Enrico Weigelt wrote:
Oh hell, this can't be serious !
It is.
It mixes up diffent things to one and just introduces new
problems instead of solving anything. I could live with that,
if it's for supporting different ABIs, but it obviously isn't.
What sort of problems? An example backing up your claims would be very nice.
gtk1 and gtk2 are completely different packages, they're not
compatible. So why should they be one package ? Just because
they share some ideas and the name ?!
Yes. Why not, after all?
For example, there are lots of packages requiring gtk1, other
gtk2. As long as dependencies don't cope the slot cleanly,
slotting is utterly useless.
do a decent job.
Kind Regards,
Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list