Re: [gentoo-dev] Request for changes to GLEP 41

2005-11-19 Thread Simon Stelling

Kurt Lieber wrote:

* Drop the idea of giving the arch testers an email alias altogether
  I don't see what benefit this provides, to be honest.  It's not much of a
  spiff and if someone is signing up to help with testing just for the
  email address, they're not here for the right reasons anyway.

I agree that if somebody signs up for an email address, he's in the wrong place. 
This issue is not new, it's the same with beeing a dev. Becoming an AT isn't 
easier than becoming dev: You've got a probation period of 30 days, you've got 
to do the staff and ebuild quizzes. On a side note, I don't think anybody 
considers the worth of a @g.o address so high that he would sign up only to gain 
the email address.

On the other side, giving the ATs a @g.o address does make sense. It might be 
easier for other arches, but at least the amd64 team has quite a lot of them, 
and it's really difficult to keep all the cryptic email addresses in mind. I 
have to check our AT-List about 3 times a week to see whether a bug was filed by 
an AT which I can trust and which I know of what his system looks like, or if it 
is just average Joe. So to me, an email alias would make things easier, with or 
without subdomain

* Change to

  If we want to give them a spiff in recognition of their contribution to
  the project, give them the real thing.  We do this today for any number
  of other non-developer groups, including GWN translators, documentation
  translators, etc.

The original GLEP didn't foresee a subdomain, we actually wanted to give them a 
@g.o address, but it seemed that a lot of devs thought ATs were just a random 
bunch of incompetent users and as a consequence this, don't deserve a 'real' 
@g.o address. It made me quite sad, and I'm happy to see that I'm not the only 
one who thinks it would be better to not cut gentoo into different groups. 
However, the council asked for it, and so it was changed. And the council didn't 
ask for this on his own, they were just reflecting the majority of devs, so 
we'll have to accept that.

* Create an entirely new domain

I don't really like this, and it seems at least equally complicated as 
subdomains. If that's really the way we (as in Gentoo) want to go, I'll happily 
continue to look up the AT page 3 times a week. It's really not a THAT big 
issue. I just thought it would be nice to give the ATs a @g.o address, but it's 
really not essentially for me to work.


Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] implementation details for GLEP 41

2005-11-19 Thread Simon Stelling

Kurt Lieber wrote:

Because, in practice, this doesn't happen.  Accounts (or, in this case,
email addresses) stay around until someone gets enough of a bee under their
bonnet to do somethig about it.  Since there's no pain or cost for the
AT/HT project lead, there's no reason for them to be vigilant about
tracking activity.  Plus, assuming we have a large number of these testers,
how are people going to know whether or not one specific arch tester is
active?  That's not an acceptable solution.

Uhm, does that implicitly mean there is such a tracking method for devs (where 
dev = dev/staff/whatever)? There are devs who don't have commit permissions to 
any cvs repo, how is their activity tracked?

In the AT case it wouldn't be so hard to check their activity. !seen on IRC and 
a bugzilla query printing out bugs where they made a comment should be enough, IMHO.

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Request for changes to GLEP 41

2005-11-19 Thread Simon Stelling

Kurt Lieber wrote:

However, the council asked for it, and so it was changed. And the council
didn't ask for this on his own, they were just reflecting the majority of
devs, so we'll have to accept that.

If there's one thing I've learned in my tenure with this project is that
there is no such thing as a majority of devs.  We never have the majority
agree on *anything*.  So, I don't think that statement is accurate.

Heh, that's a valid point.

Not trying to be pedantic, but the notion that the majority of Gentoo
support(s|ed) GLEP 41 is one that I believe to be incorrect.

I've never said (that I think that) the majority supports GLEP 41. In fact, i 
think the vast majority bluntly doesn't care about it at all, as they aren't 
affected by it anyway. However, of those who gave feedback on the first draft, a 
majority said "we need a subdomain". Those who thought that a subdomain would be 
a bad idea didn't step up at that moment (including me), at least if I recall right.

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] implementation details for GLEP 41

2005-11-19 Thread Simon Stelling

Lance Albertson wrote:

I see this as something that devrel would take care of since they
already do this for developers. They already have the tools/access to
the places for such things. Would rather not have another set of folks
with that access.

So do I. Hint: Homer Parker is a devrel member ;)

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Decision to remove stage1/2 from installation documentation

2005-11-22 Thread Simon Stelling

Harald van Dijk wrote:

(Note that I'm not going to argue either way whether this is a good
thing; I'm merely pointing out that the docs do say we're about choice.)

You still can choose between stage3 and stage3+GRP without having to do anything 
but following the handbook :)

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] my apologies for the mess with this release of MySQL 5.0.16

2005-11-25 Thread Simon Stelling

Albert Hopkins wrote:

Now all-of-the-sudden MySQL 5 is marked -amd64 so now I must downgrade.
Is this intentional?

read the changelog, it says:

  24 Nov 2005; Jory A. Pratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mysql-5.0.15.ebuild,
  version 5 does not work on clean install

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Misquoted in the GWN

2005-11-28 Thread Simon Stelling
Is there a good reason for sending this to -dev? You basically complain 
about the way the GWN authors handled the issue, so why do you tell it 
all the devs? It seems a bit like a lame attempt to blame them in public 
for their faults.

Other than that, I agree with you.

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list


2005-12-14 Thread Simon Stelling

Jakub Moc wrote:


What a poor flame. Read through the flaming guide [1] twice, and try again.

[1] It once was, where has 
it gone?

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: pkg_{pre,post}inst misusage

2005-12-23 Thread Simon Stelling

Duncan wrote:

It just sounds like it /could/ be dangerous to me.  For some reason, I
don't like the idea of something that could hose a system that badly!  =8^\

It won't hose your system badly, since you've got /usr/lib64 listed in 
/etc/ I agree it wouldn't be very nice though.

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] making dodoc and dohtml die when they fail and stricter is on

2005-12-26 Thread Simon Stelling

Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:

I'm not sure if we're on the same page as far as the target audience of
this change.  The target audience is developers/those with strict in their

Actually "stricter", and there are way too many people to put that in without 
knowing what that do... or is it a default nowadays, I'm not even sure.

You're mixing up 'strict' with 'stricter'.

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Stupid USE defaults that need cleaning

2005-12-26 Thread Simon Stelling

Doug Goldstein wrote:

the USE defaults are a bit INSANE... We need to get rid of some of this

./default-linux/x86/2005.0/make.defaults:USE="alsa apm arts avi berkdb
bitmap-fo nts crypt cups eds emboss encode fortran foomaticdb gdbm gif
gnome gpm gstreamer  gtk gtk2 imlib ipv6 jpeg kde libg++ libwww mad
mikmod motif mp3 mpeg ncurses nls ogg oggvorbis opengl oss pam pdflib
perl png python qt quicktime readline sdl spell ssl tcpd truetype
truetype-fonts type1-fonts vorbis X xml2 xmms xv zlib"

What about discussing this with the x86 arch team instead of -dev? IMO it's 
pretty much their decision what their defaults look like.

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-03 Thread Simon Stelling


Lares Moreau wrote:

need to have some form of Governance board. A board that doesn't worry
about implementation details; a board that gives a long term vision to
our project.

This sounds very scary to me. Perhaps that's because I'm not sure how 
detailed such a plan would be. If our goal is...

* "Make Gentoo the best distro 0n 73h p14n37"
  I can only say "what a lame marketing."

* "Make Gentoo the most customizable distro"
  I'm pretty sure some users with silly ideas will ask us to implement
  the feature/whatever. If we reject their idea, they come up with
  something like "But Gentoo is all about customisation!!!111".
  (Actually, I was already confronted with such a situation in a
  real-world meeting, it was pretty annoying.)
  Also, this might not be where everybody wants to go.

* "Let's implement $foo with $bar."
  Oh well, then we already have implementational details, which don't
  belong into a 'general goal'.

I am a big believer is having a common goal to unite all people who work
with an organization.  I'm sorry If I am repeating myself, but I feel
this is an issue that is vital to the continued success of Gentoo.

If you replace 'organization' with 'project', I agree. There should be 
something like a common goal. However, I don't think Gentoo has to have 
one single goal. I'm pretty sure everybody of us has his own ideas where 
Gentoo should go and his own motivations which make him contribute. So 
why make generalisations? Just as an example:

Taken from the project listing page:

 The developer relations Project is an effort to recruit, train, and 
manage developers for Gentoo's development structure.

Now let's have a look at the three possible goals I stated above.

* "Make the best distro 0n 73h p14n37"
  Obviously devrel's goal somehow supports this, as you can assume that
  people spend more time on Gentoo-related work if there is a good
  climate, but do you really need a global goal for such a trivial
  thing? I don't think so.

* "Make Gentoo the most customizable distro"
  I can't see how devrel contributes anything to this goal. Oh, wait a
  sec, it doesn't contribute anything to Gentoo's goal? Let's drop it!

* "Let's implement $foo with $bar."
  See above.

My point is, either you have to generalize each project's goal to a real 
triviality or you have to define a goal which doesn't match some 
project's goals. Conclusion: Let it be.


Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-03 Thread Simon Stelling

Donnie Berkholz wrote:

Not necessarily. I just wrote on my blog [1] about this, and got a
constructive comment [2], which I'll talk a little about.

Here's one example of a global goal: Reduce the learning curve of Gentoo
and increase its usability.

Sounds like a good idea, but as Ciaran already said, 'low learning 
curve' and 'great usability' are just opposite things. Also, it is 
*very* vague.

This goal would involve a number of projects:

- - Releng would work to ensure that installing Gentoo is as easy as 

This is very vague too. Easy for who? Easy for a user who is too lazy to 
read docs and doesn't have any experience or easy for a sysadmin with 
plenty of experience trying to setting up Gentoo on a cluster with >100 
boxes? I think this makes it pretty clear that there is not simply one 
implementation referring to one idea, but I'm afraid that these 'goals' 
could be misused to force a common direction instead of having multiple 
efforts addressing the same idea in different ways.

- - The portage team could conduct usability studies of portage (perhaps
with the help of

'to conduct usability studies' sounds great, but it's IMHO not much 
more. I don't need studies to point out annoying things from a user 
perspective, I'm a user myself. Sure, feedback is good, but we already 
get feedback, in the form of bug reports.

- - Others

How do e.g. arches fit into this scheme? Yeah, sure, they make Gentoo 
easier to use because they keyword stuff. Great. I'm really glad 
somebody tells me why I am doing the stuff I've been doing for more than 
a year.

So, the 'easy to learn/use' goal might be a goal that quite some 
projects already are trying to attain, but it really isn't *THE* goal 
for Gentoo, is it?

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Parallizing ebuilds - 'trivial' ebuilds

2006-01-12 Thread Simon Stelling

Duncan wrote:


It covers only bzip2, but proves that it can be done.  I tend to like it
for catalyst, since it helps a lot on SMP machines.

Very cool!  I didn't know that existed.  It could be quite useful here on
my dual Opteron.  Thanks!

For those who wondered what might be the purpose of that mail, re-read the last 
sentence with stress on the last three words.


Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] learn to use RESTRICT=test people

2006-01-13 Thread Simon Stelling

Henrik Brix Andersen wrote:

Can we have a RESTRICT=compile too, please? ;)

Right after RESTRICT=lamejokes is implemented :P

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] New developer: Patrick Mclean

2006-01-23 Thread Simon Stelling
Yo, welcome!

(Not going to make a lame joke here, as I was the one who asked for a new
RESTRICT feature ;))
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] New developer: deltacow (Scott Stoddard)

2006-02-08 Thread Simon Stelling
> I've got another new victim to present :) Scott is joining the amd64
> team that he's already been a part of for the last few months helping
> out as an AT (arch tester).

Welcome to the team, again ;)

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Request for Comment

2006-02-11 Thread Simon Stelling
(I think it would be better if you could post the text on the list, so people
can easier cite the paragraphs they are referring to.)

> I cite one situation which has actually led to system destruction:
> I was in need of a certain version of a library. A the moment I installed it
> initially, this version was keyword masked for my architecture, since it was
> not thoroughly tested. It worked perfectly anyway. Since it was without
> issues, it became officially unmasked some time later and another version was
> introduced, which was keyword masked because it didn't work at all on my
> architecture. This one could be compiled, but really didn't work at all. Since
> I didn't observe the new version introductions all the time, a slightly
> careless world update gave me that version and left all programs depending on
> the library in a non-working state.
> After all it was my fault, but on a resonably maintained system you will
> always have a number of manually unmasked ebuilds, and you can't monitor them
> all the time.

This is why you should use exact versions in p.mask and p.unmask. If you do that
you only get the minimum of masked packages, leading to minimal borkage.

Now, over to the GLEP draft..

You make some very dangerous (partly wrong) assumptions in your GLEP. First of
all, there's the assumption that we have the capacity to maintain such a fine
graded masking scheme. We are currently mainly distinguishing between testing
~arch and stable arch. I can only speak for AMD64, but we have a currently ~100
packages that wait to go into the ~amd64 tree, 54 of them for longer than 30
days. Beside that, we have about 120 packages waiting to go into the stable
tree. Now, if you'd increase the number of masking "stages" from two to 10, I
can guarantee that this masking scheme would get completely useless.

But the far more critical assumption you make is this one:
You assume that once a package has been marked stable, it keeps beeing stable.
You simply can't treat every package individually. A package marked stable back
in 2004 with a status level -5 should be considered ultimatively stable if I
understand your proposal right. But then GCC 3.4 is marked stable too, and, oh,
look, it doesn't even compile!? Things depend on each other, in a very complex
fashion. Whenever some behaviour in one package is changed, it is likely to
break another one. Instead of giving us 10 different status levels, show us a
way to avoid such problems in general.

Part of the assumption above is also the fact that these keywords do not
consider the profile the user is using. A package might work great for one
profile but terribly break for another (deprecated) one.

You can apply the same idea to eclasses. Basically it all bails down to this:

Give me 10 environments and I give you 10 different ways to break the package.


Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Duplicated entries in use.desc and use.local.desc

2006-02-12 Thread Simon Stelling
R Hill wrote:
> a global USE flag duplicated in use.local.desc could be used to give specific
> information about exactly what effect the flag has on a certain package, or if
> for some reason it does differ slightly from the global meaning.
> global use flags (searching: doc)
> [-] doc - Adds extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc)
> local use flags (searching: doc)
> [-] doc (app-examples/fakeapp):
> Build user manuals in PDF format (requires ps2pdf)

That'd be bad practice. When a new global use flag is made, the requirement is
that all local use flags which would get united have *the same meaning*. If the
meaning is the same, it doesn't make sense to mention it twice. If the meaning
differs (slightly or not), it should get a local use flag.

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Bugzilla etiquette suggestions

2006-02-13 Thread Simon Stelling
Duncan wrote:
> Consider this: INVALID is strong enough, under the wrong circumstances,
> that it /could/ set an emotionally unstable user off, causing them to
> commit suicide or something.  I /know/ it was deeply depressing here,
> that first time, altho the effect on me would have been to simply push me
> back to Mandrake and cause me to become another anti-Gentoo activist, as I
> wasn't already suicidal. Some people /might/ be!  One never knows the
> emotional state of someone filing a bug, so consider carefully the effect
> INVALIDating the bug might possibly have on their entire life.  Would
> /you/ want that on your conscience, that it had been /your/ action, the
> marking of that one last bug they filed as INVALID, that finally tipped
> them over? I know I wouldn't!

Are you being serious about this? I dont' find it particularly funny in case
it's a joke. In case it's not, i find it ridiculous. If a person is that
emotionally unstable that he'd commit suicide because of an INVALID resolution,
he'd probably commit suicide everytime only the slightest negative event occurs
too. I really feel sorry for those people who are depressive, but I wouldn't
feel guilty because I closed a bug as INVALID instead of WORKSFORME.

> Obviously, I like the idea of NOTABUG better, or consider using WORKSFORME
> or WONTFIX.  Those get the same general message across, without having the
> implication of INVALIDating the user's bug, possibly/likely conveying the
> message that they are not welcome as a Gentoo user, or worse yet to
> someone already unstable, that their whole life is INVALID.

NOTABUG sounds good, but as Ciaran said, we need another replacement for those
bugs who really deserve it. If a user sticks -fvisibility=hidden into his CFLAGS
(instead of CXXFLAGS), PLEASEGOAWAYKTHXBYE would be much more appropriate.

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Last rites: app-editors/gnotepad+

2006-02-17 Thread Simon Stelling
Jakub Moc wrote:
> OMG, stop this crap and don't waste our time.

Taken from

| "One thing is to frequently refer to "us" or "our". Pretend like people are
| with you on this, so the uncertain ones will flock to your side!
| Code listing 1.6: Usage of plurality
| email: Stop wasting our time!"

Apparently somebody did his homework ;)

Kind regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC] QA Team's role

2006-03-01 Thread Simon Stelling
Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 18:30:24 +0100 Jakub Moc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | OK, so kernel-2.eclass is abusing the slot as well, go scream on
> | kernel devs.
> No. kernel-2 installs sources, not an actual package.

Not exactly. The webapp stuff gets installed to /usr/share/webapps/${PN}/${PVR},
which is about the equivalent of /usr/src/linux because you will never point
your webserver to that directory. If you do, you're just dumb and deserve a
security flaw. webapp-config installs the packages to /var/www (equivalent of
/boot), where the webserver should make it available. So the SLOT="${PVR}" is
not an issue in this case.

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] QA Roles v2

2006-03-02 Thread Simon Stelling
Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 11:35:34 -0600 Lance Albertson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | QA shouldn't have to depend on the tools you use.
> Sure. However, the tree is far too large to check manually for many
> things. If we were to do the Sekrit Tool's IUSE check manually, for
> example, we'd still be in app-something, and would have missed many of
> the screwups.

Then fix the tool. I find it somehow ironic that a member of the QA team is
trying to force a 'work-around' just to avoid fixing the source of the problem.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Member
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] QA Roles v2

2006-03-03 Thread Simon Stelling

Stuart Herbert wrote:

It prevents emerge from crashing out in the middle of what could be a
quite extensive build.  Personally, I would rather rebuild one package
to get desired functionality _after_ the emerge completes than have to
fix the flags for that one package to be able to build everything else.

This is why Ciaran and I opened a bug for the Portage team to get this
handled up-front.  Alas, I can't find the bug any more to reference it
here :(

bug 75936

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Member
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: Re: Gratuitous useflaggery (doc and examples)

2006-03-04 Thread Simon Stelling
Thomas de Grenier de Latour wrote:
>   post_src_install() { rm -rf ${D}usr/share/doc ; }
> This way, files will be deleted for real, before getting merged or
> added to your binary package.

No, that function never gets executed with binary packages. You probably meant

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Member
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Change layout of distfiles

2006-03-06 Thread Simon Stelling

Alec Warner wrote:
Taking the earlier comment ( changing files only on the mirrors ) there 
are no portage changes that are technically required.  However, you'd 
need to change about 1 ( random number I pulled out of my ass, but 
there are many affected ) SRC_URI's to point to the new format, or 
produce some sort of hack that translates between the two, and I 
wouldn't be to fond of the latter effort, mostly because it would 
probably rot in the tree for way too long ;)

I don't see how making portage translate mirror://gentoo/${P}.patch.bz2 
to${firstchar}/${P}.patch.bz2 is 
worse than changing 1 SRC_URIs.

> And you need to modify policy for placing files on the mirrors, but
> thats not a portage problem either; from the portage POV the change is
> relatively seamless.

That should be a one-time effort for one person anyway. I guess it's not 
too hard to make a script that puts the stuff in 
toucan:/space/distfiles-local into the right dir.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Member
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Change layout of distfiles

2006-03-06 Thread Simon Stelling

Daniel Ostrow wrote:
Hrm, /me thinks you are missing something there, almost the entire tree 
doesn't explicitly state the mirror://gentoo SRC_URI, portage handles that 
automatically. That being the case portage would have change so that the 
automatic lookup was mirror://gentoo/${firstchar}/. So that is at least one 
portage change I can think of being required

Huh? What does it state then? AFAIK ebuilds should ALWAYS use the 
mirror:// URI when possible, and since this change is only affecting our 
own mirrors, it is always possible.

Sure I can still see your point about needing to manually change the packages 
that do explicitly state mirror://gentoo in their SRC_URI, but given that you 
would have to do the above anyway

Huh?? My point was that we shouldn't have to change all those ebuilds 
but instead just changing the mirror://gentoo-mapping.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Member
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] IMPORTANT: OSL outage

2006-03-13 Thread Simon Stelling

Josh Saddler wrote:

The mail server is not hosted by OSL. That server is somewhere in Italy, iirc.
I'm still receiving -dev mail just fine.

George Prowse wrote:

I cant pick up my -dev emails because of this outage

Congratulations. You made us all laugh.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Making the developer community more open

2006-03-21 Thread Simon Stelling

Bret Towe wrote:

perhaps having some proxys of a sort that accept patchs and such
from trusted users that would commit fixes to portage would help.
similiar to the kernel format that way users can 'commit'/help out quickly
without having to go thru the long process of becoming a dev

Users can (and do) attach patches to any bug in bugzilla. When applying 
such patches, the committing dev hopefully checks the patch and makes 
sure it's clean, so he already is the kind of proxy you are asking for.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] [last rites] media-gfx/sodipodi

2006-04-02 Thread Simon Stelling

Carsten Lohrke wrote:
Who said a package gets masked before it gets removed? There is no such 
requirement in the ebuild policy.

Come on. Is this a 'policy doesn't say I have to be sane' war? It's absolutely 
reasonable to p.mask a package that is pending for removal. That way you give 
the users a timeframe which they can search for alternative tools in. I don't 
know whether policy does state this or not, I don't care. It's not like you 
would get any bugs for a masked package. It's not like you would gain a lot of 
space because you freed up 3 ebuilds and a few digests. It's not like you would 
gain anything from removing it immediately. But those who use the package do 
gain a lot from you giving them a hint to search for alternatives.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] [last rites] media-gfx/sodipodi

2006-04-03 Thread Simon Stelling

Carsten Lohrke wrote:
This is not the case. At least unless the user actively looks at package.mask. 
Since Portage doesn't provide the information, this point is void. And even 
if - four weeks are a too long, imho.

It does. Almost all users do emerge -u world when updating their system. 
 Their portage will then tell them that the package is masked and why. 
So they DO get informed.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] [last rites] media-gfx/sodipodi

2006-04-03 Thread Simon Stelling

 # emerge -uD world
Calculating world dependencies \
!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "media-libs/mesa" have been masked.
!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your 

- media-libs/mesa-6.4.2-r2 (masked by: package.mask)
# Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (07 Aug 2005)
# Modularized X, upstream release candidates

For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man page or
refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
(dependency required by "media-libs/jasper-1.701.0" [ebuild])

!!! Problem resolving dependencies for x11-misc/xscreensaver
!!! Depgraph creation failed.

Note that this has been a feature since a veeery long time.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] When will KDE 3.5 be marked as stable?

2006-04-04 Thread Simon Stelling

Stephen P. Becker wrote:

I fail to see how pointing out a post was offtopic is mean.  Rather, it
will save that individual (and hopefully others) from making the same
mistake in the future.

Also, RTFM is absolutely the right answer more often than not.
Otherwise, what is the point of having TFM in the first place?  The
amusement of those who spent a lot of time and effort writing it?

That's not the problem. RTFM is never the right answer because 'please, 
RTM' is. Your mail pointing out that it was off-topic wasn't mean 
because it pointed out that fact, it was mean because it was written in 
a form that could have been much more friendlier.

A message is usually more than just the information in it.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo theming during bootup

2006-04-07 Thread Simon Stelling

Carsten Lohrke wrote:

On Friday 07 April 2006 04:26, Donnie Berkholz wrote:

I also share the opinion that we shouldn't go against upstream wishes
IRT branding, but if upstream encourages some fairly subtle branding
along with keeping their name visible, I'm for it.

There's a thread in gentoo-core from 2004 with regards to branding and the 
outcome was to refrain from it. I don't have a problem, when we do this for 
live iso's, but generally I strongly dislike it. Users don't choose their 
distro because of it, so it's just unnecessary bloat. And given that we tout 
Gentoo a meta distribution, encouraging others to build on it, there's no 
point forcing them to have to clean out the Gentoo brand, before they 
actually can use it.

He said he wanted to make it easy, not forcing it. Or am I mistaken?

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Let portage symlink latest version of installed docs

2006-04-08 Thread Simon Stelling

Graham Murray wrote:

Fabian Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

What I'd like portage do to is to create a symlink to the latest version
of a package's documentation. Just omitting the version number would of
course not work as slotted packages may have multiple versions of docs
installed.  The first format coming to my mind would be:

What would be even nicer would be if it could create and maintain an
html index, for example at /usr/share/doc/index.html, to all package
html documentation in a similar way to that which gnu info maintains
the top level index to all info documentation on the system.

This would be a very cool feature. Not for portage though. Portage is a package 
manager, and a package manager has nothing to do with generating indexes of HTML 

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] xorg-server 1.0.99/1.1 ABI break

2006-04-17 Thread Simon Stelling

Donnie Berkholz wrote:

We are working to ensure the dependencies work as smoothly as possible,
but I expect there will be some issues since it's difficult to require
updates to all these optional drivers following an update to the server.

wouldn't !< atoms solve that problem?

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo: State of the Union

2006-04-28 Thread Simon Stelling
rt of voting
structure for all the developers (this doesn't mean requiring everyone to vote)
and not just the council or devrel makes a lot of sense for most things.  If I
don't like how someone is acting within the project there should be a vote and
then see if that person is kicked out.  No trial, no anything besides a vote.
And if I lose I have to deal with it.  Either stay with the project, or find
something else.  This solution just works.

Do you really think just because 60% of the voting devs agreed on 
something the other 40% will like it suddenly? Conflicts cannot be 
avoided, other than shooting down all people which don't share your 
point of view.

Gentoo should be a fun environment.  The previous paragraph should be taken as
a last resort.

Gentoo is fun to me.

__Problem: GLEPs__

I dislike GLEPs.  Usually they sit on the website for a long long time not
doing anything.  My vote (+1) is get rid of gleps and do everything by email
and a vote by the developers.  AFAIK, the board votes on the GLEPs.  Bad Idea.
It stifles things from getting done, and there is no ownership of who is going
to implement the idea.

I dislike them too. However, you're not addressing the issue IMHO. The 
problem is not that the council votes on them. The problem is much more 
that they are proposed to the whole dev community. Yes, you read right. 
It's mostly a good thing, but it is also a show stopper. I once wrote up 
a GLEP, sent it to the dev ml. Some people liked it, others wanted this 
or that changed. I re-submitted it, and they criticised this and that 
(which is a good thing!). So I fixed all the stuff they pointed out. In 
the end, I had a GLEP. But what I documented was not the idea I wanted 
to implement. So I lost interest. The GLEP got approved, but it's still 
not implemented. I don't know if anybody is working on it, I wont, 
because it's no longer what I once wanted to push forward.

I would like it much more, if the people who are not affected by the 
GLEP wouldn't read it at all anyway. Whenever something is discussed I'm 
not involved in or affected by at all, I try to keep my mouth shut. I 
just trust the guys who submitted it to do their job the right way. And 
IMHO, this is exactly the point. Trust the others to do their job 
seriously and well. We don't need a whole dev community voting on an 
idea. Having everybody vote instead of a 7-headed council won't reduce 
politicalness. And that was what all your mail was about, in the end.

__Problem: Voting__

Heh, really don't need to comment on that one anymore. ;)

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Last rites for dev-embedded/sdcc-cvs

2006-05-06 Thread Simon Stelling

Denis Dupeyron wrote:

dev-embedded/sdcc-cvs will be masked right now, and then removed in a month or 
so if nobody complains.

A pkg move might be wise to do, no?

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Heritage

2006-05-09 Thread Simon Stelling

Duncan wrote:

I wondered about the "stupid" poster, myself.  I don't quite have the
sentimental value some seem to for him, but use in an error page and the
like seems at least logical -- connected to something.

However, I tried the above link and to my great disappointment, saw no
Larry.  Just a more or less normal 404 page.  I surf with images off by
default, so I thought that was it and turned them on, to no avail.

Ahh...  Turned off my filters that enforce light on dark, and tried again.
There he is!  Maybe he showed up the first time, but as I had enforced a
dark background (and light text), I couldn't see him.

Well, I doubt we can do anything about that. Turn off your filters :P

Suggestion:  Both he and the UFO guy have some value in Gentoo history,
agreed.  It's not always obvious to a new user what that might be,
however.  Whenever they are used, it might be a good idea to have them
link to a history page explaining a bit about them, what they mean to
Gentoo, how they became a part of Gentoo, etc.  That would be a very good
place IMO to put the traditional Larry with text and the like.  As it is,
the error page with just the Larry icon again leaves one with the question
of just what it has to do with anything.  Also, maybe a caption on the
page.  Larry is confused!  Or something similar.  If there's such a
caption now, I missed it too.

Is there really a story behind it that can be explained? If so, I'd be 
curious too, but I doubt there's a "real" story. Larry and the UFO guy 
just came up at some time, people got used to them and even liked them. 
Trying to explain why we have a cow's face on a 404 page or trying to 
explain why we like Larry is like trying to explain a love story: You 
just can't without everybody looking strange at you afterwards.

Especially the UFO guy somehow lives from the mythos around it, 
explaining it would destroy it, at least that's my feeling.

I'd certainly like the 'Larry is confused!' though, makes error pages a 
lot more personal.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Paludis and Profiles

2006-05-16 Thread Simon Stelling

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

A large part of why Paludis exists is because I and several others were
sick of waiting for three years for Portage to provide certain basic

Which is really what this whole thread is all about... Sorry for being an ass, 
but could we *maybe* stop the constant portage bashing and turn this into an 
on-topic discussion?


Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Paludis and Profiles

2006-05-17 Thread Simon Stelling

Paul de Vrieze wrote:

On Wednesday 17 May 2006 02:42, Stephen Bennett wrote:


Is there any reason that portage and paludis can not live together. As 
this basically blocks any kind of migration or backwards compatibility I 
see this as a very serious roadblock to the acceptance of paludis as a 
supported (secondary) package manager.

This is not a block. -*>=sys-apps/portage- means that the 
depedency on portage is no longer in the system class (base defines it 
as such).

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] new herd: vdr

2006-05-17 Thread Simon Stelling

Ned Ludd wrote:

Whats wrong with the existing herd?

Maybe the question should rather be:
'Will it allow you to manage the vdr-related packages and it's bugs 
easier and more efficient than before?'

media-tv seems like the right place.

I'd say that heavily depends on the answer of the question above.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] new herd: vdr

2006-05-17 Thread Simon Stelling

Simon Stelling wrote:
'Will it allow you to manage the vdr-related packages and it's bugs 



Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] cmake.eclass

2006-05-18 Thread Simon Stelling
I have no clue what cmake is or what you are trying to, so I just 
comment on a few other things I catched:


you don't need that

cmake_use_option() {
local USEFLAG="$1"; shift
local OPTION="$1"; shift

'local USEFLAG="$1" OPTION="$2" ; shift 2' reads better and is more 

if [ -z "${OPTION}" ]; then


case $1 in

'[oO][nN]') does the same, but i doubt anything beside on|ON will ever 
be used.


same here:
[oO][fF][fF]) or simply off|OFF)
wE'rE nOt ThAt FrEaKy YoU kNoW ;)

cmake_configure() {


vecho cmake ${S} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr $(cmake_use_option debug 
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE debugfull) $*

You can't use vecho yet. It's been introduced not long ago, stable 
portage versions will just tell you that there is no `vecho'.

cmake_compile() {
cmake_install() {

aren't these meant to be cmake-src_compile/cmake-src_install?

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Funding Request

2006-05-18 Thread Simon Stelling

Hey all,

To continue my development in an efficient way, I need a larger screen, 
particularly one with a resolution of 1024x3972. However, I can not 
afford the costs for such an investment, so I thought maybe the 
community could help me out.

The reason it has to be a screen with exactly the mentioned resolution 
should become obvious after having a glance at:

Thanks in advance for your help, it is greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] New eclass db-use

2006-05-18 Thread Simon Stelling

Paul de Vrieze wrote:
It has not been. As far as I know such a requirement does not exist. In 

It does. The reason for it is pretty good, as kloeri mentioned: The API of an 
eclass may never change. See GLEP 33 for some horror scenarios [1] ;)


Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] New eclass db-use

2006-05-18 Thread Simon Stelling

Paul de Vrieze wrote:
Unfortunately this GLEP has not been implemented yet. This eclass would 
indeed be an ideal elib. Also, for this eclass the API requirements are 
not as strict as it is only intended to be used in unpack and compile 

That's not my point. I mentioned it because it briefly shows why the current 
eclass system has its problems and why contacting -dev *before* adding a new 
eclass to the tree is essential.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Need a use-expanded TV_GRAB variable for xmltv

2006-06-02 Thread Simon Stelling
You forgot to mention which package uses the variable.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] QA subproject, TreeCleaners

2006-06-06 Thread Simon Stelling
Peter Volkov (pva) wrote:
> But how can I search for removed ebuild in cvs? Is there any quick way
> for such things?

Use " " as query, e.g.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] A heretical thought? Blessing project sunrise as an almost-fork.

2006-06-14 Thread Simon Stelling
Jakub Moc wrote:
> Getting tired of this thread, really. Talk about too much ado for
> nothing. So, how about we stop wasting time, let people who are
> interested to do something do it, and the rest of us can focus on more
> important stuff than endless debates on mailing list and bothering
> Gentoo Council - such as fixing current bugs and cleaning the dead cruft
> in the tree, or fixing things not yet ported for modular X, or unported
> for gcc-4.x, or whatever else?

Damn liberal! [1]



Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC] Useflags: qt, qt3, qt4?

2006-06-20 Thread Simon Stelling
I don't know all the details, but assuming no app supports qt3 and qt4 at the
same time (i.e. you have two interfaces, one against each, which is pretty
senseless), wouldn't something like

qt? ( || (=x11-libs/qt-3* =x11-libs/qt-4*))

be the best solution? It would allow the maintainer to set a reasonable default,
but in case the user only has the other version, it would take that one. If both
are installed, the one that the maintainer deemed the best is chosen.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Bugzilla usage by gentoo-java's doing migration work

2006-06-24 Thread Simon Stelling
James Potts wrote:
> There is a problem here for the java folks...Technically, their
> migration-overlay is an overlay, and technically, that overlay is
> currently unofficial.  Therefore, technically, if it is against the
> rules for projects and/or devs to use bugzilla for unofficial
> overlays, then it is against the rules for the java team to use
> bugzilla for their migration-overlay.
> As for the fact that the migration overlay is in the process of being
> moved to o.g.o, "in the process of" doesn't mean it's already been
> done, and until it's finished, the above statement stands.
> Props *and* apologies to the java team for this, but it looks like you
> need to move the overlay *before* you finish the migration process
> now.

Question is, do we care about blindly following a policy that obviously was
targetting at something completely different, or do we care about getting stuff

There's nothing as unproductive as political correctness.

Just my 0.02 SFr,

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Bugzilla usage by gentoo-java's doing migration work

2006-06-25 Thread Simon Stelling

James Potts wrote:

I hate to put it to you this way, but if you give people an inch,
they'll take a mile.  Yes, political correctnes is unproductive.  This
is why decisions like the one made here need to be thought out better
before being made.  But once the decision is made, it should be
applied equally, or not at all.

"If you give people an inch, they'll take a mile." What's there to take? 
Freedom to work on stuff that they like to work on?

As for the decision that led to this mess, I'd like to see it on the
agenda for the next Council meeting.  I really don't agree with it (or
rather the way it was worded), and I can see others don't either.
Unfortunately, I don't know if I have the authority to request this,
since I'm not a dev.

Right. So you agree with the intention, but not with the wording. This 
is exactly what I'm after. At least here in Europe, judges have to 
'interprete' the law. They judge whether somebody is guilty or not based 
on the _intentions_ that are behind the law. If the law has flaws in its 
wording, nobody cares about it, because the _intentions_ are important, 
not the wording.

This wording vs. intentions makes this whole thing really ridiculous. It 
makes you look like being nitpicking, even if you aren't.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Scientific Gentoo reorg: the proposal

2006-06-25 Thread Simon Stelling
George Shapovalov wrote:
> sci-biology:  58
> rather large, may be worth splitting more, no particular suggestions yet 
> though, devs:
> ribosome, blubb, corsair, j4rg0n, mcummings, sediener, pbienst, apokorny, 
> hansmi?, phosphan, lostlogic?

i'm not maintaining anything, just keywording it for amd64. wouldn't it be
easier to only list people that are in the sci herd?

> sci-misc:  19
> Size is Ok, but, if we follow the idea, should probably stay under sci (herd)
> devs:
> cryos, hansmi?, phosphan, ribosome, kugelfang?, pbienst, blubb? 

same here

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] gentoo-dev-announce list

2006-06-27 Thread Simon Stelling
Stuart Herbert wrote:
> But I also think you're over-exaggerating the situation by a long way,
> sorry.

I don't think so. As I understand it, it's not the amount of threads that makes
the noise, it's mainly all the sub-sub-sub-sub-threads.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] gentoo-dev-announce list

2006-06-27 Thread Simon Stelling
Lance Albertson wrote:
> I'd rather not create a -core-announce. The amount of times those types
> of things come up on the list are rare. It would be easier to have an
> standard subject heading (maybe ANNOUNCEMENT:) that people can use in
> their filters. If devs start abusing it, then we'll vote them off the
> island :)

Bad idea, IMHO. That people are unable to change the subject line even when
we're no longer discussing an upcoming project but choice of pet doesn't have to
be proved again. Please, create a seperate announcement list, it would make
things helluvalot nicer.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] arch-cruft in use.mask makes me angry

2006-07-05 Thread Simon Stelling

Mike Frysinger wrote:
can someone remind me why our arch USE flags are in an "opt-out" system rather 
than "opt-in" ?  instead of adding things like:
to every non-x86 profile, why dont we mask these things in base/use.mask and 
then un-mask them in default-linux/x86 ?  doesnt that make more sense ?

I asked myself the same question about two weeks ago and made up a huge 
patch, I just didn't get around to verify it's really correct and 
complete. I can mail it to you if you want :)

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Replacing cpu-feature USE flags

2006-07-06 Thread Simon Stelling

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

Well, you're assuming that a) everyone's using a C compiler, b) that
gcc has the slightest clue what it's doing, c) that the user has no
problem using nasty hacks to regain control, d) that this information
is only needed at compile time, e) that various gcc internal
definitions won't change... You're adding a lot of complexity, and thus
room for very weird breakages, to something that doesn't need it.

as for...

b) You kind of have to assume that when running a system that was 
compiled from ground up with gcc

c) This is not about "regaining" control. Currently, users who want to 
cross-compile are screwed and need nasty use.mask-hacks to not end up 
with broken binaries. The inability to provide per-package CFLAGS is a 
missing feature in portage, it's got nothing to do with this issue.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Replacing cpu-feature USE flags

2006-07-06 Thread Simon Stelling

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

You can do it through bashrc. But then, if this is about working around
Portage's annoying lack of sane cross compile handling, why not put a
little effort into fixing it properly rather than a lot of effort into
making the tree more complicated?

Err, I think you're mixing up different things. How should portage be 
able to do sane cross compiling if you control the instruction sets 
through use flags which are blocked in profiles the build system is 
using? In fact, moving away from use flags over to the real(TM) solution 
is a step towards fixing the issue. Also, it doesn't make the tree more 
complicated. It is far more intuitive that supported instruction sets 
are used if the user doesn't explicitly wish not to than having some 
strange use flags that don't mean what they're named like.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Replacing cpu-feature USE flags

2006-07-07 Thread Simon Stelling
Curtis Napier wrote:
> I could find a million threads in the forums supporting what Ciaran is
> saying here. We have been told over and over and over until my head
> feels bashed in that MMX/SSE, etc... are NOT TO BE PUT IN CFLAGS!! THAT
> Every developer who has ever commented on one of these threads has
> always agreed with that. Put it in USE not CLFAGS.

That's because CFLAGS="-msse" currently doesn't do what the user would think it
does. Which is the real problem, which we're solving with the change Diego

> To change this behavior now after all this time would be crazy IMHO.

It might have become some sort of policy, but if the policy doesn't have a
god-like status. Sometimes it becomes obsolete and new (better) rules are put in

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Replacing cpu-feature USE flags

2006-07-07 Thread Simon Stelling
Luca Barbato wrote:
> Alternatives:
> - as PPC we provide a default cflags & use tuned per certain cpu
> families using profiles, amd64 could provide a nocona profile that bans
> 3dnow* useflags.

Not really. There are athlon64s and opterons with and without sse3 support. The
users who have an sse3-enabled CPU mostly stick -msse3 into their CFLAGS, as
they expect the flag to do what it says. The problem is even worse for x86:
You'd have to provide own profiles for:

* i386
* pentium-mmx,k6
* athlon xp,pentium3
* pentium4,athlon64/opteron (starting from 'Paris' core),celeron (starting from
'willamette' core)
* celeron D/M, core solo/duo,core 2 duo, core 2 extreme,athlon64 (starting from
venice stepping E3 or san diego stepping E4), athlon64 X2, athlon64 FX (starting
from san diego stepping E4), sempron (starting from palermo stepping E3),
pentium4 (starting from 'prescott')

and now you want to let your pentium4(paris)-server, which is running 24/7,
compile a binpkg for your pentium4(prescott), using SSE3

have fun 8-)

> - as before but provide an eclass that uses flameeyes infrastructure to
> warn about possible mismatch between what the cflags could do and what
> you expect to obtain eg: -mcpu=nocona use 3dnow would issue a warning
> and disable it

I'm not sure whether I understand this correctly. If we use flameeyes logic
anyway, why keeping the use flags?

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Replacing cpu-feature USE flags

2006-07-07 Thread Simon Stelling
Martin Schlemmer wrote:
> Stupid question though ... does the gcc test thingy list __3dNOW__ on
> nocona ?  I would think that it does, as there is no -march=nocona (or
> whatever) yet.

There is a -march=nocona, and it doesn't define __3dNOW__.

> So now you want to instead of fixing the amd64 profiles to be more
> flexible, implement something that will give the green light to users on
> x86 to use flag combinations, especially on older gcc's that causes
> great pain for themselfs and developers ?

I don't understand this. Why is '-march=i686 -m3dnow' bad if it results in the
same thing as '-march=athlon-xp'? I guess I'm just lacking facts here, so please
give me a hint :)

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Replacing cpu-feature USE flags

2006-07-07 Thread Simon Stelling
Marius Mauch wrote:
>> That's because CFLAGS="-msse" currently doesn't do what the user
>> would think it does. Which is the real problem, which we're solving
>> with the change Diego suggested.
> Huh? What do you assume users think that CFLAGS=-msse does?
> I know some people get confused by the mmx/sse/whatever use flags, but
> I've never seen anybody assuming that CFLAGS determine if a patch
> should be applied/configure switch enabled.
> (I'm not arguing about the proposal itself here, just this argument is
> bullshit)

Well, that was the best argument I could think of. I wasn't aware of the
breakage in old compilers like 

Re: [gentoo-dev] Dying on some CFLAGS instead of filtering them.

2006-07-10 Thread Simon Stelling
Richard Fish wrote:
> I have to say I dislike allowing this "backdoor" method to set CFLAGS,
> as they won't show up in emerge --info or emerge -pv .  You'd
> have to see the actual build output to see the nasty flags, which you
> might not even think to ask for if a package builds fine but crashes
> randomly later.

Sounds like your after bug 95741:

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] xpdf status

2006-07-12 Thread Simon Stelling
> I really would like to see back the upstream version, what do you think?

I don't think anybody would mind you putting them into the tree again.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] 'mad' vs 'mp3' USE flags

2006-07-14 Thread Simon Stelling
Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> On Friday 14 July 2006 06:03, Daniel Watkins wrote:
>> Is there a rationale behind this decision?
> On some systems libmad does not work and has to be masked, if I called it 
> mp3, 
> it couldn't be use.masked or all the mp3 supports, even when not provided by 
> libmad, would have been removed.
> Per-package use.mask is not here for another year and in the mean time I 
> needed a working solution, this is it.

In the specific case of xine-lib, the mad USE flag can simply be replaced with
mp3 because mips, which is the only arch that has the mad USE flag in use.mask,
doesn't have any version keyworded. Of course that doesn't fix the general
problem, but at least it would save time for a lot of users...

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] making the firefox USE flag a global one

2006-07-18 Thread Simon Stelling
Hi all,

I just noticed that the USE flag 'firefox' is a local one. I think it should be
global, though:

 $ grep :firefox use.local.desc
app-office/openoffice:firefox - Add Firefox support
dev-haskell/gtk2hs:firefox - Build the Mozilla Embeded Component against firefox
rather than mozilla
dev-java/swt:firefox - Build the Mozilla Embeded Component against firefox
rather than mozilla
dev-python/gnome-python-extras:firefox - allow building against firefox libs
dev-ruby/ruby-gtkmozembed:firefox - compile against Firefox instead of Mozilla
dev-util/devhelp:firefox - Build against firefox rather than mozilla
dev-util/eclipse-sdk:firefox - Build against firefox rather than mozilla
gnome-extra/evolution-data-server:firefox - Use Firefox's NSS/NSPR libraries if
SSL is enabled
gnome-extra/yelp:firefox - Build against firefox instead of mozilla
mail-client/evolution:firefox - Use Firefox's NSS/NSPR libraries if SSL is 
media-video/totem:firefox - Build against Firefox instead of Seamonkey
net-news/liferea:firefox - Build against Firefox instead of Mozilla
net-www/mozplugger:firefox - Depend on firefox rather than seamonkey
www-client/epiphany-extensions:firefox - build against firefox instead of 
www-client/epiphany:firefox - build against firefox instead of mozilla
www-client/galeon:firefox - build against firefox instead of mozilla
www-client/kazehakase-cvs:firefox - Use firefox's Gecko engine.
www-client/kazehakase:firefox - Use firefox's Gecko engine.

If nobody objects, I'd like to push that change through in two weeks.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] making the firefox USE flag a global one

2006-07-18 Thread Simon Stelling
Alec Warner wrote:
> Except these aren't doing the same thing.
> "add firefox support"

I have yet to find out what this does.

> "use firefox's NSS/NSPR"

This is a stale entry, no eds ebuild has a firefox flag anymore as it was
removed some time ago.

> "use firefox's Gecko Engine"

This is actually "build against firefox instead of mozilla/seamonkey".

> sooo..which one is the global flag for? :)

All of them, except if the openoffice one turn out to have a different meaning
than '"build against firefox instead of mozilla/seamonkey"'.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] [Fwd: [gentoo-portage-dev] Breakout etc-update, dispatch-conf]

2006-07-18 Thread Simon Stelling
Alec Warner wrote:
> In an attempt to receive more comments and to request comments on the
> virtual/config-manager, I have forwarded this mail here.  Please comment
> + point out weird things wrong.  I'd prefer to make either dispatch-conf
>  or cfg-update the default for the virtual, but I am definately open to
> discussion on that.
> A bunch of bugs have been fixed with both of these lately, anyone
> against splitting them out, please speak up now, otherwise I will split
> them out later this week and portage will depend on some nasty virtual
> whose name I have not come up with yet ( new style virtual ).

If you don't scream loud, I will go and split them out, using

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] making the firefox USE flag a global one

2006-07-19 Thread Simon Stelling
Hanno Böck wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 18. Juli 2006 14:06 schrieb Simon Stelling:
>> If nobody objects, I'd like to push that change through in two weeks.
> As most of then are "use ff instead of mozilla" and that'll be deprecated in 
> favour of using ff by default and seamonkey by seamonkey useflag, I don't 
> think this makes sense.

I can't follow, sorry. Sure, the new flag will be 'build against ff instead of
seamonkey', but then it's still valid use, no?

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] New category: net-voip

2006-07-22 Thread Simon Stelling
Jakub Moc wrote:
>>> Erm... Portage updates these automatically.
>> as .cfg_** files. The end user still has to run an etc-update and 
>> pray that it was not a file he/she had in masking.
> Err, no? You don't need to run etc-update/dispatch-conf to get those
> updated on package moves.

Err, yes. At least here you do.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: proxy-dev (an alternative to sunrise?)

2006-07-30 Thread Simon Stelling
Enrico Weigelt wrote:
> The gentoo devs currently do much of the upstream's work.
> Fixing bugs or even adding new stuff which does not directly have to
> do w/ gentoo should be done exlusively by the upstream.

This is not really a problem. Fixing bugs is what I enjoy after all, this is the
interesting stuff. Spending hours on one broken build system is far more
interesting than writing 100 ebuilds.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Resignation

2006-07-31 Thread Simon Stelling
Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Good intentions and trying to be helpful don't keep users or
> developers. Screwups lose users and developers.

It's really funny to hear such a statement from a person who made several great
developers leave the project.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Keep Sunrise... But not Here

2006-07-31 Thread Simon Stelling
Michael Crute wrote:
> Thoughts anyone?

That's all been done. That's why the last thread's title has the word 'resumed'
in it, after all :P

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for August

2006-08-03 Thread Simon Stelling

Jakub Moc wrote:

Broken bugzilla affects every ebuild dev, affects GDP, affects bug
wranglers, affects anyone else who's using it to track outstanding
project issues. How is this continuous borkage not a global issue that
council should discuss?

What is there to discuss? Do you expect them to say 'bugzilla shall be fix0rd!'? 
What would that change in reality? I, (and I guess so does solar) fail to see 
what the council could effectively do in regard to this matter. You should 
probably elaborate on that.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal for advanced useflag-syntax

2006-08-04 Thread Simon Stelling

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

For example: mplayer
It has it's gui-less player and an gtk-based frontend in one package.
We should split this into two packages: mplayer and gmplayer.
The chances to get this done in the upstream *before* some major
distro like gentoo does the split by its own are quite low.

Not quite true. In reality, they're just the same. mplayer simply checks whether 
it was called as mplayer or gmplayer. So you not only have two programs in one 
package, but even in one binary. Changing this behaviour has nothing to do with 
packaging and is really upstream's responsibility, IMHO.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for August

2006-08-04 Thread Simon Stelling

Lance Albertson wrote:

kashani wrote:

Chris Bainbridge wrote:

I'm curious what the problem is with bugzilla and it's db
interactions? You're suggesting a specific issue rather than general
db performance issues like fs, io scheduling, raid1, hyperthreads,

It's most likely related to Bugzilla using MyISAM tables by default
which is fine in a small environment. However as concurrency grows along
with table size those full table locks begin to cause issues.
Additionally most www-apps are not known for their well thought out db
schema. Performance of the underlying hardware plays a part, but can be
overshadowed pretty quickly by query and table inefficiencies.

The usual fix without touching the internals of the software is
doing master/slave replication and allowing the selects to happen on the
slave and writes on the master. However you would need to change most of
the queries to point to the slave server which is usually not trivial.
It sounds like this is the path the Infra team is pursuing.

Thanks a lot for this explanation.


You got it right :-)

I'm not out to blame anybody, but if infra had communicated what the problem 
exactly is once they found it out, you wouldn't have ended up with all those 
"I'm sick and tired of your "we're working on it"". Asking people for patience 
is easy, but it's hard to swallow when you don't understand what the problem is 
at all.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] gtk1 vs. gtk2

2006-08-07 Thread Simon Stelling

You've already been told it's a non-issue, but here's why:

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] gtk1 vs. gtk2

2006-08-07 Thread Simon Stelling

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

Oh hell, this can't be serious !

It is.

It mixes up diffent things to one and just introduces new 
problems instead of solving anything. I could live with that, 
if it's for supporting different ABIs, but it obviously isn't.

What sort of problems? An example backing up your claims would be very nice.

gtk1 and gtk2 are completely different packages, they're not
compatible. So why should they be one package ? Just because
they share some ideas and the name ?!

Yes. Why not, after all?

For example, there are lots of packages requiring gtk1, other
gtk2. As long as dependencies don't cope the slot cleanly, 
slotting is utterly useless.


do a decent job.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] PDA herd call for assistance

2006-08-07 Thread Simon Stelling

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

I'm going to take a deeper look at the synce stuff in a few days,
so I'll probably have to fix a lot of things there anyways.
You may add me to your maillist(s) and CC me to bugs at will. has a 'Users to watch:' input 
field. Just add the PDA herd's email address there and you will receive all 
their bug mails, which has the advantage of not causing a lot of bugzi spam.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: Masking practics

2006-08-07 Thread Simon Stelling

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

My problem still seems unsolved (or did I miss something) ?

Lets say, if I've, installed foo-1.1, and it gets masked due
some bug(s), but 1.0 isn't, I want to get informed with an big
fat warning, *before* anything actually done, ie. 

# WARNING: installed package foo-1.1 has been masked and would
# be downgraded:

An fully-automatic downgrade should *never* downgrade anything. 
This is too dangerous, because essential features can get lost.

Again, my bugzilla example: assuming 2.22 will be unmasked some
day and I installed it w/ postgres support. Now there are some 
bugs found, but not fixed fast enough, so it gets masked. 
I run an update w/o knowing that it downgrades, and my whole

bugzilla hosting is suddenly broken.

Do you consider this as stability, seriously ?!

If your bugzilla hosting breaks with lower versions, then the ebuild contains a 
RDEPEND="postgres? ( >=dev-db/postgresql-2.22 )". Now if >=postgresql-2.22 gets 
masked, portage will bail out with an error because it can't find a valid 
dependency tree. This will cause the comment above the masking line in p.mask to 
be shown. You can then decide whether the breakage affects you or not and 
depending on that unmask it locally or remove your bugzilla installation.

If there is a bugzilla-ebuild which works with downgraded too, leaving you with a working bugzilla.

I can't quite see the massive problem.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] "Linux patch problems: Your distro may vary"

2006-08-07 Thread Simon Stelling

Wolfram Schlich wrote:

Any comments or thoughts about this?
Does the security team currently face serious problems that need to be
solved, be it inside or outside the security team?

As far as I know large chunks of time get lost when waiting for maintainers and 
arch teams to do their work. I don't see how the security team could do much 
about this; except maybe giving them a yearly budget to travel around the world 
and slap people who seem to ignore security bugs.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] gtk1 vs. gtk2

2006-08-07 Thread Simon Stelling

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

What sort of problems? An example backing up your claims would be very nice.
+ Additional complexity (slotting) is necessary, so additional 
  changes of bugs.

Oh please, this is so lame. That feature has been in existance for long enough 
to be proven useful and not faulty. The "higher probability of problems" is 
really not the best argument when discussing features that have been around for 
an incredible long time.

+ Package maintainers have to both take care of slots *and* 
  version number *ranges* 

"taking care" takes you one line. I already gave you both dependency strings. 
Now guess what: If they were two packages, it would take you one line too! OMG!

+ Different packages are treated as equal, produces confusion

Aside from that guy who opened bug 143063 [1] I have yet to see anybody who got 
confused by this behaviour.

So, why don't you consider libxml and libxml2 equal packages ?

Because that's the way upstream names them.

As said: you have to take care of version *ranges*.
Adds additional complexity. 

BTW: how do you enforce an minimum gtk1 version ?

You know that this wouldn't even make sense, as - you've pointed it out so many 
times - the API is incompatible.

So, I'm asking you one last time: Do you have any actual good reasons to not 
package things the way upstream does it?


Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] gtk1 vs. gtk2

2006-08-07 Thread Simon Stelling

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

Yes, I'll file a bug on the whole gtk issue and all packages
using this ugly hacks.

You can save your time. Really. And vastly more important, save our 
bug-wrangler's time. You've already filed a bug. It was closed as INVALID, and 
except for you nobody in this thread agreed with you. It won't get anywhere, 
because you're the only one pushing for that change. I can assure you that every 
single bug for every package you file will get marked as DUPLICATION of the 
first bug, which was closed as INVALID.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] gtk1 vs. gtk2

2006-08-07 Thread Simon Stelling

Enrico Weigelt wrote:
If we changed the name of a package every time there was an API break, 
we would literally have thousands of packages in the tree that essentially 
do the same thing, just with different API's. 

Yes, but it would be much more cleaner. Everyone would see what
actually happens. Now its hidden from the user, but not changing 
the fact that they're different.

 __ ___ _ _ __   _   ___   ___
/_ /_ |  | (_) |   / /  | | | | _/_ | |__ \
__  _| || |__| |_| |__  ___   / /_ _| |_| | ___| |_ __| |) |
\ \/ / || |__| | | '_ \/ __| / / _` | __| |/ /_   _|__| |   / /
 >  <| || |  | | | |_) \__ \/ / (_| | |_|   <  |_|| |_ / /_
/_/\_\_||_|  |_|_|_.__/|___/_/ \__, |\__|_|\_\|_(_)|
__/ |

Tell me, where is it actually hidden?

I tend to avoid such unstable packages. 

Nice for you. We don't care.

Thanks for the warning of neon, so I'll never even think of using it.

Nice for you. We don't care.

Of course. They're different packages.

They have the same name. Different versions. That's how it is upstream and how 
it should be.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] use.force as a complement to use.mask in profiles

2006-08-08 Thread Simon Stelling

Peter Gordon wrote:

Zac Medico wrote:

The difference with use.force is that it prevents flags, that are deemed
extremely important, from being accidentally disabled by the user.

If they were so "extremely important" then they would not be optional,
and hence not even be USE flags at all, no? Or am I missing something?

Yes. Some flags are extremely important to certain users (read: profiles) but 
not to others. In some cases the USE flag are so extremely important because 
they are more or less what makes the whole profile. Think of 'selinux' or 

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Proposal for advanced useflag-syntax

2006-08-08 Thread Simon Stelling

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

foo/bar gui=gtk
blah/blubb  gui=qt2

bleh/enrico gui=qt4


Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] client+server packages - build which one?

2006-08-08 Thread Simon Stelling

Enrico Weigelt wrote:
But it's very unclear. Ask around in the user list, who knows what 
"minimal" in this special case means (without extra reading the 
documentation). Such useflags should be obvious, but "minimal" isnt.

"without extra reading the documentation"? Documentation is there to be read!

That being said, server/client flags are nice, but not really applicable until 
we have per-package default USE flags, which is soon I hope.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: Re: Masking practics

2006-08-08 Thread Simon Stelling

Joshua Nichols wrote:

While it is columnar, the D is in a dark blue font. If you happen to be
using a dark background, there is extremely little contrast. Perhaps it
could be a different color that would stick out in both light and dark

There is color-mapping support in portage 2.1, i guess it could be done with 

Also something that has always bugged me... isn't the U supposed to be
for upgrade and the D for downgrade? In this case, it would make sense
to only show the D when downgrades will occur, and not both, wouldn't it?

I always interpreted it as 'update' instead of 'upgrade'.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: AT emerge info cruft > attachments to [STABLE] bugs

2006-08-12 Thread Simon Stelling
Being an amd64 dev, I want to basically add a 'me too!' here. I think
it's not necessary to add the --info output when all worked well,
though, if instead the output of -pv $PN was given. Except when there
was a failure reported before, because then we need it to compare the two.

Regarding the inline vs. attachment issue, I'd vote for inline too.

Just my 0.05 CHF,

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: AT emerge info cruft > attachments on bugs.g.o

2006-08-12 Thread Simon Stelling
Jeroen Roovers wrote:
> On a minor note, I'd also like to see bug reporters use canonical
> package names in bug descriptions, including the category (and
> preferably the specific version, not some >=foo-3*!!!one, not to
> mention specifying no version at all). Including the category means
> arch devs won't need to guess/discover which of a few hundred categories
> a package is meant to reside in.

First off, I second that. Second, here's how you still get where you
want without looking up the category:

$ cd gentoo-x86/*/foo

This of course doesn't work if there are multiple packages with the same
name in different categories, but if a package maintainer doesn't
specify the category in such a case, he should be hit anyway ;P

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] User support system [WAS: Sunrise contemplations]

2006-08-16 Thread Simon Stelling

Enrico Weigelt wrote:
I already suggested an bug-reporting tool, which automatically 
collects all the necessary data, several weeks ago. This tool is 
simply called by commandline and asks the users several questions.

Then it files an bug with some certain syntax and uploads necessary
information (emerge --info, pkg-db extracts, ...).

That somehow looks like the guided file-a-new-bug form we had some time ago. 
Personally, I'd rather have it in bugzilla, because a shell tool takes the user 
away from bugzilla, and after all you have to search for existing bugs anyway, 
so you already are on bugzilla.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo-Status

2006-08-22 Thread Simon Stelling
Lance Albertson wrote:
> Frankly, the attitude of a lot devs lately towards infra
> have made many of us not want to communicate what we're doing. If we're

I can understand that, partly. But that won't help anyone. Assuming
you're not thinking *nobody* outside infra does respect you, try to
write the status report for those who you feel respected by. It will
even make those happy who didn't respect you and maybe even make them
respect you again because they see that a genuine effort is made to
solve a problem that buggers them.

> not getting respected by you, then why should we respect you back? At
> least for me personally, I don't hold any personal grudges against
> anyone unless you stop respecting the group and/or me. Personally, I
> think the larger problem in Gentoo itself is the attitudes of many
> developers. Communication aside, it means nothing if we can't deal with
> each other in a semi-professional manner. It seems like mini-flame
> explosions on irc/email have happened more frequently in the last few
> months. This is just going to make the group implode if nothing is done
> about it.

Respect is something that should be applied unconditionally, in my
opinion. The "you don't so I won't" attitude gets us nowhere.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo-Status

2006-08-22 Thread Simon Stelling
Lance Albertson wrote:
> I generally try to do that, but after the 10th time the person doesn't
> respect you and demands things from you, its kind of hard to keep that
> mentality.

Well, one out of >300. Simply do it for someone else then ;)

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Portage Sets

2006-08-29 Thread Simon Stelling
Chris White wrote:
> y'all are killing me

So are you:

> --
> Chris White
> Gentoo Developer aka:
> ChrisWhite
> cpw
> ChrisWhite|Work
> WhiteChocolate
> VanillaWhite
> Whitey
> WhiteLight
> WhiteCheese
> WhiteSugar
> WhiteButter
> WhiteWall
> WhiteLemon
> WhiteApple
> WhiteBlanket
> WhiteEnergy
> WhiteWhite
>  go shorten your sig ChrisWhite

head -n4 $(<~/.sig) > ~/.sig

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 39 compliance

2006-08-30 Thread Simon Stelling
Wernfried Haas wrote:
> As far i am concerned, i find seperate sections quite good as it's a
> clear solution as it's easy to see who is an official Gentoo monkey
> who did all the quiz stuff etc. May be subject to personal taste though. 

Well, yeah, it just makes we wonder what the fuck an ebuild quiz has to
do with a bash framework, as in this example? Really, the ebuild quiz is
cool for ebuild maintainers, so you at least know about some common
mistakes, but it does nothing beyond that.

Simply spoken: You can use them as indicator for _nothing_, i.e. it's
completely unimportant whether you did the quizzes or not. IMO, at least.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Suggestion: Globalness of some USE flags

2006-08-31 Thread Simon Stelling
Steve Dibb wrote:
> And the descriptions seem to be pretty much the same in all of them from
> use.local.desc

I think we agreed at least 3 times on that the logrotate use flag
shouldn't exist at all because those files add <4kb to the package.

About the udev, there's one package that doesn't share the effect:

sys-apps/pcmciautils:udev - Install as an udev helper instead of a
hotplug helper

Which is different from the other 5 "Enable udev rules file installation".

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: The Age of the Universe

2006-09-02 Thread Simon Stelling
Edgar Hucek wrote:
> Just a side hint. Try to enable all flags at the first cimpile time would
> reduce trys drasticaly ;)

If you had a look at the php ebuild (just because we took it as example
here), you'd see that it is a bit more complicated than just enabling
everything to have everything tested.

> So you say a developer cant't test all useflags? That is a strange
> message from you. How can a developer garantee that his package is correct.

He can't. That's what we're saying. Nobody said we can, nor do, nor want to.

> Realy funny, i only hear exuses but no real solution for the problem.

You have heard the real solution for the specific problems you pointed
out: File a bug. You have also heard why it is impossible to guarantee
that it simply works.

> The fact is, that long outstanding bugs are simple ignored. If a useflag
> would only apply to one package it could be ok, but not when the same
> useflag is in other packages and makes this one useflag for the "normal user"
> unusable.

man portage:

  Per-package USE flags.  Useful  for  tracking  local  USE
  flags  or  for  enabling  USE  flags for certain packages
  only.  Perhaps you develop GTK and thus you want documen-
  tation  for  it, but you don't want documentation for QT.
  Easy as pie my friend!

  - comments begin with #
  - one DEPEND atom per line with space-delimited USE flags

  # turn on docs for GTK 2.x
  =x11-libs/gtk+-2* doc
  # disable mysql support for QT
  x11-libs/qt -mysql

Know your tools, man.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: The Age of the Universe

2006-09-02 Thread Simon Stelling
Edgar Hucek wrote:
> I know my tools but not necessarly the normal user who wanna use gentoo
> and is ending frustrated.

If the users are too lazy to read the documentation, why should we care
about them?

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: The Age of the Universe

2006-09-03 Thread Simon Stelling
Wiktor Wandachowicz wrote:
>> If the users are too lazy to read the documentation, why should we care
>> about them?
> Because we risk that Gentoo may receive the "user-UN-friendly" label and
> become irrelevant in the long run? I know it ain't gonna happen, but still.

Well, that might be the case, but then, do we really care? I'm more than
glad if people who are too lazy to read the docs don't bugger me with
their issues which they could easily avoid if they'd have read the docs.

> You OTOH bring to the table a fact that developers shouldn't be that much
> concerned with the stabilization/testing of packages before new release of
> installation media. But new releases *ARE* targeted specifically at new users
> and it's them who suffer the most. Next to it is the reputation of Gentoo and
> its developers. Edgar's call was targeted mostly at releng and QA teams, who
> should poke developers to decrease number of similar problems.

I never said that, and I don't mean it either. We are concerned about
testing, but we can only do as much as human can do. Gentoo gives you
much flexibility. We can workaround the issue by masking the
accessibility flag for example, but that wouldn't be all that great,
because it only hides the problem, and it doesn't help those disabled
people either.

> I maintain a bunch of Debian/sparc, Debian/i386, Gentoo/amd64, Gentoo/x86,
> Solaris/sparc, Ubuntu/i686 boxes and mind you, out-of-box experience at
> install time means A LOT.

I know that. The first Gentoo CD I threw away just after booting it
because I couldn't figure out how to launch the setup app. "Wow, what a
crappy shit." I thought. Seriously, I don't want such people to use the
distro. It's not the right one for them.

(On a sidenote, should be quite obvious that in a second try I did
figure out how to install Gentoo and kind of changed my mind ;))

> More respect to the users => more respect to Gentoo.

I'm not sure how to parse that, but in case you mean that Gentoo gets
more popular when we make the out-of-the-box-experience better, then I
agree. I do not agree that this is something I want, though, because to
achieve that you either need a) much more resources or b) drop some of
the flexibility we offer. a) is hard to get and b) sucks. I'd rather
have other people think Gentoo is a bad distro but be happy with it
myself. Yes, I am a selfish pig.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 developer
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