Hello Jim and Blake,

In addition to Blake's suggestion about interacting with a Blind Cool  
Tech link and using VO-Shift-M to bring up the context menu to find a  
"Download linked file" option, if you know you want to download a file  
you can press Option-Return instead of using the context menu.  This  
is a Safari shortcut that forces a file to download.  It works for any  
kind of linked file, so if you want to download a PDF file instead of  
displaying it in your browser, for example, you can use Option-Return  
here, too.

Another tip, if you only want to check the most recent Blind Cool Tech  
files -- the last 40 or so -- I find it much faster to use their RSS  
feed site.  Just add a slash followed by "bct.xml" to their site name,  


The page loads much faster because you don't have to load links to all  
the episodes for several years, and you also won't have to interact  
with each entry first just because the links are in headings (on the  
main Blind Cool Tech page.)  If anyone is using VoiceOver with older  
systems, like Tiger, using the RSS feed site makes a big difference in  
performance (and they can also use Option-Return as I described.)



Blake Sinnett wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> Try interacting with the heading, then do VO-shift-m. You should  
> then find download linked file in the context menu.
> HTH,
> Blake
> > From: jimfettgat...@gmail.com
> > Subject: Downloading an Audio File
> > Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 06:13:50 -0500
> > To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> >
> >
> > Hi to the list.
> > I should be able to figure this out, but so far, have not.
> > When on a site like
> > www.blindcooltech.com
> > it is very simple to hit VO space on a link to get a file to play.
> >
> > However, how would one download a specific file?
> > I have tried VO Shift M, but there is no option to download the  
> file.
> > Any tips will be appreciated, and thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> >

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