Hi Anne,

Thanks for all this info.  I'm saving your message in the event I do  
decide to give Vuescan/ReadIris a shot some time down the road.

I don't know if you'll know the answer, but do you know what the deal  
is with compatibility with older Twain scanners?  My scanner dates  
back to about 2001, and uses a twain driver.  It cost about $1500 at  
time of purchase, and since it works perfectly still, I don't want to  
replace it.
On Oct 22, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:51 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> So, if ReadIris 12 is a disaster, can one still get an older version?
> Not from the Iris people, but I think it's still available from  
> Amazon and probably other places, too. Also, buying from anyone  
> other than Irislink is usually cheaper. The version to get is  
> Readiris 11.
>> Also, if one does get an earlier version, is there any way to  
>> initiate a scan that is slightly less complicated than the one  
>> Krister seems to use?
> That's why I use VueScan to do the scanning and Readiris for the OCR.
> I launch VueScan, set it to either single- or multi-page scanning.
> For the first page, I press Command-I to do a preview. This lets  
> VueScan calibrate itself.
> I then press Command-N to scan a page. The first time you do this  
> you have to click OK on a dialogue box which reminds you to press  
> Command-G after the last page is scanned.
> Command-G then launches Readiris where I press Command-R and it  
> performs the OCR.
> When this is complete, the document opens automatically in TextEdit,  
> and I can save it where I like and with the name I like, or discard  
> it.
> It takes a bit of configuring to have things work like this, but  
> once it's done, you can forget about it.
> I'm talking about Readiris 11 here, Readiris 12 doesn't have a short- 
> cut for "Perform OCR". I've already pointed this out to them. There  
> are other bugs, too.
> I wrote a setup and user guide for these two applications, and you  
> can find them either on the Lioncourt site, or on:
> www.icanworkthisthing.com
> I think I forgot to mention in the setup guide that I have all TIFF  
> files set to open with Readiris. This is essential to make the pass- 
> off between VueScan and Readiris work properly.
> I chose TIFF files because I have photos as JPEGs.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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