Hi all,

I just noticed that the USE flag 'firefox' is a local one. I think it should be
global, though:

 $ grep :firefox use.local.desc
app-office/openoffice:firefox - Add Firefox support
dev-haskell/gtk2hs:firefox - Build the Mozilla Embeded Component against firefox
rather than mozilla
dev-java/swt:firefox - Build the Mozilla Embeded Component against firefox
rather than mozilla
dev-python/gnome-python-extras:firefox - allow building against firefox libs
dev-ruby/ruby-gtkmozembed:firefox - compile against Firefox instead of Mozilla
dev-util/devhelp:firefox - Build against firefox rather than mozilla
dev-util/eclipse-sdk:firefox - Build against firefox rather than mozilla
gnome-extra/evolution-data-server:firefox - Use Firefox's NSS/NSPR libraries if
SSL is enabled
gnome-extra/yelp:firefox - Build against firefox instead of mozilla
mail-client/evolution:firefox - Use Firefox's NSS/NSPR libraries if SSL is 
media-video/totem:firefox - Build against Firefox instead of Seamonkey
net-news/liferea:firefox - Build against Firefox instead of Mozilla
net-www/mozplugger:firefox - Depend on firefox rather than seamonkey
www-client/epiphany-extensions:firefox - build against firefox instead of 
www-client/epiphany:firefox - build against firefox instead of mozilla
www-client/galeon:firefox - build against firefox instead of mozilla
www-client/kazehakase-cvs:firefox - Use firefox's Gecko engine.
www-client/kazehakase:firefox - Use firefox's Gecko engine.

If nobody objects, I'd like to push that change through in two weeks.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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