Le vendredi 02 janvier 2009 à 16:50 +0000, Sawada, Yoshiki a écrit : 
> I am translating LilyPond Learning Manual Ver. 2.11.62 (not the latest 
> Version)
> to Japanese (see 
> http://irjb.s346.xrea.com/wiki/LilyPond+Learning+Manual.html).

Congratulations for this big amount of work!  Would you like it to be
included in LilyPond sources for inclusion in the official
documentation?  The pros and the cost are explained at

> 1. Appendix B
> In the line 203 - 204 in the HTML code of Ver. 2.12.1: It says "object sizes 
> are
> intervals with a left and right point", but I can not understand it. Could you
> give me an example which shows an object size expressed by intervals?
> 2. Appendix B.1
> In the line 70 in the HTML code of Ver. 2.12.1: It says "TODO Find a simple
> example". Please replace it an actual example, if you can.

Carl or somebody else may want to process your comments now, but the
Scheme tutorial should be rewritten anyway.

> 3. Changes list from Ver. 2.11.62 to the latest Version.
> I am translating LilyPond Documentation Ver. 2.11.62, but the latest version 
> is
> 2.12.1. So, I want to get the changes list from Ver. 2.11.62 to Ver. 2.12.1. 
> Can
> I get it?

If you use Linux, you can get the sources easily following instructions

Then you can get the full changes patch by issuing

git diff release/2.11.62-1 release/2.12.1-1

Append Documentation/user to the command above to restrict the patch to
files in that directory.

John Mandereau
LilyPond translations meister

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