Le vendredi 02 janvier 2009 à 18:52 -0800, Graham Percival a écrit :
> I'll have the pdf on my
> website for GOP, and after the first few weeks, this document
> shouldn't be changing much, so the normal stable release will be
> fine.

IMHO a few weeks won't be enough for stabilizing the Guide, but I guess
this will be no problem you upload the conributors' guide to
lilypond.org, a simple cron job could do.

> It's perfectly possible.  We all swap jobs, and read the CG.
> Whenever we can't figure out something, or whenever the old
> job-person points out a mistake, we fix the CG.  Trust me, my
> "RTFM is the only answer" would ensure that we have complete docs
> within a few weeks.  :)

Again, I think a few weeks are not enough, this is rather an ongoing

> Now, you might question whether it's *worth* swapping jobs.  I
> don't think it is, so I'm not suggesting that we do it.  I'm just
> pointing out that it *is* possible.

And perhaps the most important, it's sometimes necessary.  I think it's
not worth swapping jobs, though.

> Documentation/devel/  sounds great.


> I don't think we need a devel-doc... actually, could this dump the
> texinfo into text?  That could be a cheap workaround for looking
> at the HTML or PDF in the latest release on lilypond.org.


[Off-topic below]

> Welcome to the wonders of my $350 eeepc 701.  My pride and joy,
> and my life for the next five months.  :)

Small is beautiful :-)  I still prefer Emacs (as you'd prefer Vim) over
any other text editor.

> gperc...@nagi:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo 
> processor       : 0
> vendor_id       : GenuineIntel
> cpu family      : 6
> model           : 13
> model name      : Intel(R) Celeron(R) M processor          900MHz
> stepping        : 6
> cpu MHz         : 630.078
> ...
> I keep all my svn/git checkouts on /sd, of course.  I suppose
> there's plenty of disk space to compile stuff on it, but...
> 630 Mhz.

This is the frequency in idle state, it should increase to 900 MHz every
time the CPU becomes busy.  It may take 3 hours to build all of LilyPond
and documentation on your computer from a clean tree, which is
reasonable if you do it once a week and rely on unclean builds the rest
of the time; it would between 1 and 2 days to build all GUB, which less

>   And I don't like pushing the hardware on this thing,
> since I'm in serious trouble if anything happens to it.

I've pushed my Celeron M with 504 MB RAM (8 MB for shared video mem) for
3 years with various big CPU-consuming tasks (compiling Gnome, Gentoo,
Linux kernel as Fedora RPM, LilyPond and the doc, and (unsuccesfully)
GUB), the fan has always been noisy and it was often hot enough to heat
my room.  I had to replace the DVD drive recently, but besides this that
box still works well, especially with Fedora 10.

Unless you can't easily apply the vendor warranty nor find cheap
components for replacement, I wouldn't make worry about pushing the
hardware if I were you; but I can understand you'd like to be careful...
for example I don't know how quickly you'd reach the SD write count
limit with intensive usage.

> In case you're wondering, the 3/4 size keyboard is fine after the
> first few weeks.  It's just like moving from cello to violin.  :)

I wouldn't like to move from the oboe to the oboe piccolo :-)


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