On 2009/01/04 14:08 +0000, Sawada, Yoshiki wrote:
> Yes, it is my hope to provide LilyPond community with my translation.
> I am not a professional for music or translation, so my Japanese
> document is not so good. But I hope someone will brush it up.

You may want to contact Yoshinobu Ishizaki <isiz...@mte.biglobe.ne.jp>
who has translated lilypond.org.  I hope including your translation in
LilyPond will bring you more suggestions and contributions.

> WARNING: Please consider install optional programs:  texi2html >= 1.79
> (installed: 1.78)

You can find Texi2html 1.80 (for Texi2html odd numbers mean "get the
sources from CVS") at
Note that because of a version control nitpick, a new release of
Texi2html (1.82) will be out in a few days.

After untarring it, the usual trio

make install

will install it (you may need to do "chmod +x configure" first).  It is
recommended to install packages from sources in $HOME or /usr/local
instead of /usr, --prefix option of configure script allows you to do
it, "./configure --help" documents more options.

> ERROR: Please install required programs: mpost
> ====

> I am using Ubuntu 8.10.

To get mpost you must install a TeX distribution, I hope Texlive is
available for Ubuntu, otherwise you can either install the old and no
longer maintained teTeX distribution or download Texlive DVD ISO image.


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