Lance Albertson wrote:
> Frankly, the attitude of a lot devs lately towards infra
> have made many of us not want to communicate what we're doing. If we're

I can understand that, partly. But that won't help anyone. Assuming
you're not thinking *nobody* outside infra does respect you, try to
write the status report for those who you feel respected by. It will
even make those happy who didn't respect you and maybe even make them
respect you again because they see that a genuine effort is made to
solve a problem that buggers them.

> not getting respected by you, then why should we respect you back? At
> least for me personally, I don't hold any personal grudges against
> anyone unless you stop respecting the group and/or me. Personally, I
> think the larger problem in Gentoo itself is the attitudes of many
> developers. Communication aside, it means nothing if we can't deal with
> each other in a semi-professional manner. It seems like mini-flame
> explosions on irc/email have happened more frequently in the last few
> months. This is just going to make the group implode if nothing is done
> about it.

Respect is something that should be applied unconditionally, in my
opinion. The "you don't so I won't" attitude gets us nowhere.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
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