Kurt Lieber wrote:
However, the council asked for it, and so it was changed. And the council
didn't ask for this on his own, they were just reflecting the majority of
devs, so we'll have to accept that.

If there's one thing I've learned in my tenure with this project is that
there is no such thing as a majority of devs.  We never have the majority
agree on *anything*.  So, I don't think that statement is accurate.

Heh, that's a valid point.

Not trying to be pedantic, but the notion that the majority of Gentoo
support(s|ed) GLEP 41 is one that I believe to be incorrect.

I've never said (that I think that) the majority supports GLEP 41. In fact, i think the vast majority bluntly doesn't care about it at all, as they aren't affected by it anyway. However, of those who gave feedback on the first draft, a majority said "we need a subdomain". Those who thought that a subdomain would be a bad idea didn't step up at that moment (including me), at least if I recall right.

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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