Jeroen Roovers wrote:
> On a minor note, I'd also like to see bug reporters use canonical
> package names in bug descriptions, including the category (and
> preferably the specific version, not some >=foo-3*!!!one, not to
> mention specifying no version at all). Including the category means
> arch devs won't need to guess/discover which of a few hundred categories
> a package is meant to reside in.

First off, I second that. Second, here's how you still get where you
want without looking up the category:

$ cd gentoo-x86/*/foo

This of course doesn't work if there are multiple packages with the same
name in different categories, but if a package maintainer doesn't
specify the category in such a case, he should be hit anyway ;P

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
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