2009/3/18 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:
>> I don't think so.  AFAIK, we want *exactly* the URW versions, so this
>> looks like a good alternative.
> When I wrote the above, my rationale was that the URW fonts are Century
> Schoolbook font clones with identical font metrics.  If someone would be
> to install the original Century Schoolbook fonts, he'd likely disable
> the URW fonts in the process (or at least put them later in the search
> order).  Do we really want to use these particular clones in case there
> are supposedly metrically identical fonts installed in a preferred
> setting?
> Namely: do we actually need the URW fonts and nothing else, or do we
> need something that the system installation is prepared to call "Century
> Schoolbook"?
> If for some reason, only the URW version of those fonts is acceptable,
> the foundry=urw variant obviously is the way to go.

Maybe another solution is requiring other fonts, IIRC Werner
proposed TexGyre Schola a while ago.

It looks like a good idea to append foundry=urw in fc-match call in configure,
but this fix will break when the foundry field of TTFs shipped with Canorus
changes from "unknown" to "urw" -- or maybe this won't happen because TTF
files will never provide "urw" as foundry?  I rely on advice from a
fonts guru here.


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