUD Client a little while
>>> back where I've been working on incorporating accessibility features.
>>> If folks are willing to give me feedback such as "this works, this
>>> doesn't work", "I can't add a character" or specific items like  
>>> that I
>>> can definitely work toward making the client as accessible as
>>> possible.
>>> You should be able to try the new version straight from your web
>>> browser
>>> by using the WebStart option ( at
>>> ).
>>> I'm always looking for feedback to make the client better.
>>> Jeff
>>> a radix wrote:
 Hello, I think that a lot of people would be interested in a mud
 client for
 the mac that works with snow leopard and that has some of the
 features we
 come to expect from a modern client. I myself would not even mind
 having to
 pay for it. Are there no people with some programming knowledge in
 that could program it or maybe we could 'rent'some experienced tech
 guy in
 the sighted mac community who would be willing to do it... I mean I
 know at
 least 4 mac users who really would love a good mud client for the
 mac and I
 am certain its possible too, if there is this piece of software. I
 imagine that there are no sighted people anymore that play muds
 Greetings, Anouk
 - Original Message -
 From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:03 PM
 Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac

> Hi,
> Definitely quite an interesting story.
> I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I
> went to
> an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to try it
> out.
> I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an institute
> for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was  
> quite
> literally a pile of crap.
> I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users have  
> done
> for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I finally
> decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become extremely
> frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has always  
> been
> my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of how
> many
> things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes you  
> had
> to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously installed
> applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry. The
> headache.
> So I decided to take the plunge.
> I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I went
> back
> to the store, and wrote down notes for the things I figured I'd
> mostly
> be using for a while. When I arrived at the store, I went to try it
> out again to make sure a Mac would be what I desired. It definitely
> was. So much that, in fact, that even though they only had a
> showroom
> floor model at the time, I grabbed it. The cleaned it off
> thoroughly,
> wrapped it up and tossed the DVDs I'd need in the box. I was
> happy. So
> very happy.
> I arrive home, and I'm practically tingling with excitement. I
> almost
> rip the box apart (taking care of the DVDs of course), get out my
> shiny Macbook and hook it up.
> Oh no!
> What I did know was that I had to reinstall it, but I didn't  
> care. I
> didn't want any of that junk on it they had installed to
> advertise. So
> i went ahead. I rebooted it, held down the C-key when the
> installation
> DVD had been sucked into the Mac and I heard the startup sound. It
> displayed the finder and spat out the DVD. Literally. So I decided
> that appar

Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread michael A. Babcock

where can one get this app from to test out? for muds i to the following
open terminal
type "telnet"
type "o"
type the url, example: " 1234"
hit return
and it connects.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:32 PM, KehzaFox wrote:

> Well, that's definitely not off to a good start, and needless to say a
> little disappointing!
> Following Java's standards the buttons (at least on the World  
> Connector)
> I have not only labelled the buttons but added an additional  
> Accessible
> Name and Accessible Description which (in theory) are to be used by
> screen readers.
> How slow the client appears to you is also a bit troubling.  My
> intention is to load up the client on my wife's Macbook and see if I  
> can
> sort things out.
> Thanks for trying out JamochaMUD, and hopefully I can get these  
> problems
> ironed out.
> Jeff
> Thomas McMahan wrote:
>> Tiger is even more of a disaster.  Am on the world conecter now, but
>> it's not accepting input, just saying "java busy.Have been at this
>> for an hour now, I think if it's this slow an agressive mob would
>> have me killed 20 times over.
>> "
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:34 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> the buttons are not labeled so when one runs the program they dont
>>> know what to click
>>> On 23 Oct 2009, at 12:29, KehzaFox wrote:
 Hi Anouk,

 I released a new version of the JamochaMUD MUD Client a little  
 back where I've been working on incorporating accessibility  
 If folks are willing to give me feedback such as "this works, this
 doesn't work", "I can't add a character" or specific items like
 that I
 can definitely work toward making the client as accessible as

 You should be able to try the new version straight from your web
 by using the WebStart option ( at ).

 I'm always looking for feedback to make the client better.


 a radix wrote:
> Hello, I think that a lot of people would be interested in a mud
> client for
> the mac that works with snow leopard and that has some of the
> features we
> come to expect from a modern client. I myself would not even mind
> having to
> pay for it. Are there no people with some programming knowledge in
> cocoa
> that could program it or maybe we could 'rent'some experienced  
> tech
> guy in
> the sighted mac community who would be willing to do it... I  
> mean I
> know at
> least 4 mac users who really would love a good mud client for the
> mac and I
> am certain its possible too, if there is this piece of software. I
> cant
> imagine that there are no sighted people anymore that play muds
> either
> Greetings, Anouk
> - Original Message -
> From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:03 PM
> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac
>> Hi,
>> Definitely quite an interesting story.
>> I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I
>> went to
>> an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to try it
>> out.
>> I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an  
>> institute
>> for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was
>> quite
>> literally a pile of crap.
>> I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users have
>> done
>> for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I  
>> finally
>> decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become extremely
>> frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has always
>> been
>> my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of how
>> many
>> things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes you
>> had
>> to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously  
>> installed
>> applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry. The
>> headache.
>> So I decided to take the plunge.
>> I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I went
>> back
>> to the store, and wrote down notes for the things I figured I'd
>> mostly
>> be using for a while. When I arrived at the store, I went to  
>> try it
>> out again to make sure a Mac would be what I desired. It  
>> definitely
>> was. So much that, in fact, that even though they only had a
>> showroom
>> floor model at the time, I grabbed it. The cleaned it off
>> thoroughly,
>> wrapped it up and tossed the DVDs I'd need in the box. I was
>> happy. So
>> very happy.
>> I arrive home, and I'm practically tingling with excitement. I
>> almost
>> rip the box apart (taking care of the DVDs of course), get out my
>> shiny Macbook and 

Re: making TextEdit the default word processor

2009-10-23 Thread May McDonald

Thanks, I needed this info as well.

On 2009-10-23, at 11:43 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Is there some way that I can
>> set Text Edit to be my default word processor, so that, when I click
>> on a document, it automatically opens in TextEdit rather than Pages?
> Yes. You can do this for any type of file and any appropriate
> application.
> You do this by selecting a file of the type you want always to open
> with a specific application. You press
> Command-i to get info. Then use the item chooser (VO-I) and type "op"
> to find Open With. Set the default application to the one you want and
> click
>> Change All. This should solve your problem.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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hard drive and desktop

2009-10-23 Thread May McDonald

Ok, I did a fresh install of sl because somethings weren't working  
right.  Now all is good again, but how do I get the hard drive to show  
up on the desktop like it use too?

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Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread KehzaFox

You can try the Webstart version at

Please let me know your experiences with it, even if it ranges to "I
want to throw it out the window".


michael A. Babcock wrote:
> hi;
> where can one get this app from to test out? for muds i to the following
> open terminal
> type "telnet"
> type "o"
> type the url, example: " 1234"
> hit return
> and it connects.
> mike
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:32 PM, KehzaFox wrote:
>> Well, that's definitely not off to a good start, and needless to say a
>> little disappointing!
>> Following Java's standards the buttons (at least on the World  
>> Connector)
>> I have not only labelled the buttons but added an additional  
>> Accessible
>> Name and Accessible Description which (in theory) are to be used by
>> screen readers.
>> How slow the client appears to you is also a bit troubling.  My
>> intention is to load up the client on my wife's Macbook and see if I  
>> can
>> sort things out.
>> Thanks for trying out JamochaMUD, and hopefully I can get these  
>> problems
>> ironed out.
>> Jeff
>> Thomas McMahan wrote:
>>> Tiger is even more of a disaster.  Am on the world conecter now, but
>>> it's not accepting input, just saying "java busy.Have been at this
>>> for an hour now, I think if it's this slow an agressive mob would
>>> have me killed 20 times over.
>>> "
>>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:34 AM, william lomas wrote:
 the buttons are not labeled so when one runs the program they dont
 know what to click

 On 23 Oct 2009, at 12:29, KehzaFox wrote:

> Hi Anouk,
> I released a new version of the JamochaMUD MUD Client a little  
> while
> back where I've been working on incorporating accessibility  
> features.
> If folks are willing to give me feedback such as "this works, this
> doesn't work", "I can't add a character" or specific items like
> that I
> can definitely work toward making the client as accessible as
> possible.
> You should be able to try the new version straight from your web
> browser
> by using the WebStart option ( at
> ).
> I'm always looking for feedback to make the client better.
> Jeff
> a radix wrote:
>> Hello, I think that a lot of people would be interested in a mud
>> client for
>> the mac that works with snow leopard and that has some of the
>> features we
>> come to expect from a modern client. I myself would not even mind
>> having to
>> pay for it. Are there no people with some programming knowledge in
>> cocoa
>> that could program it or maybe we could 'rent'some experienced  
>> tech
>> guy in
>> the sighted mac community who would be willing to do it... I  
>> mean I
>> know at
>> least 4 mac users who really would love a good mud client for the
>> mac and I
>> am certain its possible too, if there is this piece of software. I
>> cant
>> imagine that there are no sighted people anymore that play muds
>> either
>> Greetings, Anouk
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:03 PM
>> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac
>>> Hi,
>>> Definitely quite an interesting story.
>>> I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I
>>> went to
>>> an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to try it
>>> out.
>>> I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an  
>>> institute
>>> for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was
>>> quite
>>> literally a pile of crap.
>>> I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users have
>>> done
>>> for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I  
>>> finally
>>> decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become extremely
>>> frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has always
>>> been
>>> my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of how
>>> many
>>> things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes you
>>> had
>>> to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously  
>>> installed
>>> applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry. The
>>> headache.
>>> So I decided to take the plunge.
>>> I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I went
>>> back
>>> to the store, and wrote down notes for the things I figured I'd
>>> mostly
>>> be using for a while. When I arrived at the store, I went to  
>>> try it
>>> out again to make sure a Mac would be what I desired. It  
>>> definitely
>>> was. So much that, in fact, that even though they only had a
>>> showroom
>>> floor mod

Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread michael A. Babcock

will do, will test it on a macbook pro running SL

On Oct 23, 2009, at 3:53 PM, KehzaFox wrote:

> You can try the Webstart version at
> Please let me know your experiences with it, even if it ranges to "I
> want to throw it out the window".
> Jeff
> michael A. Babcock wrote:
>> hi;
>> where can one get this app from to test out? for muds i to the  
>> following
>> open terminal
>> type "telnet"
>> type "o"
>> type the url, example: " 1234"
>> hit return
>> and it connects.
>> mike
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:32 PM, KehzaFox wrote:
>>> Well, that's definitely not off to a good start, and needless to  
>>> say a
>>> little disappointing!
>>> Following Java's standards the buttons (at least on the World
>>> Connector)
>>> I have not only labelled the buttons but added an additional
>>> Accessible
>>> Name and Accessible Description which (in theory) are to be used by
>>> screen readers.
>>> How slow the client appears to you is also a bit troubling.  My
>>> intention is to load up the client on my wife's Macbook and see if I
>>> can
>>> sort things out.
>>> Thanks for trying out JamochaMUD, and hopefully I can get these
>>> problems
>>> ironed out.
>>> Jeff
>>> Thomas McMahan wrote:
 Tiger is even more of a disaster.  Am on the world conecter now,  
 it's not accepting input, just saying "java busy.Have been at this
 for an hour now, I think if it's this slow an agressive mob would
 have me killed 20 times over.
 On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:34 AM, william lomas wrote:

> the buttons are not labeled so when one runs the program they dont
> know what to click
> On 23 Oct 2009, at 12:29, KehzaFox wrote:
>> Hi Anouk,
>> I released a new version of the JamochaMUD MUD Client a little
>> while
>> back where I've been working on incorporating accessibility
>> features.
>> If folks are willing to give me feedback such as "this works,  
>> this
>> doesn't work", "I can't add a character" or specific items like
>> that I
>> can definitely work toward making the client as accessible as
>> possible.
>> You should be able to try the new version straight from your web
>> browser
>> by using the WebStart option ( at
>> ).
>> I'm always looking for feedback to make the client better.
>> Jeff
>> a radix wrote:
>>> Hello, I think that a lot of people would be interested in a mud
>>> client for
>>> the mac that works with snow leopard and that has some of the
>>> features we
>>> come to expect from a modern client. I myself would not even  
>>> mind
>>> having to
>>> pay for it. Are there no people with some programming  
>>> knowledge in
>>> cocoa
>>> that could program it or maybe we could 'rent'some experienced
>>> tech
>>> guy in
>>> the sighted mac community who would be willing to do it... I
>>> mean I
>>> know at
>>> least 4 mac users who really would love a good mud client for  
>>> the
>>> mac and I
>>> am certain its possible too, if there is this piece of  
>>> software. I
>>> cant
>>> imagine that there are no sighted people anymore that play muds
>>> either
>>> Greetings, Anouk
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:03 PM
>>> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac

 Definitely quite an interesting story.

 I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I
 went to
 an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to  
 try it
 I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an
 for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was
 literally a pile of crap.

 I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users have
 for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I
 decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become  
 frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has always
 my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of  
 things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes  
 to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously
 applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry.  

 So I decided to take the plunge.

 I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I  

Re: hard drive and desktop

2009-10-23 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Go into finder preferences with command-coma, and check the hard discs  
checkbox so that they'll show on the desktop.  By default, if you do a  
clean install of SL, harddiscs are not set to show on the desktop,  
like they were in Leopard.  Hope this helps.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:04 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Ok, I did a fresh install of sl because somethings weren't working
> right.  Now all is good again, but how do I get the hard drive to show
> up on the desktop like it use too?
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: hard drive and desktop

2009-10-23 Thread May McDonald


May, sent from my iPhone

On 2009-10-23, at 5:24 PM, Dan Eickmeier  wrote:

> Go into finder preferences with command-coma, and check the hard discs
> checkbox so that they'll show on the desktop.  By default, if you do a
> clean install of SL, harddiscs are not set to show on the desktop,
> like they were in Leopard.  Hope this helps.
> On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:04 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Ok, I did a fresh install of sl because somethings weren't working
>> right.  Now all is good again, but how do I get the hard drive to  
>> show
>> up on the desktop like it use too?
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: recording video on the Mac

2009-10-23 Thread Donna Goodin

Lol! That would so be me! That's why I asked about video.  I don't  
really care about the picture, but I thought it would be fun to be  
able to record sound.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 6:27 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> I've used PhotoBooth to take stills of myself and Ezra the mighty dog,
> but my photography skills are nil. *grin* I'm lucky if I get my
> subject in the frame without chopping a head off or cutting him/me in
> half.
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: mudclient wasRe: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-23 Thread peter apgar

what is mudding?

Thanks in advance.

On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:53 PM, KehzaFox wrote:

> You can try the Webstart version at
> Please let me know your experiences with it, even if it ranges to "I
> want to throw it out the window".
> Jeff
> michael A. Babcock wrote:
>> hi;
>> where can one get this app from to test out? for muds i to the  
>> following
>> open terminal
>> type "telnet"
>> type "o"
>> type the url, example: " 1234"
>> hit return
>> and it connects.
>> mike
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:32 PM, KehzaFox wrote:
>>> Well, that's definitely not off to a good start, and needless to  
>>> say a
>>> little disappointing!
>>> Following Java's standards the buttons (at least on the World
>>> Connector)
>>> I have not only labelled the buttons but added an additional
>>> Accessible
>>> Name and Accessible Description which (in theory) are to be used by
>>> screen readers.
>>> How slow the client appears to you is also a bit troubling.  My
>>> intention is to load up the client on my wife's Macbook and see if I
>>> can
>>> sort things out.
>>> Thanks for trying out JamochaMUD, and hopefully I can get these
>>> problems
>>> ironed out.
>>> Jeff
>>> Thomas McMahan wrote:
 Tiger is even more of a disaster.  Am on the world conecter now,  
 it's not accepting input, just saying "java busy.Have been at this
 for an hour now, I think if it's this slow an agressive mob would
 have me killed 20 times over.
 On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:34 AM, william lomas wrote:

> the buttons are not labeled so when one runs the program they dont
> know what to click
> On 23 Oct 2009, at 12:29, KehzaFox wrote:
>> Hi Anouk,
>> I released a new version of the JamochaMUD MUD Client a little
>> while
>> back where I've been working on incorporating accessibility
>> features.
>> If folks are willing to give me feedback such as "this works,  
>> this
>> doesn't work", "I can't add a character" or specific items like
>> that I
>> can definitely work toward making the client as accessible as
>> possible.
>> You should be able to try the new version straight from your web
>> browser
>> by using the WebStart option ( at
>> ).
>> I'm always looking for feedback to make the client better.
>> Jeff
>> a radix wrote:
>>> Hello, I think that a lot of people would be interested in a mud
>>> client for
>>> the mac that works with snow leopard and that has some of the
>>> features we
>>> come to expect from a modern client. I myself would not even  
>>> mind
>>> having to
>>> pay for it. Are there no people with some programming  
>>> knowledge in
>>> cocoa
>>> that could program it or maybe we could 'rent'some experienced
>>> tech
>>> guy in
>>> the sighted mac community who would be willing to do it... I
>>> mean I
>>> know at
>>> least 4 mac users who really would love a good mud client for  
>>> the
>>> mac and I
>>> am certain its possible too, if there is this piece of  
>>> software. I
>>> cant
>>> imagine that there are no sighted people anymore that play muds
>>> either
>>> Greetings, Anouk
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 5:03 PM
>>> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac

 Definitely quite an interesting story.

 I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I
 went to
 an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to  
 try it
 I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an
 for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was
 literally a pile of crap.

 I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users have
 for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I
 decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become  
 frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has always
 my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of  
 things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes  
 to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously
 applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry.  

 So I decided to take the plunge.

 I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I  
 to the sto

vo & sonos?

2009-10-23 Thread peter apgar

good day all,

does any one know if vo works with sonos wireless music systems  

Thanks in advance.


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safari help

2009-10-23 Thread May McDonald

Hi everyone.  I have discovered another problem.  How in the heck do I  
get safari to go through everything on the screen when I press tab or  
shift tab?  Now all it does is cycle through the edit boxes and the  
google bar and such.  Help help.

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