Texi2html requirement -- 1.80 is out

2009-01-02 Thread John Mandereau

Texi2html 1.80 is out!  Do you think it's all right to remove support
for "makeinfo --html" in one week?

I think we should support Texi2html 1.80 during all 2.12 series and not
require Texi2html from CVS again before we start 2.13.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Keep git-update-changelog.py?

2009-01-02 Thread John Mandereau
Do we want to keep buildscripts/git-update-changelog.py?

This script was designed to update Savannah CVS with changes made in
git.or.cz Git repository during the transition between the two revision
systems.  We no longer need this script for this purpose, but with a bit
of hacking we could still use it to generate a ChangeLog for changes
made since 2.10.  However, I don't think a ChangeLog would be really
useful: IMO curious people should install Git, download the Git
repository and browse the Git history, which is much more powerful than
reading a ChangeLog.

In brief, I'm for removing this script from current sources.  Please
complain if you disagree.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: 2.12.1 out; announcements and normal stable

2009-01-02 Thread John Mandereau
Le vendredi 02 janvier 2009 à 13:34 +, Ian Hulin a écrit :
> Grahame,

His name is Graham.

> Can you, John or Han-Wen do
> gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.announce?

Some time has flown since 2.12.1, so I just did it.

We are a bit confused, as 2.12 stable series begin while tasks with high
responsability (building binaries and making releases) are took over and
the GOP (Grand Organization Project) starts.  By the way, I hope you
consider joining the GOP to help us making LilyPond better.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: contributor/user split in docs

2009-01-02 Thread John Mandereau
Le jeudi 01 janvier 2009 à 21:26 -0800, Graham Percival a écrit :
> While I was working on the new website, I realized that the info I
> was adding would work better as a manual rather than a few web
> pages.  Therefore, in Feb (after 2.13 starts), I'll be creating a
> new manual: the Contributor's Guide.

This has already been suggested by several people including Bertalan
(sorry for the names I can't remember right now), but this idea lacked
the spark you just triggered off.

> (I /was/ going to call it the Developer's Guide, but then I
> realized that "DG" has rather a unfortunate meaning amongst
> computer geeks in my generation, and if my friends heard that I
> was working on the "new DG manual" I'd never live it down. :)

"CG" is fine, as not all contributors are developers, if you define a
developer as somebody who writes code, possibly as a secondary task,
e.g. along packaging.

> This will contain the INSTALL docs, doc policy, "working with
> texinfo" stuff, the git guide, info about what all the branches
> are, where to find gub, any potential tips to translators or
> bugfixers, code style, policy for bug reports, checklist for
> normal and major releases, etc.  Generally, I'll be combining all
> the README documents that nobody (including me) looks at and
> putting them all in one place.

Good idea, but if we go for replace READMEs in plain text with a guide
written in Texinfo, we should make sure this guide is always available
in its latest revision and in a compiled form; this would be currently

>   I'll also try to write down all
> the `oral tradition' knowledge about lilypond that various people
> have.

It's not possible to achieve this completely unless you do surgery on
these people's brain :-)

> ... actually, on second thought, perhaps I don't need to wait.  I
> don't think that anything in there should be translated; the
> translators need to read enough English to understand the main
> docs so they should be able to handle their instructions, and (for
> better or worse) we do everything else in English.

Of course.

> John, your opinions as both Translation Guy and the person who'd
> be adding the stubs for this to the build system?

I suggest this guide lives in
Documentation/devel/contributors-guide.texi, with .itexi files as
necessary.  In addition to including this in HTML/PDF documentation
building ("make web"), what about adding a toplevel make target

> (starting from next Sep, I should have a linux machine powerful
> enough to build lilypond, so my excuse will be gone.  However,
> until then... ;)

Unless you have no machine that runs a Unix-like system with at least
512 MB RAM and a 1GHz CPU, your excuse will be gone as soon as I've
documented the makefiles structure in the Guide.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Patch review for fret diagrams

2009-01-02 Thread John Mandereau
Le vendredi 02 janvier 2009 à 18:37 +, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
> I haven't heard anything back on this patch, probably because I chose a bad 
> subject line.  I'd appreciate if it could be reviewed.

The recommended subject is "[PATCH] subject of the patch" regardless of
the form of the patch (Git-formatted, plain Git diff or using Rietveld).
I'm not qualified to review this patch, but I think a one week delay is
not unreasonnable.

If you already know all details and criterions for judging the quality
of your patch, you could just review it yourself and push.


lilypond-devel mailing list

SCons support in LilyPond

2009-01-02 Thread John Mandereau
Hi Jan,

Have you any plan for maintaining Scons support in LilyPond?  The Python
code hasn't been updated to be compatible with Python 2.6/3.0, and it
calls scripts in stepmake/bin or buildscripts that have been removed
several years ago.  If we have no interest in maintaining this, I
propose to remove it (SConscript files and buildscripts/builder.py), in
order to avoid confusion for people who discover the sources or
maintainers like me who update Python code and makefiles.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: using \include for remote files

2009-01-02 Thread John Mandereau
Le vendredi 02 janvier 2009 à 16:11 -0600, Jonathan Kulp a écrit :
> It occurred to me today that it would be nice if Lilypond could use 
> \include to include files that are hosted on a website, the way html 
> pages use stylesheets.  Something like this:
> \include "http://www.websiteaddress.com/definitions.ly";
> Is this something that's feasible?  I tried just adding that line to a 
> file of mine and of course it said the file was not in the search path 
> and couldn't be found.

This looks like a pie-in-the-sky feature: we'd have to add networking
support in LilyPond, it's not obvious to support it for all OSes; maybe
using a Python script for downloading would work?

In the meantime, best I can recommend is including the file in your
project and/or writing a makefile with a rule that uses wget to download
the file and redownload when it has changed on the remote side.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: using \include for remote files

2009-01-02 Thread John Mandereau
Le vendredi 02 janvier 2009 à 23:26 +0100, Valentin Villenave a écrit :
> Gosh, John was faster than me :)

I was this time only, but I go back to studies next Tuesday.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: About Learning Manual

2009-01-02 Thread John Mandereau
Le vendredi 02 janvier 2009 à 16:50 +, Sawada, Yoshiki a écrit : 
> I am translating LilyPond Learning Manual Ver. 2.11.62 (not the latest 
> Version)
> to Japanese (see 
> http://irjb.s346.xrea.com/wiki/LilyPond+Learning+Manual.html).

Congratulations for this big amount of work!  Would you like it to be
included in LilyPond sources for inclusion in the official
documentation?  The pros and the cost are explained at

> 1. Appendix B
> In the line 203 - 204 in the HTML code of Ver. 2.12.1: It says "object sizes 
> are
> intervals with a left and right point", but I can not understand it. Could you
> give me an example which shows an object size expressed by intervals?
> 2. Appendix B.1
> In the line 70 in the HTML code of Ver. 2.12.1: It says "TODO Find a simple
> example". Please replace it an actual example, if you can.

Carl or somebody else may want to process your comments now, but the
Scheme tutorial should be rewritten anyway.

> 3. Changes list from Ver. 2.11.62 to the latest Version.
> I am translating LilyPond Documentation Ver. 2.11.62, but the latest version 
> is
> 2.12.1. So, I want to get the changes list from Ver. 2.11.62 to Ver. 2.12.1. 
> Can
> I get it?

If you use Linux, you can get the sources easily following instructions

Then you can get the full changes patch by issuing

git diff release/2.11.62-1 release/2.12.1-1

Append Documentation/user to the command above to restrict the patch to
files in that directory.

John Mandereau
LilyPond translations meister

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: SCons support in LilyPond

2009-01-03 Thread John Mandereau
Le samedi 03 janvier 2009 à 20:54 +0100, Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :
> I was hoping someone would see the beauty of scons and
> junk our stepmake cruft ;-)

I'm afraid it is too late to resurrect SCons, or too early if you
prefer.  I remember a number of packages used a so-called revolutionary
program named SCons, I no longer encounter it.  Maybe it's superior to
stepmake system, but we recently consolidated the makefiles enough (e.g.
support for -j make flag, cleaning up documentation compilation) so that
we can concentrate on other problems.

> > I propose to remove it (SConscript files and buildscripts/builder.py)
> Sure.

I will include this removal in the patch that splits stuff in


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: contributor/user split in docs

2009-01-03 Thread John Mandereau
Le vendredi 02 janvier 2009 à 18:52 -0800, Graham Percival a écrit :
> I'll have the pdf on my
> website for GOP, and after the first few weeks, this document
> shouldn't be changing much, so the normal stable release will be
> fine.

IMHO a few weeks won't be enough for stabilizing the Guide, but I guess
this will be no problem you upload the conributors' guide to
lilypond.org, a simple cron job could do.

> It's perfectly possible.  We all swap jobs, and read the CG.
> Whenever we can't figure out something, or whenever the old
> job-person points out a mistake, we fix the CG.  Trust me, my
> "RTFM is the only answer" would ensure that we have complete docs
> within a few weeks.  :)

Again, I think a few weeks are not enough, this is rather an ongoing

> Now, you might question whether it's *worth* swapping jobs.  I
> don't think it is, so I'm not suggesting that we do it.  I'm just
> pointing out that it *is* possible.

And perhaps the most important, it's sometimes necessary.  I think it's
not worth swapping jobs, though.

> Documentation/devel/  sounds great.


> I don't think we need a devel-doc... actually, could this dump the
> texinfo into text?  That could be a cheap workaround for looking
> at the HTML or PDF in the latest release on lilypond.org.


[Off-topic below]

> Welcome to the wonders of my $350 eeepc 701.  My pride and joy,
> and my life for the next five months.  :)

Small is beautiful :-)  I still prefer Emacs (as you'd prefer Vim) over
any other text editor.

> gperc...@nagi:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo 
> processor   : 0
> vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
> cpu family  : 6
> model   : 13
> model name  : Intel(R) Celeron(R) M processor  900MHz
> stepping: 6
> cpu MHz : 630.078
> ...
> I keep all my svn/git checkouts on /sd, of course.  I suppose
> there's plenty of disk space to compile stuff on it, but...
> 630 Mhz.

This is the frequency in idle state, it should increase to 900 MHz every
time the CPU becomes busy.  It may take 3 hours to build all of LilyPond
and documentation on your computer from a clean tree, which is
reasonable if you do it once a week and rely on unclean builds the rest
of the time; it would between 1 and 2 days to build all GUB, which less

>   And I don't like pushing the hardware on this thing,
> since I'm in serious trouble if anything happens to it.

I've pushed my Celeron M with 504 MB RAM (8 MB for shared video mem) for
3 years with various big CPU-consuming tasks (compiling Gnome, Gentoo,
Linux kernel as Fedora RPM, LilyPond and the doc, and (unsuccesfully)
GUB), the fan has always been noisy and it was often hot enough to heat
my room.  I had to replace the DVD drive recently, but besides this that
box still works well, especially with Fedora 10.

Unless you can't easily apply the vendor warranty nor find cheap
components for replacement, I wouldn't make worry about pushing the
hardware if I were you; but I can understand you'd like to be careful...
for example I don't know how quickly you'd reach the SD write count
limit with intensive usage.

> In case you're wondering, the 3/4 size keyboard is fine after the
> first few weeks.  It's just like moving from cello to violin.  :)

I wouldn't like to move from the oboe to the oboe piccolo :-)


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: About Learning Manual

2009-01-04 Thread John Mandereau
On 2009/01/04 14:08 +, Sawada, Yoshiki wrote:
> Yes, it is my hope to provide LilyPond community with my translation.
> I am not a professional for music or translation, so my Japanese
> document is not so good. But I hope someone will brush it up.

You may want to contact Yoshinobu Ishizaki 
who has translated lilypond.org.  I hope including your translation in
LilyPond will bring you more suggestions and contributions.

> WARNING: Please consider install optional programs:  texi2html >= 1.79
> (installed: 1.78)

You can find Texi2html 1.80 (for Texi2html odd numbers mean "get the
sources from CVS") at
Note that because of a version control nitpick, a new release of
Texi2html (1.82) will be out in a few days.

After untarring it, the usual trio

make install

will install it (you may need to do "chmod +x configure" first).  It is
recommended to install packages from sources in $HOME or /usr/local
instead of /usr, --prefix option of configure script allows you to do
it, "./configure --help" documents more options.

> ERROR: Please install required programs: mpost

> I am using Ubuntu 8.10.

To get mpost you must install a TeX distribution, I hope Texlive is
available for Ubuntu, otherwise you can either install the old and no
longer maintained teTeX distribution or download Texlive DVD ISO image.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Keep git-update-changelog.py?

2009-01-05 Thread John Mandereau
Le dimanche 04 janvier 2009 à 20:54 -0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys a écrit :
> Please junk

Done, and did the same for metapost-*.make.


lilypond-devel mailing list

[PATCH] Re: Remarks about the building process

2009-01-05 Thread John Mandereau
Hi Han-Wen,

Sorry for the quite unreasonable delay, but I hope I've sorted out GCC
warnings mentioned in this thread.

Le samedi 08 novembre 2008 à 16:59 -0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys a écrit :
> +#define EPSNULL 1e-12

> this looks fishy.  Why another EPS value?  Joe?

I apologize for this obviously wrong patch, I must have messed up recent
and old patches.  I'll organize my patches in a better way from now,
with different directories for submitted and unsubmitted patches.

> +  if ((where
> +   && current_reps == SCM_EOL) || scm_is_pair (current_reps))
>  {
>current_reps = scm_cons (what, current_reps);
>where->set_property (reps, current_reps);
> this is wrong.  In your version,  where can be NULL if current_reps is
> a pair, which lead to a crash.  Please double check all of the changes
> that may seem cosmetic.

I've done my best with my current understanding to do right changes.
BTW I'm trying rietveld, please review



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: SCons support in LilyPond

2009-01-05 Thread John Mandereau
Le dimanche 04 janvier 2009 à 00:39 +0100, John Mandereau a écrit :
> I will include this removal in the patch that splits stuff in
> buildscripts.

I actually made two commits, because these two issues only intersect at
builder.py and these commits are large enough.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: About Learning Manual

2009-01-05 Thread John Mandereau
On 2009/01/05 12:31 +, Sawada, Yoshiki wrote:
> Then, I did as following:
> ./autogen.sh
> ./configure
> make
> make install

You needn't install LilyPond to work on translations, but it is very
good you can build it.  Have you tried "make web"?  See Application
Usage -> Install -> Compiling from source -> Building documentation for

> Because I do not have langdefs.py in buildscripts,

Where did you read you should have langdefs.py in buildscripts/?  It was
moved to python/ months ago, and I did update documentation bits:

commit 591dcd1740655062b541f2ca273147882bea3f9d
Author: John Mandereau 
Date:   Sat May 24 09:48:38 2008 +0200


>  I copyed
> http://lilypond.sourcearchive.com/documentation/2.10.33-2ubuntu1/langdefs_8py-source.html
> to buildscripts. Then I added the line into langdefs.py:
> ja = LanguageDef ('ja', 'Japanese')
> and changed:
> LANGUAGES = (site, fr)
> to:
> LANGUAGES = (site, ja)

This is a very old version of langdefs.py, which can't work with current
makefiles and other Python scripts.

> But, when I do:
> make ISOLANG=ja new-lang
> in Documentation, it says:

Cd into Documentation/, save anything precious in ja/, then do

rm -rf ja
make ISOLANG=ja new-lang

and only then update python/langdefs.py.

Good luck,

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Directory name of aux is invalid

2009-01-05 Thread John Mandereau
Le lundi 05 janvier 2009 à 15:32 +, Trevor Daniels a écrit :
> I have a git problem with your recent commit 
> c553fc2251b508befebd1dc297c4baa898463f34 to clean up the build scripts.

> The reason is that aux is a reserved word in Windows, along with a few 
> others like com, lpt1, nul, prn, Lpt4, and no directory can be given these 
> names.  The effect is that I can't update my git repository from 
> origin/master, which in turn means I can't push.

Aargh.  This commit also implies creation of scripts/aux/.  I don't
enjoy so much saying this, but the limitation we hit is worthwhile:
Windows sucks, I wish there were only Unix OSes. :-)

> Do you have any suggestions to get round this?

What about replacing aux/ with auxiliar/ or helper/?  "auxiliar" is the
Spanish for "to aid", it's only one character shorter than "auxiliary",
but it's nicer than ugly abbreviations longer than "aux" like "auxi" or
"auxil".  Well, this is kind of urgent for you Trevor, so let's not
discuss too long: I'm renaming "aux" to "auxiliar".


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: release note translations

2009-01-08 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Till!
Till Rettig a écrit :
Was there already discussion on translating also the NEWS part of the 
documentation? It might not be really used by many people when 2.12 has 
become normality but for the moment it might be interesting since it 
also has a direct link from the news entry on lilypond.org. In other 
words: I suppose we would provide more updated 2.12 versions, especially 
with updated translations. In one of them it might also be nice to have 
the NEWS page integrated.

I'm sure it's worth translating the News document, it's up to you to decide 
whether you find more important to do this than translating and updating the 
three main manuals.  I think we can't take a global decision for all 
languages, because translations are in quite different states depending on 
the language; e.g. the French docs are so outdated that I'd rather not 
direct translators' enthusiasm towards translating News.  The work involved 
in adding support for translated news is very minor, I'll do it as soon as 
one of you translators commit on lilypond/translation a file named 


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Documentation/devel/

2009-01-09 Thread John Mandereau

Graham Percival a écrit :

Could I get this dir created and added to the build scripts?  I'd
like to move the stuff from web-gop/texinfo/contributing into
there, so that Carl can see what's there and add to it.


BTW I'll look at integrating Texinfo docs in web-gop after Jan. 19th, as I'm 
quite busy with studies this week-end and next week.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: 2.12.1 for cygwin?

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Frédéric Bron a écrit :

Hi, is there a chance that we have a 2.12.1 release for cygwin?
Using 2.10.33 on cygwin was great, I'd love to switch to 2.12.1.

Have you already tried MinGW binary available on lilypond.org?
You can run it from Cygwin if you set the PATH accordingly, and it is 
probably much faster than the Cygwin binaries.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Documentation/devel/

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Graham,
Graham Percival wrote:

If anybody doesn't like it (and doesn't know/feel like fixing it),
just revert that commit.

Reverting commits is not good for the moral.  It's best not to break 
compilation on master though, so I suggest you create a branch dev/gpercival 
if you like.  That said, I'll keep fixing makefiles for your commits until 
you can do it yourself.

Anyway, if anybody knows how to fix it, please do.


- eventually we might want macros.itexi to be in Documentation/.
  Or maybe not.

I don't mind where it lives, but let's not duplicate it unless necessary, 
see Git master history.

- large sections are completely unformatted.  Or rather, they're
  formatted for text files rather than texinfo.  I'll fix that one
  of these days.

I'll insert and format contents from Documentation/TRANSLATION and 
lilypond.org README.

John: I waffled over whether to add a "Translation" section in
Docs and Website, or whether to add a "Translation" chapter which
would include a Docs and Website section.

You did the former and that's fine, as many informations on .

Most of all -- and the reason I added this with all its current
problems -- I want us to start dumping info here, rather than
split between old website info, public emails, wiki, private
emails, etc.

Git detailed commit messages are (or should be) one of the most valuable 
sources of code documentation, e.g. the best way to start documenting 
makefiles infrastructure is reading the output from

find -name GNUmakefile |xargs git log GNUmakefile.in make stepmake

(use -p git flag to read comments in the diffs).

> Here's my

thoughts about what your priorities should be, if you give them
any weight whatsoever.  :)

I'd like to, but besides real life I must also manage the three new French 

1.  Support the Frogs.  They have energy and whatnot, copmletely
unlike me right now.  Now, I don't think there's anything you can
do for them directly.  That said,

I will, although I won't react daily.

2.  Get GUB setup and working.  Whatever bugs you find and fix
will be less that I'll encounter.  Since I'm using kainhofer, I'll
probably find bugs (in x64) that you don't find, but getting GUB
more stable will still help.

I'm running a x86_64 box too.

3.  If you want to earn my undying gratitude and love, log in to
kainhofer (if you can) and get GUB working on that.

If manage to build correct binaries on my machine, I'll leave getting GUB 
working on kainhofer to somebody else: getting GUB to build on a variety of 
machines is cool, but not necessary; getting GUB to build on at least one 
machine by is necessary, though.

2+3: one way or another, we should start releasing more often, and
I lack experience at debugging build failures, and don't
anticipate having the energy to learn to do so in the next few

I wouldn't have the energy to coordinate GOP, manage releases and build 
binaries too; from this point of view, it is understandable that Han-Wen 
and/or Jan made a distinction of Release Meister and Build Meister jobs on 
lilypond.org recruitement section.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [frogs] my contribution: barCheckNumber to endSpanners

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Graham Percival a écrit :

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 08:12:49AM +0100, Frédéric Bron wrote:

   - I have mainly copied documentation from the Notation Manual. Would be
   better to enter the documentation only once because if the function
   changes, we have to change the doc. at two locations.

Definitely -- but where were these docs from the NR?  Please give
specifics so that we can (probably) delete them from the NR.

I propose to adopt either of the following solutions:

1. Define a macro for each predefined command: the docstring of each 
function \foo would be stored in a macro named @musicFunctionFoo, which 
would be used both in the Identifiers page and throughout the manual in 
"Predefined commands" sections.

2. For each music function, add link from "See also" sections to the 
Identifiers page, with HTML/PDF anchors made with @nodes.

I'm all for 1: there are already a lot in cross-references in our docs that 
are necessary, this is difficult enough to read so we should avoid needing 
them whenever possible.  The first solution makes information duplication in 
the output documentation only, not in the sources.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [frogs] my contribution: barCheckNumber to endSpanners

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Carl D. Sorensen a écrit :

I propose something different.  I think the current NR documentation is
right, with a usage description in the section of the NR, and a short
description from the docstring in the appendix that lists all music
functions.  The reason I use the Identifiers page is that it's a quick read
of available functions -- if it gets longer because we have usage
instructions it won't be as useful to scan quickly.

Good point, but this is not incompatible with what I proposed: I think the 
short documentation string is useful even throughout the NR, it documents 
the function prototype in a concise way, which allows to concentrate on 
usage details in the explanation.

If we want to move to having this documentation all in the music functions
(which may be a good idea, but will require some substantial rewriting of
the documentation building system, IMO), we should have *two* documentation
strings in the music function: 1) a description string, which is like the
current docstrings, and 2) a usage string, which is like the current text
from the NR.

I think the effort vs. gain of maintanibility ratio is not worth doing this.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: 2.12.1 for cygwin?

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Frédéric Bron a écrit :

That's what I did before 2.10.33. But then, cygwin came with the right
lilypond version and I preferred switching to cygwin.
I have now installed mingw version of lilypond. However, who/how was
lilypond added to cygwin?

Bertalan Fodor used to do it when MinGW binaries didn't exist (before 2.8 
series IIRC), I'm not sure he still does.  You might help yourself by 
looking for the Cygwin package information.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Git patch won't apply

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Neil Puttock a écrit :

Hi Carl,

2009/1/10 Carl D. Sorensen :

Any thoughts on what is wrong or how I can get this patch to apply?

It applies OK using `git am'.

BTW git-apply should be used for patches without authoring information, i.e. 
patches not made with git-format-patch.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Git patch won't apply

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Carl D. Sorensen a écrit :

fatal: git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line 46
Patch failed at 0001.
When you have resolved this problem run "git am --resolved".
If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "git am --skip".
To restore the original branch and stop patching run "git am --abort".

Any other ideas?

You might want to try

rm input/new/printing-the-bar-number-for-the-first-measure.ly

before applying.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Documentation/devel/

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Reinhold,
Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit :
So, apparently, ./conftest can't find the libltdl.so.3 any more (which it was 
linked against), since the tools directory is no longer in LD_LIBRARY_PATH...
It seems that while building (and of course also when running) all the tools, 
we still need the tools directory in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH...
On the other hand, when compiling/linking, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH pathes should 
be ignored to prevent linking to libraries in tools/ ... Hmm, to be honest, I 
have no real idea of the correct way to handle this!

Have you tried installing libtool-ltdl-devel (or whatever this Fedora 
package is called on Ubuntu) system-wide?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Git patch won't apply

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Carl D. Sorensen a écrit :

fatal: git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line 46
Patch failed at 0001.
When you have resolved this problem run "git am --resolved".
If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "git am --skip".
To restore the original branch and stop patching run "git am --abort".

Any other ideas?

Are "diff --git a/... b/..." lines broken in the patch you actually tried to 
apply?  They should not be broken, I guess.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Git patch won't apply

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Carl D. Sorensen a écrit :

Are "diff --git a/... b/..." lines broken in the patch you actually tried to
apply?  They should not be broken, I guess.

No, they're not broken.  It's one line.

Ugh, I'm almost short of ideas; which OS do you use to work with Git?  Could 
a non-Linux system be confused by /dev/null?  Is your Git working tree clean?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Documentation/devel/

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit :

Am Samstag, 10. Januar 2009 18:49:40 schrieb John Mandereau:

Have you tried installing libtool-ltdl-devel (or whatever this Fedora
package is called on Ubuntu) system-wide?

Yes, it is installed:
lilyp...@server:~$ locate libltdl.so

This tells libtool-ltdl is installed, but it tells you nothing about 
libtool-ltdl-dev; is /usr/include/ltdl.h present on your system?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: `make all' fails

2009-01-10 Thread John Mandereau

Patrick McCarty a écrit :

`make all' fails on current master.  Is this because the new
directory, Documentation/es/topdocs/, doesn't have a makefile yet?

It had the makefile on my working tree, but I forgot adding it to Git :-/

make[3]: Entering directory
make[3]: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Patch for my bit of Frogs Task 1

2009-01-11 Thread John Mandereau

Ian Hulin a écrit :

(Apolgoes to the list for this coming late, I'm sorting out my subscription via

Hi Carl,

Here's a patch for ny bit of the first Frogs Task, but I've got some questions.

Hi Ian,

I wouldn't have applied your patch as this is up to Carl, but could you 
resend it either without line breaks or as an attachment?  The patch you 
sent won't apply because of extra line breaks.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [frogs] my contribution: barCheckNumber to endSpanners

2009-01-11 Thread John Mandereau

Carl D. Sorensen a écrit :

I've only used @code{} because I saw it in the docs before I started.

I think @var{} makes more sense.

Anybody on -devel have a definitive answer to this question?

The purpose of @var is marking variables (but not names of predefined 
variables), so let's use it as suggested by the C. Guide.  If we want 
variables in a fixed-width font though, it's certainly possible to tweak 
HTML output.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Japanese translation of Learning Manual

2009-01-11 Thread John Mandereau

Hello Yoshiki,

Thanks for your quick work on the Learning Manual.

Sawada, Yoshiki wrote:

My patches look dirty because I changed something on scripts directries to do
"make web" completely.

It looks like you reverted some changes to get the documentation to compile. 
 I've certainly left the history with some Git revisions that don't 
compile, but reverting changes on your tree is only a resonable solution 
when you (or anybody) have already reported the error on this list and 
nobody has fixed it quickly; in this case, you probably did "git commit -a", 
which included in the first commit a lot of changes not concerning Japanese 

I think my patch should show only changes on "python/langdefs.py", and
addition of "Documentation/ja/" and its files.

I removed changes regarding all files except Documentation/ja before 
applying, and I couldn't find any diff for python/langdefs.py, so even 
though I applied your work on lilypond/translation, its compilation will be 
not be enabled before I apply a patch from you for langdefs.py (I don't know 
how to write "Japanese" in Japanese :-)

How do I get neat patch?

Don't put changes you make to fix compilation and changes for the 
documentation in the same commit; for example use

"git commit Documentation/ja", and for more details do "git commit --help".

Don't worry about using Git, after some time you will surely get comfortable 
with it.

For now I only have one comments on your work: could you write your name as

@c Translators: Yoshiki Sawada

in the Texinfo sources, as the comma is used as a separator between 
different translators (yes, several French translators are often needed to 
complete translation of one file :-)? Thanks in advance!


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: FW: Artificial harmonics with sounding pitch in parenthesis

2009-01-12 Thread John Mandereau

Carl D. Sorensen a écrit :

Graham and Trevor,

This mail below, from -user, shows why I think NR 5 and NR 6 should be
combined into one chapter, something like Extending LilyPond.

I rather agree with Trevor that these chapters should remain separate (in 
thread Learning Manual TOC missing subsubsubsections), see below my suggestion.

But because it's tucked away in NR6 "Interfaces for Programmers
(HARD!)", people never see it.

IMO, it's lots more gentle to just put it all in one chapter, and let the
reader decide what tasks are more challenging than he/she wants to

Just some food for thought,

What about simply renaming NR6 "Interfaces for programmers" to "Extending 
LilyPond"?  This would imply that all complex tweaks that extend LilyPond, 
e.g. using functions as overrides, should be in NR6 and not NR5.

Extending LilyPond implies programming, but hiding the term "programming" in 
the title would scare less users away as you point out.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: No apparent makefile dependency for make web on ly/music-functions-init.ly

2009-01-13 Thread John Mandereau

Carl D. Sorensen a écrit :

When I make changes to ly/music-functions-init.ly (which will affect
Appendix B.14 of the Notation Reference), then run

the documentation is not updated to reflect the changes in

Should I post this to bug?

No, issues with makefiles should be discussed on this list and fixed as soon 
as possible after a decision is made.

In this case, would you like compilation of "lilypond-internals" (which is a 
dependency of "lilypond" manual) depend on ly/*.ly and scm/*.scm?  This will 
retrigger compilation much more often, but this would be more consistent 
than current setup.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: No apparent makefile dependency for make web on ly/music-functions-init.ly

2009-01-14 Thread John Mandereau

Carl D. Sorensen a écrit :

This sounds good to me.  I'd much rather trigger recompilation more often
than miss a change.

Done: lilypond-book will be called if at least one file in ly/*.ly or 
scm/*.scm is newer than .texi output, which is enough to regenerate the 
Internals Reference and other automatically generated Texinfo documentation, 
 but not enough to regenerate all @lilypond(file)s snippets, because the 
decision of rebuilding @lilypond(file)s is taken by lilypond-book, not by make.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: website compilation

2009-01-16 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Matthieu,

Matthieu Jacquot a écrit :

 File "../../scripts/lilypond-book.py", line 43, in 
import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib

make: *** [web-1] Error 2
ma...@gentoo ~/site/lilydoc $   

Maybe I missed something, here's what I've done :
I only pulled the translation branch in my new directory ~/site/lilydoc,
autogen.sh doesn't comply,

What do you mean?  If autogen.sh/configure says you have all dependencies 
installed, you should build LilyPond with "make" before building the 

make web, I had to add a symbolic link in
/out/bin for the lilypond binary, make web again it seemed to work better
but it fails with this message.
Am I doing something wrong?

If you can't build LilyPond itself easily (e.g. because it's diffcult or you 
don't want to install all dependencies), see



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Distribution updates and documentation woes

2009-01-16 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Jan,
Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :
After 2.12 I decided to do my small round checking of distributions 

Super; I think it's a good idea to go on mentioning distros that provide 
latest stable on the download page, so I've added links for Fedora and 

(should we add something like this to release tasks?).  

Yes, probably.

Fedora is a special case, it uses our prebuilt documentation ball, so
no simple patch can be provided.  I think we need to fix this, other
distributions may also go this way of using our pre-built doco.  How
to fix images in Info docs for Fedora?

  - distribute lilypond-info-man.tar.bz2 alongside documentation ball?
  - roll info (and man?) docs into documentation ball
 + How?  docbal currently is rooted at ./Documentation,
   info would need to be moved to/unpacked at ../../info .

This will be the simplest solution for Fedora packagers if we include info 
docs and re-root the documentation ball as you suggest below.

  - suggest make web, make web-install + adding of symlink

This is the standard way to go but it's more involved for the packager; IIRC 
lilypond-doc Fedora package has not always used this to package the docs, it 
used to be a bit messy, it included stuff from out/ directories.



IWBN if a fedora user would file the wishlist/bug once we settle on a fix.

I can do it next week.

And last but not least: what about our own documentation builds?  Info
docs are missing here altogether!  Should we include info docs and
re-root the documentation ball to look like


I'm for this too.  Unless somebody wants to it right now, I'll have time to 
do it next Wednesday.

and/or provide a shar archive to extract the documentation into
a proper place?

I'd suggest to go on distributing the docs as a bzipped tarball, and add in 
the shar containing the binary a command line option and/or prompt to 
download (if not present in current directory) and untar the documentation 
and install Info docs.

I'm sorry I'm so busy with studies that I'll be idle on LilyPond until next 


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Please fix: japanese doc compilation

2009-01-18 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Han-Wen,
Han-Wen Nienhuys a écrit :

someone added a japanese translation of the docs, but after enabling
it (so it is distributed), I get error (see below).  Can someone fix
this, or disable the translation?  This is a blocking issue for
releasing 2.12.2.

I suggest not to enable it or revert the commit, and I'll deal with this on 
Wednesday; I'm completely unavailable today and tomorrow.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Please fix: japanese doc compilation

2009-01-21 Thread John Mandereau

Hello Yoshiki,
I'm sorry for the delay, and unfortunately I am still quite busy.

Sawada a écrit :

Hello everyone,

./lilypond-learning.pdftexi:58: Paragraph ended before \documentlanguagetrywith
outunderscore was complete.


I always get the messages like above while I am doing "make web".
It will fail. But, I do "make web" twice or three times, then it will work well.

Repeating "make web" until it succeeds hides the fact it's currently not 
possible to build the Texinfo manuals in Japanese as Werner pointed out; 
I'll make it possible to enable building Japanese documentation in HTML only 
this week-end, so that "make web" goes on working.  Of course, it is up to 
you to judge whether the translation is in a good shape for inclusion in the 
official documentation; I generally think making translations available 
earliest makes proofreading them by other people easier and speeds it up 
(except I couldn't reply as quickly as I'd like lately).

John Mandereau

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Please fix: japanese doc compilation

2009-01-23 Thread John Mandereau

Sawada a écrit :

I'm sure. Perhaps, we should not include Japanese translation in the source
codes until Texinfo supports Japanese. However, I want to make my translation
available in the web.

As it's possible to distribute Japanese translation at least in one compiled 
format, namely Texi2HTML.  However, it is reasonable to enable the 
compilation of the Japanese docs only after you have provided a patch (or a 
patch set) that address these points:

- remove "@c -- SKELETON FILE --" lines in .itely files where you have 
translated at least a paragraph;

- provide Texinfo macros like @untranslated and the like, see e.g. 
Documentation/fr/user/macros.itexi to see what macros should be defined;

- provide translation of the tutorial (which you have already translated on 
http://irjb.s346.xrea.com/wiki/LilyPond+Learning+Manual.html so even if this 
this a huge work you already did most of it :-)

- provide Documentation/ja/{translations-template,index}.html.in and 
Documentation/po/ja.po (you needn't translate all PO entry, just figure out 
which ones are needed for translation of the Learning Manual, from the file 
names in which they appear).

- provide all (even Texinfo skeleton) files that would have been created by 
"make new-lang", e.g.

cd Documentation/
mv ja ja.orig
make ISOLANG=ja new-lang

then copy back files from ja.orig to ja and delete ja.orig.

I believe my translation will help Japanese users to
understand LilyPond more easily and is needed as the material for proofreading
as you think.

Certainly, and integrating it in the official sources and documentation will 
hopefully help for this.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Please fix: japanese doc compilation

2009-01-23 Thread John Mandereau

Han-Wen Nienhuys a écrit :

Can you make it so doc and web take a different set of languages?  For
the tarball distribution, I still want to build the PDFs.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean with 'doc' and 'web', I assume PDF 
and HTML, respectively.  Japanese docs compilation will remain disabled 
until it is complete enough anyway, but I've already pushed a patch to 
disable Texi2pdf call for Japanese docs.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Re: Remarks about the building process

2009-01-23 Thread John Mandereau

Han-Wen Nienhuys a écrit :

I can't remember the status of this change, but LGTM

Thanks, applied.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Please fix: japanese doc compilation

2009-01-28 Thread John Mandereau

Sawada a écrit :

It is good that Texi2HTML can handle Japanese even if Texi2DVI cannot handle it.
I think we should turn off texi2dvi for Japanese Documentation.

Yes, this is what I did in the makefiles.

I provided all files which were created by "make ISOLANG=ja new-lang".
The command produced files only for Learning Manual.
Do you mean I need to provide other files (i.e., for "Program Usage",
"Notation Reference" and so on) ?
If you can give me those files or tell me how to create them, it is better.
But I can create them by copying and editing them from "Documentation/user",
if I need to do so.

Sorry for the confusion I made, lilypond-learning.tely doesn't include 
dedication.itely, you needn't create skeleton files for Application Usage 
and the Notation Reference; so you should remove all files which are not 
included in lilypond-learning.tely.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Japanese documentation templates

2009-01-28 Thread John Mandereau

Yoshiki Sawada wrote:

The second patch in it is the new patch. Try it, please.
If there are something to fix or do more, tell me.

I should have replied earlier to other messages... I applied all changes 
that didn't add files related to the Notation Reference or Application 
Usage, and made a small fix to get the documentation to compile 
successfully.  Your translation is now in the sources and it is enabled 
(only for HTML output), so it will be included in the next release (2.12.3).

I will keep translating advanced.


I'm going to make comments on minor formatting details on your patches, but 
first I'd like to finish including translation isntructions and tips in the 
Contributors' Guide, which will be eaiser and more comfortable to read than 
the text file TRANSLATION.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: CG texi2html command

2009-02-01 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Graham,
Graham Percival a écrit :

How hard would it be to compile the CG with
instead of the current setting?

I have the following in my compilation log on Jan 24th:

make[3]: Entering directory `/home/lilydev/git/lily/master/Documentation/devel'
cp -f contrib-guide.texi out-www/contrib-guide.texi
/home/lilydev/git/lily/master/scripts/build/out/extract_texi_filenames -o 
/home/lilydev/git/lily/master/out/xref-maps out-www/contrib-guide.texi

extract_texi_filenames.py: Processing out-www/contrib-guide.texi
mkdir -p out-www/contrib-guide/
texi2html -I /home/lilydev/git/lily/master/Documentation/user 
--I=/home/lilydev/git/lily/master/out/xref-maps  --I=. --I=./out-www 
--output=out-www/contrib-guide/ --prefix=index --split=section 

I guess "--split=section" is ignored by our custom init file, so we should
reenable Texi2HTML defaults there if this option is caught.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: starting 2.13 soon

2009-02-01 Thread John Mandereau

Graham Percival a écrit :

Has anything urgent happened since 2.12.2 was released?  I can't
think of anything.

Unless anybody complains within the next 48 hours, we'll switch to
2.13 and get started with all the major changes.

What major changes are expected?  Are there already significant changes that 
deserve switching to 2.13 very soon?  Minor syntax changes are not 
worthwhile IMHO.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: starting 2.13 soon

2009-02-01 Thread John Mandereau

Sorry for double posting, I hit the key for sending too early.

Graham Percival a écrit :

Has anything urgent happened since 2.12.2 was released?

Yes, the Japanese translation.  I think it deserves a 2.12.3.

 I can't
think of anything.

What about posting an announcement on info-lilypond and a news item on 
lilypond.org?  Please correct me if this is not your job.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: starting 2.13 soon

2009-02-01 Thread John Mandereau

Yes, the Japanese translation.  I think it deserves a 2.12.3.

Good point.  OK, we'll wait a week or so.

That's perfect.

Yes, that's totally my job.  Umm... do you mean about 2.12.2, or
about 2.13 when that happens?

Talking from my little experience in announcing releases, it may be too late 
for posting to info-lilypond more than two days after the release is out, 
but I think an even late new item on lilypond.org is appropriate.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: CG texi2html command

2009-02-01 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Reinhold,
Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit :
Do I understand it correctly, that for the CG, you want e.g. all subsections 
of "1.1 Gettin the source code" in the same html file, all subsections of "1.2 
Updating the source code" in another html file, etc.?


The quick and dirty fix would be to add a check for the manual name in the if 
clause quoted above. However, I'd like to keep the .init file rather clean and 
not add such special cases...


However, the other part of our splitting algorithm is implemented in the 
extract_texi_filenames.py script (which generates the file names for the 
output html files), we might find a solution by tweaking that script, so it 
places all subsections into the same html file...

Let's got for hacking extract_texi_filenames.py; unless you prefer to do it, 
I plan to do it before Wednesday.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: starting 2.13 soon

2009-02-01 Thread John Mandereau

Graham Percival a écrit :

IIRC there were already two patches that are waiting to be applied
that were put off until 2.13.  Trevor was talking about
reshuffling the text crescendo commands.

OK, this is probably enough to start 2.13 in one week.

 I just finished
unpacking today (yeah, 3.5 weeks after I arrived :)

This not so exaggerated in case you had to start studies just after you 
arrived :-)

I suck at the CG, I'll strive to do something an evening after midnight, I 
have no other free time next week (including next week-end).

Most of all, the stability rule about 2.12 was imposed too quickly
and came as a shock to most developers.  We'll have a much longer
stable 2.14, but I think it's better to move to 2.13 sooner rather
than later.  About a month ago, I said that we'd move to 2.13 at
the beginning of Feb.

Oh yes, time has flown so quickly...


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Good luck, Valentin

2009-02-01 Thread John Mandereau

Jonathan Kulp a écrit :

Francisco Vila wrote:

Cross fingers, today is the premiere of Valentin's "the LilyPond
Opera" in Montpellier. Success!

The name is "Affaire étrangère"; how would you translate it, Valentin? :-)

All right!  Can't wait to hear how it goes.  Good luck!

IIRC it should have started at 15.00 CET, so the premiere is most probably 
finished.  I hope this was a great success and the two other will go well too.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: many texi2html warnings for lilypond-snippets.texi

2009-02-10 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Werner,
Werner LEMBERG a écrit :

Compiling the documentation in current git with `make web', texi2html
(CVS version from 2009-01-09) produces zillion warnings like this:
  *** Duplicate node found:
  Adding beams
  (in out-www/expressive-marks.texi l. 13 in @lydoctitle)
  *** Duplicate node found:
  Changing text and spanner styles for text dynamics
  (in out-www/expressive-marks.texi l. 407 in @lydoctitle)
  *** Duplicate node found:
  Printing metronome and rehearsal marks below the staff
  (in out-www/expressive-marks.texi l. 1635 in @lydoctitle)


  ** node_next `slurs'
   for `Adding beams' not found
  ** node_prev `ties etc. when using tuplet and non-tuplet rythms.'
   for `Adding beams' not found
  ** No node following `Adding ambitus per voice' in menu,
 but `Ambitus with multiple voices' follows in sectionning

This was the simplest way I found to make TOC links for individual snippets 
effective, and I guess "makeinfo --html" won't return non-zero status with 
this.  A cleaner solution would be generating menus and @nodes in makelsr.py 
and/or lystotely.py.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Building GUB3

2009-02-12 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Jan,
Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :

So, apart from not updating libtool here, I've now also fixed the target
architecture, platform etc when building tools; makes much more sense.

Oh, I've push a whole slew of fixes that will trigger a grand rebuild...

I tried building GUB again yesterday.  The fix for libjpeg works for me, 
but I get the error in the attached log.

I made

make -f lilypond.make bootstrap

on a Fedora 9 x86_64 box (I used to simply "make -f lilypond.make", but 
it looked like it didn't build all dependencies for building

LilyPond itself a few weeks ago.)

invoking tar -C /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root -p -x -z -f /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/packages/cross/gcc-c++-runtime-4.3.2.freebsd-x86.gup
installing package: cross/gcc-runtime
untarring: /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/packages/cross/gcc-runtime-4.3.2.freebsd-x86.gup
Running read_pipe
  ('tar -t -z -f "/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/packages/cross/gcc-runtime-4.3.2.freebsd-x86.gup"',)
invoking tar -C /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root -p -x -z -f /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/packages/cross/gcc-runtime-4.3.2.freebsd-x86.gup
Running file_sub
  ([('^libdir=.*', "libdir='/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib'")], '/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib/libgomp.la')
  {'must_succeed': True}
Running file_sub
  ([('^libdir=.*', "libdir='/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib'")], '/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib/libsupc++.la')
  {'must_succeed': True}
Running file_sub
  ([('^libdir=.*', "libdir='/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib'")], '/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib/libssp_nonshared.la')
  {'must_succeed': True}
Running file_sub
  ([('^libdir=.*', "libdir='/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib'")], '/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib/libmudflap.la')
  {'must_succeed': True}
Running file_sub
  ([('^libdir=.*', "libdir='/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib'")], '/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib/libssp.la')
  {'must_succeed': True}
Running file_sub
  ([('^libdir=.*', "libdir='/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib'")], '/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/lib/libmudflapth.la')
  {'must_succeed': True}
installing package: cross/gcc
untarring: /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/packages/cross/gcc-4.3.2.freebsd-x86.gup
Running read_pipe
  ('tar -t -z -f "/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/packages/cross/gcc-4.3.2.freebsd-x86.gup"',)
already have file ./usr/cross/lib64/libiberty.a: cross/binutils

 Tail of target/freebsd-x86/log/build.log

*** Failed target: freebsd-x86::cross/gcc

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bin/gub", line 323, in 
main ()
  File "bin/gub", line 319, in main
logged_build (settings, options, files)
  File "bin/gub", line 289, in logged_build
sys.exit (exceptional_build (settings, options, files, logger))
  File "bin/gub", line 268, in exceptional_build
build (settings, options, files)
  File "bin/gub", line 264, in build
b.build_source_packages (names)
  File "bin/../gub/buildrunner.py", line 265, in build_source_packages
self.spec_build (spec_name)
  File "bin/../gub/buildrunner.py", line 223, in spec_build
self.spec_install (spec)
  File "bin/../gub/buildrunner.py", line 183, in spec_install
self.pkg_install (spec, pkg)
  File "bin/../gub/buildrunner.py", line 179, in pkg_install
manager.install_package (install_candidate.name ())
  File "bin/../gub/gup.py", line 322, in install_package
self.install_tarball (ball, name, d['prefix_dir'])
  File "bin/../gub/gup.py", line 111, in install_tarball
raise Exception ('abort')
Exception: abort
make: *** [cross-compilers] Erreur 1
lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Patch for ja doc and two Questions

2009-02-13 Thread John Mandereau

Hello Yoshiki,
Sawada wrote:

Please use "0001-ja-doc.patch.org.gz" instead of "0001-ja-doc.patch.gz" in:


And change access modes from 755 to 644 following the instruction written in the
How did you set the execution bit?  Have you used a Windows machine or 
some non-Unix filesystem?

I am really sorry for wasting your time.
That's not a problem, I'm sorry I didn't comment your patch earlier.  
I'm doing it in another reply.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Building GUB3

2009-02-13 Thread John Mandereau

Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :

I finally cooked-up a patch for that, it took a bit more work than
I imagined.  With latest GUB3 you can do

   LIBRESTRICT=open:stat bin/gub mingw::guile  # or mingw::lilypond

This will disallow libtool to read from or stat in /, so this should
(from target/mingw/log/build.log) give us a clue why libtool reads
from /usr/lib on your machine.

Oh, this will trigger a full rebuild ;-)
I have a (proably simple) problem with current HEAD for building 
librestrict, which may be trivial

but which I couldn't fix quickly myself:

Tail of target/tools/log/build.log 
* Starting build: Sat Feb 14 00:02:49 2009
root: /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/tools/root
platform: tools
calculating dependencies
reading spec: gub/specs/make.py
LOOKING FOR: Make__tools
module name: tools
reading spec: gub/specs/librestrict.py
LOOKING FOR: Librestrict__tools
making spec:  librestrict-open
no source specified in class:librestrict-open

 Tail of target/tools/log/build.log

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "bin/gub", line 323, in 
   main ()
 File "bin/gub", line 319, in main
   logged_build (settings, options, files)
 File "bin/gub", line 289, in logged_build
   sys.exit (exceptional_build (settings, options, files, logger))
 File "bin/gub", line 268, in exceptional_build
   build (settings, options, files)
 File "bin/gub", line 196, in build
   (names, specs) = gup.get_source_packages (settings, files)
 File "bin/../gub/gup.py", line 529, in get_source_packages
   topologically_sorted (todo, {}, name_to_dependencies_broker)
 File "bin/../gub/gup.py", line 395, in topologically_sorted
 File "bin/../gub/gup.py", line 375, in topologically_sorted_one
   deps = dependency_getter (todo)
 File "bin/../gub/gup.py", line 517, in name_to_dependencies_broker
   name_to_dependencies_via_gub) (url)
 File "bin/../gub/gup.py", line 462, in name_to_dependencies_via_gub
   spec = dependency.Dependency (sets[platform], name, url).build ()
 File "bin/../gub/dependency.py", line 128, in build
   b = self._create_build ()
 File "bin/../gub/dependency.py", line 88, in _create_build
   source = self.url ()
 File "bin/../gub/dependency.py", line 114, in url
   raise Exception ('No URL for:' + self._name)
Exception: No URL for:librestrict-open


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Patch for ja doc and two Questions

2009-02-13 Thread John Mandereau

Sawada wrote:

1. Release of the new patch for ja doc

I put it in the following page:
Please do not remove *.itely files for AU and Japanese messages catalog
(i.e. Documentation/ja/user/i18n/ja).
OK, I applied your patch, but made further fixes in the source, and made 
comments at the end of this email.

2. About .po file

Some words in .po files (i.e. "msgid"s) are used as both words in text and
variable names (or context IDs) in LilyPond inputs. I want to translate words in
text, but not variable names. The reason is because I can use multi-byte 
characters in text, but not in codes for LilyPond (and programming languages) .

For example, "dynamics" and "ossia" are used as words in *.itely files and
variable names in *.ly files. I want to translate "dynamics" as a word to
"強弱記号 (dynamics)", but not to translate "dynamics" as a variable name.

How do I do this?
The simplest way I can see is to disable translation of variable names 
in Japanese documentation,

which I just did in lilypond-book and langdefs.  Please check if it works.

3. About "Building documentation without compiling LilyPond" of 
   "1.2.4 Building documentation", Application Usage

In that sub subsection, there is a command as following:
nice make LILYPOND_EXTERNAL_BINARY=/path/to/bin/lilypond web

I wonder "nice" is not needed, though it is harmless.
"nice" is not needed, that's a Grahamism, but I think it's not a problem 
if it remains there, I'd expect
people who run this command with no knoweledge of nice comand to do "man 
nice" :-)
There are other variations of this command (e.g. using -j make flag)... 
it's not possible to list all possibilities

in the compilation documentation.

@untranslated in Documentation/ja/user/converters.itely are right, but 
this file shouldn't contain the English translation,

so I removed it.

Also, the Japanese texidoc in input/lsr/piano-template-simple.ly is 
missing in input/texidocs, and you may want to translate

snippet titles as well, writing them in doctitleja header fields.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Building GUB3

2009-02-14 Thread John Mandereau

Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :

Tried a couple of things but could not reproduce this.

What's the command you issued?  Can you try removing the
root and any librestrict/make packages:

I get the error I reported when running

rm -rf target
make -f lilypond.make bootstrap


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Building GUB3

2009-02-15 Thread John Mandereau

Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :

Interesting, that works for me.  What's your python version?
2.5.1.  I hope it's easy to install a newer Python in $HOME if it's 
needed to build GUB.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Building GUB3

2009-02-15 Thread John Mandereau

Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :

Does the attached patch help?

It doesn't, I get exactly the same error :-(

I hope the attached full output from the terminal may give a hint. What 
I don't get is that during first GUB invocation
("python bin/gub  --platform=tools git"), a lot of packages in tools are 
built, then a new invocation
(python bin/gub  --platform=tools ...") explictly calls building of 
librestrict-open, make and a lot of other packages.

Why not doing only one GUB invocation from the makefile?

$ make -f lilypond.make bootstrap
python bin/gub  --platform=tools git
calculating dependencies
must rebuild[tools]: make librestrict-open tar bzip2 m4 autoconf patch zlib libtool curl expat git
building package: tools::make
 *** Stage: download (make, tools)
 *** Stage: untar (make, tools)
 *** Stage: patch (make, tools)
 *** Stage: autoupdate (make, tools)
 *** Stage: configure (make, tools)
 *** Stage: compile (make, tools)
 *** Stage: install (make, tools)
 *** Stage: package (make, tools)
 *** Stage: clean (make, tools)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (make, tools)

building package: tools::librestrict-open
 *** Stage: download (librestrict-open, tools)
 *** Stage: untar (librestrict-open, tools)
 *** Stage: patch (librestrict-open, tools)
 *** Stage: shadow (librestrict-open, tools)
 *** Stage: compile (librestrict-open, tools)
 *** Stage: install (librestrict-open, tools)
 *** Stage: package (librestrict-open, tools)
 *** Stage: clean (librestrict-open, tools)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (librestrict-open, tools)

building package: tools::tar
 *** Stage: download (tar, tools)
 *** Stage: untar (tar, tools)
 *** Stage: patch (tar, tools)
 *** Stage: autoupdate (tar, tools)
 *** Stage: configure (tar, tools)
 *** Stage: compile (tar, tools)
 *** Stage: install (tar, tools)
 *** Stage: package (tar, tools)
 *** Stage: clean (tar, tools)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (tar, tools)

building package: tools::bzip2
 *** Stage: download (bzip2, tools)
 *** Stage: untar (bzip2, tools)
 *** Stage: patch (bzip2, tools)
 *** Stage: shadow (bzip2, tools)
 *** Stage: compile (bzip2, tools)
 *** Stage: install (bzip2, tools)
 *** Stage: package (bzip2, tools)
 *** Stage: clean (bzip2, tools)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (bzip2, tools)

building package: tools::m4
 *** Stage: download (m4, tools)
 *** Stage: untar (m4, tools)
 *** Stage: patch (m4, tools)
 *** Stage: autoupdate (m4, tools)
 *** Stage: configure (m4, tools)
 *** Stage: compile (m4, tools)
 *** Stage: install (m4, tools)
 *** Stage: package (m4, tools)
 *** Stage: clean (m4, tools)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (m4, tools)

building package: tools::autoconf
 *** Stage: download (autoconf, tools)
 *** Stage: untar (autoconf, tools)
 *** Stage: patch (autoconf, tools)
 *** Stage: autoupdate (autoconf, tools)
 *** Stage: configure (autoconf, tools)
 *** Stage: compile (autoconf, tools)
 *** Stage: install (autoconf, tools)
 *** Stage: package (autoconf, tools)
 *** Stage: clean (autoconf, tools)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (autoconf, tools)

building package: tools::patch
 *** Stage: download (patch, tools)
 *** Stage: untar (patch, tools)
 *** Stage: patch (patch, tools)
 *** Stage: autoupdate (patch, tools)
 *** Stage: configure (patch, tools)
 *** Stage: compile (patch, tools)
 *** Stage: install (patch, tools)
 *** Stage: package (patch, tools)
 *** Stage: clean (patch, tools)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (patch, tools)

building package: tools::zlib
 *** Stage: download (zlib, tools)
 *** Stage: untar (zlib, tools)
 *** Stage: patch (zlib, tools)
 *** Stage: autoupdate (zlib, tools)
 *** Stage: configure (zlib, tools)
 *** Stage: compile (zlib, tools)
 *** Stage: install (zlib, tools)
 *** Stage: package (zlib, tools)
 *** Stage: clean (zlib, tools)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (zlib, tools)

building package: tools::libtool
 *** Stage: download (libtool, tools)
 *** Stage: untar (libtool, tools)
 *** Stage: patch (libtool, tools)
 *** Stage: autoupdate (libtool, tools)
 *** Stage: configure (libtool, tools)
 *** Stage: compile (libtool, tools)
 *** Stage: install (libtool, tools)
 *** Stage: package (libtool, tools)
 *** Stage: clean (libtool, tools)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (libtool, tools)

building package: tools::curl
 *** Stage: download (curl, tools)
 *** Stage: untar (curl, tools)
 *** Stage: patch (curl, tools)
 *** Stage: autoupdate (curl, tools)
 *** Stage: configure (curl, tools)
 *** Stage: compile (curl, tools)
 *** Stage: install (curl, tools)
 *** Stage: package (curl, tools)
 *** Stage: clean (curl, tools)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (curl, tools)

building package: tools::expat
 *** Stage: download (expat, tools)
 *** Stage: untar (expat, tools)
 *** Stage: patch (expat, tools)
 *** Stage: autoupdate (expat, tools)
 *** Stage: configure (expat, tools)
 *** Stage: compile (expat, tools)
 *** Stage: install (expat, tools)
 *** Stage: package (expat, tools)
 *** Stage: clean (expat, tools)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (expat, tools)

building package: tools::git
 *** Stage

Re: Patch for ja doc and two Questions

2009-02-15 Thread John Mandereau

Sawada a écrit :

It does not work. But I fixed Lilypond-book.py as following:
(line 939)
if not langdefs.LANGDICT[document_language].enable_ly_identifier_l10n:
I guess the property name "enable_ly_identifier_l10n" should be changed to
I prefer to avoid double negations, but I fixed it anyway.  Sorry for 
the confusion, I wrote this code too late at night :-)

I am sure. I have one question about this. Should I include untranslated texinfo
files into patches? For example, I am translating Learning Manual, but do not
start to translate "rhythms.itely" yet. Should I include "rhythms.itely" into
"Documentation/ja/user/" for patches? In fact, I can do "make web" only with
"lilypond.tely", "notation.itely" and "pitches.itely".

"Skeleton" .itely files (i.e. files which don't contain any translation) 
should be added only if you have already translated some portion
in the same manual.  As you probably haven't translated anything in the 
Notation Reference (NR, lilypond.tely) yet, you needn't add

any .itely file that belongs to the NR.


lilypond-devel mailing list

[PATCH] Re: Building GUB3

2009-02-18 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Jan,

Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :

Ah, you reported something like this before... A fixlet for this is in
HEAD (full rebuild ahead).
I needed the attached patch (error log attached too) to succesfully 
complete "make -f lilypond.make bootstrap".

>From ad674166ea290a28a6865d576088fcdcc44ae47f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Mandereau 
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 10:54:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove more duplicate libiberty.a files generated by binutils and gcc

This fix completes a previous similar fix in commit
 gub/specs/cross/binutils.py|2 ++
 gub/specs/darwin/cross/binutils.py |6 ++
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gub/specs/cross/binutils.py b/gub/specs/cross/binutils.py
index 38a6a82..778cd34 100644
--- a/gub/specs/cross/binutils.py
+++ b/gub/specs/cross/binutils.py
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ cd %(install_prefix)s%(cross_dir)s/%(target_architecture)s/bin && ln strip gstri
 self.system ('rm %(install_prefix)s%(cross_dir)s/lib/libiberty.a',
+self.system ('rm %(install_prefix)s%(cross_dir)s/lib64/libiberty.a',
+ ignore_errors=True)
 class Binutils__linux__ppc (Binutils):
 patches = Binutils.patches + ['binutils-2.18-werror-ppc.patch']
diff --git a/gub/specs/darwin/cross/binutils.py b/gub/specs/darwin/cross/binutils.py
index 5b0b3df..717ea4f 100644
--- a/gub/specs/darwin/cross/binutils.py
+++ b/gub/specs/darwin/cross/binutils.py
@@ -13,4 +13,10 @@ class Binutils__darwin (binutils.Binutils):
 #return (binutils.Binutils._get_build_dependencies (self)
 #+ ['odcctools'])
 def install (self):
+On some systems [Fedora9], libiberty.a is provided by binutils
+*and* by gcc; see gub/specs/binutils.py for more details.
 cross.AutoBuild.install (self)
+self.system ('rm %(install_prefix)s%(cross_dir)s/lib64/libiberty.a',
+ ignore_errors=True)

building package: freebsd-x86::cross/gcc
 *** Stage: download (cross/gcc, freebsd-x86)
 *** Stage: untar (cross/gcc, freebsd-x86)
 *** Stage: patch (cross/gcc, freebsd-x86)
 *** Stage: autoupdate (cross/gcc, freebsd-x86)
 *** Stage: configure (cross/gcc, freebsd-x86)
 *** Stage: compile (cross/gcc, freebsd-x86)
 *** Stage: install (cross/gcc, freebsd-x86)
 *** Stage: package (cross/gcc, freebsd-x86)
 *** Stage: clean (cross/gcc, freebsd-x86)
 *** Stage: pkg_install (cross/gcc, freebsd-x86)
already have file ./usr/cross/lib64/libiberty.a: cross/binutils

Tail of target/freebsd-x86/log/build.log >>>>>>>>
meq4U\tgcc-4.3.2q5\x86q6U\x04bitsq7U\x0232q8\x86q9U\x06branchq:U\x00q;\x86q\x86q?u\nbuild_bi...@u\x0264qa\x86qbu\tbuild_cpuqcu\x06x86_64qd\x86qeu\x19build_dependencies_stringqfuncross/binutils;freebsd-x86::freebsd-runtime;tools::bzip2;tools::librestrict;tools::make;tools::mpfr;tools::tarqG\x86qHU\x13build_hardware_bitsqIhA\x86qJU\x08build_osqKU\x05linuxqL\x86qMU\x0ebuild_platformqNU\x08linux-64qO\x86qPU\x08builddirqQUA/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/build/cross/gcc-4.3.2qR\x86qSU\ncache_fileqTUN/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/build/cross/gcc-4.3.2/config.cacheqU\x86qVU\x08categoryqWh;\x86qXU\rchecksum_fileqYUG/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/packages/cross/gcc.checksumqZ\x86q[U\x0fcompile_commandq\\U\x0bmake  -j2  q]\x86q^U\x10configure_binaryq_UI/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/src/cross/gcc-4.3.2/configureq`\x86qaU\x11configure_commandqbT\xd1\x02\x00\x00/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/src/cross/gcc-4.3.2/configure --prefix=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/install/cross/gcc-4.3.2-root/usr --program-prefix=i686-freebsd4- --prefix=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/cross --target=i686-freebsd4 --with-sysroot=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root --disable-multilib  --with-as=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/cross/bin/i686-freebsd4-as --with-ld=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/cross/bin/i686-freebsd4-ld --with-nm=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/cross/bin/i686-freebsd4-nm --enable-static --enable-shared  --enable-languages=c,c++  --enable-libstdcxx-debug qc\x86qdU\x10conflicts_stringqeU\x01;qf\x86qgU\x0bcore_prefixqhU?/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/cross/coreqi\x86qjU\x03cpuqkU\x04i686ql\x86qmU\rcpu_count_strqnU\x012qo\x86qpU\x0fcross_allsrcdirqqU5/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/src/crossqr\x86qsU\tcross_dirqtU\x06/crossqu\x86qvU\x0ecross_packagesqwU:/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/packages/crossqx\x86qyU\x0ccross_prefixqzU:/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/freebsd-x86/root/usr/crossq{\x86q|U\x0fcross_statusdirq}U8/home/lilydev/git

[GUB3] How should Guile and Flex be built?

2009-02-18 Thread John Mandereau
After a successful bootstraping stage, I tried "make -f lilypond.make" 
and "make -f lilypond.make installers"; both failed with the attached log.

In bootstraping, Flex and Guile are built for target "tools", which I 
find strange, whereas they are not built for each target platform.  I 
also miss Python building.  What are the recommended commands to build 
these three depencdencies before attempting at building Lily binaries?

 *** Stage: configure (lily, mingw)
Command barfed: cd /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/mingw/build/lily-localhost--home-lilydev-git-lily-master && chmod +x /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/mingw/src/lily-localhost--home-lilydev-git-lily-master/configure && /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/mingw/src/lily-localhost--home-lilydev-git-lily-master/configure --config-cache --enable-shared --disable-static --build=x86_64-linux --host=i686-mingw32 --target=i686-mingw32 --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/usr/etc --includedir=/usr/include --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man --libdir=/usr/lib 

Tail of target/linux-64/log/build.log 
checking for libguile.h... no
checking for scm_boot_guile in -lguile... no
checking for scm_boot_guile... no
checking GUILE rational bugfix... Must have patched GUILE rational support. See INSTALL.txt
checking for python-config... python-config
/home/lilydev/bin/python2.6: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.6.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/home/lilydev/bin/python2.6: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.6.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
checking Python.h usability... no
checking Python.h presence... no
checking for Python.h... no
checking for gs... gs
checking for gs... /usr/bin/gs
checking /usr/bin/gs version... 8.63
checking for fontforge... fontforge
checking for fontforge... /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/tools/root/usr/bin/fontforge
checking /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/tools/root/usr/bin/fontforge version... 20080927
checking for t1asm... t1asm
checking for t1asm... /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/tools/root/usr/bin/t1asm
checking assert.h usability... yes
checking assert.h presence... yes
checking for assert.h... yes
checking grp.h usability... no
checking grp.h presence... no
checking for grp.h... no
checking libio.h usability... no
checking libio.h presence... no
checking for libio.h... no
checking pwd.h usability... no
checking pwd.h presence... no
checking for pwd.h... no
checking for sys/stat.h... (cached) yes
checking wchar.h usability... yes
checking wchar.h presence... yes
checking for wchar.h... yes
checking fpu_control.h usability... no
checking fpu_control.h presence... no
checking for fpu_control.h... no
checking sstream usability... yes
checking sstream presence... yes
checking for sstream... yes
checking boost/lambda/lambda.hpp usability... no
checking boost/lambda/lambda.hpp presence... no
checking for boost/lambda/lambda.hpp... no
checking whether stat file-mode macros are broken... no
checking for working memcmp... (cached) yes
checking for vprintf... yes
checking for _doprnt... no
checking for chroot... no
checking for fopencookie... no
checking for funopen... no
checking for gettext... (cached) yes
checking for isinf... no
checking for mbrtowc... yes
checking for memmem... no
checking for snprintf... yes
checking for vsnprintf... yes
checking for wcrtomb... yes
checking utf8/wchar.h usability... no
checking utf8/wchar.h presence... no
checking for utf8/wchar.h... no
checking for library containing mbrtowc... none required
checking for pkg-config... pkg-config --define-variable prefix=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/mingw/root/usr --define-variable includedir=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/mingw/root/usr/include --define-variable libdir=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/mingw/root/usr/lib 
checking pkg-config --define-variable prefix=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/mingw/root/usr --define-variable includedir=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/mingw/root/usr/include --define-variable libdir=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/mingw/root/usr/lib version... 0.20
checking whether to enable dynamic relocation... no
checking for rpath linkage... no
checking for pangoft2 >= 1.6.0... Package pangoft2 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pangoft2.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'pangoft2' found
checking for fontconfig >= 2.2.0... Package fontconfig was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `fontconfig.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'fontconfig' found
checking for freetype2 >= 2.1.10... yes
checking FREETYPE2_CFLAGS... -I/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/mingw/root/usr/include/freetype2  
checking FREETYPE2_LIBS... -L/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/mingw/root/usr/lib -lfreetype -lz  
checking host system type... (cached) i686-pc-mingw32
checking host system type... (cached) 

Re: starting 2.13 soon

2009-02-22 Thread John Mandereau

Hi guys,
Trevor Daniels a écrit :

I'd go along with going straight to 2.13 too.  AFAIK there are
no serious outstanding issues with 2.12.2 that must be fixed,
and I feel a little uncomfortable with some of the doc changes
which will appear in the next release.  I'd rather they went into 2.13.
There should be a 2.12.3 for Japanese translation, but this doesn't 
prevent us to

start 2.13 on master branch right now: we else can branch out from master
a branch named stable/2.12 and use it to release 2.12.3 as soon as GUB 
is ready for this.

I'm sorry to annouce I'll be very few available this week because of 
exams from Tuesday to
Thursday; then my crazy 6-months courses sessions will be over and I'll 
be a more available

for LilyPond than in the last two months.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [patch] Fwd: Strange output from convert-ly

2009-02-22 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Francisco,
Francisco Vila a écrit :

I forward this to -devel, if there is no inconvenient and nobody does
it before, I could apply it next Tue or Wed.

Right. The attached patch removes the debug print command.

Could you remove the "print" command completely by pushing to Git directly?
If was of any interest to keep it, the print statement should
have been replaced with a stderr call, but it's not the case here.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: starting 2.13 soon

2009-02-23 Thread John Mandereau

Trevor Daniels a écrit :

No, it's OK.  Just a mild preference.  Not worth any trouble.
I'd added a new section or two which caused a renumbering.
It's not really a problem.

Agreed; FWIW I backported a lot of doc changes in early 2.12 versions
and IIRC nobody complained about renumbering.  Oh yes, I remember 

from Graham, but it's not a problem for only one ore two sections.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Updates to the LM

2009-02-24 Thread John Mandereau

Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit :
Okay, but I think the snippets in input/lsr/ need to be updated to include 
this new file from input/new/, too. Otherwise lilypond-book will not be able 
to find it. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to re-generate input/lsr/ from 
input/new/, though...

Use makelsr.py


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Please fix: release show stopppers

2009-02-27 Thread John Mandereau

Han-Wen Nienhuys a écrit :

[+John who has been working on the japanese translation]

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 10:35 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys  wrote:

Dist error:

file from VC not distributed: lilypond-2.13.0/Documentation/ja/user/i18n/ja

Oops, this file should be added to Texi2html; I removed it from LilyPond 


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Updates to the LM

2009-02-28 Thread John Mandereau

Graham Percival a écrit :

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 11:18:32AM -, Trevor Daniels wrote:

I think I've muddled through this and updated
input/lsr with my new snippet.  As this was
the first time I've used makelsr.py there were
lots of mysterious warnings, but it seems to
have converted and copied the one file I needed
successfully, so I selected this one file and
placed it in input/lsr.

As a general note, I would encourage people NOT to use makelsr.py
unless they are very familiar with it.  All it takes is one
inexperienced (in this area) developer trying to fix a "simple"
bug at the wrong time, and could result in many of us losing our
entire personal data due to a rm -rf ~ system call within a
This potential issue is important, but from now you can just say "Wanna 
know how to run makelsr.py? Please carefully

read the fine CG!" ;-)

Yeah, of course we all use an encrypted incremental backup system
like tarsnap.com, and we all have separate user accounts for
lilypond development so that any malicious snippet can't touch our
personal files...
Yes, we should; I almost do, except that I use two USB sticks and an USB 
disk for backup, and incremental

often means using Git for me, even if it's not identical.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [frogs] Re: patch for bug 729

2009-02-28 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Carl,
Carl D. Sorensen a écrit :

So, just for the record, I guess that the appropriate way to handle this
would be to:

1.  Search through input/lsr for relevant files.
2.  Fix the snippet to make sure it compiles properly.
3.  Copy the snippet to input/new
4.  Delete the snippet from input/lsr

Is that right?
Yes, except you shouldn't do 4, and don't forget some snippets 
eventually come from LSR, not from input/new.

Plus, I guess that something like these needs to go into the CG, so that we
never have to have this conversation on -devel again.  And the frogs don't
have to search the frogs archive either.
I added the fixing procedure you mentioned above, plus other LSR-related 
stuff in the CG.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: lilypond.pdf size?

2009-03-02 Thread John Mandereau

Hi guys,
Valentin Villenave a écrit :

2009/3/3 Han-Wen Nienhuys :

We have received some complaints about bandwidth usage at
lilypond.org; in particular, the lilypond.pdf with its 13mb is causing
a lot of bandwidth use.  Could the doc frogs/meisters/gdpers look into
a solution for this?

John and I are about to launch our new dedicated web-platform; I
already have web storage available if you need some.
I'm not sure the hoster of this new web platform would have reasonably 
enough bandwith for
massive downloading of 13 MB lilypond.pdf; however, I guess it is OK to 
use download.linuxaudio.org.

Any taker for adding a hook in postprocess_html.py for 'online' web target?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: AJAX-search field in the docs (Proof-of-concept)

2009-03-06 Thread John Mandereau

Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit :
A few days ago, I decided it's finally time to learn what all that 
hype about AJAX is about. What would be a better guinea pig than 
trying to implement a seach box in our docs??? Well -- it turned out 
incredibly easy. Here it is: 

(or any other manual there, like the NR or so)


If JavaScript is disabled (so that AJAX won't work, either) or the files 
are viewed as static files on your harddisk (i.e. not over http, so

the AJAX call would fail for sure), no search box is shown.
It's certainly possible to enable the search for local docs by replacing 
AJAX calls with loading files locally.

The other problem is that the www-post script doesn't seem to install
the *.de.idx, *.ja.idx, *.fr.idx and *.es.idx files, while the *.en.idx files
are properly installed to Documentation/user/... So for now the search 
only works in the English docs.
The "culprit" is not www_post.py, it's the command that links translated 
doc files

to Documentation/user in make/doc-i18n-user-targets.make.

These search boxes are for now meant as a proof-of-concept 
implementation mainly. I haven't done any work on the corresponding

CSS styling to make the results look nicer.
I'm sure you'll push the implementation further to add it in our 
documentation :-)


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Clarifying and requests for documentation

2009-03-07 Thread John Mandereau

Dear Yoshiki,
Sawada a écrit :

1. NR 1.1.3 Displaying pitches -> Clef

In "See also", the reference to Internals Reference: "Clef" is translated to 
"音部記号" by ja.po file. But it should not be translated because it is a object


There is no way to fix it right now, but it will be possible when I have 
modified the build scripts so node
names and sections titles are no longer translated after compilation by 
texi2html, but are translated directly
in the source file.  Now I have merged TRANSLATION into the 
Contributors' Guide (by the way, if you
can afford enough time, could you please proofread it?), I'm putting a 
high priority on working on the doc

translation infrastructure (along with going back to GUB compilation front).


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Clarifying and requests for documentation

2009-03-07 Thread John Mandereau

Sawada a écrit :

NR is very long to translate, especially 1.1 Pitches and 1.2 Rhythms.
Therefore, my translation does not look like progressing so much.
It will take a while to release the next patch.
Quoting the Contribuors' Guide, section "3.6.2 Documentation translation 

"Files marked with priority 3, 4 or 5 may be submitted individually."
So in your next patch, you may just submit a complete translation of 
Pitches and lilypond.tely,

plus all other "skeleton" files.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: AJAX-search field in the docs (Proof-of-concept)

2009-03-07 Thread John Mandereau

Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit :

Ah, so all I have to do is to add '*.idx' to the arguments of find and mass-
link them, too.


Hehe, I was hoping that someone would jump up enthusiastically and say "Sure, 
I'll take on the polishing" ;)

Lol!  I already have a bunch of work for the documentation translations 
and the website,

so you can't count on me for the next months, sorry.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [GUB3] How should Guile and Flex be built?

2009-03-12 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Jan,
Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :

On wo, 2009-02-18 at 14:55 +0100, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

Hi John,  
How hard is it for you to install another python and try that?  

I compiled Python 2.6.1 and installed it in my home, setting 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /home/lilydev.

Does fedora carry python2.4 or python2.6 (or even python3) packages
that you can install alongside your 2.5.1, for example.

Nope, and Python 3 may not be a resonable option right now, as this 
probably needs some work. Well, if everything
else fails, I might fall back to porting GUB to Python 3 without having 
it working with older Python first :-P

Just to be sure we're not chasing ghosts, can you (in gub)

   rm -f $(find gub -name '*pyc')

I did, and a clean build failed on odcctools.  Log tail attached.

building package: darwin-ppc::odcctools
 *** Stage: download (odcctools, darwin-ppc)
 *** Stage: untar (odcctools, darwin-ppc)
 *** Stage: patch (odcctools, darwin-ppc)
 *** Stage: autoupdate (odcctools, darwin-ppc)
 *** Stage: configure (odcctools, darwin-ppc)
Command barfed: cd /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/build/odcctools-odcctools-278 && /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/src/odcctools-odcctools-278/configure --prefix=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/install/odcctools-odcctools-278-root/usr --program-prefix=powerpc-apple-darwin7- --prefix=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/root/usr/cross --target=powerpc-apple-darwin7 --with-sysroot=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/root --disable-multilib 

Tail of target/darwin-ppc/log/build.log 
+fakeroot=fakeroot -i -s 
+install_command=make  DESTDIR=/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/install/odcctools-odcctools-278-root prefix=/usr/cross install
+native_compile_command=make  -j2 
+rm -rf /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/install/odcctools-odcctools-278-root
+rm -rf  /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/status/odcctools-odcctools-278-278 /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/install/odcctools-odcctools-278-root
+rm -rf /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/src/odcctools-odcctools-278 /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/build/odcctools-odcctools-278
downloaded version: odcctools-278

building package: darwin-ppc::odcctools
 *** Stage: download (odcctools, darwin-ppc)
Running dump_file
  ('download', '/home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/status/odcctools-odcctools-278-278', 'w')
  {'permissions': 420}
 *** Stage: untar (odcctools, darwin-ppc)
invoking rm -rf /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin-ppc/src/odcctools-odcctools-278 /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/darwin

Re: Clarifying and requests for documentation

2009-03-13 Thread John Mandereau

Hello Yoshiki,
Sawada a écrit :

Do you mean that you will make node names and section titles translated only by
(that is, they are translated in the source files, but not by the po file)?

Yes, that's it.

If it is correct, I want new commands as following rather than it:


where, DISPLAY is not translated.
Is this possible?
There is no need for such a macro: in case TEXT will be a context or 
grob name, it shouldn't be translated,
so you write e.g. @rinternals{Clef} in the Texinfo sources, and when I 
have junked the gettext trickery for HTML

output this issue will die.

For the moment, the points which I noticed are as following:

1. Files to be translated

In addition to "index.html.in", "translations.template.html.in" should be

Thanks, fixed.

2. Translating the Learning Manual and other Texinfo documentation

It says that arguments of reference commands such as @ref and @rglos should not
be translated. But there are more reference commands: @rglosnamed, @rlearning,
@rlearningnamed and so on -- see "macros.itexi".

You are right, but some time later all commands will have to be translated;
as I don't have a reliable estimate of "some time later", I fixed them 


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-13 Thread John Mandereau

2009/3/9 David Kastrup :

make prefix=/usr/local/lilypond install-info-WWW
make --no-builtin-rules -C Documentation/user install-info
make[1]: Entering directory `/lisa/lilypond/Documentation/user'
/usr/bin/python /lisa/lilypond/stepmake/bin/install.py -c -d 

Please add or update the LilyPond direntries, do

   install-info --info-dir=/usr/local/lilypond/share/info out/lilypond.info

For images in the INFO docs to work, do

   make out=www install-info

and read the extra instructions.

/usr/bin/python /lisa/lilypond/stepmake/bin/install.py -c -d 
/usr/local/lilypond/share/info ; make INSTALLATION_OUT_DIR=/usr/local/lilypond/share/info 
depth=../.. INSTALLATION_OUT_FILES="./out/lilypond.info ./out/lilypond.info-1 
./out/lilypond.info-2 ./out/lilypond.info-3 ./out/lilypond.info-4 ./out/lilypond.info-5 
./out/lilypond-internals.info ./out/lilypond-internals.info-1 
./out/lilypond-internals.info-2 ./out/lilypond-internals.info-3 
./out/lilypond-internals.info-4 ./out/music-glossary.info ./out/lilypond-program.info 
./out/lilypond-learning.info ./out/lilypond-learning.info-1 
./out/lilypond-learning.info-2" -f 
/lisa/lilypond/stepmake/stepmake/install-out.sub.make local-install

What command did you run exactly?  If it is
"make prefix=/usr/local/lilypond install-info-WWW",
this is all wrong: *WWW* targets must be called with out=www;
these targets are purposely undocumented and not listed in
"make help" because they are reserved for internal use or hacking.

And sure enough: the installed tree contains no info files with images.

What point is there in complaining that Linux distributions tend to omit
the images when there is no working Makefile target that would get them

make web && make web-install

should compile Info docs with images, and install them is prefix is standard 
(/user or /usr/local); if prefix is non-standard, the commands to be issued 
are printed by the makefile.  However, there has been a bug for at least two 
months that prevented the images to show in Info docs, and I agree with Jan 
that the printed instructions were not very clear.

and when the instructions that the Makefile gives out don't even

What command did you run exactly?

"make web-install" is the recommended one by Application Usage, section 
Building documentation.  I just added "make info-install", as suggested by Jan.

Please let me know if there are still issues to address after the changes I 
just committed.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-13 Thread John Mandereau

Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :

Good points, everything should be fixed.  Improvements could be

  * add toplevel info and install-info targets that redirect to 

..and input/lsr too.  I added toplevel info and intall-info target.

  * make info with images automagically (using these targets)
when doing a toplevel make web [there is really no point
in *not* making info docs without images when the images
are already built for the web docs.  the only reason for
supporting info without images, is for 'install-info' to
work when web-doc tools are not installed/available]
This is already what is done, except that the relative symlink from 
prefix/share/info was wrong ;-)

  [better not:* fix the documentation command to suggest -C Doc../user]
In addition to replacing the suggested commands, I added a pointer to 
Application Usage, section Building documentation.

Next thing is that I wrote patches[1,2] for yelp to display
images in info docs, but yelp seems to be dead[3] (or at least not very
eager to take them).
Oh, I didn't know yelp could display images, the Info readers capable of 
this I knew were Emacs and Konqueror.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-13 Thread John Mandereau

John Mandereau a écrit :

*WWW* targets must be called with out=www;
these targets are purposely undocumented and not listed in
"make help" because they are reserved for internal use or hacking.

BTW we probably should enclose all WWW targets in ifeq($(out),www) blocks.
Any thoughts on this before I go ahead?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: compile.itely placement

2009-03-13 Thread John Mandereau

Trevor Daniels a écrit :

Re your recent commits:

shouldn't compile.itely and introduction.itely be in /devel rather 
than /user?

I don't understand why you suggest to place introduction.itely in devel/.
As for compile.itely, it's easier to put it in user/, because 
compilation of Texinfo docs in devel/
already includes files in user/, whereas devel/ isn't included in 
compilation of docs in user/;
anyway I think it's of little importance, as this file is used in 
manuals in both directories with equal



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-13 Thread John Mandereau

David Kastrup a écrit :

John Mandereau  writes:

..and input/lsr too.  I added toplevel info and intall-info target.

No, you didn't.

Oops, I meant info-install.

  At least a freshly fetched lilypond copy has only
(according to bash programmable completion) the targets

install-help2man  install-info-WWW  install-WWW

LilyPond makefiles are too smart for bash completion in its current state.
Even if we disable targets only for out!=www, bash completion will still 

these targets.  That's why we provide "make help", mentioned among other
places at the end of configure output.

make help offers
  infobuild Info documentation with images

  info-install  install Info documentation with images

This is what you are looking for.

make install bombs out, anyway:
(/usr/bin/python /home/tmp/lilypond/stepmake/bin/install.py -c -d /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.13.0/fonts/otf/ || true) && /usr/bin/python /home/tmp/lilypond/stepmake/bin/install.py -c -c -m 644 ./out/emmentaler-11.otf ./out/emmentaler-13.otf ./out/emmentaler-14.otf ./out/emmentaler-16.otf ./out/emmentaler-18.otf ./out/emmentaler-20.otf ./out/emmentaler-23.otf ./out/emmentaler-26.otf ./out/aybabtu.otf ./out/CenturySchL-Ital.otf ./out/CenturySchL-BoldItal.otf ./out/CenturySchL-Roma.otf ./out/CenturySchL-Bold.otf /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.13.0/fonts/otf/ &&   (/usr/bin/python /home/tmp/lilypond/stepmake/bin/install.py -c -d /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.13.0/fonts/svg/ || true) && /usr/bin/python /home/tmp/lilypond/stepmake/bin/install.py -c -c -m 644 ./out/emmentaler-11.svg ./out/emmentaler-13.svg ./out/emmentaler-14.svg ./out/emmentaler-16.svg ./out/emmentaler-18.svg ./out/emmentaler-20.svg ./out/emmentaler-23.svg ./out/emmentaler-26.svg ./out/aybabtu.svg /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.13.0/fonts/svg/ &&   (/usr/bin/python /home/tmp/lilypond/stepmake/bin/install.py -c -d /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.13.0/fonts/type1/ || true) && /usr/bin/python /home/tmp/lilypond/stepmake/bin/install.py -c -c -m 644 ./out/feta11.pfb ./out/feta13.pfb ./out/feta14.pfb ./out/feta16.pfb ./out/feta18.pfb ./out/feta20.pfb ./out/feta23.pfb ./out/feta26.pfb ./out/feta-braces-a.pfb ./out/feta-braces-b.pfb ./out/feta-braces-c.pfb ./out/feta-braces-d.pfb ./out/feta-braces-e.pfb ./out/feta-braces-f.pfb ./out/feta-braces-g.pfb ./out/feta-braces-h.pfb ./out/feta-braces-i.pfb ./out/feta-alphabet11.pfb ./out/feta-alphabet13.pfb ./out/feta-alphabet14.pfb ./out/feta-alphabet16.pfb ./out/feta-alphabet18.pfb ./out/feta-alphabet20.pfb ./out/feta-alphabet23.pfb ./out/feta-alphabet26.pfb ./out/parmesan11.pfb ./out/parmesan13.pfb ./out/parmesan14.pfb ./out/parmesan16.pfb ./out/parmesan18.pfb ./out/parmesan20.pfb ./out/parmesan23.pfb ./out/parmesan26.pfb /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.13.0/fonts/type1/ &&  true

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tmp/lilypond/stepmake/bin/install.py", line 78, in 
shutil.copy2 (f, dest)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/shutil.py", line 96, in copy2
copyfile(src, dst)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/shutil.py", line 51, in copyfile
fsrc = open(src, 'rb')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './out/CenturySchL-Ital.otf'
make[1]: *** [local-install-outfiles] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/tmp/lilypond/mf'
make: *** [install] Error 2
Did you call "make all" first?  I think it's not reasonable to expect 
"make install" to work if you haven't called "make all" first.
The same applies to "make web"/"make install"; however, info-install 
target rebuild Info docs if needed.

I really have no idea how people supposedly cope with that sort of
Read section "Compiling from source" in "Application usage", or one of 
the INSTALL* files (this is the same contents).

As it stands, the most basic targets just don't work at all and/or need
parameters one could not possibly guess
This is wrong, basic targets don't require any parameter; basic targets 
are not the one your bash completion show,

I'm sorry.

 and/or are hidden away into some
subdirectory make targets one cannot fathom and/or require running some
other unnoticeable dependencies first.
That's why there is an INSTALL file in distributed tarballs, and we have 
it in PDF and HTML
too on lilypond.org. LilyPond is probably not the only package that 
requires making all target

before install.

It might be nice if some developers made it into a habit to try building
from a freshly checked out tree from time to time without reverting to
their secret knowledge.
I spent a lot of time testing compilation and installation of Info docs 
a while ago (last time you reported
problems IIRC), but I didn't notice it had been broken for two months by 
some (mayb

Re: compile.itely placement

2009-03-13 Thread John Mandereau

Graham Percival a écrit :

I'm not clear about this, either.  Actually, if anything
introduction.itely is going to die entirely (as part of the
web-gop stuff).
All right.  I can't work on GOP in the 4 coming weeks: I must work on 
translaed documentation compilation by translating
node names in source files because the current system has too many bugs; 
this alone is already a big task.

And I'm still playing with GUB3 (trying to build it with Python 3 now...).

compile.itely is slated to be removed from AU 1, so in the long
term I think it should be moved to devel/.  However, in the short
term I really can't spend the effort requried to make everything
work, so I recommend waiting 1 or 2 months.
OK, in the meantime we at least don't have to worry about compilation 
instructions duplicated in the sources.

Do you like the idea of separating compilation instructions for 
self-builders and packagers (that must go

in INSTALL too) from instructions for Lily developers?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [GUB3] How should Guile and Flex be built?

2009-03-13 Thread John Mandereau

Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :

Op donderdag 12-03-2009 om 10:43 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef John
I compiled Python 2.6.1 and installed it in my home, setting 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /home/lilydev.

So, does that help?
Not at all: I set PLATFORMS=linux-64 to avoid choking on odcctools 
compilation, and dependencies fail for both
Python versions I have tested (2.5 shipped with Fedora 9, and 
self-compiled 2.6.1).  A clean build (after
"rm -rf target" and "find gub -name '*.pyc' |xargs rm -f") with Python 3 
is currently running, it's not in good shape:

flex and bison are built in tools, which I find snaky.

I did, and a clean build failed on odcctools.  Log tail attached.

So, what does config.log say, why can't gcc make executables?

I copied the head and the tail of config.log below. Having
and other directories for linux-x86 xcompile look wrong to me.


""" config.log """
This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.

It was created by odcctools configure 622.3od16, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.59.  Invocation command line was


## - ##
## Platform. ##
## - ##

hostname = freemousse
uname -m = x86_64
uname -r =
uname -s = Linux
uname -v = #1 SMP Tue Feb 24 19:44:45 EST 2009

/usr/bin/uname -p = unknown
/bin/uname -X = unknown

/bin/arch  = x86_64
/usr/bin/arch -k   = unknown
/usr/convex/getsysinfo = unknown
hostinfo   = unknown
/bin/machine   = unknown
/usr/bin/oslevel   = unknown
/bin/universe  = unknown


PATH: /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/linux-x86/root/usr/cross/bin

PATH: /home/lilydev/git/newgub/target/tools/root/usr/bin
PATH: /home/lilydev/bin
PATH: /home/john/bin
PATH: /home/john/bin
PATH: /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin
PATH: /usr/kerberos/bin
PATH: /usr/lib64/ccache
PATH: /usr/local/sbin
PATH: /usr/sbin
PATH: /sbin
PATH: /usr/local/bin
PATH: /usr/bin
PATH: /bin
PATH: /home/john/src/vc/svn/abjad/trunk/abjad/scr/
PATH: /home/john/src/vc/svn/abjad/trunk/abjad/scr/

## --- ##
## Core tests. ##
## --- ##

configure:1373: checking build system type
configure:1391: result: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
configure:1399: checking host system type
configure:1413: result: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
configure:1421: checking target system type
configure:1435: result: powerpc-apple-darwin7
configure:1509: checking for gcc
configure:1535: result: 

configure:1779: checking for C compiler version
--version &5

gcc (GCC) 4.1.2
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

configure:1785: $? = 0
-v &5

Using built-in specs.
Target: i686-linux
Configured with: 
--enable-static --enable-shared --enable-languages=c,c++ 
--disable-multilib --disable-nls --enable-threads=posix 
--enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-symvers=gnu --enable-c99 
--enable-clocale=gnu --enable-long-long

Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.1.2
configure:1790: $? = 0
-V &5

gcc: '-V' option must have

Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-13 Thread John Mandereau

David Kastrup a écrit :

I don't think that is standard usage.  install-info would be the norm
when available.

Will fix this, but see below my request.

make install bombs out, anyway:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tmp/lilypond/stepmake/bin/install.py", line 78, in 
shutil.copy2 (f, dest)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/shutil.py", line 96, in copy2
copyfile(src, dst)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/shutil.py", line 51, in copyfile
fsrc = open(src, 'rb')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './out/CenturySchL-Ital.otf'
make[1]: *** [local-install-outfiles] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/tmp/lilypond/mf'
make: *** [install] Error 2
What does "grep NCSB config.make" (at top of the build tree) does say?  
Are mf/out/Century*.otf files
generated if you call "make" again? Did you get an error from a clean 
working tree, or with already a lot of

stuff in out subdirectories?

Nobody, I repeat, nobody I know _ever_ calls "make all".  What you do
instead is just to call "make" and assume that "all" will be the default

In LilyPond, it is.

I am talking about compiling from source git.  There is no top-level
file INSTALL in there.  Not even after autogen.sh.  There is no README.
There is a file HACKING but it has no relevance to compiling things.

We didn't expect self-compilers to start compiling LilyPond directly with a
Git snapshot; we probably should generate README INSTALL and other top files
in out/ when running autogen.sh and inform the user.

Anyway, as it stands, there is no documentation in obvious places about
how to make things run, the build procedures are highly non-standard,
Which standard build procedure are you talking about?  We organize the 
makefiles in an way appropriate

to the size and history of the project.

the targets are non-standard.
Please report which /end-user/ targets are non-standard besides 
*-install ones, which should be install-*.

I am holding a talk tomorrow about Lilypond on a Linux conference.  That
is the state I am going to report.
I hope you will report the ease of installing precompiled binaries 
(except for MacOSX) and unpacking

precompiled documentation available on lilypond.org.

It is a bit disappointing since the info documentation with images is
essential for really getting moving smoothly with Lilypond, and the
procedure for producing them is so broken or obfuscate that none, I
repeat none of _any_ lilypond precompilated versions that I know of
carries them, and there is no way even a clever user could be expected
to arrive at usable docs.
This is a bit biased: it works for several people, so please don't make 
hasty generalizations.
As for shipping Info docs (and more generally compiled docs) in 
precompiled binaires,
I'd not be surprised if the long compilation times and additional 
dependencies that can't be
required by configure but that are listed in INSTALL/Application Usage 
make some packagers
reluctant to do it, even in case it works out of the box -- do you know 
many software projects
where the documentation takes something like 4 times the time for 
building the program?
We don't get any reports for documentation compilation and installation 
from people outside
the development team besides you, whereas we sometimes get reports about 
compilation issues
for the main program.  Does it show that packagers are a bit less 
concerned by distributing the

documentation?  I don't know.

I am not stupid with either Unix, make, Emacs, and environments, and I
still have no working info documentation with images: I can only use it
from some obscure Documentation/User/out tree, and then obviously
cross-file references don't work.

And that is the state after several sessions (with months in between) of
pestering developers, and of trying for quite a number of hours to get
things going myself.
If you are not willing to hack our makefiles, which I perfectly 
understand, please no longer try to
get it work other than using documented make targets.  We still welcome 
any constructive pestering,


It is my opinion that Lilypond developers are shooting themselves quite
unnecessarily in the foot by the large discrepancy between the high
quality of the documentation and the probability of actually getting to
see it after a finite amount of effort.
Han-Wen and Jan made a huge effort to produce precompiled binaries and 
documentation; as they started
distributing good working ones (with GUB), the continuous flow of emails 
about broken package for system
X on arch Z suddenly decreased, and we haven't taken so much care to 
self-compilers because of the lack of

human resources.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-14 Thread John Mandereau

David Kastrup a écrit :

John Mandereau  writes:

What does "grep NCSB config.make" (at top of the build tree) does say?

NCSB_SOURCE_FILES =  /usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/c059036l.pfb  /usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/c059013l.pfb 
Your system probably misses two of the New Century Schoolbook PFB font 
files, probably italic
and bold italic series.  It looks like fontconfig substitutes italic 
with regular when the fonts are
queried in configure script, but the installation makefile is not that 
tolerant.  I'm for fixing the

configure script, so it checks for the 4 PFB files presence.

I have no time to reply about other points right now, but I'll do it as 
soon as possible.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-16 Thread John Mandereau
[forgot to CC to list]
- Forwarded message --
From: John Mandereau 
Date: 2009/3/16
Subject: Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?
To: Jan Nieuwenhuizen 

Hi Jan,
2009/3/16 Jan Nieuwenhuizen :
> Your point about README/INSTALL is more difficult to tackle.  While
> I agree it would be nice to have those file available at toplevel--
> just as they are in the distributed tarballs--it is a pain (not to
> say stupid) to have generated files in GIT.

It should be simple to trigger "make do-top-doc" and link generated
INSTALL and README to the root at the end of autogen.sh; having
these generated files is not a pain if we add them in .gitignore.  I'll get
a look as soon as I can bring my laptop to work...

> The problems with fixing a build system is that it is a major time sink
> without any obvious benefits, very hard to get right (for a big project
> like lilypond) and with a number of conflicting constraints (speed vs
> correctness, etc.) and it's a very personal thing, everyone wants
> something else, wants to use the build system they already know
> very well (from work or wherever), doesn't care so much about speed,
> or correctness, or cross-building or using yet another undocumented
> language or out of tree builds or building in other ide's or...  Unless
> maybe you use the full standard autotools suite, which *everyone* hates
> to work with.

>From the little experience I got by hacking LilyPond parts of the build system
dedicated to documentation and looking a little in autoconf stuff, I just fully
second this.


lilypond-devel mailing list

[PATCH] Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-17 Thread John Mandereau

David Kastrup wrote:

So it would appear to be a problem that fc-match first finds the true
type fonts installed by Canorus, and then this first match is
subsequently thrown away by grep -v.

So I think you need to figure out how to tell fc-match to prefer Type1
over TrueType, or how to make it list all matches rather than a single
one.  Weeding out the Truetype when it has been listed _instead_ rather
than in addition to the Type1 fonts will not do the trick.

I haven't investigated far enough to be able to force Fontconfig to 
prefer TTF over Type 1, so I can't reproduce the problem
you describe.  Does the attached patch help on your system?  At least it 
doesn't break font selection on my Fedora 9 system.

diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index d8f1199..e27d828 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ if test "$NCSB_DIR" != "" ;  then
   if test "$FCMATCH" != ""; then
 for style in Roman Italic "Bold Italic" Bold; do
-  NCSB_FILE=`$FCMATCH --verbose "Century Schoolbook L:style=$style" | grep 'file:' | grep -v "\.ttf"`
+  NCSB_FILE=`$FCMATCH --verbose "Century Schoolbook L:style=$style:fontformat=Type 1" | grep 'file:' | grep -v "\.ttf"`
   NCSB_FILE=`echo $NCSB_FILE | sed 's/^.*"\(.*\)".*$/\1/g'`
   NCSB_FILE=`$PYTHON "$srcdir/scripts/auxiliar/readlink.py" $NCSB_FILE`

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-18 Thread John Mandereau

David Kastrup a écrit :

Ok, so the bad news: canorus was not in the package repository.  So
reinstallation is not trivial: I have to dig it up and then install it.
And then it is likely that the version I'll be able to find will be
quite different from what I had installed previously (and which would
never have been updated after that).  Probably not something I'll be
able to do before the weekend.

You mean trying packages from

I just compiled and installed Canorus from source, and couldn't get TTF 
fonts to be selected vs. Type 1. If you can reproduce
this issue on your system and my patch fixes it, then we'll consider 
applying it.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-18 Thread John Mandereau
2009/3/18 David Kastrup :
> Werner LEMBERG  writes:
>> I don't think so.  AFAIK, we want *exactly* the URW versions, so this
>> looks like a good alternative.
> When I wrote the above, my rationale was that the URW fonts are Century
> Schoolbook font clones with identical font metrics.  If someone would be
> to install the original Century Schoolbook fonts, he'd likely disable
> the URW fonts in the process (or at least put them later in the search
> order).  Do we really want to use these particular clones in case there
> are supposedly metrically identical fonts installed in a preferred
> setting?
> Namely: do we actually need the URW fonts and nothing else, or do we
> need something that the system installation is prepared to call "Century
> Schoolbook"?
> If for some reason, only the URW version of those fonts is acceptable,
> the foundry=urw variant obviously is the way to go.

Maybe another solution is requiring other fonts, IIRC Werner
proposed TexGyre Schola a while ago.

It looks like a good idea to append foundry=urw in fc-match call in configure,
but this fix will break when the foundry field of TTFs shipped with Canorus
changes from "unknown" to "urw" -- or maybe this won't happen because TTF
files will never provide "urw" as foundry?  I rely on advice from a
fonts guru here.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: good news for my PhD

2009-03-19 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Valentin,
Valentin Villenave a écrit :

Josh is right, this sentence doesn't really make sense. We recently
had a discussion about this very subject with John, who 's in the same
situation as you are, and is merely forced to contribute to
proprietary music software :-)
If I'd like to develop some musical applications of the math topics 
(homometry, phase retrieval) I'm studying
and researching, it will be for one piece of software that their authors 
would like to distribute under LGPL
but that the IRCAM direction and Forum (that's responsible for 
distributing IRCAM software) want to
distribute with a proprietary license, which in the case of OpenMusic is 
made very easy just by choosing
proprietary Lisp compilers.  No working binaries from LGPL sources have 
been made available
(because it's a pain to get it working on one particular GNU/Linux 
operating system), so in the current
state all my contributions will be distributed as proprietary software; 
to make my soul more quiet, I'd like
to make it working again on GNU/Linux, but I'm not sure I'm able to do 
it within the 3 months left to me at

the IRCAM.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: good news for my PhD

2009-03-19 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Graham,
Graham Percival a écrit :

I've been offered a scholarship to do my PhD at the University of
Glasgow, which I'm of course eagerly accepting.  I'll be starting
in Sep or Oct.


2)  I might organize European vacations around other lilypond
contributors, starting with a weekend in Paris.
(not because I particularly want to see Paris -- I spent four days
there about 10 years ago, so I figure that I've seen everything
worth seeing :P.  But I thought it would be neat to argue with
Valentin face-to-face.  :)
I've been living near Paris (and studying in Paris) for 7 months, and 
I'll not leave before the beginning of July,
so you will have the possibility to argue with me too, even if it may be 
less grandiose than with Valentin :-)

Speaking of good news, could you take some time to make 2.13 release 
finally publicly available?

Chris Snyder already gave a hint on this list more than two weeks ago.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-19 Thread John Mandereau

Werner LEMBERG a écrit :

Sorry, I don't understand the problem.  Why will this lilypond fix
break something in Canorus or vice versa?

Canorus installs Truetype versions of some of those fonts,
system-wide.  The Lilypond configure command finds some of those
truetype fonts via fc-match in preference of the usual Type1
versions coming with GhostScript.  This causes compilation of
Lilypond to fail.

This part I have understood.  But I don't see a problem if we make
lilypond find the Type 1 versions of the URW fonts.
lf I understand correctly, the point of this subthread is figuring out 
how to check presence of all Type 1
URW fonts to convert them to OTF in the build process and install these 
OTFs, which is for example
needed for reading SVG output.  This checking is done via configure 
script, so IMHO it's a different

issue from font selection by lilypond itself.

May I apply the patch below?


diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index d8f1199..d45c4c0 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ if test "$NCSB_DIR" != "" ;  then
  if test "$FCMATCH" != ""; then
for style in Roman Italic "Bold Italic" Bold; do
-  NCSB_FILE=`$FCMATCH --verbose "Century Schoolbook L:style=$style" | grep 'file:' | 
grep -v "\.ttf"`
+  NCSB_FILE=`$FCMATCH --verbose "Century Schoolbook L:style=$style:foundry=urw" | 
grep 'file:' | grep -v "\.ttf"`

  NCSB_FILE=`echo $NCSB_FILE | sed 's/^.*"\(.*\)".*$/\1/g'`
  NCSB_FILE=`$PYTHON "$srcdir/scripts/auxiliar/readlink.py" $NCSB_FILE`

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Re: Why is it _still_ so freaking hard to get info with images?

2009-03-20 Thread John Mandereau

Werner LEMBERG a écrit :

Looks good to me (if you use proper indentation :-).



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: install-2.13.html ?

2009-03-21 Thread John Mandereau

Hi Graham,
Graham Percival a écrit :

I just realized that I probably should have modified the download
page, but I can't see any install-2.11.html or the like.  What do
we normally do for development versions?

Patrick gave you the hint: just create a new download included page 

Good luck,

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: an LM update

2009-03-23 Thread John Mandereau

James E. Bailey a écrit :
Incidentally, although the instructions in the Contributor's Guide are 
generally simple enough for even me to follow, apparently they're 
missing something because the git-format-patch HEAD doesn't work.

If you have a recent Git, it should probably be

git format-patch

instead (with blank space instead of a hyphen).


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: an LM update

2009-03-24 Thread John Mandereau

Hi James,
James E. Bailey a écrit :
Leave it to me to take something easy and make it difficult. So, I had 
a conflict. I thought I resolved it, but now tutorial.itely looks 
funny. I don't know how to get back to just having the normal files 
without any changes that I've made, and I don't know if the conflict 
is resolved properly, but here's my next attempt.
Please take half an hour to read sections "HOW CONFLICTS ARE PRESENTED" 
and "HOW TO RESOLVE CONFLICTS" in "git merge" documentation (the man 
page if you're on Linux, or in HTML on Git web site anyway), as 
suggested in the CG.  I know you've already been making significant 
effort to get used to Git and Texinfo, but that's really worth it: after 
this, you'll never be scared by conflicts any more.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: odd configure error

2009-03-25 Thread John Mandereau

James E. Bailey a écrit :
I'm having a configure error, and I don't know how to solve it. I get 

ERROR: Please install required programs:  /Users/lilydev/bin/fontforge 
>= 20050624 (installed: .fontforge 20080927)

What does 'which fontforge' and '`which fontforge` --version' say?
Could you quote the relevant part of config.log about fontforge check?

There might be some problem with library path too.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: an LM update

2009-03-25 Thread John Mandereau

Graham Percival a écrit :

Ick.  Do we really need to ask casual contributors to spend 30
minutes reading how to use git?

I think so, see below.

  Isn't there any faster way to
give the instructions?  Like

- copy the conflicted file to a backup name
- delete the file
- do "git reset --hard"
- do "git pull origin"
- compare the conflicted file and the new version, and make
  whatever changes to the new version that you want.

Certainly.  If you want to perform the merge but are sure to prefer the 
revision of some CONFLICTING_FILE from origin/BRANCH, you can resolve 
this with

git checkout origin/BRANCH CONFLICTING_FILE

before committing everything to finalize the merge.

However, you should not do this without making sure you didn't make any 
valuable local changes not merged upstream, so I still recommand 
spending the required bloody 30 minutes or so.


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